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Nunes Followup: Some Of Trump Surveillance “Inappropriate” – Discloses Multiple FISA Warrants

As reported earlier today, House Intel Chairman Devin Nunes confirmed that Trump had been surveilled during the Obama administration:

“I have seen intelligence reports that clearly show that the president-elect and his team were, I guess, at least monitored,” Nunes told reporters.

To add some more color to what Nunes said,


It looks to me like it was all legally collected, but it was essentially a lot of information on the President-elect and his transition team and what they were doing.


This information was legally brought to me by sources who thought that we should know it. There were no references whatsoever in everything I read, and it was dozens of reports, and there was no mention of Russia.

Criminal Investigation?

Reporter: Was this surveillance for a criminal investigation?

Nunes: Nope, it has nothing to do with any criminal investigation. It was normal foreign surveillance.

When did surveillance take place?

What I’ve seen was post-election

A few other pertinent bullet points from Nunes’ press conference courtesy of ZeroHedge:


And the stunner:

Expect liberal arguments over semantics to ensue…


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MUZZLED: Breitbart WH Correspondent Ordered Not To Ask Televised Question Discrediting DNC Russian Hacking Story

On Monday, Breitbart investigative reporter and White House correspondent Lee Stranahan published a huge story on Breitbart.com, the facts of which should unravel the entire foundation for the Russian election hacking narrative. Stranahan based his report on increasingly discredited evidence, as well as a tweet made by President Trump on March 5th regarding the hacked DNC server:

It’s true… the DNC did not allow the FBI to inspect the allegedly hacked servers; instead they used a Google-funded cybersecurity firm called CrowdStrike – which FBI director James Comey referred to in testimony Monday as a “highly respected private company” despite several reports casting serious doubt on their analysis. Furthermore, CrowdStrike was accused of using false information by the government of Ukraine in a separate December report which concluded that Russia hacked Ukrainian military hardware using the same malware allegedly employed in the DNC hack.

In light of the fact that the US election hacking narrative revolves around an increasingly questionable report published by a private company caught in a recent lie, plus the DNC’s refusal to let the FBI inspect the servers in question (which President Trump tweeted about) – Breitbart’s Lee Stranahan had planned to bring the issue up with White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer. Instead, Matthew Boyle – Breitbart’s DC political Editor, ordered Stranahan to stand down and stay away from the White House.

In other words; don’t shed light on major developments which could unravel the DNC’s witch hunt. Stranahan has taken to Periscope to tell his side of the story:

Here’s what Stranahan wanted to ask:

Without hearing Breitbart editor Matthew Boyle’s side, ordering Stranahan to stand down seems rather odd since the Russian hacking narrative – if deemed true by Congress, would be incredibly damaging to Trump’s legitimacy as President – even if there was no collusion.

Scroll down for the cliffs notes on Stranahan’s article (though I encourage you to read the whole thing):

  • The DNC Russian hacking claims rely entirely on a report by a private company the DNC hired called “CrowdStrike”
  • CrowdStrike’s report (“Fancy Bear”) is highly speculative, inconclusive by most standards, and does not contain “hard evidence” per CrowdStrike Co-Founder Dmitri Alperovitch:

The firm suspects they may have targeted DNC employees with “spearphishing” emails. These are communications that appear legitimate — often made to look like they came from a colleague or someone trusted — but that contain links or attachments that when clicked on deploy malicious software that enables a hacker to gain access to a computer. “But we don’t have hard evidence,” Alperovitch said.

 He told VOA that contacts in the Ukrainian military units that used the app reported no losses of D-30 howitzers, which contradicts large battlefield losses referenced in the CrowdStrike report.

“I personally know hundreds of gunmen in the war zone. None of them told me of D-30 losses caused by hacking or any other reason,” Narozhnyy stressed to the VOA

  • The Government of Ukraine issued a statement calling the CrowdStrike report Fake News:

In connection with the emergence in some media reports which stated that the alleged “80% howitzer D-30 Armed Forces of Ukraine removed through scrapping Russian Ukrainian hackers software gunners,” Land Forces Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine informs that the said information is incorrect.

Ministry of Defence of Ukraine asks journalists to publish only verified information received from the competent official sources. Spreading false information leads to increased social tension in society and undermines public confidence in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. –mil.gov.ua (translated) (1.6.2017)

  • CrowdStrike relied on a misinterpretation of evidence for the Ukraine story –
    • The information CrowdStrike relied on came from a Russian propaganda blog, not the IISS (International Institute for Strategic Studies) as CrowdStrike claimed.
    • An article by VOA News details this fact and puts this whole thing into context: Cyber Firm at Center of Russian Hacking Charges Misread Data – Oleksiy Kuzmenko, VOA (3.21.17)

The CrowdStrike report, released in December, asserted that Russians hacked into a Ukrainian artillery app, resulting in heavy losses of howitzers in Ukraine’s war with Russian-backed separatists.

But the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) told VOA that CrowdStrike erroneously used IISS data as proof of the intrusion. IISS disavowed any connection to the CrowdStrike report. Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense also has claimed combat losses and hacking never happened.

So, given all of the above – should Congress still rely on the CrowdStrike report? And why was Lee Stranahan ordered by Matthew Boyle to stay away from the White House?

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Expert’s Kids Interrupt Live BBC Interview, Parodies Ensue

Sunday night humor…

A little over a week ago, Professor Robert Kelly was discussing the impeachment of South Korea President Park Guen-hye live on the BBC – when his two young children wandered into the room. Kelly hilariously tries to maintain composure while continuing the interview – before his frantic wife scurries in and drags the children back from whence they came.

Of course – parodies had to happen…

Don’t you hate it when your droids do that?

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WHITE EVIL: New ‘Mass Effect’ Excludes White Character Creation In Ongoing SJW Assault On A Race

As a quick follow-up to my original post on Mass Effect: Andromeda, which mentioned the bigoted tweets from game designer Manveer Heir – who hates white people, it’s been noted from the beta release of the game that you cannot make a customized white person in the character selection screen!

The company said they’ll be fixing this in a future update to the game – whenever they get around to it, however players won’t be able to make or change a custom character once the game is under way. Anyone who wants a custom white character must therefore wait for the patch.


I guess we can add BioWare / Electronic Arts ($EA) to the corporate crusade against white people, along with the racist staff at MTV and their “Dear White People” epic fail.

Oh – and there’s some stupid Teen Vogue writer named Lara Witt, a bi-racial racist, who’s married to a white guy – and hates whites.

Note to parents – if you let your child read Teen Vogue, you’re part of the problem. That magazine is like training wheels for vapid egotistical shallow bitches – which is exactly who it’s run by.

Don’t forget Symone Sanders – Bernie Sanders spokeswoman (no relation) who went on CNN, TWICE to hate on whites.

What’s with this bullshit? Why is this OK? First of all – a small fraction of whites in the US ever owned slaves – most of whom were rich southern Democrats. Second, white Republicans wrote the civil rights act, which Democrats initially blocked until a few years later when it was reintroduced and they took credit for it. The next part of the “whites are evil” argument stems from “white privilege,” the notion that “systemic racism” in the United States puts minorities at a disadvantage – which is horseshit at this juncture; just ask Neurosurgeon and HUD director Dr. Ben Carson who grew up dirt poor.

Sure – there are assholes within every race, color and creed; Islam has ISIS, Christians have the KKK, Blacks have the new Black Panthers (who call for the extermination of Jews). But to operate from the assumption that every white person is inherently a KKK member, and then denounce all whites for crimes they haven’t committed – is a fundamentally bigoted construct. It’s no different than assuming my black neighbor, who is an attorney, hasn’t raped my wife yet because he’s too lazy. He CAN, however, play Mass Effect: Andromeda as a character that looks like him.

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TRIGGERED: Gavin McInnes Trolls Fox Contributor Tamara Holder Until She’s “Literally Shaking”

(This is an older Hannity interview but worth a re-watch – one of the first “literally shakings” on TV)

Mayhem broke loose on the set of Hannity after two panelists got into a shouting match over feminism. While discussing Hillary Clinton’s hypocritical identity politics, Conservative Canadian author Gavin McInnes argued with Fox contributor Tamara Holder that women are happier “at home with the kids,” as opposed to working long hours – a construct of modern feminism.

“Housewives are Heroes!” McGinness proclaimed:

If you were a real feminist, you would support housewives and see them as the heroes – and women who work, wasting their time!

When McInnes got personal and suggested Tamara was “making a mistake” for choosing to be single, and that she would be “much happier at home with a husband and children,” she responded, shocked, that she was literally shaking…

(skip to 1:20 to get right into it)

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Mass Effect: Andromeda – Sucky Animations, Bigoted Designer And Fugly Females Lead To Canceled Pre-Orders

On Tuesday, the latest installment of the once awesome “Mass Effect” intergalactic action-role playing franchise will be released. Developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts ($EA),  Mass Effect: Andromeda is already drawing massive ire from fans over horrendous graphics, ugly female characters, and one majorly bigoted designer who hates white people.

STRIKE 1: Emotionless Facial Expressions And Horrendous Animations:

Nothing takes you right out of a virtual experience faster than creepy bush-league animations; as in – the original Mass Effect from 2007 looked better (see comparison below).


Review by xLatalis

STRIKE 2: Ugly Female Characters

Bioware has been invaded by Social Justice Warriors; millennial feminists who believe the white-male dominated “patriarchy” is the reason opinionated purple-haired land whales aren’t landing jobs.

Here’s a picture of the male and female protagonist voice actors from Mass Effect: Andromeda

The only time she smiles is while chopping your dick off…

Note to Bioware / EA: gamers don’t buy role playing games to be in the friendzone. They buy them to engage in fantasy. That 200lb neckbearded troll in the corner of Starbucks may look disgusting, nipples protruding – but in the virtual world he’s a tanned and chiseled hero, decelerating from trans-dimensional warp in his Faster Than Light space steed – on a mission to save a big breasted damsel in distress, who will reward his gallantry with many blowjobs and forgive the awkward unsatisfying sex. Nobody wants Pepperidge-farm stuffing adrogynous bitches in their virtual world.

We want Ivanka, yet BioWare is giving us Chelsea…

STRIKE 3: Bigoted Designer

Perhaps the best way to drive die-hard fans away, aside from horrendous animations and fugly potato-faced women – is to insult your primary demographic on Twitter.

Aaaand, people are canceling their pre-orders (scroll down for general commentary):

There’s a lot of air under that chart EA… 

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Emotional Trey Gowdy Warns Anyone Obstructing Pedo Investigations To Be Disemboweled By The Sword Of Justice

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) is not a man to be trifled with. The Tea Party Republican, former Federal prosecutor, and perhaps most notably chair of the Benghazi Committee, has a reputation for getting to the bottom of issues and rendering a fair opinion  – even if it’s unpopular with his own party. In the Benghazi report, Gowdy highlighted the Obama administration’s systematic failures surrounding the tragic events of Sept. 11th, 2012 – though the findings did not conclude that Hillary Clinton was solely responsible – an outcome angering many Republicans:

“If you can read this report and you believe, in the last page of the report, that this is about one person rather than about four people, then there’s nothing I can say that’s gonna disabuse you of that,” Gowdy said. “No amount of facts and no amount of evidence that’s going to dissuade you from your previously held conviction.”

Gowdy has been on the Committee on Ethics, Judiciary, Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security (Chairman), Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security and Investigations, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Subcommittee on Health Care, Benefits and Administrative Rules, and the Subcommittee on Government Operations.

Back on the hill yesterday, Gowdy gave an emotional warning to anyone obstructing child sex abuse cases – after having been involved in the prosecution of several throughout his career. Gowdy describes the harrowing images seared into his head after having to review the facts in each case, the logistical difficulties in assembling a successful prosecution, and the emotional trauma suffered by a child who has to testify against their abusers.

In December, Gowdy – along with Bob Goodlatte (R-MA) and Shiela Jackson Lee (D-TX), introduced the “Justice for Child Victims Act of 2016)

In other words – Gowdy is exactly the guy we want going involved in pedophile and human trafficking investigations that the Trump administration has committed to pursuing.

updated: previously indicated Sheila Jackson Lee represented New York.

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Trump EPA Sending $100 Million To Flint, MI For Water Crisis

Two days after President Trump met with the mayor of Flint, Michigan, the EPA has executed on legislation signed in December 2016, sending $100 Million in Federal funds to help them recover from the water crisis which began in April of 2014, nearly three years ago. Due to insufficient water treatment and old corroding pipes, over 100,000 residents in the region have been exposed to high levels of lead. Widespread illnesses have been reported, including a spike in waterborne Legionnaire’s Disease  – leading to a Federal state of emergency in January of 2016.

The funds were originally authorized on December 16th, 2016 as part of the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act (better late than never, I guess). While Flint water was given a clean bill of health in January – residents have been advised that it will be at least a year before they can drink it, as corroding lead pipes still need to be replaced.

Flint residents will also be provided with water filters for 3 years while the lead pipes are replaced, according to a letter from state officials:

Due to the ongoing lead service line replacement projects this year, filters and filter cartridges will remain available,” read the letter. “Further, filters and cartridges will remain available for residents during the estimated three years it will take to remove the remaining lead and galvanized iron service lines

Trump’s EPA head Scott Pruit had this to say:

The people of Flint and all Americans deserve a more responsive federal government…  …the EPA will especially focus on helping Michigan improve Flint’s water infrastructure as part of our larger goal of improving America’s water infrastructure.

The federal award to comes a month after Flint Mayor Karen Weaver’s proposal for spending the money, along with $20 million in matching funds from the state.

“The city of Flint being awarded a grant of this magnitude in such a critical time of need will be a huge benefit,” said Weaver. “As we prepare to start the next phase of the … pipe replacement program, these funds will give us what we need to reach our goal of replacing 6,000 pipes this year and make other needed infrastructure improvements. We look forward to the continued support of the EPA and federal government.” Mlive.com

Good stuff, and about damn time.

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Michael Savage Discusses Assault By Crazed Liberal – And How His Industry “Friends” Have Abandoned Him

If you’re not up to speed on what happened to conservative radio host Michael Savage the other night, here’s the rundown according to the good Doctor:

– Savage was having dinner at a Servino Ristorante in Tiburon, CA around 8:30 PM on Tuesday with his beloved poodle, Teddy.

– Some guy comes out of the restaurant and starts yelling at Savage – mocking his real last name “Hey Weiner! Heeeey Weiner!!!”

– Guy comes up and “sweep” kicks Teddy the dog to the side, then throws Savage to the ground, bloodying the radio host.

– Some bystander broke it up, but was punched in the process.

– Other guy claims 4 year old Savage started it.

– Cops show up, both parties make citizen’s arrest. Cops let both go.

When Savage went on the air yesterday to talk about what happened – one of the first things he mentioned was how disgusting the media’s response was, in particular people in his industry. It was as if nobody believed him; the headlines were all saying “alleged” and “purportedly,” and no prominent conservative radio hosts – including Rush Limbaugh – even mentioned the incident, whereas Savage said he’s defended Limbaugh in the past.

Maybe, just maybe – they thought that since Savage has a book coming out in 11 days he faked it? That’s asinine – they could have at least dropped him a call or an email – like some of his real friends did.


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Rand Paul: McCain ‘Unhinged’ After Another Senior Moment Accusation Of ‘Muh Russians’

It’s time for globalist errand boy John McCain to hoist up his depends and shuffle off to Casa del Shill. After riding his war veteran status into the ground, like those two planes he crashed, McCain has spent his sunset years playing an elderly deep-state spy; passing a 35 page “dossier” of wild anti-Trump conspiracy theories to the FBI director and gallivanting over to Syria for clandestine meetings with people I’m sure want to see America fail.

In his latest bout of dementia, McCain (R-AZ) suggested that Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is “working for Vladimir Putin” after Paul objected to the nation of Montenegro from NATO – entitling them to US aid when needed – and in particular, committing the USA to war with Russia in the event of conflict between the two nations. McCain asked the senate for a unanimous vote, stating that anyone who objected was “carrying out the desires and ambitions” of Putin – and directly accusing Paul of “working for Vladimir Putin.”

In a statement, Paul objected to the Montenegro vote on the grounds that the US doesn’t need to further obligate itself to yet another nation while we’re currently overburdened around the world.

Currently, the United States has troops in dozens of countries and is actively fighting in Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Yemen (with the occasional drone strike in Pakistan). In addition, the United States is pledged to defend 28 countries in NATO

In a follow-up today on MSNBC’s Morning Joe that perhaps McCain needs to be put out to pasture:

I think he makes a really, really strong case for term limits… …maybe he’s past his prime; I think maybe he’s gotten a little bit unhinged.

See below:




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