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Maxine Waters Says Trump Doesn’t Deserve To Be President, Wont Work With Him

Insane liberal bitch Maxine Waters (D-CA) has lost her shit. Appearing on MSNBC’s Morning Joe yesterday, Waters told hosts Joe Scarborough and Mike Brzezinski that she has no respect for President Trump – and hasn’t attended any official activities because

“I don’t honor him. I don’t respect this president… I don’t think that he deserves to be president of this great country.”

When asked if she would work with Trump on issues even other anti-Trump Democrats are willing to pursue, Waters started rambling about not trusting Trump because he mocked a disabled journalist (which has been debunked).

Scarborough: Elijah Cummings says that if he can find common ground with the President, he’ll work with him. In fact, he’s been talking to the President about reducing prescription drug prices, and making pharmaceutical companies actually negotiate with the Government. Would you be willing, if you found common ground with the President on issues like that, to work with him?

Waters: I don’t know how you find common ground with someone you absolutely do not trust. I started to watch him very closely during the campaign season. And when he mimicked and mocked a disabled journalist, I thought it was the most outrageous thing!

Waters veered further into crazy town, talking impeachment over Russia.

Brzezinski: Maxine, are there other members of congress who are taking such a hard line like you?

Waters: Well, I want you to know that most members of congress are not involved in the investigations and, you know, doing their own research, and following up on leads. I am. Uh, we hope that the intelligence committees will do that, but I don’t really have any faith in the house intelligence committee because Nunes, as you know, has discredited himself.

Wow – good thing we have Nancy Drew on the case! Following up on leads that the intel committees might miss!

Then Waters crosses party lines to shower John McCain with golden praise. Nothing says “establishment shills” like Russophobic Democrats and Republicans united against a President.

John McCain is an icon, he’s someone that’s highly respected… I really respect the fact that he was a prisoner of war, who suffered, you know, for seven years or so! And so I don’t think he’s forgotten how he was treated.

Liberal Donny Deutsch then tried to set Waters straight:

The reality is he’s our president. If he’s impeached, he’s impeached. But for today, tomorrow, and the next day, and on.. I don’t know if you’re acting in the best interests of your constituents of the Democratic party – coming out and saying “look, we all know the history of the grabbing of the genetalia, and everything that happened in the campaign. But we are now in reality – he’s our President, he’s our commander in chief, and things have to get done in this country. And to me, I don’t want to hear a member of my party just say “there’s no way I’m working with him on anything.” I don’t think that’s good for the party, I don’t think that’s good for the country, and I just don’t think that’s living in reality.

Waters slips back into her mechanical diatribe…

The rest of the interview consists of bewildered liberal hosts trying to understand why Waters refuses to work with the President, and more of the same from Waters.

“I don’t trust him, I’m not going to be able to work with him, I’m going to really press getting these investigations done to find out who he really is.”

The woman is fucking deranged.

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Hot Chocolate Speaks! Bill O’Reilly Accuser Comes Forward On ‘The View’

The New York Times reported earlier this month that five women have been paid a combined $13 million to settle three sexual harassment allegations against Bill O’Reilly – who has denied the claims. As an aside, my poor grandmother would be beside herself were she alive today, as she always loved ol’ “fuck it, we’ll do it live” Bill…

Bill’s three accusers are pictured below:

After an intense social media campaign and boycott, 21st Century Fox shitcanned the 20 year industry veteran – whose nightly spot was just given to Tucker Carlson – a huge win in my book. Unlike my dear grandmamma, I never liked O’Reilly.

Don’t feel bad for Bill though, he’s reportedly going to walk away with ‘tens of millions’ of dollars, with one source reporting the amount at $25 million. Whoa!

So pervy Bill just cost Fox a reported $38 million…

And just yesterday, O’Reilly’s most recent accuser – Perquita Burgess came forward, explaining to ‘The View’ how Bill O’Reilly’s unwanted “sexual” grunting progressed into a nickname: Hot Chocolate!

See below:

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Afghan Ex-President Karzai: ISIS Is A Tool Of The United States

In an interview with Voice of America (VOA) on Wednesday, ex-Afghan President Hamid Karzai – a former Washington Ally, made statements which go hand in hand with revelations from Wikileaks during the 2016 elections. Karzai criticized recent U.S. foreign policy – including the “weak” attack on an ISIS stronghold using the largest ever non-nuclear weapon (MOAB) which failed to wipe out the Islamic State – calling ISIS a tool of the United States:

I do not differentiate between Daesh [ISIS] and America… …I consider Daesh their tool. VOA

Prior to the 2016 US election, such assertions would seem outlandish – considering the fierce battle the U.S. has waged against ISIS – however, when one considers revelations contained within the Wikileaks email releases, a startling picture begins to emerge; Saudi Arabia and Qatar were major donors to the Clinton Foundation, and Saudi Arabia and Qatar funded ISIS.

In a leaked email sent on August 17, 2014 by Hillary Clinton to her current campaign manager, John Podesta, who back then was counselor to Barack Obama, she admitted that Qatar and Saudi Arabia “are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region.-ZeroHedge

Furthermore, the United States allegedly warned ISIS of pending attacks and gave them safe passage from Mosul, Iraq into Syria in order to violently co-opt the Arab Spring protests and ‘regime change’ Bashar Al Assad.

“More than 9,000 Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS, ISIL) militants will be redeployed from Mosul to the eastern regions of Syria to carry out a major offensive operation, which involves capturing Deir ez-Zor and Palmyra,” RT

Meanwhile, pictures of John McCain hopping around the Middle East to meet with alleged ISIS leadership have been cropping up, and video has emerged of what some believe to be evidence of the CIA / ISIS staging a beheading video:

Wikileaks’ Julian Assange provided historical context for how the ‘CIA created ISIS’ in Nov. 2016 comments:

In a statement to coincide with the release of the cables, known as “Carter Cables III”, Mr Assange explained how events which unfolded in 1979, had begun a series of events that led to the rise of ISIS.

He said: “If any year could be said to be the “year zero” of our modern era, 1979 is it.” Express.co.uk

In a nutshell:

  • The CIA’s decision to plow billions of dollars into arming the Mujahideen fighters in Afghanistan to fight the Soviet Union led to the creation of al-Qaeda.
    • “The invasion of Afghanistan by the USSR would see Saudi Arabia and the CIA push billions of dollars to Mujahideen fighters as part of Operation Cyclone, fomenting the rise of al-Qaeda and the eventual collapse of the Soviet Union.”
  • This, in turn, led to the 9/11 attacks – which resulted in the US invasion of Iraq and the Afghanistan (while Hamid Karzai was President).
    • “The rise of al-Qaeda eventually bore the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States, enabling the US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq and over a decade of war, leaving, at its end, the ideological, financial and geographic basis for ISIS.”

So if we piece together the narrative:

  • The United States created the conditions which led to the rise of the Islamic State (ISIS / ISIL and various offshoots), starting in 1979.
  • Al Qaeda and the Islamic State have been roaming around the Middle East causing chaos – providing justification for US involvement in the region – such as Afghanistan.
  • After ISIS was created in the “vacuum” of US troops leaving Iraq – they were well funded by Clinton / ‘deep state’ allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and sent into Syria to co-opt the Arab Spring protests into an all out civil war.
  • Hillary Clinton was supposed to have won the 2016 US election – and her stated plan was to align with ISIS in Syria for the purpose of regime change, while preventing Russia from defending Syrian President Bashar al Assad. This would have put the U.S. in direct military conflict with Russia.
  • Clinton lost, and it appeared Syrian regime change was off the table… until John McCain made a mysterious trip to Syria at the end of February.
  • A month later, President Trump bombed a Syrian airbase in response to alleged use of chemical weapons by Assad – while having a ‘beautiful piece of chocolate cake’ with Chinese President Xi. Evidence that Assad was behind the chemical attack was weak from the start, and has grown increasingly suspicious over time.
  • In response to the backlash from Trump’s base (who voted against Syrian involvement), Trump has stated that the United States simply bombed the airbase to ‘send a message’ and that we would not send troops into Syria.

That said – all it’s going to take to walk back on that statement are more ‘False Flag‘ chemical attacks pinned on Bashar Al Assad. Once a pattern is established and the case is made to the UN, Assad will be ‘regime changed’ and a new Western-friendly puppet government will allow that beautiful, shiny pipeline carrying rich, creamy (chocolate) Saudi / Qatari oil through the country.

If ISIS is in fact a “tool of the United States,” which was armed and funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, perhaps it explains why they have never attacked Israel – their ideological arch-enemy. Wouldn’t it be easy for ISIS to loan some of their military hardware to the Palestinians? In fact, the “ISIS tool” theory makes even more sense when you consider the recent alliance between the USA, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and a handful of Arab nations – organized by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with the stated goal of fighting ISIS and taking out Iran’s ‘regional ambitions.’

Perhaps Karzai was right; (Saudi backed) ISIS sets ’em up, the USA and our allies knock ’em down, and ISIS re-brands as a new enemy in the region after yet another successful destabilization campaign. Rinse and repeat.

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Elon Musk About To Bank An Eazy $1.4 Billion Bucks In $TSLA Options?

Elon Musk, worth an estimated $14 billion – primarily from his heavily subsidized ventures, stands to rake in an additional $1.4 billion in $TSLA options if Tesla Inc. is able to achieve six operational and market value targets by 2022, per a recent filing.

Musk, who was awarded 5.27 million stock options in 2012 tied to Tesla operational and market value targets, has achieved six of the 10 operational goals to date, up from five at this time last year, according to a proxy statement filed Thursday. The automaker has also met eight of the 10 market value milestones, up from seven last year, the filing shows. Bloomberg

As of this writing, Tesla delivered 25,000 electric vehicles in the first quarter (subject to board confirmation), satisfying the “Aggregate production of 200,000 vehicles” milestone.

In addition to production targets, Tesla’s gross margin must remain above 30% for at least four consecutive quarters (which has ranged from 19 – 28% over the last year), and it’s market value must remain above $43.2 billion for at least six months – or $270 per share.

Musk can cash in on the options if Tesla hits the targets ahead of schedule, worth approximately $1.4 billion as of Thursday’s close.


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UC Berkeley Cancels Ann Coulter Speech, Then Flip-Flops After Coulter Calls Bluff – UPDATE: ANN REJECTS!


As previously reported, UC Berkeley canceled, then rescheduled an Ann Coulter speech on campus from April 27th to the first week in May when students aren’t on campus!

Ann laid it out in a series of tweets:

UC Berkeley has un-canceled a speech by conservative author and commentator Ann Coulter, originally nix’d over security concerns after violence erupted last weeked at Berkeley’s Civic Center Park. After the cancellation, a defiant Coulter said she was going to give the speech anyway – telling Fox’s Tucker Carlson “What are they going to do, arrest me?”

Berkeley’s decision to cancel Coulter’s speech fueled speculation that the notoriously liberal campus was targeting speakers with conservative views, however the cancelation was apparently in response to “specific intelligence” that Coulter would be in danger:

“Our police department has made it clear that they have very specific intelligence regarding threats that could pose a grave danger to the speaker, attendees and those who may wish to lawfully protest this event,” said Berkeley chancellor Nicholas Dirks  CBS

And 24 hours later, after a growing backlash against the cancellation, Berkeley – the birthplace of the free speech movement of the 1960s, has now un-canceled Coulter, offering to let her speak in early May at a ‘more secure’ venue.

Perhaps they could have decided on a more secure venue in the first place?

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Whitewashed! Instead Of Allahu Akbar, AP Reports #Fresno Killer Shouted ‘God Is Great’ (In Arabic)

Political correctness is a plague (and possibly a KGB long-con if you have 13 minutes to watch this). While cucked millennials and their hamster brained parents have been inculcated into the kneejerk cult of liberalism, people shouldn’t have to walk on eggshells during a crisis. Point in case; during the June 12th 2016 Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida, Reddit moderators in the /r/news and /r/lgbt forums began furiously deleting all posts referencing the fact that the shooter, Omar Mateen, was Muslim. The result? A flood of Redditors from notoriously liberal ‘subreddits’ hopped over the pro-Trump ‘The_Donald’ forum, where moderators allowed pertinent details of the shooting to rise to the top. The result was nearly 18,000 new subscribers over a two day period – a jump of almost 13%.

Here are a few of the top posts in the_donald the day after the shooting:

So during a rapidly unfolding crisis, political correctness took a backseat to timely, accurate, factual information – and thousands of people subscribed to a pro-Trump forum. Fascinating. It’s as if people want to know the precise details, not a whitewashed PC version of the facts (such as CNN’s refusal to mention skin color during the Cleveland manhunt of a black guy who livestreamed himself committing a murder over the weekend).

Sadly, the MSM is continues to choose political correctness over factual reporting…

A horrific shooting took place yesterday in Fresno, CA which left three people dead – all white. After the incident – now ruled a hate crime, it was reported that the 39 year old shooter, Kori Ali Muhammad, shouted “Allahu Akbar” while being arrested – and that his Facebook page was riddled with violently anti-white postings – which referenced “white devils” and included the phrase “Allahu Akbar”

Except AP didn’t exactly report it that way…

Not until we delve into the story does AP bother to mention the shooter’s motivation; his Islamic faith and a seething hatred of white people…

On what appeared to be Kori Ali Muhammad’s Facebook page, he repeatedly posted “#LetBlackPeopleGo” and encouraged “black warriors” to “mount up.”

A posting Monday says, “My kill rate increases tremendously on the other side.” He also posted about “white devils” and on several occasions, posted status updates that included the phrase “Allahu Akbar,” or “God is great” in Arabic. –AP

Now watch ABC astonishingly report that the victims were ‘chosen at random’ according to police – before running a clip of the Chief of Police laying out exactly why the killer did it!

Meanwhile, this is why alternative media is winning hearts and minds:

Fox gets it:

Considering this attack was both anti-white and done in the name of Allah, how can Islam begin to fix it’s problems if the MSM won’t acknowledge they exist?

Well put…

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MSNBC’s Craig Melvin Calls Out Maxine Waters For Impeachment Tweet – Then She Lies On Live TV!

The left couldn’t have produced a more retarded liar than Maxine “Putin is advancing into Korea” Waters… who on several occasions has called for Trump’s impeachment; over Twitter, in interviews, and recently in a chant she led at an anti-Trump rally. Today on MSNBC, host Craig Melvin called Waters out for her rhetoric – reading her most recent tweet on the topic, then letting her mechanically run her ventriloquist puppet mouth about Russia. When Melvin suggests perhaps waiting for an investigation before indicting Trump – Waters tries to backtrack, and it doesn’t go well…

Craig Melvin: Should we wait to call for impeachment until we have the answers to some of the questions?

Maxine Waters: I have not called for impeachment…

Craig Melvin: You said you’re going to fight every day until he’s impeached!

Maxine Waters: Yeah, but here’s what I’ve said… Here’s what I’ve said…

Some of the tweets in question:

Talk to the hand Maxine… you’re full of shit.


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Michael Savage Reminds Us What Trump Has Accomplished So Far

After criticizing Trump’s swagger last week for enjoying a ‘beautiful’ chocolate cake with China’s President Xi Jinping before informing him the USA was lobbing 59 tomahawk missiles into Syria, radio host Michael Savage has slipped into a rare spell of optimism – spelling out Trump’s accomplishments thus far:

So while concessions have clearly been made to the ‘deep state’ over Syria and NATO – perhaps to fend off the ongoing Russophobic witch hunt by the neocons, Michael Savage laid out more than a few examples of things moving in the right direction. Perhaps the flip-flops are just “art of the deal: DC edition,” where compromise is necessary to gain political capital. Trump isn’t a dictator, after all. That said, the whole Jared / Ivanka / Dina Powell / Gary Cohn / McMaster infiltration will continue to be troublesome – especially if Bannon is ever out of the picture. We didn’t vote for liberal advisors and regime change, after all – and the usual suspects seem to be quite pleased with Trump’s Goldman Sachs and Petraeus-connected staff. Hopefully Trump will be able to add to his list of campaign promises without being pulled further into the swamp.

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CENSORSHIP: Google Contractors Instructed To Rank InfoWars As Untrustworthy

In the ongoing war between left-leaning media giants and conservative content providers, Google admitted Monday that one of the vendors they use for ranking websites had singled out InfoWars.com as an example of a site with “low-to-medium” reliability – after media personality Mike Cernovich shared screenshots showing the obvious bias.

A vendor hired by Google employs contractors to rate the websites that appear in its search results — the rating is used to improve search quality, helping Google’s automated search algorithm prioritize higher-rated, reliable information.

In examining how the staffers working as website “raters” should evaluate a “rather poor site,” the contractor pointed to InfoWars, advising raters to consider the quality of the information and its reputation. –Business Insider

When reached for comment, Google distanced themselves from the vendor, stating:

In this instance, we have confirmed that a vendor we work with sent out more detailed instructions to some raters without our knowledge, which included references to specific sites,” the spokesperson said. “This is in conflict with the intent of our guidelines and the vendor has taken action to remove these references in their training module

Cernovich called for peaceful protests outside of Google headquarters after he shared the screenshots on InfoWars Monday, revealing the “marching orders” for google’s paid arbiters of appropriate content.

This latest assault on conservative media comes less than 8 weeks after liberal ad agency AdRoll “fired” InfoWars, denying them millions in ad revenue.

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Meet North Korea’s Elite Special Forces Team – With Action Pack Grenade Launchers!

Welp, Kim Jong Un is fucked.

North Korean Cartman unveiled his “special forces” squad last weekend – trained to defend him to the death in the event of attempted regime change. Marching along in matching camo face paint, truckstop sunglasses, press-fit grenadier rifles, and ‘Johnny 5’ night-vision binoculars – N. Korea’s best of the best looks like a bunch of extras from the next Expendables.

‘Once Supreme Commander Kim Jong-un issues an order they will charge with resolve to thrust a sword through the enemy’s heart like lightning over Mount Paektu [the country’s highest peak],’ a broadcaster announced on North Korean state TV. –Daily Mail

Quick observation – look at those chest-holstered pistols. Imagine yourself reaching for that weapon in combat; arm all high, elbow out awkwardly, grip at armpit level. Does that seem well thought out?

If anything, this would be where you’d want a chest mounted pistol – center of mass or cross-draw.


And where do US Special forces holster their sidearms? ON THEIR FUCKING SIDES!

I don’t think these guys are too worried about Kim’s elite forces:

‘Murica bitches…

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