Wake up. Break the cycle. Teach your children.
Joined Oct 24, 2016
1,140 Blog Posts

Conway: Trump Likely To Reassess Obama’s “Punitive” Sanctions Against Russia

Senior Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway sat down with on USA Today Washington Bureau Chief and obvious pornography fan Susan Page, to let the world know that the President-elect is probably going to roll back that temper tantrum President Obama threw over the Russian election hacking scandal, in which 35 Russian diplomats were expelled and their party shack shuttered.

I predict that President Trump will want to make sure our actions are proportionate to what’s occurred, based on what we know.

Among other things, Conway points to the fact that China hacked the shit out of the US Government (twice), compromising the privacy of millions of Americans – yet the Democrats did next to nothing about it. While Trump has recently accepted Russia’s involvement in the US Election hacks according to chief of staff Reince Priebus, Kellyanne suggests that they had little effect on the outcome of the election, and that Obama’s response has been disproportionate and partisan. Conway also noted the odd timing and selective outrage over the hacks:

I do find it to be very ironic that the uptick and the hue-and-cry of ‘investigation’ and ‘information’ has occurred after the election results are in.

The fact is, the Democrats became super-duper interested in this entire issue after the election did not go the way they, quote, wanted and the way they expected. USA Today

See the interview here:

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Meryl Streep Eloquently Destroyed By Kellyanne Conway Over Debunked Trump Tard Dance

sjhqxDuring last night’s Golden Globes, Meryl Streep – who gave convicted child rapist Roman Polanski a standing ovation in 2003, vomited forth a pithy anti-Trump diatribe in which she parroted a well-debunked piece of MSM #FakeNews claiming the President-elect mocked disabled reporter Serge Kovaleski. Ol’ Serge wrote a story 16 years ago in the Washington Post after 9/11 claiming that people in New Jersey were cheering in the streets after the twin towers fell. Trump, in an interview with George Stephanopolous, referenced the cheering. WaPo then attempted to “Fact Check” Trump’s comment – deeming the statement – based on their own published work – to be false. Oops! When asked for comment on the issue, Kovaleski (who now works for the NY Times) backpedaled, bigly:

I certainly do not remember anyone saying that thousands or even hundreds of people were celebrating,” said Serge Kovaleski, one of the reporters. “That was not the case, as best as I can remember.

Trump, in explaining Kovaleski’s backpedaling, did his now famous “stupid person” impression – which he’s done in reference to Ted Cruz, CEO’s of major banks, detractors in general, and even himself. Trump even did the same impression twice during the campaign rally in which he mocked Kovaleski – for his massive lapse in memory.

Not even a recently uncucked Piers Morgan is buying Streep’s little ivory tower disinformation campaign against the President-elect.

Today in response, Kellyanne “Cuck Hunter” Conway split the logically challenged actress’s wig with this direct and eloquent response on Fox News (video below):



So Meryl, what about that handicapped kid in Chicago?

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Young Turks Hire White Guy Pretending To Be Black Guy, Internet Hilarity Ensues!


Two weeks ago, liberal pundits, Armenian holocaust deniers, and horrible human beings in general known collectively as “The Young Turks” hired BLM activist and NY Daily News social justice writer Shaun King, a black guy who turns out to be a white guy pretending to be a black guy. Remember Rachel Dolezal, the president of the NAACP chapter in Spokane, WA? Yeah, same exact thing. He’s even got TWO hashtags – #ShaunKingSoWhite and #TalcumX

kingcKing has maintained for many years that he is a bastard of mixed heritage when in fact he’s full of shit. He’s just really good at acting black, all the way back to his wigger training days in High School. King went on to attend (primarily black) Morehouse private college on an Oprah Winfrey scholarship. Make no mistake, he’s gone full retard. Take a look at Shaun and his brother below, with their father on the right.




Alas for Shaun, now known as “Talcum X,” and “Martin Luther Cream,” the internet exists, as does his completely white family, and his birth certificate (which King insists lists the wrong father).

As the Daily Beast reported last year:


Prominent Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King said for years that he is biracial, because he was born to a white mother and a black father, but Kentucky public records reviewed by The Daily Beast show that King’s father is white. Jeffery Wayne King, born Nov. 11, 1955, is listed as Shaun King’s father on his birth certificate. Criminal records identify Jeffrey King’s ethnicity as white. –Daily Beast

What’s the secret to Shaun’s success as a fake black guy? Many have pointed to his unique facial hair as well as keeping his hair short, as his “roots” start to show when it grows out even a little. Make no mistake though, he may only be a fake black guy but Shaun is not to be crossed.

Here’s some of my favorite Talcum X / Martin Luther Cream fan art:












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Massive Network Of ISIS Sleeper Cells Spanning United States Uncovered – Training Camps And All

How’s your weekend going?

craddRedditor, Law School Graduate, and nimble navigator William Craddick (/u/PleadingtheYiff, and brand new Twitter handle @williamcraddick) has made quite the name for himself on Reddit’s “The_Donald” forum. In just three short months, Craddick has managed to rack up over 153,000 “post karma” and 48k “comment karma,” which (if you’re not familiar) is impressive. The guy is an incredibly effective dot-connector, perhaps owing it to his legal training – often posting lengthy reads that are well worth the investment in time. Craddick made the Clinton – Silsby – Haiti connection, which is un-refuted to the best of my knowledge.

In his latest piece, Craddick presents frightening evidence of a massive ISIS network covering the USA. Let’s start with the conclusion:

Either the US government and current administration is so hopelessly incompetent that they are unable to detect domestic and foreign threats which are discoverable by investigative journalists and whistleblower organizations. Or, there are factions within the United States government who are seeking to prevent competent, well-intentioned members of the intelligence community, law enforcement, and legislative/regulatory branches from taking action against ISIS operatives and extremist recruits who are active both on the American border as well as in the United States.

Dig in:


The director of the FBI, James Comey, has stated that ISIS now has a presence in all 50 of the United States:

ABC 7 News Chicago: https://archive.fo/OiEHM

This presence varies in its form from state to state. It exists in the form of smaller cells attached to mosques run by radicalized imams, paramilitary groups operating out of compounds throughout the US, reinforced by veterans and command figures from ISIS’ Syria theater and bolstered by recruits from American minority communities. If all the reports outlined here are in fact found to be true, ISIS has managed to amass a terrifyingly impressive network across the United States that would be capable of wreaking heavy damage in the event of a large-scale terror incident.

I. Training Camps

One of the ways ISIS has established a military presence in the US is by directly franchising out training camps that build operations centers/cells in various parts of the country. Some of these camps are public knowledge although the media has tried to hide them from the public.

At least one established network of paramilitary training camps has been public knowledge since at least the 1980’s. The Jamaat ul-Fuqra, or “Muslims of America” network has run a network of camps estimated in a report from Sean Hannity to be spread across 35 different locations. The report (linked here) showed a number of Islamic jihadist style military training videos filmed at these sites in the United States. News site WND has placed the number of camps at least 22:

WND: http://archive.is/eYGbK

Here is a map showing the location of most of the compounds run by Jamaat ul-Fuqra:


The Clarion Project ran a report citing FBI documents which state that in 2014 the FBI investigated the organization “…based upon specific and articulate facts giving justification to believe they are engaged in international terrorism or activities in preparation thereof…” This was due in part to an “accidental” deadly shooting that occurred in one of their compounds, Mahmoudberg, in Texas:

FBI Document: http://www.clarionproject.org/analysis/exclusive-clarion-project-discovers-texas-terror-enclave#popup-1

Mahmoudberg was one of several compounds located on property Jamaat ul-Fuqra had purchased in the area:

Clarion: http://archive.is/6yjBu

Jamaat ul-Fuqra was based in Pakistan and its leader, Mubarak Ali Gilani was directly involved in the kidnapping and murder of journalist Daniel Pearl, who was kidnapped while going to interview Gilani in Iraq. He was questioned but never arrested for the role he played:


You will recall of course, that the group who carried out the murder of Pearl was Al-Qaeda in Iraq, which was the forerunner of ISIS. This indicates that ISIS has had established connections to this network in particular since at least 2002.

Hannity’s report and the piece by WND both mention the fact that Jamaat ul-Fuqra has produced a video titled “Soldiers of Allah” where Gilani states:

We are fighting to destroy the enemy. We are dealing with evil at its roots and its roots are America.

Despite all of this troubling information, the Department of State does not list Jamaat ul-Fuqra as a terrorist organization. Here is a list of videos both showing footage these Islamic jihadist paramilitary groups have filmed or reports referencing them:





It appears that there may be a correlation between the states where camps run by Jamaat ul-Fuqra are located and recent terror attacks which have linked to ISIS.

For example, one of the largest compounds is located in Islamberg, New York. Many of the training and propaganda films made by Jamaat ul-Fuqra are produced at this location. It is interesting that this particular location is so significant to the group when one considers terror activity in the New York/New Jersey area, such as the recent pressure cooker bombings:

The Telegraph: https://archive.fo/hom7j

The Telegraph: https://archive.fo/VVGKJ

The Washington Post: https://archive.fo/wJzdm

The authorities attempted to claim that the individual arrested, Ahmad Khan Rahami, acted alone and there was no cell. But that contradicts other prior reports complete with footage showing multiple other individuals who were active in the terror operation:

CNN: https://archive.fo/kEPW1

The “lone wolf” narrative pushed by the mainstream media is a lie in almost every single case. Wherever there is a “lone wolf” there is a bigger wolf pack nearby providing logistical and operational support. We’ve all seen the damage that individual attackers have caused in various terror incidents and how much chaos an entire squad of ISIS operatives such as those who perpetuated the 2015 Paris attacks can cause. Imagine what will happen when all of them decide to attack at once? The death toll in each location might potentially be in the hundreds, if not thousands.

It is also interesting to note that these pressure cooker attacks happened at the tail end of a spree of “gas leak” explosions in New York. The most recent one occurred in September and was first blamed on a Marijuana growing operation, then a meth lab showing apparent law enforcement confusion as to what and who had actually caused the blast. Others mention that residents didn’t actually smell gas leaking before the explosion. The shifting stories and common stated causes of the explosions are very interesting. When done intentionally, this is known as a “supplement narrative” or a cover story that the public is more likely to accept than what really happened. Here are a number of local news reports on the incidents:

Gothamist: https://archive.fo/bQzwo

NY Daily News: https://archive.fo/Z4zkp

WKRC Cincinnati: https://archive.fo/CwyWr

Pix 11 TV: https://archive.fo/ruuGN

In addition to Jamat ul-Fuqra, other Islamic groups in the United States are Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center, the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), Masjid at-Taqwa (led by Siraj Wahhaj) and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). I have not yet researched these other groups, am not alleging that they are paramilitary in nature and merely list them for referential purposes.

II. Using mosques as centers for radicalization

In addition to training camps, domestic ISIS terrorists seem to have been groomed to some extent at local mosques by extremist imams. It is of course not logistically tenable to have paramilitary wings located in every single US state. In such cases, smaller cells coordinated by handlers preaching extremist Wahabbist or Salafist Islam are a much more secure and low profile option.

Mosques in Europe have been proved to be at risk of being coopted by jihadi groups for use as operations centers. In the aftermath of the Paris terror attacks, French authorities raided a number of mosques and made more than 200 arrests, confiscating 334 weapons of which 34 were described as “war grade.” The raids led to the closure of over 100 mosques in France:

Al Jazeera: https://archive.fo/TIjnV

American security officials have also highlighted that many mosques in the United States are involved to some extent with extremism. Breitbart cited a former FBI counter-terrorism special agent as opining that as many as 75% of American mosques were used by jihadist networks:

Breitbart: https://archive.fo/JCTe8

The imams and mosques of specific “lone wolf” attackers in the U.S. have been suspected of having varying levels of involvement in their radicalization process. The Los Angeles cleric Roshan Zamir Abbassi who ministered to the San Bernardino terror attackers was questioned after it emerged he had exchanged a flurry of texts with attacker Syed Rizwan Farook and was allegedly lying about the fact that he knew his wife:

NY Post: http://archive.is/YX4yw

In a revelation suggesting evidence that mosques can and do play host to more than one radicalized attacker, it was revealed that Pulse nightclub attacker Omar Mateen and American suicide bomber Moner Abu Salha both were enrolled in the radical cleric Marcus Dwayne Robertson’s Timbuktu Seminary.

Daily Mail: https://archive.fo/iudwl

In the aftermath of the Pulse shooting, the imam of The Husseini Islamic Center was caught on camera calling for death to gays:

WFTV 9: https://archive.fo/8Q2WU


The imam of the Boston Marathon bombers, Abdullah Faaruuq, denied radicalizing them despite videos emerging of him making fiery sermons alluding to committing acts of violence. New also surfaced that he was on the radar of groups monitoring preachers of extremism before the attacks occurred:

Fox News: https://archive.fo/ZrlIB

More moderate imams also spoke to the press talking about how extremist clerics had taken over many Boston mosques in recent years:

Fox News: https://archive.fo/G6En6

It has also been revealed in a report by The Gateway Pundit that yesterday’s airport shooter, Esteban Santiago lived within walking distance of the only mosque in Alaska. As more information emerges about the cleric running this facility, will we find out that he too has a history of preaching extreme Islamic ideology?

The Gateway Pundit: https://archive.fo/s9fsg

III. Smuggling Syria veterans and command figures into the US

A. ISIS operatives’ presence and activity are now being routinely reported at the southern US border

While developing domestic paramilitary capabilities, ISIS and groups collaborating with them are attempting to move military assets including combat veterans and command figures from the Syrian/Iraqi theaters into the West. These redeployments are likely rapidly increasing as regional and international coalitions have been closing in on their Middle East territories. ISIS movements into Europe among the refugee population are already fairly well documented. Not so well known are a growing number of reports that ISIS members are locating into the Western Hemisphere and infiltrating the United States.

In 2015, Judicial Watch ran a series of reports based on testimony from various Mexican military sources stating that ISIS was running a small camp just a few miles from the border of Texas near El Paso:

Judicial Watch: https://archive.fo/aQkhJ

The watchdog further claimed that ISIS was paying multiple cartel organizations to smuggle members across the US border using rural smuggling routes and regional airports to avoid the U.S. Border Control:

Judicial Watch: http://www.judicialwatch.org/blog/2015/07/mexican-cartels-smuggle-terrorists-into-u-s-through-rural-texas-border-region/

They supported their sources with a leaked document from the Texas Department of Public Safety stating that several known members of Islamic terror organizations have been apprehended attempting to enter the U.S. in recent years:

Texas DPS Document: https://www.scribd.com/document/256933420/Border-Surge-Report

Additionally cited was a 2004 document from the Department of State, which stated that multiple known Arab extremists were using Mexico to enter the United States, including a top Al Qaeda operative, Adnan G. El Shurkrjumah who was wanted by the FBI:

Judicial Watch archive: http://www.judicialwatch.org/document-archive/statedocs/

These reports follow a 2014 project conducted by Judicial Watch documenting the existence of an operation stretching from the southern border to Chicago being run by cartel and ISIS members to move drugs, weapons and individuals from Mexico into the US. This is especially interesting considering the fact that the recent Ft. Lauderdale attacker was Hispanic:

Judicial Watch: https://archive.fo/2c4J8

This year, Judicial Watch reported they had been tipped off by a Homeland Security official that cartel groups were helping multiple ISIS members, including leadership figure Shaykh Mahmood Omar Khabir, enter the United States to conduct surveillance for an attack on American soil:

Judicial Watch: https://archive.fo/9xzZ5

In April 2016 Khabir bragged to Italian newspaper Il Giornale that it would be easy for him to “get in with a handful of men, and kill thousands of people in Texas or in Arizona in the space of a few hours.”

Judicial Watch quoted Mexican officials who were incredulous that the Obama administration was not taking these threats more seriously.

Judicial Watch’s reports were denied by Texas DPS Director Robert Bodisch. However, the language Mr. Bodisch indicates that his denial is in fact untrue, though it does not legally qualify as perjury. When confronted about the two reports that Judicial Watch had obtained from Texas DPS contradicting his statement, he merely asserted that neither he nor intelligence officials could “confirm” the reports and he did not accuse Judicial Watch of misquoting their other sources. Notice the language here: to explicitly deny the authenticity of the documents would be to make an untruthful statement, hence Bodisch’s decision to merely state that he could neither confirm nor deny their authenticity. The two reports outlined plans by ISIS operatives to attack Fort Bliss, Texas, and that four of their members had been detained in Texas.

Politifact made a similarly disingenuous attempt to discredit Judicial Watch’s reports. The report also cited Texas DPS officials who merely said they could neither “confirm nor deny” the documents and sources cited by Judicial Watch. In fact, officials with El Paso’s Sherriff’s Department expressed shock the Judicial Watch’s findings, before their superiors told Politico they similarly “couldn’t provide relevant information” about the report. Again, notice that no authorities have outright denied Judicial Watch’s findings as to do so would be to commit perjury, especially if the official in fact had knowledge suggesting that the reports and information was in fact true. Finally, Politico cited a Border Patrol official who merely cast doubt on Judicial Watch’s reports before it emerged that he had left the Border Patrol in contentious circumstances. None of this refutes the findings and reports of Judicial Watch.

B. How ISIS can cross from West Africa to the Western Hemisphere

It is, in theory, actually incredibly easy for ISIS operatives and commanders to leave the theater of war in Syria and move into the Western Hemisphere, potentially linking up with paramilitary forces located in some of the camps mentioned above. South American and Mexican drug cartels have been increasingly running drugs into West Africa using entire fleets of decrepit and unregistered cargo planes:

The Telegraph: https://archive.fo/lyFCe

CNN: https://archive.fo/9p3bM

In order to move the drugs from West Africa to their ultimate markets in Europe, narco groups have been working to smuggle them in cooperation with multiple Islamic terror groups. These terror groups benefit financially from the arrangement. Below are reports from the United Nations and Financial Action Task Force explaining these business arrangements in addition to an article from The Telegraph outlining the arrangement:

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime: https://archive.fo/OV4fV

Financial Action Task Force: http://www.fatf-gafi.org/media/fatf/documents/reports/TF-in-West-Africa.pdf

The Telegraph: https://archive.fo/bscuT

ISIS has known franchises in West Africa, most notably the Nigerian extremist group Boko Haram. It would logistically possible to move assets from Syria into West Africa via their franchises in Libya and jump the Atlantic into the Western Hemisphere:

NY Times: https://archive.fo/tivy4

ISIS’ estimated monthly income of $80-120 million USD (and that number relies only on what is public knowledge) also shows that it is financially possible for them to pay their way through Western smuggling networks. All that would be needed is the willingness to outbid competing state agencies reaching out to cartels in the hope that they will keep extremists out of the United States and the adjacent countries:

Stuff Mag New Zealand: https://archive.fo/5rL6K

As a final note, once ISIS members have entered the United States, it is quite easy for them to take up positions and embed themselves within Sanctuary Cities, where lax immigration laws give them a veritable free pass to move around without fear of harassment from or detection by local law enforcement.

IV. Radicalizing black American youth

There are also indications that recruitment and radicalization is occurring in various black American communities in recent years. ISIS has publicly stated its desire to recruit African Americans and exploit unrest caused by police violence incidents to increase sympathy for it’s cause in the black community:

Heavy: https://archive.fo/IkYAL

In some of their recruitment media, ISIS has actually used Black Lives Matter talking points in an attempt to convince Americans to join the organization:

Breitbart: https://archive.fo/tXFhh

Recently I came across a nine month long program Black Lives Matter has been running labeled as the “Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai.” The stated purpose of the program is to “to empower our youth with the knowledge, skills and confidence to conduct themselves with poise and professionalism”.


Here is BLM’s main web page with the program visible in their event calendar:


Here is the website for the program in Dubai


Given that it is common knowledge Saudi and UAE state groups use educational programs as a way to radicalize youth and infect them with the Wahabbist ideology that breeds terrorism, what exactly is this program BLM is partnering with? Does it involve religious teaching? More research and demands for clarification from Black Lives Matter is needed to clarify that American youth are not intentionally being exposed to state agents who are radicalizing them.

It is worth remembering that George Soros funds Black Lives Matters:

Breitbart: https://archive.fo/MFLe6

The man who broke the Bank of England makes his money and gains control through sewing economic and political chaos. In fact, documents released by DC Leaks have proved he has used Black Lives Matter protests to further his agendas in the past. This current “educational” program and recent shifts towards extremist behavior should be alarming to many given what is known about the way he uses the organization:

The Free Thought Project: https://archive.fo/UGxST

V. The United States government is either negligently ignoring these facts or factions within it are attempting to prevent action from being taken to deal with ISIS

From what information is publicly available, ISIS or groups affiliated with them are creating and training paramilitary groups around the country, infiltrating American mosques to turn them into centers for radicalization and staging points for “lone wolf” style attacks and attempting to engage in recruitment and radicalization campaigns among American minority groups. It beggars belief that the United States government is not aware of these developments. In fact, Director Comey’s statement about ISIS’ presence in all 50 states implies that intelligence agencies do in fact know of this threat.

The State Department, who Wikileaks have revealed to have illegally helped Hillary Clinton delay the process of turning email records over to Congress, has tried to deny that ISIS operatives are present on the US southern border.

Fox News: http://archive.is/WoW91

Their claims that Judicial Watch’s reports are “unfounded” are in direct contradiction to their reports from over 10 years ago which describe Al Qaeda terrorists operating in and around Mexico in attempts to gain entry to the United States just as ISIS allegedly seeks to do now. And again, they do not explicitly deny the authenticity of the documents produced by Judicial Watch because this would legally land them in very hot water.

Other reports of government failure to tackle this apparent extremism exist as well. In 2016, the Daily Mail reported that the FBI had failed to inform American citizens that their names were present on a “kill list” of 15,000 potential targets complied by ISIS:

Daily Mail: https://archive.fo/Kf3lq

There are two conclusions to draw from incidents such as this. Either the US government and current administration is so hopelessly incompetent that they are unable to detect domestic and foreign threats which are discoverable by investigative journalists and whistleblower organizations. Or, there are factions within the United States government who are seeking to prevent competent, well-intentioned members of the intelligence community, law enforcement, and legislative/regulatory branches from taking action against ISIS operatives and extremist recruits who are active both on the American border as well as in the United States.

The fact that certain agencies and news groups have engaged in legalistic denials of reports about the growing ISIS threat to the United States certainly indicate that the latter might sadly be the case.

Original thread on Reddit with tons of great additive discussion in the comments section

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Terrorism? Ft. Lauderdale Shooting Suspect Esteban Santiago Identified As Puerto Rican Convert To Islam Who Watched E-Jihad Videos

Researchers at GotNews.com went completely down the rabbit hole within hours of the shooting at the Ft. Lauderdale airport, after officials identified the suspect as Esteban Santiago – a resident of Alaska who flew on a military ID to Ft. Lauderdale with a loaded pistol in his checked luggage. After landing, Santiago retrieved the pistol in the baggage terminal and began his deadly rampage.

GotNews has uncovered evidence that Santiago is a “Puerto Rican Islamic Terrorist & Anime Fan.” Unfortunately as of this writing their servers have crashed, so they have uploaded their evidence to Twitter. See for yourself.


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5 Dead, 9 Injured In Ft. Lauderdale Airport Shooting, Suspect Esteban Santiago, 26, Reported To Be In Custody (updated)

Broward County sheriff reports 5 dead and at least 8 injured after a lone gunman opened fire in the baggage handling area of the Ft. Lauderdale-Hollywood airport.

UPDATE 2:55 pm EST with eyewitness account

UPDATE 3:06 pm EST: More shooters? It appears there was some activity in the parking garage.

UPDATE 3:11 pm EST: Broward Sheriff update on active search for second shooter:

UPDATE 3:18 pm EST: 

Update 3:50 pm EST:

Update 4PM EST: Alleged Picture of the shooter:


Update 4:50 PM EST: 

The shooter is in custody, condition and description presently not known. Bush II administration press secretary Ari Fleischer happened to be in the airport and live tweeted the shooting:


Update from redditor on the scene:






airport5 c1geib6ucaatmzg c1gh5ldweaeys-_

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John McAfee: “The Most Deceptive Propaganda To Date Was Perpetrated On The American Public”

hack3Security expert and former Libertarian presidential candidate John McAfee went on RT yesterday to discuss the Grizzly Steppe report by Homeland Security. While not addressing the intelligence community’s latest waffling in the ever-changing narrative (now it’s a third party), McAfee went after the crux of the original evidence in the FBI/DHS findings. For anyone still suffering from Red Dawn syndrome, I suggest setting aside your Russophobic tendies for the moment and ignore the fact that this interview was brought to you by RT – because despite possibly having his neighbor murdered in Belize for poisoning four of his 11 dogs McAfee knows a metric ton about this exact topic, and I get the impression the guy is a big fan of freedom. And revenge.

McAfee isn’t shilling for Trump either, as evidenced by an appearance on Larry King Now last week during which he laid out his grave concerns over the President-elect’s cyber security policies, which will ultimately be handled by the FBI.

fgpetarded2The nuts and bolts of McAfee’s argument is that Russia, with it’s high level of sophistication in cyber-warfare, would never be stupid enough to leave the very obvious fingerprints that US Intelligence cites as the foundation of their case for Russian involvement in the DNC hacks. In other words, this isn’t how state actors penetrate networks and perform espionage.

McAfee specifically pointed to the following key arguments in the Grizzly Steppe report:

  1. Russian language was found in the malware – which would make them borderline retarded.
  2. A Cyrillic (Russian language) keyboard was used to create the malware.
  3. The compiler (piece of software that finalizes the malware) time stamped the malware during Russian business hours – which anyone trying to make it look like Russia would do.
  4. IP address pointed to Russia – again, they’d have to be fairly new at hacking to do something like that.

All of which are the hallmarks of a 15 year old kid acting alone, or a poorly fabricated body of evidence.

I really don’t think this is going well for the establishment. The US Government can’t continue to drop cobbled together “bombshells” on the American public with such weak evidence, after we have very recently come to expect Wikileaks-level disclosure. As a nation, we aren’t just going to go from un-refuted emails involving pay to play,  #SpiritCooking and Zero Point Energy to “US Officials declined to describe the intelligence obtained, or how they obtained it.” I don’t think people are buying the “just trust us” argument anymore. I know Oliver Stone gets it.

The era of true transparency has begun, fueled by red-pilled insiders like Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, suspected DNC leaker and suspicious murder victim Seth Rich, and Craig Murray  –  whose efforts to expose high level malfeasance were delivered via safe channels such as Wikileaks and Glenn Greenwald. Daily dumps of the Podesta / DNC emails were analyzed with remarkable speed and accuracy through a massive, ongoing, crowdsoured investigative effort involving hundreds of thousands of citizens. The findings have been analyzed and broadcast to millions thorough bastions of truth such as the Drudge Report, ZeroHedge, and Breitbart, (and of course the increasingly censored Twitter platform), and has resulted in higher quality journalism than the entire mainstream media complex. Consider how fast that WaPo Electric grid hacking story was dismantled. I can’t imagine there’s ever been another period in history in which a government’s lies were so quickly and effectively exposed and disproven. This is historic, and much of it has happened over the last 6 months. In the meantime, US Intel agencies will continue to look progressively foolish every time they double down on this rabbit hole of phantam Russians, who were apparently so clumsy that they made entry-level hacking mistakes in their pursuit to “rig the election” by exposing the truth.

Alternatively, and as Julian Assange told Sean Hannity just days ago, the Russians had nothing to do with the leaks – which would make this intelligence charade pure propaganda.

p.s. John Podesta’s password was p@ssw0rd

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Trump’s Favorability Up Bigly Before Inauguration – Increasing Number Of Hispanics View As Good Hombre

w9usznqGiven the left’s predilection for using identity politics to slander opponents and incite hatred, it’s important to try and shed light on who actually thinks what. In the latest People’s Pundit Daily poll to “correct the record,” President-elect Donald J. Trump’s favorability has risen slightly above Bloomberg’s December 7th calculation of 51% in advance of Inauguration day. Solid gains were realized across the diverse rainbow of humanity that is America. For those who don’t know, PPD is one of the few polling organizations which nailed the election, and their methods are sound.

In a nutshell: Blacks are warming up to The Donald, but Hispanics in particular are increasingly down with “Good Hombre” Trump – even after his declaration of open season on the 2-3 million estimated illegal immigrant felons as soon as he steps into office. Hmm, maybe honest hard-working Mexicans have the same problem with illegals as Mexican labor hero Cesar Chavez, and illegal criminals sound like a universally great place to start?


wandMaybe – just maybe it has something to do with the roughly 61,000 jobs Trump has “created or saved” before even setting foot in the Oval Office? Must be using some kind of magic wand. A hard working centipede on Reddit compiled the following:

Carrier – 1150 jobs claimed to have been saved by trump. 350 were always going to stay as disputed by critics, Carrier spokesman say this is correct. In Total: 800 jobs were saved by Trump!

US Steel – A steel manufaturing CEO notes that jobs have been on the decrease lately. CEO notes that he would be willing to rehire 10,000 workers lost during the recession if the environment and policies regarding regulation and tax law become more optimal. Since Trumps victory stock for the steel corporation has risen 79%. In total: Possibly 10,000 future jobs saved by Trump (NOT CONFIRMED OR SET IN STONE)

IBM – Ahead of a meeting with trump in late December the CEO of IBM (also now a member of trumps business advising group) told the media it will save 25,000 jobs in the US over the course of 4 years. HOWEVER, the jobs postings were listed 6 months in advance causing critics to say whether it was the result of trump personally or simply a reannouncement of the job openings. IBM has not given any comment. In Total: 0 Jobs definitively added by trump. More Data is required in order to convince critics that trump was the reason.

SoftBank – The CEO of softbank met with trump and agreed to a $100 billion dollar investment and 50,000 jobs added to the US. Trump has noted that the CEO would have never made this deal if he were not in office. However, the CEO of softbank (which also owns Sprint Mobile) has been trying to buy TMobile (the resultant would be bigger than at&t in coverage) since 2014 but hasn’t due to the head of the FCC calling in antitrust laws. Critics argue that the CEO made the deal in order to curry favor from trump to allow the merge to occur via a reappointment in the head of the FCC. In Total: Regardless of the reasoning behind the deal 50,000 jobs were undeniably saved because of Trump

Trans-Lux CEO claims that due to trump winning and his policies he is planning to move all jobs over to the US within a year. Currently 75 employees work in the US which is about 60% of its workforce. By simple math that means 125 employees work overseas. In Total: 125 future jobs saved by Trump!

Dow Chemicals – CEO claims at trump rally that 200 jobs will be added to the US (100 new jobs and 100 jobs transferred from outside the US). The CEO noted Trumps policies along with many other factors as their reasoning. In Total: 200 jobs were saved by Trump!

Sprint/OneWeb – This is an interesting one because Sprint is owned by SoftBank and is a major shareholder for OneWeb. Since SoftBank has already made a deal involving an additional 50,000 jobs I can not without a doubt say that Trump truly added an additional 8,000 jobs on top of the already aforementioned 50k. As a result, I will count it it as a 0. In Total: 0 jobs were saved by Trump.

Ford – CEO claims that due to Trumps Policies in a “vote of confidence” along with other major factors they have decided to save 700 jobs in the US. In Total: 700 Jobs were saved by Trump!

This is a total summation of all jobs that have been with out a doubt (unless you dislike facts and reason) saved by Trump or at least in part by Trump: 61,825

[List curated by Redditor Terra_Omega_3]


We can split hairs on the various agreements if you wish, but the message shining through the fog of partisan MSM hackery is clear; Trump is clearly working towards securing American jobs, whether it’s 10,000 or 61,825, after being directly challenged by President Obama over his ability to do so.

Sith Lords who fund BLM and incite hate crimes should beware the man with the golden touch, for his midichlorian count is higher than yours.


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It’s A Hate Crime: Chicago PD Finally Charge Four Attackers In Kidnapping And Torture of Special Needs Trump Supporter

Ac1banfjuoaalsogfter 24 hours of the Chicago Chief of Police and the MSM telling us that four black Chicago teens kidnapping a mentally disabled white Trump supporter isn’t a hate crime, the Chicago PD has finally caved to pressure and upgraded the situation from “kids messing around” and “just bad home training” to a full on hate crime.

Don’t think for a second that the Chicago PD did this out of some sort of new found moral compass. This was purely in reaction to national outrage at what’s very obviously a hate crime – despite CNN editing out “Fuck Trump” and “Fuck white people” from the video of the incident.


I’m expecting something along the lines of crickets from the Obama administration:

Meanwhile, the woman who posted the original video is tweeting from jail. She’s going to be a hero in prison.



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Chicago Teens Kidnap White Trump Supporter, Live Stream His Torture On Facebook


UPDATE: Chicago PD Press Conference reveals that the four suspects are all adults, the victim who is traumatized, had been with the perpetrators for 24-48 hours, and charges should be forthcoming. Officals aren’t willing to call it a hate crime at this point.

Four Chicago teens are in custody after a they live streamed what appears to be the kidnapping, beating, and mutilation of a white Trump supporter (scroll down for footage). In the profanity-laced video, the victim is seen bound and gagged in a corner while the thugs alternate between striking the man, cutting him, and threatening his life with anti-white / anti-Trump hate speech. This is apparently the second time these assailants have done this to a white Trump supporter, as further investigation has uncovered a second prior video of a similar attack.

“Fuck Donald Trump, Fuck white people”

“There’s gonna be a murder. Pop pop pop

We gonna put this bitch in the trunk, put a brick on the gas, like aaaaaaaaah

Pistol whip his ass, fool

th1 assailants otherguy




The woman who recorded the attack showed no remorse in the video’s comments section. Her post has since been removed:


More Facebook comments:


And the full 28 minute disturbing video of the incident (NSFW):

The victim is currently being treated for his injuries at a local hospital.

secondMeanwhile, an earlier look through the suspect’s Facebook feed led to another video of the same assailants kidnapping another Trump supporter in a similar attack (now deleted as well):


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