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CNN Blackmails Reddit User Over Trump Wrestling Video, Threatens To Expose Identity

CNN is taking heat for threatening to publish the identity of a private citizen who posted a video lampooning the network.

Redditor ‘HanAssholeSolo’ is credited as the creator of a clip showing President Trump beating up a man with a CNN logo superimposed over his face, which the President then tweeted on Sunday morning.

In response, CNN and it’s MSM brethren caught the vapors – with pundits from the network suggesting that the President was inciting violence against journalists. CNN media reporter Brian Stelter tweeted this pissy little screed:

While the White House has said the video didn’t come from Reddit, CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski  – a total dick, went on a deep dive, uncovering now-deleted posts from ‘HanAssholeSolo’ which the network deemed offensive. CNN decided not to publish the the user’s personal details, for now, because HanAssholeSolo has ‘showed his remorse’ for the ‘offending posts’ and ‘ugly behavior’ – effectively threatening to expose a private citizen if he doesn’t stay in line.



HanAssholeSolo issued an apology on Reddit Tuesday, calling the video a “prank, nothing more.”

“The meme was created purely as satire, it was not meant to be a call to violence against CNN or any other news affiliation… …I had no idea anyone would take it and put sound to it and then have it put up on the President’s Twitter feed.”

Here’s what people thought about that:

Meanwhile, CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski has said that people are misinterpreting the article.

Sure Andrew… CNN isn’t publishing his name “because he is a private citizen” who “showed remorse,” yet you reserve the right to expose his identity if you don’t like how he behaves in the future. Sounds like a threat. 

How did they find him?

While CNN maintains they were able to link HanAssholeSolo’s posts to his Facebook account, a 4chan user claiming to be a CNN insider suggested that CNN obtained his IP address from his ISP and ‘unmasked’ him.


CNN’s latest blunder follows a devastating week for CNN, whose last shred of credibility was destroyed in a blaze of glory by James O’Keefe last week. Reactions to the network’s threat to expose (or ‘Dox’) Redditor HanAssholeSolo have been hilarious… you can see for yourself by searching the hashtag #CNNBlackMail on Twitter.

Finally – 4chan has declared WAR

This should go well for CNN…

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Trump Hints At Steel And Aluminum Duties After Touting Jobs Numbers $AA $CENX $X

On Sunday, President Trump shifted gears to the economy in a series of tweets, and specifically mentioned the steel and aluminum industries.


During the 2016 presidential campaign, Trump spoke extensively about ‘fair trade’ with America, and in April, the administration launched two investigations into steel and aluminum dumping. Dumping is a type of predatory trade in which foreign manufacturers flood a region with exports at prices which significantly undercut those offered by domestic producers.

President Trump hands United Steel Workers International President Leo W. Gerard the pen he used to sign an executive memorandum on investigation of steel imports on April 20. Commerce Secretary Wilbur L. Ross Jr. is on the left. (Associated Press)

In March, the Trump administration began investigating China for dumping aluminum foil as a review of existing anti-dumping duties, and in in mid April, Trump launched an investigation into steel dumping while surrounded by steel company executives and the President of United Steel Workers International.

“Steel is critical to both our economy and our military,” said Trump. “This is not an area where we can afford to become dependent on foreign countries.”

And while the President was hesitant to directly blame China (two weeks after meeting with Chinese President Xi), U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross did not mince words – telling reporters “Steel imports have continued to rise, despite repeated Chinese claims that they were going to reduce their steel capacity, when instead they have actually been increasing it constantly. In the first couple months of this year alone, steel imports rose 19.6 percent. It’s a very serious impact on the domestic industry.”

One week later, Trump ordered his administration to also look into wider scale aluminum dumping.

Looks like they’re serious…

Fast forward to June 20, Secretary Ross told a room full of Germans at an economic convention attended by Chancellor Merkel that the United States may have to resort to ‘broad-scale’ measures to fight steel dumping if foreign producers can’t agree on a solution.

“If President Trump takes action on dumping it will be in the hope of provoking a collective solution by importing nations”

“Lacking strong action in conjunction with our partners we may have no alternative but to engage in self help… If we do so it might have to be on a broad scale.” –U.S. Commerce Sec. Wilbur Ross

Without specifying the specific actions which would be taken, Ross said that even countries which were not direct sources of dumping might be affected by whatever solution was employed.

“If President Trump takes action on dumping it will be in the hope of provoking a collective solution by importing nations,” Ross told members of Merkel’s conservative Christian Democratic Union. “Lacking strong action in conjunction with our partners we may have no alternative but to engage in self help,” he said. “If we do so it might have to be on a broad scale.”

India’s Anti-Dumping Duties

In a similar effort to curb Chinese and EU dumping, India’s finance ministry is cracking down on the practice as well, with their own anti-dumping investigation slated to wrap up at the end of September.

“The entire steel industry would have been killed otherwise…in the last three-four years, not just India but the whole world has been shaken by China dumping the surplus across the globe,” said India’s Supreme Court Justice A.K. Skiri.

Who’s going to benefit?

If Trump announces anything resembling a serious import duty on foreign steel and aluminum producers, expect Alcoa (AA), Century Aluminum (CENX), and U.S. Steel (X) to directly benefit – along with several others.

Here are a few steel & iron manufacturers listed by hybrid score in the Exodus algorithm. Note that MT (Arcelor Mittal) is currently flagging overbought, and has an average 10 day gain of 4.42%, 6 out of the last 6 times the system has flagged. Indeed, many times when a stock is considered overbought, it will knife higher – which is why it’s useful to use an algorithm that keeps track.

You can check out the rest of ’em and their various overbought / oversold stats inside Exodus.

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Trump Wades Into EU ‘Death Panel’ Case, Tweets Support To Save Baby Charlie Gard

Last week, a European Court ruled that the parents of a critically ill child cannot privately pay for treatment in the United States. The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) denied the request after the distraught parents lost a battle at UK’s Supreme Court.

Baby Charlie has a rare genetic condition called mitochondrial depletion syndrome and has serious brain damage, and had degenerated to the point where doctors sought a declaration from the court to withdraw artificial ventilation to allow Charlie to “die with dignity.”

The parents, Chris Gard, 32 and Connie Yates, 31, raised over £ 1.3 million to bring Charlie to the United States for an experimental treatment – which the ECHR denied.


After the story made headlines around the world, Pope Francis reversed a statement issued by the Vatican’s newly appointed head of the Academy for Life. Papal Spokesman Greg Burke said of the Pope: “He prays for them, wishing that their desire to accompany and care for their own child to the end will be respected.”

President Trump weighed in over Twitter, tweeting: “If we can help little #CharlieGard, as per our friends in the U.K. and the Pope, we would be delighted to do so.”

At the end of the day, who the fuck is the ECHR or any organization to tell the parents of a child that they can’t use their own resources on an experimental treatment?

Update: Trump admin has contacted Charlie’s parents


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Third Undercover O’Keefe Video Exposes CNN’s Internal Culture Of Hate

Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe has just capped off a week destroying CNN’s last shred of credibility with a Friday morning release of an undercover encounter with another producer for the network. Jimmy Carr, a hate-filled Associate Producer, said that virtually everyone he knows at the network – surprise – absolutely hates President Trump.

“On the inside, we all recognize he is a clown, that he is hilariously unqualified for this, he’s really bad at this and that he does not have America’s best interests. We recognize he’s just f*cking crazy.”

Here’s the deal, this is a man who’s not actually a Republican… He just adopted that because that was the party he thought he could win in. He doesn’t believe anything that these people believe. –Jimmy Carr

Carr goes on to rattle off a laundry list of grievances against the President, stating that “90% of us are on board with just the fact that he’s crazy.”

Carr didn’t stop at the President. When asked about the election, the Associate Producer said American voters are “Stupid as shit,” before insulting Kellyanne Conway – a top Trump advisor and the first woman to run a successful Presidential campaign.


Carr then echoed what another CNN producer admitted to a Project Veritas operative – it’s all about Ratings.

“It’s decisions made by people higher than me and if they go wow, your ratings are soaring right now, keep up what you’re doing. Well, what we’re doing is Russia, ISIS, London terror, shooting in Chicago, that’s it.

Fake News Bust

O’Keefe also caught CNN selectively editing out a Trump supporter’s answer during an election panel to make him appear stupid when giving an answer to the topic of illegal immigrants voting in the 2016 election.

Entire video:

Week of horror for CNN

While O’Keefe saved the best for last, undercover footage released earlier in the week dealt devastating blows to the beleaguered network whose President, Jeff Zucker, may be on the chopping block if a merger between AT&T and CNN parent company Time Warner is approved.

On Monday, Project Veritas released undercover footage of a candid discussion with CNN producer John Bonifield, in which the “Very Fake News” network employee admitted that the whole Russia story against President Trump is a “Mostly B.S.” ratings grab by CNN’s CEO Jeff Zucker.

Bonifield also admitted that he hasn’t seen any evidence of President Trump committing a crime.

But all the nice cutesy little ethics that used to get talked about in journalism school, you’re just like, that’s adorable. That’s adorable. This is a business.

Then on Wednesday O’Keefe captured footage of CNN host Van Jones saying that the Russia – Trump story is “a big nothing burger.”

Van Jones responded with a CNN op-ed, calling the video a hoax and “highly edited right wing propaganda” made by a “con man.”

[F]or those of you unfamiliar with James O’Keefe and his misnamed  “Project Veritas,” here’s a helpful recap: James O’Keefe is a notorious con man whose infamy arises from his addiction to pulling the same media stunts, over and over again. –Van Jones

(Perhaps the Project Veritas operative approached Van Jones off camera to role-play as a conservative for fun?)

White House Endorses

On Tuesday, White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah H. Sanders encouraged people to watch the O’Keefe video of CNN Producer John Bonifield admitting the Russia story was “Mostly B.S.” pushed by CEO Jeff Zucker for ratings.

 “whether it’s accurate or not, I don’t know – I think if it is accurate, it is a disgrace to all of media, to all of journalism.” –Sarah H. Sanders

Huckabee’s endorsement drew the ire of the MSM, however instead of discussing the content of O’Keefe’s video – pundits like Chuck Todd did a full Exorcist head swivel over the fact that Huckabee hadn’t personally verified each claim in the undercover sting (which CNN confirmed the authenticity of).

CNN stands by our medical producer John Bonifield.  Diversity of personal opinion is what makes CNN strong, we welcome it and embrace it,” CNN said in a statement. –USA Today

Death knell?

Will a cleanout of CEO Jeff Zucker and perhaps a few other sacrificial wolves restore credibility to the news network that’s been faking it for years? I wouldn’t hold my breath as long as guys like James O’Keefe are around to expose the shills.

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Sarah H. Sanders Takes No Crap From Virtue Signaling WH Press Corps

During today’s White House press briefing, Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was hit with a barrage of salty questions over President Trump’s early morning tweets about MSNBC hosts “Low I.Q. Mika Brzezinski” and her husband “Psycho Joe Scarborough.”

Identity Politics 101

When NBC’s Hallie Jackson asked how “as a woman” she felt about the President attacking another woman on her looks, Sanders didn’t bat an eyelash – telling the outraged social justice journalist:

“Everybody wants to make this “an attack on a woman.” What about the constant attacks he [Trump] receives? Or the rest of us? I’m a woman and I’ve been attacked by the shows multiple times – but I don’t cry foul because of it. I think that you want to create this false narrative – one hand it’s like: let’s treat everybody equally, and on the other hand they attack, attack, attack – and apparently that’s wrong.”


Attempting to lure Huckabee into a logic trap – Jackson then asked what the Press Secretary would tell her children about Trump’s tweets. Sorry Hallie, God wins just about every time.

Hallie Jackson: You talk about being personally affected by all of this as well – and that nothing is wrong with the president fighting fire with fire – is the argument you’re making. On a personal level, you have sat here and talked about your family from this podium. Are you going to tell your kids this behavior is okay?

Sarah H. Sanders: Look, I’ve been asked before – when it comes to role models, as a person of faith, I think we all have one perfect role model, and when I’m asked that question I point to God, I point to my faith, and that’s where I tell my kids to look. None of us are perfect, and certainly there’s only one that is, and that’s where I would point.

How do Trump’s tweets help his agenda?

Jon Decker of FOX News Radio then asked Sanders whether or not Trump’s tweets helps his legislative agenda, which she threw back in Decker and the MSM – bringing up the media’s time spent covering various topics:

Sanders: You look at the coverage over the last month of the extended period between May and June – all of the major networks, if you look at their coverage and what they’re talking about, they spent one minute in the evening newscast talking about tax reform, three minutes on infrastructure, five minutes on the economy and jobs, 17 minutes on healthcare, and 353 minutes attacking the President and pushing a false narrative on Russia. I mean, look at that in comparison. If you guys want to talk about legislative agenda and focus on policy and priorities – you guys get to help set that table.

But, but – Trump should be better than a cable news journalist…

NBC’s Kristen Welker then threw down – asking about unity.

Kristen Welker: “Does his tweet this morning, his series of tweets help to unify the country?”

Sarah H. Sanders: “Look, again, I think that the President is pushing back against people who attack him day after day after day.  Where is the outrage on that?”

Kristen Welker: “I understand your point, but he’s the President of the United States, they are cable news anchors.  So he has to stand to a higher standard”

Sarah H. Sanders: “Again, I think I’ve been pretty clear that when the President gets hit, he’s going to hit back harder, which is what he did here today.”

At the end of the day

In their attempt to lure Sarah H. Sanders into calling President Trump a sexist degenerate monster, the White House Press Corps played hardball identity politics; trotting out women, Sarah Huckabee’s children, “unity,” and cable news anchors – and instead got served for being total hypocrites obsessed with Russia.

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MSM Vomits Blood – NYT Retracts ’17 Agencies’ Claim After CNN, MSNBC Suffer Week Of Carnage

What a week for the MSM!

First, CNN fires three employees for publishing a verifiably false piece of yellow journalism trying to link a Trump associate to the Kremlin. Then, James O’Keefe drops the People’s Elbow on the Clinton News Network with an undercover exposé featuring a producer who admits the Russia story is “Mostly B.S.” – a day before CNN’s Van Jones called the Russia story a “nothing burger.”  Then there’s CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta constantly getting BTFO in his retarded nautical socks by the White House Press Office.

Next, MSNBC’s “Low IQ” Mika and “Psycho” Joe Scarborough get royally BTFO by the POTUS:

And now – the same day NYT Journalists staged a rebellionthe “failing” publication owned by Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim has retracted their claim that “17 intelligence agencies” verified the Russian Hacking claims – reducing the number to FOUR.

I mean – come on. Did anyone believe these agencies confirmed Russian hacking?

  • Coast Guard Intelligence
  • Treasury Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence
  • National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
  • Defense Intelligence Agency
  • National Reconnaissance Office
  • Army Military Intelligence Corps
  • Office of Naval Intelligence
  • Twenty-Fifth Air Force
  • Marine Corps Intelligence
  • Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis
  • State Bureau of Intelligence and Research
  • DEA Office of National Security Intelligence
  • Energy Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence

(h/t redditor /u/PuffyHerb)

Will the NYT ever recover? Will Politifact retract their claim? Will Hillary admit she was peddling fiction during the debates?

Oh, and there’s this:

Now, enjoy a little Fake News…

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CNN’s Jim Acosta Fails Again – Totally Shut Down By ICE Director Over Illegal Immigration

During Wednesday’s White House press briefing, Tom Homan – Acting Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and U.S. Attorney John Huber were brought in to discuss two upcoming pieces of immigration legislation – only to face CNN’s anchor-socked White House correspondent, Jim Acosta.

Focus on criminals

Director Homan made the point that out of the 66,000 illegals arrested since Trump’s executive orders on immigration enforcement were signed, “73 percent of everyone we have arrested were criminals.” Homan also noted ICE’s emphasis on “breaking up gangs and transnational smuggling organizations” and deporting bad hombres.

 CNN Level Spin

CNN’s Jim Acosta completely re-framed Homan’s message – accusing the Director of  “making it sound as if undocumented immigrants commit more crimes than people who are just native-born Americans” – a comment written long before the meeting as evidenced by Acosta rattling off some Cato Institute study.

Homan came back with a serious stack of pancakes for ol’ Jim:

DIRECTOR HOMAN:  “I think you’re misinterpreting what I’m saying… Number one, people that enter this country illegally violate the laws of this country.  You can’t want to be a part of this great nation and not respect its laws” adding that once an illegal alien has been given due process, “that final order from a federal judge needs to mean something or this whole system has no integrity.”

Later adding: “Did I say aliens commit more crimes than U.S. citizens?  I didn’t say that.”

Which Acosta promptly turned into:

Homan then went on to tell Acosta that illegal immigrants should not be comfortable – stating “if you enter this country illegally, you should be concerned that someone is looking for you.”  

Homan: 1

Acosta: 0

Mothers and Babies

Acosta then hit Homan with a hypothetical tear jerker about separating an illegal immigrant mother from her DREAMer children – calling the Trump administration’s adherence to the law “cold and clinical.”

[I]f you look at this from a cold and clinical standpoint, what you’re saying is because the mother crossed the border illegally, committed a crime, that she should be separated from her children.  What do you say to that?  –Abilio James Acosta

Homan responded: “U.S. Citizen’s families get separated every day when a parent gets arrested for a criminal charge. when someone chooses to enter this country illegally, and they’re here illegally, and they choose to have a child that’s a U.S. Citizen – they put themselves in that position.

If we don’t have border security. If we don’t enforce the laws that’s written in the books, then you’re never going to control the border. Why do you think we’ve got 11 – 12 million [illegal] people in this country now?

Homan: 2

Acosta: 0

Acosta Down!

CNN’s Acosta tried to go in for the kill, whimpering “So you should arrest the mothers, go after the mothers?” only to be out-SJW’d by another journalist who cut in – asking “if you are an undocumented immigrant in this country right now listening to you that you should be fearful, that you should be concerned, you should be looking over your shoulder that ICE is looking for you?” – A reference to a statement Homan made to congress two weeks ago when he said illegals “should be uncomfortable, should look over your shoulder, and you need to be worried.”

Homan told the journalists that they were “losing the message,” and went on to explain “ICE prioritizes our enforcement efforts on national security threats, public safety threats, those who have been ordered removed by a judge and failed to depart, and those who have been ordered removed, were removed, and reentered the country”

Adding the caveat “However, what I’m saying, during the course of those operations if we find someone here illegally, we’re not going to turn the other way.”

Listen here (and full transcript)


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MSNBC’s Chuck Todd Blasts Sarah Huckabee Sanders For Calling Out MSM Bias

MSNBC’s Chuck Todd attempted to attack the credibility of the White House and it’s Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders over her recommendation that viewers take a look at the new Project Veritas video, claiming that because Sanders hadn’t personally verified it’s contents that she was peddling Fake News.

“We take what we do seriously, because trust, viewers, and reader’s trust is all we have – and without that, we’re nothing. We get fired for not telling the truth.”

“Of course the White House attacks – delegitimize the media to create running room for it’s version of events.”

Todd then goes on to attack Sanders for recommending that people take a look at the Project Veritas undercover video which featured a CNN Producer admitting that the Russia narrative has been pushed for ratings, and is “mostly BS.” Huckabee said “whether it’s accurate or not, I don’t know – I think if it is accurate, it is a disgrace to all of media, to all of journalism.”

This wasn’t good enough for Chuck Todd – who responded “Excuse me? You got that? I don’t know whether it’s accurate or not but go check it out because it disgraces you? Seriously? And that’s been this White House’s MO – peddle a false story to claim the media is telling false stories?

SORRY CHUCK – CNN confirmed the authenticity of their producer’s words to the Project Veritas operative, and the network said he would be able to keep his job because they value diversity. So, Chuckathan, the O’Keefe video is NOT Fake News, and Sarah Huckabee Sanders was simply stating that she hadn’t personally verified the video’s authenticity.

Bonifield didn’t know that he was being taped, according to a person familiar with the matter who was not authorized to comment publicly. The network is not disciplining Bonifield, and CNN editors are treating the comment as Bonifield’s personal thoughts expressed in a non-official capacity, the person said.

“CNN stands by our medical producer John Bonifield.  Diversity of personal opinion is what makes CNN strong, we welcome it and embrace it,” CNN said in a statement. –USA Today

And Chuck, I think the Media has done an excellent job of delegitimizing itself


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Dopey Playboy WH Correspondent Milks Spotlight By Verbally Attacking Mike Cernovich On Camera

Playboy Magazine White House correspondent Brian Karem has risen to recent notoriety as the MSM’s White House Press Corps defender-in-chief. After Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders addressed the topic of MSM bias on Tuesday – referencing an undercover video released by Project Veritas featuring a CNN Producer effectively admitting that the network is Fake News, the Playboy White House correspondent decided enough was enough.

Perhaps sensing an opportunity to make some big boy friends in the MSM snake-pit, Karem shot up and issued a whiny condemnation of Sanders for “inflaming everybody right here.” Karem’s impassioned diatribe was immediately shot down by Press Secretary Sanders, and was criticized as a lame attempt to seek relevancy by many – including porn star Jenna Jameson.


Outside of the White House, Playboy’s Faked Crusader stormed up to alt-right journalist Mike Cernovich in an expletive-laden faux rage – accusing Cernovich of having an opinion.

“You don’t understand journalism. You don’t understand what we’re really here for… You’re like every other god-damned guy who comes in here with a fu*kin’ opinion, and instead of listening, you wanna grandstand at the end of a god-damned meeting

Says the guy who was grandstanding at the end of a meeting…

Cernovich said he wanted to hold the left accountable for their actions, which Karem rebuked. After patiently waiting for his turn to talk, Cernovich then disarmed Karem – asking him what he thought about Obama prosecuting more journalists under the Espionage Act than any other president. The exasperated Karem then said “Don’t get me started, that pisses me off too!”

To top it off, after Karem began his diatribe criticizing Cernovich’s right to free speech for being like “every other god-damned guy who comes in here with a fu*kin’ opinion,” the Playboy correspondent then offers up a cliché “I disagree with what you have to say, but will defend to the death your right to say it.”

At the end of the exchange, we see Brian Karem ‘come out of character’ as Cernovich offers him a handshake…

Watch this guy school himself into irrelevancy…

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Pornstar Jenna Jameson Slams WH Playboy Reporter For Sassing Sarah Huckabee Sanders

During Tuesday’s White House Press conference, Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders dropped several MOABs on Fake News following the release of a James O’Keefe / Project Veritas video featuring CNN Health producer John Bonifield, admitting that the Russia narrative against President Trump was for ratings, calling it “Mostly B.S.” pushed by CNN CEO Jeff Zucker.

In response to Sanders’ verbal beatdown of CNN, the White House correspondent for Playboy Magazine, Brian Karem attempted an impassioned defense of the Very Fake News Network – only to be shut down in similar fashion.

Karem: “You’re inflaming everybody right here, right now with those words… Why in the name of heavens… any one of us, right, are replaceable… You have been elected to serve four years at least! There’s no option other than that.

What you just did is inflammatory to people all over the country who look at us and say “see, once again. The President’s right, and everybody else out here is fake media. And everybody in this room is just trying to do their job.

Sanders: I disagree completely. First of all, I think if anything has been inflamed it’s the dishonesty that often takes place by the news media. And I think it is outrageous for you to accuse me of inflaming a story when I was simply trying to respond to his question.

(Skip to 3:30)

Enter Jenna Jameson

In response to Karem’s sweaty outburst, conservative porn star Jenna Jameson had words for the Playboy correspondent, telling Breitbart News that the magazine is “out of touch” and a “failed attempt by liberals” at publicity:


Project Veritas just released a second video this week of CNN personality Van Jones admitting that the Russia investigation is a “nothing burger.”

Perhaps Lord Kek will bless us with another amazing White House press conference…

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