18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,471 Blog Posts

Small Recovery; Changes to iBankCoin Blog Soon

Before I update you on my trading room drama, I am pretty close to changing the overall theme of the blog, just to change it up. It would entail more of a macro look at the economy and markets, diving into sectors and focusing on key parts of the market instead of personal trading. I think it’s well established here that I trade a lot and have better than average skills. It would help me if I was tasked with some headier research, perhaps getting back into listening to conference call and leaving notes here for the blog.

I recovered part of my losses from yesterday, +111bps at midday and in a 100% cash position. I went to cash because I was fortunate to land some solid trades whilst in traveling from Boston. I am home now and need to get situated.

Back when I was younger I’d feel obligated to get all of my losses back right away, take risk to win and lucky for me that would happen most of the time. But this is not the proper way to recover losses, lest you have insider information and sure thing trades.

I have reset myself and will now work at making incremental gains, trading carefully, being mindful of the earnings season and the potential pitfalls that can harangue me.

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