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Reports Of @Jack Dorsey Being A Satanist #Spiritcook Are FALSE

Twitter is blowing up right now over some “satanic” tweets by Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey (@Jack) made back in 2006. In light of the Podesta emails and #spiritcooking thing, talking about “satanic verses” while cooking pasta is probably the worst possible thing Dorsey could have tweeted.

Here’s the first one (source):


Then there’s this one, with outrage below (source):



While these tweets are indeed titillating at first glance, the logical conclusion is that Jack was reading Salman Rushdie’s book “The Satanic Verses.”


The Satanic Verses is Salman Rushdie’s fourth novel, first published in 1988 and inspired in part by the life of Muhammad. As with his previous books, Rushdie used magical realism and relied on contemporary events and people to create his characters. The title refers to the satanic verses, a group of Quranic verses that allow intercessory prayers to be made to three Pagan Meccan goddesses: Allāt, Uzza, and Manāt. The part of the story that deals with the “satanic verses” was based on accounts from the historians al-Waqidi and al-Tabari. (Wikipedia)

Looking up page 307 of the book, we find the following passage which apparently made Jack cry in his pasta:

‘ACID BATH’: She drowned while high on LSD (“acid”), but in various industrial processes metals are dipped into a literal “acid bath.”

And what did Jack need to turn back to on pages 86 and 87 for comfort?

Devout Sikhs never trim their beards or hair (Hindi).

While it doesn’t look like @Jack is a spirit cook, I think we’ve found the source of his power.



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Stevie Van Zandt: The Cast Of Hamilton Bullied Pence

Stevie Van Zandt of Sopranos and E-Street Band fame is known for being a solid guy from New Jersey who speaks his mind. Van Zandt, who identifies as a left leaning independent, has penned over a half dozen articles in the Huffington Post.  In response to last week’s dressing down of Mike Pence by the cast of Hamilton, Van Zandt lays out why the cast violated the spirit of theater and in fact bullied Pence – a perspective I hadn’t even considered. Having performed live for hundreds of thousands of people over many years, Van Zandt is no stranger to proper decorum when it comes to the arts.

Seems like a good fella, though I don’t think Mike Pence needs a safe space.

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Wal-Mart: Cyber Monday Starts On Friday $WMT

Does Wal-Mart treat it’s customers right or WHAT? In a move possibly designed to reduce injury and death during the annual Black Friday “Running of the Rednecks,” the retail giant is kicking off Cyber Monday mere hours after your Thanksgiving dose of tryptophan has kicked in, with online deals starting on Friday at 12:01 AM.

For the first time this season, the world’s largest retailer will kick off its Cyber Week deals the day after Thanksgiving—a time typically reserved for in-store door busters.

The online sale begins at 12:01 a.m. Eastern on Black Friday, with deals including a Samsung 60-inch HD smart TV for more than $1,000 off.

Taking a page from Amazon’s success, deals will include items from the company’s Marketplace sellers, who have helped beef up Walmart.com’s product offering from 8 million items to more than 23 million this year. (cnbc)

Now, instead of sitting around the breakfast table on Friday listening to your out of town brother and his insufferable bitch wife go on about how Hillary’s loss has ushered in dark times, you can steal away to your favorite commode and buy your kids that new PS4 Pro. Perhaps by the time you emerge, your visitors will have vanished.

For those of you who choose to brave the crowds on Black Friday, are you insane?


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DE-ESCALATION: Putin Says Trump Has Confirmed He Is Willing To Mend Ties, RUSSIA TO FREEZE OIL OUTPUT

Oh man, Hillary’s WWIII over that Saudi pipeline was going to be so amazing. I already miss waking up to heart palpitations from weird dreams of a “Red Dawn” style invasion, and after years of honing my skills in the wasteland, looks like my six toed offspring won’t have to navigate through nuclear fallout anytime soon.

Via Reuters:

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Sunday U.S. President-elect Donald Trump confirmed to him he was willing to mend ties, though he also said he would welcome President Barack Obama in Russia.

“The President-elect confirmed he is willing to normalize Russian-American relations. I told him the same. We did not discuss where and when we would meet”

Putin also told a news conference in Lima after the APEC summit that Russia is ready to freeze oil output at current levels.

Oh shit! Did you hear that bitches? Let’s see if this leads to a crude awakening, and if OPEC can get their act together and do the same.


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Sarkozy Out Of French Presidential Race Paving Way For #FREXIT; Will Stocks Crater Or Explode Higher?

After getting smoked in recent French primary exit polls, ex-president Nicolas Sarkozy has avoided “lé nut stuffing” by Marine Le Pen, withdrawing from the race for the French Presidency. In a move which significantly ups Le Pen’s chances of #FREXIT, Sarkozy has thrown support behind stupid faced Francois Fillon – undermining The Republicans assumed front runner Alain Juppé, mayor of Bordeaux.

This could get interesting for the markets. Based on Trump’s victory, a Le Pen ascension should be good for at least a Costanzian kneejerk rally, but there are major implications over the long haul. If you’re not familiar with the economic policies of the National Front – founded by Jean-Marie Le Pen (Marine Le Pen’s father), feast your eyes:

“The party’s economic policy shifted from the 1980s to the 1990s from neoliberalism to protectionism. This occurred within the framework of a changed international environment, from a battle between the Free World and communism, to one between nationalism and globalization.

Under her leadership, Marine Le Pen has been more clear in her support for protectionism, while she has criticised globalism and capitalism for certain industries. She has been characterised as a proponent of letting the government take care of health, education, transportation, banking and energy. (Wikipedia)”

So no French/German helicopter money the next time the thin veneer of economic solvency starts to crack within the EU. Domestically, instead of bailing French banks out (which screwed Le Pen by refusing to lend NF money to run), we could witness nationalization of part or all of the industry.

Let’s delve into Le Pen’s foreign policy:

“The FN was also one of several parties that backed France’s 2005 rejection of the Treaty for a European Constitution. In other issues, Le Pen (Jean-Marie) opposed the invasions of Iraq, led by the United States, both in the 1991 Gulf War and the 2003 Iraq War.

Marine Le Pen has advocated that France should leave the euro (along with Spain, Greece and Portugal). She also wants to reintroduce customs borders and has campaigned against allowing dual citizenship. During both the 2010–2011 Ivorian crisis and the 2011 Libyan civil war, she opposed the French military involvements. She has recast the party’s image towards Israel, after affirming Israel’s right to secure itself from terrorism, and criticising the leadership of Iran.”

If Le Pen gets in, the freeloading tax cheating PIIGS are screwed the next time shit hits the fan.

From the same purveyors of globalist propaganda targeted at Trump, The Economist put out a little hit piece in March on Le Pen and the National Front which assails her positions on trade and EU membership:

“It [National Front] opposes free trade and free markets, displaying a strong protectionist streak. Ms Le Pen rails against France’s membership of the euro and is hostile to the free movement of goods, services, capital and labour that lie at the heart of the European single market.”

Here’s what Le Pen has said about bailouts:

“The hundred of billions paid do not product any result, will not settle any problem, will not rescue a eurozone already in bankruptcy and push France into the chasm of excessive debt, whereas the French debt has already exploded under the mandate of Nicolas Sarkozy.”

Sometimes the correct choice is the most painful to endure. Instead of endless helicopter Euros, a welfare system that can’t possibly continue to accommodate the massive influx of North African migrants, and membership in a union which rewards failure while dragging down productive members who don’t cheat on their taxes (lookin’ at you Greece), France under Le Pen would almost certainly have to muddle through an uncomfortable period in the transition away from the fires of globalist debt-burdened hell. It will be interesting to see how a Le Pen administration plans to unwind the massive welfare state in France along with the freeloading wing of the European Union, at a time in which the global economy appears to be at yet another inflection point. My guess is it won’t be quick or clean, and parts of France will once again burn to the ground.

On the other hand, not having to obligate future French taxpayers to massive bailouts of the PIIGS might be good for French Debt/GDP if remaining solvent is the goal.

If you think any of that is going to scare French voters, let’s not forget where Le Pen is finding much of her support.

“The FN has become the party of the working class,” says Bruno Cautrès, a political sciences researcher at Paris-based Sciences Po Cevipof. “The party offers a double explanation for their malaise: Europe has failed to protect their jobs from globalisation and failed to protect their way of life from Muslim immigrants.”

As Bob Dylan sang “When you ain’t got nothing, you got nothing to lose.” Sound familiar?



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Queen Elizabeth Set To Invite Trump Over For Tea And Crumpets

The Queen of England is set to invite President-elect Donald Trump over to visit next year for what promises to be a lively chat over tea and crumpets. Let’s face it, the Brits have been cucked for a while. While much of the British government has been happy to champion open border globalism, citizens have been clearly less enamored – as evidenced by Brexit. Trump’s silverbacked presence will remind the establishment of their defeat at the hands of Nigel Farage, the rag-tag plane crash surviving Brexit-leading renegade. Brexit, if you recall, was truly democracy in action; a stunning upset of the status quo that wasn’t supposed to happen. Sound familiar?

Anyway, I’m sure the Queen will remind Trump to stick to his guns, follow the script, and keep fighting the good fight against rascally despots and other threats to the empire.





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The Democratic Party Is On Life Support After Years Of Pandering To Minorities And Millennials

Democrats are an interesting phenomenon. Up until the Civil Rights movement, the party of slavery and misogyny fought tooth and nail to subjugate nonwhites and women. Then, as any ardent moron will tell you, the Democratic party underwent an ideological “flip” in the late 1960’s, magically imbuing Republicans with all of their bigotry and hate. That flip was a lie, by the way.

Which brings us to today. Democrats are truly modern “tent revival” evangelists, weaving magical fantasies of peace and equality to anyone dumb enough to buy their bullshit, while engaging in nothing but divisive identity politics and discriminatory legislation, such as Bill Clinton’s 1994 Crime Bill. For decades, democrat pandering to minorities and impressionable youth has been but a cheap parlour trick, and the very people being pandered to are starting to wake up.

An article penned by Michael Barone in today’s Washington Examiner lays out the terminal state of the Democratic party, which has chosen cognitive dissonance over self-reflection in their most recent failing:

It [the Democratic Party] has lost a presidential election most of its followers expected to win. It failed to win a Senate majority, gaining just two seats in a year when it had nearly a dozen plausible targets. Its minimal gain in the House leaves it with just about as few House seats as it has controlled since the 1920s. It holds only 15 governorships and fully controls only four state governments — giant California, mid-sized Oregon and tiny Delaware and Rhode Island.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign blithely assumed that rallying “people of color” and Millennials would produce victory. They didn’t figure that Midwest non-college whites, who had long voted Democratic, wouldn’t be dazzled by Lady Gaga concerts.

And the Democrats’ plight is all the more poignant because right up until election night, many of them believed that the future was forever theirs. And with some reason. (source)

What does this all mean? The Democratic Party is losing support among key demographics they were convinced were a lock. Exit polls showed YUGE gains in support for Trump among Black, Hispanic, and Asian voters, and the left is struggling to explain why. It’s simple, really: Trump talked about jobs, immigration, and draining the swamp – things which matter most to downtrodden Americans who trust their bank-bailing government less than ever. Democrats responded by going low, branding half of America as racist and vomiting hate all the way into the election. If the Democratic Party doesn’t figure out that divisive identity politics and broken promises don’t work anymore, they are all but finished.


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RACIST TWITTER: Egregious Double Standard For Hate Speech Ignites Controversy

Despite their best efforts to undermine him at every turn, Donald Trump won the election because of Twitter – and Twitter knows it.

Do you think for a second that the mainstream media would have given any air time to the Wikileaks revelations on Pay-for-play, Hillary starting WWIII over a Saudi Pipeline, #SpiritCooking, #Pizzagate, Hillary’s desire for “open borders,” Judge murder, Cheating during the primary debates, or any of the other bombshells that blew our minds over the last 6 weeks? Nope. None of that, including the ability for weaponized autists on Reddit and 4chan to quickly connect the wiki-dots, would have happened without Twitter (and of course, Facebook).

This free flow of information has led to a mass awakening, a red pilling if you will. Liberals were defeated by their own invention on November 8th, and the Silicon Valley arm of the thought police aren’t going to let it happen again.

Look, the current narrative is that FAKE NEWS cost Hillary the election, and racist Trump supporters are prowling the streets looking for blood. Somehow they’ve flipped the script on the huge epidemic of left on right hate crimes happening in the name of their criminal candidate’s loss. By participating in this charade, Twitter, Facebook, and Google are setting a dangerous precedent via selective enforcement of hate speech. These companies are implicitly condoning, legitimizing, and even participating in the spread of violent, racist behavior on the left. Case in point:


Yeah, that post on the left gets to remain in the public record forever.

Twitter, with their double standards, has been shafting conservatives this entire election – for which Wikileaks even called them out before Julian Assange was possibly murdered (Kek forbid).

Not surprising. Millennial douchebag and CEO of Twitter Jack Dorsey (who, to be fair, looks 12 without that beard. The beard can stay), and who is being sued right now over inflated share prices while he and other executives cashed out, is a known cuck. Some of the fucked up racist actions of his affiliates go mostly unreported on the Evening News, and are never denounced by leadership on the left. Maybe it’s because the Saudi Prince – a huge fan of censorship – now owns more of Twitter than @Jack? And before any of you comment on the FAKE NEWS sourced in this paragraph, ask yourself; did Alex Jones or Breitbart make those recorded events up? Watch the videos, decide for yourself instead of Huffington Kneejerking away from the article. Or, scroll up and click on the word “hate crimes” if you missed it the first time. The fact of the matter is that certain media outlets will never cover events that fall outside a prescribed agenda unless the issue is too big to ignore.

UPDATE: And take a look at how Jack Dorsey treated Trump’s director of digital advertising and fundraising, courtesy of ZeroHedge.

Going forward:


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It’s Not Over: Members Of Electoral College Being Bullied To Change Vote

Brought to you by “The Party That Respects Election Results,” AKA the sorest fucking losers in recent history, liberals in Arizona have resorted to bullying members of the electoral college to change their vote.

For those of you who don’t know how the electoral college works, read below:

The Electoral College consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the President. Your state’s entitled allotment of electors equals the number of members in its Congressional delegation: one for each member in the House of Representatives plus two for your Senators. (source)

Each of those electors is a regular person who has pledged to cast their vote in accordance with the territory they represent.

Today, per Fox News:

Arizona’s presidential electors are reportedly being hit by a flood of emails and phone calls demanding they defy the voters in their state and choose Hillary Clinton instead of President-elect Donald Trump — as part of a last-gasp bid to overturn the election.

Now in Arizona, a state which voted for Trump, activists are trying to overturn that by pushing the state’s members of the Electoral College to vote for someone other than Trump. The 11 members were chosen by the state Republican Party and are scheduled to assemble on Dec. 19 to cast their votes.

The Arizona Republic reports that the electors are not legally required to vote for Trump despite having pledged to support the party nominee. A number of electors told The Republic that they’ve been barraged with thousands of emails, phone calls and letters urging them to break that promise.

“It is total harassment,” Robert Graham, an elector and chairman of the state Republican Party, said. “It started about a week ago. Now? ‘Bam!’ It’s hardcore.”

What the fuck liberals? Let it go. Try again in 4 years.

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Exodus Demonstration Almost Live! My Take On The Service

I’ve been following Fly for a decade now and have subscribed to his paid services ever since he rolled them out. I manage money for a living, and I can safely say that Fly and the rest of the all-stars on the site have helped me get through many difficult periods. In fact, that’s the reason I decided to guest blog during the election. The community at iBankCoin has made a huge impact on my understanding of the markets and my income, so I’d like to share my take;

This blog, iBankCoin.com, already provides an amazing daily feed of ideas, pertinent and interesting stories, and most importantly perspective. Inside of Exodus, however, it is a different ballgame. Next level shit.

  • It’s a community of investors all pouring over ideas throughout the day, tossing best ideas around, shooting down bad logic, etc. This helped me sharpen my game immensely.
  • The analytical tools within Exodus are amazing. I started my career at a major wirehouse with a Bloomberg terminal, and the sheer amount of information in Exodus on stocks, sectors, industries, currencies, etc. is amazing. Beyond that, the ability to screen by obscure metrics is staggering, and the user interface is leaps and bounds better than Bloomberg. Check out the picture below. That’s just ONE of the categories. Also note the friggin SCROLL BAR on the right.


  • The entire scale of investments, from the broad indices down to individual stocks, is analyzed by the Exodus algorithms. Data is sampled all throughout the day, and a wide variety of factors all combine to provide “Overbought / Oversold” readings via dial indicators. These readings are constantly updated, and historical behavior is integrated. It learns. It may become self aware.
  • There are several ace traders in Exodus – both individuals and professionals. They throw up superior stock screens, share their baskets of stocks, and provide massively insightful commentary. The ability to access these people and toss ideas around with them is worth the price of admission alone.

More years than not, Exodus (and previous iterations) has paid for itself by the end of January. Beyond that, however, are the millions of dollars I’ve avoided tossing into a fireplace because of insight found within Exodus. The simple gut checks are great, but becoming enlightened by the perspectives of reliably consistent good traders has been invaluable to me.

THAT SAID, tune in for the LIVE DEMONSTRATION at 1PM EST By Raul 



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