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Berkeley Antifa Attacker Unmasked As UC Employee? CNN and Young Turks Lookin’ So Dumb

Today, propagandists on the left attempted to change the narrative over the violent “Antifa” riots, suggesting that Trump supporters were secretly behind the group’s spate of violent terrorist acts since the election:

Earlier today, the ultra-liberal, Armenian Holocaust denyingTalcumX hiring, “better than you” elitists – also known as “The Young Turks,” started furiously parroting these Alisnsky tactics to cast doubt on just who keeps co-opting student protests and turning them violent…

Thursday night, TYT’s Ana Kasparian – a horrible human being, introduced the question of just who IS this Antifa?


Don’t worry Ana – Twitter user Pave Darker (@PaveDarker) has your back, hack.

In a nutshell: A violent Antifa attacker bragged about beating up a Trump supporter over Twitter. In that user’s profile, @PaveDarker found a link to the attacker’s Facebook account with his real name [Note: This man is a suspect – name withheld from this post pending official investigation]:




Witness journalism in action Ana:


Mmmm hmm:


Deeper we go:


And this $69,824K/year Antifa rebel appears to be a “Digital Comm Spec 4” at Berkeley:




The authorities have been notified, and the UC Employee is thought to be in New York right now. Developing…


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VIDEO: Rabid NYU Professor Melts Down, Orders Cops To Assault Conservative “Vice” Co-Founder Gavin McInnes

11 people were arrested at NYU Thursday night when Anti-fascist fascists tried to organize a second night of protests riots to shut down the free speech of yet another conservative thinker on campus – this time being Canadian writer, actor, comedian and (no longer affiliated) Vice Co-founder Gavin McInnes. The NYPD wasn’t taking any chances after what happened at UC Berkeley Wednesday night, and showed up in force – though it wasn’t enough to prevent mollycoddled trust fund purse-dogs from shutting McInnes’ event down with intense yapping (video below).

If there’s a silver lining to the death of free speech on yet another US college campus, it’s exposing people like this slobbering NYU professor who had a total meltdown over McInnes’ mere presence. Her profanity-laced tirade is a perfect example of  the type of fanatical, ignorant, intolerant, hyper-sensitized liberalism that US educators are steeping future generations in.

She’s shrieking at the cops to assault Gavin McInnessbecause the students shouldn’t have to.”

These are KIDS who are trying to LEEEEARN about HUMANIDY


McInnes, having been pepper sprayed earlier in the day, was ambushed during his speech by a group of triggered snowflakes. When a NYU student affairs rep intervened to remind the students of NYU’s proud tradition of free speech, the enraged trust fund babies turned on him too! Then, when McInnes called the ringleader down to debate, the future of America just stared back cow-eyed, robotically chanting “who’s campus? Our campus!”

This isn’t the first time McInnes has dealt with Antifa. Here he is relaying his experience with rioting children at the Deploraball January 19th:

aidsbjornAn aside: hacker 4chan pointed out that this guy standing in the background looks like “Bjorn” from the “He Will Not Divide Us” snowflake therapy cam in NY from last week.

What do you think?




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FBI Allegedly Investigating Mayor of Berkeley, CA For Inciting Riot And Ordering Police to Stand Down – CNN Doing Damage Control

Last night, domestic terrorists on the UC Berkeley campus successfully barred conservative gay Jew Milo Yinnopoulos from expressing his opinion, after Antifa-incited riots closed down a speaking engagement. CNN – by the way, is in full propaganda damage control mode over this. Check out the CNN app notification popup:


And check out this headline:



Are you kidding me? 

As fires raged and Trump supporters were assaulted with shovels and pepper spray by masked anarchists, the mayor of Berkeley, CA, Jesse Arreguin, allegedly ordered SWAT and campus police to stand down.

Here’s a picture from a redditor claiming to be 100 officers hanging out in the student union building while the violence was occurring (post):


A comment in the thread:


In comes the cavalry?

According to Mike Cernovich, Trump’s FBI is investigating:

Mayor Arreguin denies he ordered them to stand down:


We shall see…

Cernovich has put out the call for any victims of violence at last night’s riots:

There are still some heroes left in the world, extinguishing bullshit.

Meanwhile, the rabid left is calling for a military coup.


You’re being ridiculous Sarah – and you’re a moron if you think the military isn’t with Trump. By the way:

U.S. Code 2385:

Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or

Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or

Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

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Kellyanne Conway Dispenses Parental Advice to Rioting Antifa Snowflakes

Today on Fox & Friends, Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway, mother of four, had some harsh words for tantruming liberal snowflakes across the country:

I don’t even know if they know what they’re protesting. What’s got you so in a lather? Really? Is it free speech? Having somebody maybe on your campus who has a dissenting point of view?

Kellyanne goes on to remind them that when they eventually grow up, they will face divergent opinions!

In the real world, when these kids grow up and try to find jobs, which they will in the Trump economy – life doesn’t work that way, folks. You’re going to work with people who disagree with you, you’re going to encounter people who aren’t just cosseting you in this protective environment.

Watch here:



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After Berkeley Students And Antifa Silence Milo’s Tiny Speech, Tucker Carlson Gives Him National Spotlight

Last night a combination of UC Berkeley students and Antifa assholes shut down a Milo Yiannopoulos speech on campus, hurling rocks and spraying mace on innocent Trump supporters. The hilarious part is that by limiting Milo’s free speech to a relatively small audience, these young socialists inadvertently exposed his ideas to millions of people on Fox News, after Tucker Carlson had him on to explain what happened;

Here’s Milo’s official response:

While trying to rack my brain to understand what’s wrong with these kids, I remembered that almost everything about liberal millennials is a hypocritical failure – starting with their selfish hippie parents who refused to grow the fuck up and instill life lessons, like “don’t limit someone’s free speech” and “don’t set your fucking school on fire.” Who am I kidding? These parents have nothing to offer. Too busy and narcissistic, they allowed the hyper-liberal public school system to raise their children, leaving their offspring woefully unprepared to leave the nest and full of textbook rage.

Now, I can’t completely blame the parents, liberal or conservative. To get into Berkeley (and similar), a kid pretty much has to give up all semblance of a life in high school – missing out on key character-building milestones which are best learned before adulthood; hard work, going to parties, getting laid, blowing off a weekend to fuck around at the lake, etc. These are all activities I don’t imagine most Berkeley students had time for in high school thanks to their 4 hour homework regimen for that 4.42 average incoming freshman GPA. There’s a reason their generation identifies as awkward waifu-pillow humping robosexuals. They are bred to be betas, and I can’t imagine what miserable train-wrecks their children are going to be.

In short – lazy parenting, zero work experience, and no social life turns these kids into sociopathic, reactionary, empty shelled pseudo-intellectuals without a moral compass or coping skills. Many of these failures to launch return home with a completely useless $100K degree, browbeating their mothers like little prince Fauntleroys while plastered to the couch they grew up on. They troll around on Facebook regurgitating “equality” and “diversity,” except when the shit hits the fan – like if they don’t get their way, or when faced with a different opinion.

These adult children are simply unable to cope.

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No Brakes: Jeff Sessions, Steve Mnuchin And Tom Price Sent Through For Senate Approval

jeff-sessions-feature-hero-2After days of grilling and procedural delays by butt-hurt Democrats seeking petty revenge for getting destroyed in the election, the Senate Judiciary Committee finally voted 11-9 to advance Jeff Sessions as nominee for attorney general. The approval comes two days after acting Attorney General Sally Yates was fired for refusing to honor President Trump’s Executive Order on immigration.

Sessions’ nomination had been opposed by civil rights groups over claims he made racially insensitive remarks about African Americans. From The Hill:

Civil rights groups have been pushing Democrats to reject the Alabamian who lost a confirmation fight in 1986 for a federal judgeship over those claims, and lawmakers seized the opportunity over two days of hearings to question him about his remarks as well as his record on voting rights.

I do not harbor those kinds of animosities and race-based ideas I was accused of,” Sessions said when questioned by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.).

For the unaware, Jeff Sessions is the guy who’s going to put Hillary in jail – notwithstanding an 11th hour Obama pardon we don’t know about yet. Update: NO PARDON BITCHES!

Steve Mnuchin and Tom Price sent through as well:

Earlier in the day, Treasury and HHS cabinet picks Steve Mnuchin and Tom Price were advanced by the Senate Finance Committee for final Senate approval. This comes on the heels of a Tuesday boycott by senate Democrats, which resulted in an unprecedented “fuck you, we’re doing it anyway” rule change by Republicans, requiring Democrats be present for the vote – a move Sen. Orin Hatch (R-UT) called “unprecedented actions” in response to “unprecedented obstruction.”

Still no word on what the fuck was going on with Mnuchin’s face the other week:


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Nancy Pelosi Caught Coaching Congressman On Hot Mic: “Tell ‘Em You’re A Muslim”

When Nancy Pelosi isn’t making millions in exchange for ambassadorships or trying to dismantle the 2nd amendment from the safety of her ivory tower, the Congresswoman from California enjoys parading minorities around to shill for various causes.

In response to President Trump’s Executive Order on immigration, Pelosi trotskied out Indiana Congressman Andre Carson to give an impassioned speech about diversity. After she introduced Carson as a “Muslim member of congress,”  ol ‘Nancy wanted to make extra sure that his religious credentials were prominently displayed – which Carson promptly parroted. Oh, and he used to be a police officer!

On that whole Police Officer thing – as radio host and regular Fox News commentator Kevin Jackson discovered:

Andre Carson (D-IN)…fuels the perception that he is a former cop from a tough Indianapolis neighborhood. As it turns out, Carson was raised by his politician grandmother.  As a “cop,” Carson enforced sales tax collection from local retailers, or what is known as an “excise officer.” Not exactly patrolling the “mean streets” of Indiana. -theBlackSphere

What a tool…


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Starbucks Takes Venti Deuce On Unemployed Citizens, Pledges To Hire 10,000 Refugees Worldwide – Boycott Ensues

In protest of President Trump’s Executive Order on immigration, Starbucks – the employee abusing, non-organic Milk using, GMO Peddling, former TPP Negotiation Privy, Ethiopian farmer screwing coffee company has decided to try it’s hand at “Conscious Capitalism” by announcing a plan to hire 10,000 refugees worldwide over the next 5 years – depriving jobs to 10,000 citizens across the globe.

This isn’t the first time Starbucks and Trump have been at odds;

Trump’s relationship with the coffee company is complicated, to say the least. Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz endorsed Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election, whereas Trump once told supporters to boycott the company because they didn’t say “Christmas” on their red cups for the holiday season…

In what may be a response, Trump supporters are using the hashtag #TrumpCup to taunt Starbucks employees and make them call out the President-elect’s name Mediaite

Sunday’s announcement on refugee hires, made in a letter to employees, has been met with fierce backlash, as well as many committing to switch to Dunkin’ Donuts, whose shares were up today.  The hashtag #BoycottStarbucks is predictably making it’s way around Twitter, which has of course resulted in hilarity, including a new nickname with several contenders for the logo.


And of course, there’s Twitter:

Based Amy Mek reminds us of Starbucks’ willing participation in the institutionalized mistreatment of women (while they installed a “gender segregation wall” of course):












It will be interesting to keep an eye on $SBUX and $DNKN over the next few days if this picks up steam:



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Ted Cruz Issues Scorching Takedown After DNC’s Rectal Prolapse Over Firing Of (Acting) Attorney General Sally Yates

As Fly reported earlier, Obama activist (acting) Attorney General Sally Yates drew a defiant line in the sand today, refusing to comply with Trump’s executive order on immigration.

“as long as I am the Acting Attorney General, the Department of Justice will not present arguments in defense of the Executive Order, unless and until I become convinced that it is appropriate to do so.”

Shortly thereafter, Trump responded:

A couple of hours later,


Yates was fired for “Betraying the Department of Justice”

The acting Attorney General, Sally Yates, has betrayed the Department of Justice by refusing to enforce a legal order designed to protect the citizens of the United States. This order was approved as to form and legality by the Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel.

Ms. Yates is an Obama Administration appointee who is weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration.

In response, the entirety of the DNC suffered full rectal prolapse – issuing the following statement:

Donald Trump can try to silence heroic patriots like Sally Yates who dare to speak truth to power about his illegal anti-Muslim ban that emboldens terrorists around the globe. But he cannot silence the growing voices of an American people now wide awake to his tyrannical presidency

Boo fucking hoo. Obama fired James Mattis and Michael Flynn at the drop of a hat; Mattis without so much as a phone call. Newsmax reported that Gen. Flynn was fired because of his stand on Radical Islam:

“I knew then it had more to do with the stand I took on radical Islamism and the expansion of al Qaida and its associated movements. I felt the intel system was way too politicized, especially in the Defense Department.”

Back on point – Ted Cruz comes through and has Donald’s back on the Yates firing:



Update: Big Trey Gowdy chimed in too:

Rep. Trey Gowdy (SC-04) issued a statement following President Trump’s executive orders on extreme vetting:

“Our nation has a long and rich history of welcoming those fleeing persecution. We also have a long and rich history of liberating those suffering under oppression. We are the most welcoming and generous country in the world, and we are a country of immigrants.

The world we find ourselves in is dangerous and becoming increasingly so. Since national security and public safety are the preeminent functions of government, there is a fundamental duty to ensure the necessary background investigations can be done to stop anyone intent on doing harm from exploiting Americans’ generosity and taking more innocent lives.

American people deserve border and interior security. They deserve to know who is coming to our country, for what purpose, and for how long. They deserve to be assured those seeking entry into the country – regardless of the length of stay – have been vetted thoroughly and do not represent a security risk.

I am committed to doing everything we can to keep Americans safe just as I am committed to defending religious liberty and providing refuge to those fleeing persecution.”


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Hate Crime Hearing: Four Adult Teens Who Beat Mentally Disabled Man Shielded From Public Scrutiny By Chicago Judge

Why am I not surprised?

dudekidnappedA day after cameras were barred from the courtroom, Chicago judge Peggy Chiampas prohibited sketch artists from drawing the faces of the four adult defendants in the live-streamed kidnapping, torture, and mutilation of an 18 year old mentally handicapped classmate.

The attackers were charged with a hate crime after police witnessed the shocking footage of the victim bound and gagged, beaten, and made to drink toilet water while his assailants shouted “Fuck Donald Trump and fuck white people!”  Jordan Hill, 18, of Carpentersville; Tesfaye Cooper, 18, of Chicago; and Brittany Herring Covington, 19, and her sister Tanishia, 24, were each charged with aggravated kidnapping, hate crime, aggravated unlawful restraint and aggravated battery with a deadly weapon.

J1Public defenders Amy Campanelli and Neil Toppel successfully convinced Judge Chiampas that online death threats and “sensationalized” media coverage justify shielding the four from public scrutiny, citing a tumblr post calling for the “public execution” of the defendants. Moreover, Campanelli argues they should not be held in jail pending trial for kidnapping, torturing, and mutilating a guy while shouting racist anti-Trump epithets:


“Sensationalized, pervasive media coverage threatens to poison the jury pool for my clients,” Campanelli said, though trials in high-profile cases at the Leighton Criminal Court Building can take years to take place. “They have already been denounced in the media before anything has been proven.”

“Worse, these are young people who should not be held in jail but are being held without bond because they have been prejudged,” she said. “We will be seeking their release from jail.”



#1 – We all saw that video of the nearly two day long kidnapping and torture of the mentally disabled man.

#2 – The victim only escaped because a neighbor called 911 due to the noise coming out of the apartment where the torture was taking place. What would have happened if he hadn’t escaped? The assailants were heard saying:

“There’s gonna be a murder. Pop pop pop

#3 – The woman who streamed the kidnapping, Brittany Herring Covington, showed zero remorse – even while posting to Facebook FROM JAIL:




#4 – Public defender logic; my clients are receiving death threats – the only reasonable action is to release them from jail.

Apparently these four, charged with a hate crime, deserve to be hidden from public. As their attorney Amy Campanelli said outside the courtroom:

 “It is sad and unfortunate” that the case has provoked widespread comment from people who didn’t know “all the facts.”

I think we’d all love to know what facts she’s referring to. CNN’s Don Lemon thinks this is just a case poor parenting, after all.



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