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Monthly Archives: November 2016

Facebook Jogging Back Into China By Agreeing To Censorship $FB

Facebook ($FB) has announced their cooperation with communist China to censor the already egregiously exploited population. The social networking giant has until now been blocked in the country of 1.35 Billion people.

The social network has quietly developed software to suppress posts from appearing in people’s news feeds in specific geographic areas, according to three current and former Facebook employees, who asked for anonymity because the tool is confidential. The feature was created to help Facebook get into China, a market where the social network has been blocked, these people said. Mr. Zuckerberg has supported and defended the effort, the people added.

Facebook has restricted content in other countries before, such as Pakistan, Russia and Turkey, in keeping with the typical practice of American internet companies that generally comply with government requests to block certain content after it is posted. NY Times

Perhaps this is why Facebook said they plan to “aggressively spend on more engineers and data centers in order to ramp up growth and capacity,” despite guiding lower three weeks ago and warning about suffering from ad load. Interesting.

Shares of Facebook ($FB) are currently sitting at $121.47, after hitting all time highs of $133.50 last month on 10/25/2016, the day after the iBankCoin Exodus algorithm nailed Facebook as overbought. On November 14th, Exodus pegged Facebook as oversold, yet another profitable call.

obos  obosab


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Dems To Claim Hacked Election?! John Podesta Just Met With Experts Who Claim Potential Hacking In WI, MI, and PA

Here comes the challenge? Per NY Mag, Clinton campaign manager John Podesta has just met with a group of “prominent computer scientists and election lawyers” to discuss what they claim to be a “suspicious pattern of evidence” which may point to hacking an other manipulation in the swing states of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan. The Clinton camp has until Friday, Monday, and next Wednesday (respectively) to challenge the results in those states.

The academics presented findings showing that in Wisconsin, Clinton received 7 percent fewer votes in counties that relied on electronic-voting machines compared with counties that used optical scanners and paper ballots. Based on this statistical analysis, Clinton may have been denied as many as 30,000 votes; she lost Wisconsin by 27,000. -NY Mag

This comes on the heels of both the Clinton camp and the White House repeatedly blaming Russian hackers for the Wikileaks dumps of the Podesta emails, Clinton emails, and DNC emails which led to utter chaos as bombshell after bombshell reigned down and shocked a nation. Exposed for all to see were rampant Clinton Foundation pay to play, occultism, the rape of Haiti and it’s child trafficker Hillary Clinton helped, #Pizzagate, Clinton’s deep Saudi ties, cheating during the primaries,  and strange pedophilic and cannibalistic art at the Podesta residences. Also exposed were the slew of MSM media whores beholden to these silver tongued devils.

Keep in mind, this meeting between nerds, lawyers, and John Podesta doesn’t necessarily mean Clinton will issue challenges. Perhaps this story has been conspicuously placed in the public domain to justify electioneering down the road. Either way, pay attention on Friday, as it is the first deadline for a challenge.

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#TWITTERGATE: Guy Exposes Thousands Of Child Porn Accounts On Twitter, Gets Full Ban, CP Accounts Stay

Twitter has a problem with child pornography. In 2012, the Guardian published an op-ed piece about Twitter failing to police an account containing child porn for several days after it was reported multiple times. Since then, Twitter has publicly stated that they will take measures to immediately ban and remove any accounts containing CP. Fast forward to now. Throughout the election, a hacker who has gone by various iterations of the handle “@0hour” has flooded the social network with all sorts of interesting and shocking things – including pictures of Bill Clinton with a young woman on what appears to be a private jet, as well as several photos purported to be clothed yet provocatively posed underage girls on Jeff Epstein’s “orgy island” (not posting). @0hour has been promptly banned by @Jack after tweeting these bombshells, and each time he creates a new account.

This week, “@0hour” (with his new account) started exposing a massive number of twitter accounts with openly displayed child porn, which Twitter has allowed to operate in broad daylight. After @0hour’s first several tweets, other Twitter users began sending him more and more CP related accounts – over 1000 by his count.

In response, Twitter immediately banned @0hour. The worst part? Many of the child porn accounts @0hour exposed were still operational long after the @0hour handle was banned.

Not only that, @0hour isn’t the only one who was banned for exposing child porn Twitter accounts… WHAT. THE. FUCK. @JACK?

Below are some of the tweets I took screenshots of after this whole thing unfolded. I’ve scrubbed the child porn handles. If you want to see more, just search twitter for #twittergate. @0hour is now going by @Caspers__ghost








9aI have to go fucking vomit too.

Why would Twitter suppress this information – banning the whistleblower instead of the pedos? This is unprecedented, and equivalent to aiding and abetting. Is @Jack silencing embarrassing bombshells like this in an attempt to salvage shareholder value to attract bidders (Disney?) that can save them from a death spiral?

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Day After Trump Excoriates Media For Being Cucks, The Don Cancels NYT Interview. Now Back On

Just yesterday, President-elect Donald J. “Spirit of Harambe” Trump cocked his pointing finger and UNLOADED on a room full of MSM cucks.

Per ZeroHedge:

While many expected the meeting to be an opportunity to ask questions of the president-elect, the media elites apparently got the surprise of their lives when Trump spent the majority of the meeting attacking they’re blatant biased coverage the 2016 presidential elections referring to the room as a bunch of “dishonest, deceitful liars.”  One participant in the meeting described it as a f—ing firing squad” after “Trump started with Jeff Zucker and said “I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed….”  We suspect that was rather less cordial than they expected. (source)

Flash forward to this morning; Trump was set to do an interview with the NY Times, which he canceled because they changed the “terms and conditions.”

(Note the timestamps. #stamina)

Never passing up an opportunity to make the NYT eat shit, Trump points out that they’re more or less FAKE NEWS!

And here we have it:

I wonder what happened behind the scenes? Did Trump call their bluff after they tried to go heavy on him? Is a recently fired cuck at the NYT filling a banker’s box with the contents of their desk right now? Whatever the case, I have a feeling that President Trump is going to make the media his bitch.

Look, even CNN is coming around:


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DOW Summits 19,000 For The First Time EVAR! Turkey Gods Gobbling With Delight

Hold onto your oxygen masks ladies and gents, although it’s drifted a bit lower in the last hour, the Dow hit 19K for the first time today… ALL TIME HIGHS!


Where we go from here is a great topic for discussion, but instead of using my brain for such heavy lifting ahead of Thanksgiving, let’s instead take a quick moment to review a few expert headlines and opinions from before and after the election.

Boston Globe Before: 


After. Nice accountability Boston Globe. The headline should read “TOTALLY WRONG BOSTON GLOBE REFUSES TO EAT CROW”


MIT Professor Simon Johnson before the election:


Thanks Simon! Now let’s see what this MIT economist of “totally fucking wrong” distinction is saying about Trump:



Here’s FAKE NEWS outlet Politico:



And trying to salvage their reputation after a face ripping market rally caused them to eat shit by calling Trump’s win an “investment banker’s dream.” Stay classy Politico.  


And of course there’s cucked CNBC who HATED Trump:


Never fear, Jim Cramer dropping some post-election knowledge. Who knew that “a lot more people wanting in than wanted out” would send markets higher? Cramer is truly a sage.  



There are plenty of other fun before/after examples of media outlets that got Trump’s win totally wrong. Until our next regularly scheduled correction, watching them eat crow will continue to be an utter pleasure.



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Reports Of @Jack Dorsey Being A Satanist #Spiritcook Are FALSE

Twitter is blowing up right now over some “satanic” tweets by Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey (@Jack) made back in 2006. In light of the Podesta emails and #spiritcooking thing, talking about “satanic verses” while cooking pasta is probably the worst possible thing Dorsey could have tweeted.

Here’s the first one (source):


Then there’s this one, with outrage below (source):



While these tweets are indeed titillating at first glance, the logical conclusion is that Jack was reading Salman Rushdie’s book “The Satanic Verses.”


The Satanic Verses is Salman Rushdie’s fourth novel, first published in 1988 and inspired in part by the life of Muhammad. As with his previous books, Rushdie used magical realism and relied on contemporary events and people to create his characters. The title refers to the satanic verses, a group of Quranic verses that allow intercessory prayers to be made to three Pagan Meccan goddesses: Allāt, Uzza, and Manāt. The part of the story that deals with the “satanic verses” was based on accounts from the historians al-Waqidi and al-Tabari. (Wikipedia)

Looking up page 307 of the book, we find the following passage which apparently made Jack cry in his pasta:

‘ACID BATH’: She drowned while high on LSD (“acid”), but in various industrial processes metals are dipped into a literal “acid bath.”

And what did Jack need to turn back to on pages 86 and 87 for comfort?

Devout Sikhs never trim their beards or hair (Hindi).

While it doesn’t look like @Jack is a spirit cook, I think we’ve found the source of his power.



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Stevie Van Zandt: The Cast Of Hamilton Bullied Pence

Stevie Van Zandt of Sopranos and E-Street Band fame is known for being a solid guy from New Jersey who speaks his mind. Van Zandt, who identifies as a left leaning independent, has penned over a half dozen articles in the Huffington Post.  In response to last week’s dressing down of Mike Pence by the cast of Hamilton, Van Zandt lays out why the cast violated the spirit of theater and in fact bullied Pence – a perspective I hadn’t even considered. Having performed live for hundreds of thousands of people over many years, Van Zandt is no stranger to proper decorum when it comes to the arts.

Seems like a good fella, though I don’t think Mike Pence needs a safe space.

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Wal-Mart: Cyber Monday Starts On Friday $WMT

Does Wal-Mart treat it’s customers right or WHAT? In a move possibly designed to reduce injury and death during the annual Black Friday “Running of the Rednecks,” the retail giant is kicking off Cyber Monday mere hours after your Thanksgiving dose of tryptophan has kicked in, with online deals starting on Friday at 12:01 AM.

For the first time this season, the world’s largest retailer will kick off its Cyber Week deals the day after Thanksgiving—a time typically reserved for in-store door busters.

The online sale begins at 12:01 a.m. Eastern on Black Friday, with deals including a Samsung 60-inch HD smart TV for more than $1,000 off.

Taking a page from Amazon’s success, deals will include items from the company’s Marketplace sellers, who have helped beef up Walmart.com’s product offering from 8 million items to more than 23 million this year. (cnbc)

Now, instead of sitting around the breakfast table on Friday listening to your out of town brother and his insufferable bitch wife go on about how Hillary’s loss has ushered in dark times, you can steal away to your favorite commode and buy your kids that new PS4 Pro. Perhaps by the time you emerge, your visitors will have vanished.

For those of you who choose to brave the crowds on Black Friday, are you insane?


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DE-ESCALATION: Putin Says Trump Has Confirmed He Is Willing To Mend Ties, RUSSIA TO FREEZE OIL OUTPUT

Oh man, Hillary’s WWIII over that Saudi pipeline was going to be so amazing. I already miss waking up to heart palpitations from weird dreams of a “Red Dawn” style invasion, and after years of honing my skills in the wasteland, looks like my six toed offspring won’t have to navigate through nuclear fallout anytime soon.

Via Reuters:

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Sunday U.S. President-elect Donald Trump confirmed to him he was willing to mend ties, though he also said he would welcome President Barack Obama in Russia.

“The President-elect confirmed he is willing to normalize Russian-American relations. I told him the same. We did not discuss where and when we would meet”

Putin also told a news conference in Lima after the APEC summit that Russia is ready to freeze oil output at current levels.

Oh shit! Did you hear that bitches? Let’s see if this leads to a crude awakening, and if OPEC can get their act together and do the same.


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Sarkozy Out Of French Presidential Race Paving Way For #FREXIT; Will Stocks Crater Or Explode Higher?

After getting smoked in recent French primary exit polls, ex-president Nicolas Sarkozy has avoided “lé nut stuffing” by Marine Le Pen, withdrawing from the race for the French Presidency. In a move which significantly ups Le Pen’s chances of #FREXIT, Sarkozy has thrown support behind stupid faced Francois Fillon – undermining The Republicans assumed front runner Alain Juppé, mayor of Bordeaux.

This could get interesting for the markets. Based on Trump’s victory, a Le Pen ascension should be good for at least a Costanzian kneejerk rally, but there are major implications over the long haul. If you’re not familiar with the economic policies of the National Front – founded by Jean-Marie Le Pen (Marine Le Pen’s father), feast your eyes:

“The party’s economic policy shifted from the 1980s to the 1990s from neoliberalism to protectionism. This occurred within the framework of a changed international environment, from a battle between the Free World and communism, to one between nationalism and globalization.

Under her leadership, Marine Le Pen has been more clear in her support for protectionism, while she has criticised globalism and capitalism for certain industries. She has been characterised as a proponent of letting the government take care of health, education, transportation, banking and energy. (Wikipedia)”

So no French/German helicopter money the next time the thin veneer of economic solvency starts to crack within the EU. Domestically, instead of bailing French banks out (which screwed Le Pen by refusing to lend NF money to run), we could witness nationalization of part or all of the industry.

Let’s delve into Le Pen’s foreign policy:

“The FN was also one of several parties that backed France’s 2005 rejection of the Treaty for a European Constitution. In other issues, Le Pen (Jean-Marie) opposed the invasions of Iraq, led by the United States, both in the 1991 Gulf War and the 2003 Iraq War.

Marine Le Pen has advocated that France should leave the euro (along with Spain, Greece and Portugal). She also wants to reintroduce customs borders and has campaigned against allowing dual citizenship. During both the 2010–2011 Ivorian crisis and the 2011 Libyan civil war, she opposed the French military involvements. She has recast the party’s image towards Israel, after affirming Israel’s right to secure itself from terrorism, and criticising the leadership of Iran.”

If Le Pen gets in, the freeloading tax cheating PIIGS are screwed the next time shit hits the fan.

From the same purveyors of globalist propaganda targeted at Trump, The Economist put out a little hit piece in March on Le Pen and the National Front which assails her positions on trade and EU membership:

“It [National Front] opposes free trade and free markets, displaying a strong protectionist streak. Ms Le Pen rails against France’s membership of the euro and is hostile to the free movement of goods, services, capital and labour that lie at the heart of the European single market.”

Here’s what Le Pen has said about bailouts:

“The hundred of billions paid do not product any result, will not settle any problem, will not rescue a eurozone already in bankruptcy and push France into the chasm of excessive debt, whereas the French debt has already exploded under the mandate of Nicolas Sarkozy.”

Sometimes the correct choice is the most painful to endure. Instead of endless helicopter Euros, a welfare system that can’t possibly continue to accommodate the massive influx of North African migrants, and membership in a union which rewards failure while dragging down productive members who don’t cheat on their taxes (lookin’ at you Greece), France under Le Pen would almost certainly have to muddle through an uncomfortable period in the transition away from the fires of globalist debt-burdened hell. It will be interesting to see how a Le Pen administration plans to unwind the massive welfare state in France along with the freeloading wing of the European Union, at a time in which the global economy appears to be at yet another inflection point. My guess is it won’t be quick or clean, and parts of France will once again burn to the ground.

On the other hand, not having to obligate future French taxpayers to massive bailouts of the PIIGS might be good for French Debt/GDP if remaining solvent is the goal.

If you think any of that is going to scare French voters, let’s not forget where Le Pen is finding much of her support.

“The FN has become the party of the working class,” says Bruno Cautrès, a political sciences researcher at Paris-based Sciences Po Cevipof. “The party offers a double explanation for their malaise: Europe has failed to protect their jobs from globalisation and failed to protect their way of life from Muslim immigrants.”

As Bob Dylan sang “When you ain’t got nothing, you got nothing to lose.” Sound familiar?



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