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MSNBC’s Chuck Todd Blasts Sarah Huckabee Sanders For Calling Out MSM Bias

MSNBC’s Chuck Todd attempted to attack the credibility of the White House and it’s Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders over her recommendation that viewers take a look at the new Project Veritas video, claiming that because Sanders hadn’t personally verified it’s contents that she was peddling Fake News.

“We take what we do seriously, because trust, viewers, and reader’s trust is all we have – and without that, we’re nothing. We get fired for not telling the truth.”

“Of course the White House attacks – delegitimize the media to create running room for it’s version of events.”

Todd then goes on to attack Sanders for recommending that people take a look at the Project Veritas undercover video which featured a CNN Producer admitting that the Russia narrative has been pushed for ratings, and is “mostly BS.” Huckabee said “whether it’s accurate or not, I don’t know – I think if it is accurate, it is a disgrace to all of media, to all of journalism.”

This wasn’t good enough for Chuck Todd – who responded “Excuse me? You got that? I don’t know whether it’s accurate or not but go check it out because it disgraces you? Seriously? And that’s been this White House’s MO – peddle a false story to claim the media is telling false stories?

SORRY CHUCK – CNN confirmed the authenticity of their producer’s words to the Project Veritas operative, and the network said he would be able to keep his job because they value diversity. So, Chuckathan, the O’Keefe video is NOT Fake News, and Sarah Huckabee Sanders was simply stating that she hadn’t personally verified the video’s authenticity.

Bonifield didn’t know that he was being taped, according to a person familiar with the matter who was not authorized to comment publicly. The network is not disciplining Bonifield, and CNN editors are treating the comment as Bonifield’s personal thoughts expressed in a non-official capacity, the person said.

“CNN stands by our medical producer John Bonifield.  Diversity of personal opinion is what makes CNN strong, we welcome it and embrace it,” CNN said in a statement. –USA Today

And Chuck, I think the Media has done an excellent job of delegitimizing itself


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Dopey Playboy WH Correspondent Milks Spotlight By Verbally Attacking Mike Cernovich On Camera

Playboy Magazine White House correspondent Brian Karem has risen to recent notoriety as the MSM’s White House Press Corps defender-in-chief. After Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders addressed the topic of MSM bias on Tuesday – referencing an undercover video released by Project Veritas featuring a CNN Producer effectively admitting that the network is Fake News, the Playboy White House correspondent decided enough was enough.

Perhaps sensing an opportunity to make some big boy friends in the MSM snake-pit, Karem shot up and issued a whiny condemnation of Sanders for “inflaming everybody right here.” Karem’s impassioned diatribe was immediately shot down by Press Secretary Sanders, and was criticized as a lame attempt to seek relevancy by many – including porn star Jenna Jameson.


Outside of the White House, Playboy’s Faked Crusader stormed up to alt-right journalist Mike Cernovich in an expletive-laden faux rage – accusing Cernovich of having an opinion.

“You don’t understand journalism. You don’t understand what we’re really here for… You’re like every other god-damned guy who comes in here with a fu*kin’ opinion, and instead of listening, you wanna grandstand at the end of a god-damned meeting

Says the guy who was grandstanding at the end of a meeting…

Cernovich said he wanted to hold the left accountable for their actions, which Karem rebuked. After patiently waiting for his turn to talk, Cernovich then disarmed Karem – asking him what he thought about Obama prosecuting more journalists under the Espionage Act than any other president. The exasperated Karem then said “Don’t get me started, that pisses me off too!”

To top it off, after Karem began his diatribe criticizing Cernovich’s right to free speech for being like “every other god-damned guy who comes in here with a fu*kin’ opinion,” the Playboy correspondent then offers up a cliché “I disagree with what you have to say, but will defend to the death your right to say it.”

At the end of the exchange, we see Brian Karem ‘come out of character’ as Cernovich offers him a handshake…

Watch this guy school himself into irrelevancy…

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Pornstar Jenna Jameson Slams WH Playboy Reporter For Sassing Sarah Huckabee Sanders

During Tuesday’s White House Press conference, Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders dropped several MOABs on Fake News following the release of a James O’Keefe / Project Veritas video featuring CNN Health producer John Bonifield, admitting that the Russia narrative against President Trump was for ratings, calling it “Mostly B.S.” pushed by CNN CEO Jeff Zucker.

In response to Sanders’ verbal beatdown of CNN, the White House correspondent for Playboy Magazine, Brian Karem attempted an impassioned defense of the Very Fake News Network – only to be shut down in similar fashion.

Karem: “You’re inflaming everybody right here, right now with those words… Why in the name of heavens… any one of us, right, are replaceable… You have been elected to serve four years at least! There’s no option other than that.

What you just did is inflammatory to people all over the country who look at us and say “see, once again. The President’s right, and everybody else out here is fake media. And everybody in this room is just trying to do their job.

Sanders: I disagree completely. First of all, I think if anything has been inflamed it’s the dishonesty that often takes place by the news media. And I think it is outrageous for you to accuse me of inflaming a story when I was simply trying to respond to his question.

(Skip to 3:30)

Enter Jenna Jameson

In response to Karem’s sweaty outburst, conservative porn star Jenna Jameson had words for the Playboy correspondent, telling Breitbart News that the magazine is “out of touch” and a “failed attempt by liberals” at publicity:


Project Veritas just released a second video this week of CNN personality Van Jones admitting that the Russia investigation is a “nothing burger.”

Perhaps Lord Kek will bless us with another amazing White House press conference…

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O’Keefe Strikes Again! CNN’s Van Jones Says Russia “Big Nothing Burger”

James O’Keefe has released a second undercover video at CNN – this time capturing long time commentator Van Jones admitting that the Russia story is a big “nothing burger.”

The release comes on the heels of a first James O’Keefe / Project Veritas video featuring CNN Health producer John Bonifield admitting that the Russia narrative against President Trump was for ratings, calling it “Mostly B.S.” pushed by CNN CEO Jeff Zucker.

Will CNN ever recover? (they won’t)

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JOBS: Samsung To Open $380 Million Appliance Plant In South Carolina

Samsung Electronics Co Ltd has announced plans for a $380 million plant in South Carolina to manufacture home appliances – a move expected to create 954 local jobs by 2020.

“With this investment, Samsung is reaffirming its commitment to expanding its U.S. operations and deepening our connection to the American consumers, engineers and innovators,” said Samsung Electronics America President and CEO Tim Baxter.

The announcement comes one day before South Korean President Moon Jae-in is scheduled to visit the White House, and exactly four months after competitor LG announced a $250 million washing machine plant in Clarksville, Tennessee set to open in 2019.

Samsung’s plans have apparently been in the works for some time. In February, President Trump retweeted a story from Axios (via Reuters) regarding the opening of a factory in the U.S.

Samsung responded, saying they had felt pressured by the President, and that nothing had been decided yet.

“We feel pressured for (President Trump) thanking Samsung because nothing has been decided yet, but it could give the wrong impression that Samsung may have done something (as he wished),” an unidentified industry official told the site.” -Business Insider

Samsung is the latest in a growing list of companies giving Trump credit for job creation or investments in the United States. Prior to Trump’s inauguration, Dow Chemical ($DOW), Carrier (owned by $UTX), Sprint ($S), OneWeb, and IBM ($IBM) all gave credit to Trump for bringing thousands of jobs back to the USA – including GM ($GM), which announced a $1 billion investment in US Factories that is expected to result in 7,000 jobs, and a Lockheed Martin ($LMT) announcement of 1,800 jobs added to it’s F-35 fighter jet program.

Japan’s Softbank has also pledged to invest $50 Billion in the United States (a deal in the works before Trump’s election), and Japanese PM Abe is reported to be putting together a US investment package which could generate 700,000 US jobs.

Last but not least, on February 8th, Intel ($INTC) announced a $7 billion investment in a new plant in Arizona, expected to result in at least 10,000 Jobs.

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Sarah Palin Sues New York Times For Fake News, Dontcha Know

Sarah Palin filed a lawsuit in Manhattan on Tuesday against the New York Times for publishing FAKE NEWS. In a June 14 editorial following the shooting of Congressman Steve Scalise, the paper published an easily fact-checked claim about the former Governor of Alaska, claiming Palin ‘politically incited’ gunman Jared Lee Loughner, who shot former Arizona Congresswoman Gabby Giffords in the head during a 2011 mass shooting. Giffords survived the shooting and resigned from congress.

Gabby Giffords wheeled away after 2011 shooting in Tucson, AZ.

The article, titled Ameica’s Lethal Politics, also incorrectly claimed that Palin’s PAC published a map which depicted Giffords underneath stylized crosshairs, suggesting it was a “clear” link to the shooting:

‘In 2011, when Jared Lee Loughner opened fire in a supermarket parking lot, grievously wounding Representative Gabby Giffords and killing six people, including a 9-year-old girl, the link to political incitement was clear.

‘Before the shooting, Sarah Palin’s political action committee circulated a map of targeted electoral districts that put Ms. Giffords and 19 other Democrats under stylized cross hairs.

‘Though there’s no sign of incitement as direct as in the Giffords attack, liberals should of course hold themselves to the same standard of decency that they ask of the right.’


Despite the New York Times issuing a correction clarifying that no link had ever been drawn between Palin’s ad and the shooting, Palin wasn’t satisfied – suing the New York Times for an article her attorneys referred to as “fabricated.”

‘Mrs. Palin brings this action to hold The Times accountable for falsely stating to millions of people that she, a devoted wife, mother and grandmother, who committed a substantial portion of her adult life to public service, is part of a pattern of “lethal​” politics and responsible for inciting an attack that seriously injured numerous people and killed six, including a nine-year-old girl who, at that time, was the same age as Mrs. Palin’s youngest daughter.’ –New York Post

The New York Times says it has not reviewed the lawsuit, however a spokesman told the DailyMail that they intended to defend the article “vigorously.”


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Grandma Yellen Bakes Hope Cookies – Says Another Financial Crisis ‘Not Likely In Our Lifetime’

Fed Chair Janet Yellen told a room full of stuffy Brits on Tuesday that another financial disaster like the 2008 credit crisis was not likely “in our lifetime,” as banks are “very much stronger.”

Coming from the 70 year old Yellen, whose life expectancy is 86 years old, the message is clear; an almost guaranteed 16 years of unmitigated cocaine rallies lie ahead! 

After all, the Fed is prepared to do all sorts of neat things the next time SHTF, like the directly buying stocks and corporate bonds of any entity deemed “too big to fail.”

“I think the public can see the capital positions of the major banks are very much stronger this year,” said Yellen. “All of the firms passed the quantitative parts of the stress tests.”

I think the system is much safer and much sounder,” she said. “We are doing a lot more to try to look for financial stability risks that may not be immediately apparent but to look in corners of the financial system that are not subject to regulation, outside those areas in order to try to detect threats to financial stability that may be emerging.”

Yellen and crew are doing such amazing work – looking in ‘corners of the financial system’ and whatnot to keep us safe.

Excellent news Grandma! 

While Ben Bernanke made similar bold statements during the credit crisis, calling the subprime mortgage market “contained,” I’m sure Janet Yellen’s crystal ball is a bit more accurate after nearly 10 years to recover and strengthen the banking sector.

Perhaps US banks will even be robust enough to bail out Europe the next time Deutsche Bank ($DB) or Italy’s Monte Paschi, need MOAR emergency bailouts.

In March, Deutsche Bank was forced to raise an emergency 8 billion Euros – a move which CEO Johyn Cryan previously called a “last resort” – bringing their total raised over the last 18 months to 30 billion Euros!

Meanwhile, Italy’s Monte Paschi received special permission from the Italian government and the EU to tap Italy’s Treasury instead of the European Central Bank for an 8.8 billion bailout.

So – while the US banking sector will apparently be in great shape for at least the rest of Grandma Yellen’s natural life, let’s hope that the EU can hold itself together so we can avoid the mother of all global bailouts the next time the cocaine runs out.

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CNN Exposed In Undercover Sting – Producer Admits Russia Story Fake News Pushed For Ratings

The investigative journalists at Project Veritas has done it again! Known for their undercover sting operations, such as the one which exposed the DNC’s highly organized network of professional agitators sent to disrupt Trump rallies, voter fraud, or the undercover operation which led to the arrests of Antifa thugs planning to disrupt an the inauguration “deploraball” event.

This time, the organization led by James O’Keefe has infiltrated CNN!

A PV journalist covertly filmed a candid discussion with CNN producer John Bonifield, where the “Very Fake News” network employee admitted that the whole Russia story against President Trump is nothing more than a ratings grab by CNN’s CEO Jeff Zucker – based on the fact that most of CNN’s liberal audience wants to see the President go down in flames.

Bonifield also admitted that he hasn’t seen any evidence of President Trump committing a crime.

PV Journalist: So you believe the Russia thing is a little crazy, right?

John Bonifield: Even if Russia was trying to swing an election, we try to swing their elections, our CIA is doing shit all the time, we’re out there trying to manipulate governments.

I haven’t seen any good enough evidence to show that the President committed a crime.

I know a lot of people don’t like him and they’d like to see him get kicked out of office…. but that’s a lot different than he actually did something that can get him kicked out of office.

Russia is for ratings!

PV Journalist: Why is CNN constantly like “Russia this, Russia that?”

Bonifield: Because it’s ratings. Our ratings are incredible right now.

My boss, I shouldn’t say this, my boss yesterday we were having a discussion about this dental shoot and he was like I just want you to know what we’re up against here. Just to give you some context, President Trump pulled out of the climate accords. For a day and a half we covered the climate accords. And the CEO of CNN [Jeff Zucker] said in our internal meeting, he said good job everybody covering the climate accords, but we’re done with it. Let’s get back to Russia.

But all the nice cutesy little ethics that used to get talked about in journalism school, you’re just like, that’s adorable. That’s adorable. This is a business.

True feelings about Russia…

John Bonifield was asked directly what he thinks about Russia… and responded with what many on the right have been saying for months; If it was something really good, it would have already leaked:

PV Journalist: But honestly, you think the whole Russia shit is just bullshit?

Bonifield: Could be bullshit. I mean, it’s mostly bullshit right now. Like, we don’t have any giant proof. Then they say, “well there’s still an investigation going on.” I don’t know, if they were finding something we would know about it. They way these leaks happen, they would leak it. They’d leak. If it was something really good, it’d leak.

I just feel like they don’t really have it but they want to keep digging. And so I think the President is probably right to say, like “look, you are witch hunting me. You have no smoking gun, you have no real proof.”

Watch here:


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Even CNN Has Limits (and lawyers) – Deletes Very Fake News Story On Trump-Russia And Fires Three Hacks

Who knew CNN had standards? After the Very Fake News network was caught utterly fabricating a story in which they linked Trump associate Anthony Scaramucci to a Kremlin-controlled investment fund – a story which was completely false.

Upon being called out for peddling fiction – perhaps because they would 100% lose in court – the network pulled the story, issued an Editor’s note stating that the article didn’t “meet CNN’s editorial standards” (lol), and fired three people involved with it’s publication.

Hilariously, Washington Post’s criticism includes the fact that CNN only used one anonymous source vs. the cadre of mysterious insiders they consistently pull out of their ass.

Reporter Thomas Frank, editor Eric Lichtblau, and the executive editor of “CNN Investigates,” Lex Haris were all fired as a result.

“In the aftermath of the retraction of a story published on CNN.com, CNN has accepted the resignations of the employees involved in the story’s publication.” –CNN

ONE CNN source told the Washington Post Regarding the personnel changes “The individuals all stated that they accepted responsibility and wanted to resign.”

Anthony Scaramucci, the target of CNN’s hit piece, approves:

BTFO! Will they ever recover?

Tucker nails it…

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Conspiracy Theorist Spook John Schindler Swears Trump Is Going To Jail, For Reals

Former NSA analyst and Naval War College professor, John Schindler, is quite a piece of work. Since being fired for emailing a woman pictures of his dick, blowing up his marriage – this member of the Deep State’s ‘best and brightest’ spends time making provocative tweets alluding to Donald Trump’s impeachment, jailing, or assassination – drawing parallels to globalist nutcase Louise Mensch.

One is reminded of a January tweet in which Schindler was sure they were “taking out traitor Trump now” – accidentally outing the Washington Post’s David Ignatius as the newspaper’s CIA mouthpiece:

Then there was that time in February where Schindler said that the Intelligence Community (IC) was going to “go nuclear” and that (presumably) Trump will “die in jail.”

Four months later, and John’s “senior IC friend” appears to have been a bit premature, given how slowly that whole “getting Trump into jail” part is going.

Since it’s a Monday, Schindler decided to run with ‘Trump going to prison’ again – swearing that a “Trusted member of Trump’s inner circle” has told those closest to him that he and Trump are going to prison.

Oh man – so with the full suite of deep state surveillance and analysis tools at their disposal, Trump’s enemies haven’t been able to cobble together anything resembling a legitimate case against the President thus far… but now John Schindler’s sources are sure shit’s going down and Trump will be in prison before long.

Some people aren’t buying it…

Sensing he was losing the crowd, Schindler’s next tweet implied that our Foreign Intel partners have the dirt that’s going to put Trump in jail…

So there you have it Trumpsters – the President is finished. All hail President Pence!

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