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Yearly Archives: 2017

Chris Matthews And CNN’s Don Lemon Melting Down Over Rice And Farkas Bombshells – Claim It’s Racist, Sexist Fake News!

If the truth can be judged by the reaction of establishment propagandists, it looks like we’ve hit paydirt…

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews and Mother Jones D.C. bureau chief David Corn resorted to angrily sucking each other off over the Susan Rice ‘unmasking’ controversy – claiming it’s nothing more than a racist and sexist ploy by the President to “distract attention from the investigation.”

While groping through his addled mind for reasons for why poor Susan Rice is getting hounded by the media after it was revealed she was behind unmasking the Trump team, Matthews bloviated like a turtleneck-wearing coffee shop philosopher.

Notice it’s always a female? Just a thought.

Doubling down on the identity politics, Matthews then throws race into it!

So they are making her, you know, basically they’re defaming her without any reason to do so because she’s a woman. Maybe because she’s a black woman?


Meanwhile, CNN’s resident party enthusiast Don Lemon was sure to caution the network’s tiny audience that the Susan Rice and Evelyn Farkas stories, plus House Intel Chair Devin Nunes reporting that Trump was spied on – are all FAKE NEWS.

Don’s such a bitch. Look at that bowtie.

Consider this:

People are going to jail…

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NFL Kicks Twitter To The Curb – Amazon To Stream 10 Games This Season

After last year’s successful experiment livestreaming 10 Thursday night games over Twitter, for which Twitter paid $10 million, the NFL switched to Amazon to carry the 2017 season – which beat out Twitter, Google and Facebook for the rights.

Amazon is reportedly paying around $50 million for the license, which offers non-exclusive streaming rights to the games – available to Amazon Prime members, while CBS and NBC will also have the ability to stream the five games they will each broadcast. Amazon has agreed to broadcast the NFL’s ads, and will have the rights to sell a handful of slots per game as well.

While last year’s livestream over Twitter was by most measures a success, perhaps the NFL is more comfortable with a partner who isn’t steeped in accusations of politically charged censorship, tens of millions of fake users, and persistent takeover rumors. In short, Twitter is damaged goods.

That said, audience share is also of concern to the NFL; while Amazon Prime’s subscriber count is estimated at around 66 million vs. Twitter’s claims of over 300 million active monthly users, NFL executive in charge of media deals Brian Rolapp argues that Amazon should be able to find at least as many viewers as Twitter – because Prime subscribers “visit and use Amazon a lot.”

Whatever the case, it’s nice to see more a la carte options for streaming content, as cord cutters who don’t have over-the-air TV can catch at least part of the 2017 season – even if they constitute a small but growing fraction of network audiences:

It’s unclear what benefit streaming the games actually provides for a digital platform. Last year both Twitter and the NFL said they were pleased with the results of the experiment, but the games didn’t generate a huge audience: They averaged less than 300,000 viewers per minute, while CBS and NBC averaged 15.8 million viewers. Recode


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Deep State Plays ‘Erik Prince’ Card To Diffuse Susan Rice Story – Except If True Makes Trump Look Really Good

Let’s talk about Erik Prince – founder of Blackwater, brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, and now alleged ‘back-channel’ negotiator of US-Russia relations. Yep, a day after Mike Cernovich revealed that Obama’s national security advisor Susan Rice was the one who unmasked spied on Trump’s team, the Deep State propagandists over at the Washington Post cobbled together their best attempt at a diversion – reporting that Erik Prince met with a Putin surrogate in a meeting arranged by the UAE. Although a meeting did take place, both the Trump administration and Prince have denied he was an emissary for US interests.

A spokesman for Prince said that the report was a “complete fabrication” and that “the meeting had nothing to do with President Trump.”

One glaring problem with WaPo’s hit-piece, even if true, is that Prince would have been operating in the best interests of the United States…

I’ll go into that, but first let’s dissect this propaganda: we have anonymous sources from not one, not two, but THREE countries!!

Next, WaPo points out Erik Prince’s ties to Trump – which are common knowledge:


Ok, let’s assume ALL of this is true; here’s WaPo’s money shot:

Translation: “Vladimir, we want you to un-friend Iran in exchange for dropping those stupid sanctions Obama slapped on you in response to the DNC hacking allegation which hinges on an increasingly suspicious report from recently discredited CrowdStrike. Yeah, the one where the FBI couldn’t look at the hacked server. Yeah, the google-funded CrowdStrike – whose Russian expat founder Dmitri Alperovitch sits on the anti-Russia Atlantic Council with Evelyn Farkas and a Ukrainian oligarch who’s also a Clinton Foundation donor that apparently owns the Ukrainian gas company Joe Biden’s son is on the board of. Sound cool?”

Russia: “Sure, let’s just try to keep this thing on the DL so we don’t look like total dicks to Iran. Your deep-state globalist intelligence community has done a lot of leaking lately, in fact, we might drop some dirt on Obama if they keep it up…”


Conservative Treehouse: Evalyn Farkas admits Obama WH spied on Trump team.

Mike Cernovich: Susan Rice was the unmasker. 

Globalists: “REEEEEEE! Hey Everyone, Erik Prince met with Russians on a remote island!”

(Typical anti-Trump responses)





Maybe, Evan, because everyone just learned that the deep state has been HEAVILY MONITORING THE PRESIDENT FOR A LONG TIME?

And maybe Trump knew this in January?

And maybe it’s a pretty good idea to convince Russia to shift away from Iran in exchange for lifting sanctions based on bogus claims? For starters we’d get to go after terrorism emanating from a country currently under the Kremlin’s wing. Seems like a pretty good deal to me.

Whether or not the WaPo story is true isn’t as revealing as the story itself;

Considering THIS is the card the Establishment chose to play to diffuse the Susan Rice story and Farkas Fracas – it’s a serious tell that they have nothing of significance on Trump. All hell is breaking loose for the deep state and it’s “Erik Prince tried to mend relations with Russia and get them to un-friend Iran.” Ok…

Last thing – Tucker asks a basic question which some weird guy can’t answer:

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New Huma Emails Uncover Clinton State Dept Plan To Bring NYT Reporter David Brooks To Heel

Recently released Huma Abedin State Department emails – acquired by Judicial Watch via FOIA request, reveal Clinton State Department staff planning to summon New York Times reporter David Brooks for an “OTR” (off the record) conversation over a “shot” he took at Hillary in a Feburary 2010 article. This isn’t the first time we’ve learned of the Democrat apparatus wrapping their tentacles around the MSM, and it’s the second time in weeks Judicial Watch has delivered a bombshell. They’re doing good work.

In summary; Hillary Clinton – code named “Evergreen,” fired off an email on February 9th, 2010 to advisors Philippe Reines and Jake Sullivan regarding an article written by NYT’s David Brooks (links added):

From: Evergreen

To: PIR (Philippe Reines), Jake Sullivan

Subject: David Brooks

“Took a shot at me in his column today. Any ideas what prompted it?”

To which senior advisor Philippe Reines responds:

“Not sure – but this is a good excuse to bring him in for an OTR [off the record] with you. Lona mentioned you wanted to see [NYT Journalist] Tom Friedman – with your ok, we could schedule both (separately) over the next month or so.

I’d very much like to get back in the habit of bringing someone or a small group in every few weeks”

Followed by Jake Sullivan’s response:

Phillippe and I had an offline conversation about this and I agree entirely. I think it makes sense for you to meet with influencers on a regular — though not intrusive — basis. An OTR conversation with you is the best way to help guys like Brooks “figure out” how things work.

So a top Clinton advisor wanted to get ‘back in the habit’ of bringing people or groups in every few weeks? This clearly suggests the Clinton State Dept. was at some point regularly meeting with members of the MSM to discuss content. And how exactly did Hillary, assuming the ‘OTR’ meeting with David Brooks took place, help him to ‘figure out’ how things work?


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REPORT: Mike Cernovich Reveals Natl Security Advisor Susan Rice Responsible For Unmasking Trump Team

Journalist and author Mike Cernovich has just dropped an exclusive bombshell – naming Obama’s National Security Advisor Susan Rice as the official responsible for the ‘unmasking’ of the incoming Trump team during ‘incidental’ surveillance. This was apparently discovered after the White House Counsel’s office reviewed Rice’s document log requests:

The reports Rice requested to see are kept under tightly-controlled conditions. Each person must log her name before being granted access to them.

Upon learning of Rice’s actions, [National Security Advisor] H. R. McMaster dispatched his close aide Derek Harvey to Capitol Hill to brief Chairman Nunes.

Cernovich points out, as revealed in an article by Circa, that President Obama began loosening the rules regarding “incidental intercepts” starting in 2011 – making it easier for the US Government to spy on individuals who are not the primary target(s) of a surveillance operation.

As his presidency drew to a close, Barack Obama’s top aides routinely reviewed intelligence reports gleaned from the National Security Agency’s incidental intercepts of Americans abroad, taking advantage of rules their boss relaxed starting in 2011 to help the government better fight terrorism, espionage by foreign enemies and hacking threats

And guess who had authorization to unmask individuals who were ‘incidentally’ surveilled? Former CIA Director John Brennan, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and Obama’s National Security advisor Susan Rice.

Also of note is the claim that New York Times journalist Maggie Haberman has been sitting on the Susan Rice story for at least two days:

This reporter has been informed that Maggie Haberman has had this story about Susan Rice for at least 48 hours, and has chosen to sit on it in an effort to protect the reputation of former President Barack Obama.

Fox News anchor Adam Housley tweeted on Friday that the surveillance that led to the unmasking began before Trump was the GOP nominee:

Housley also said that the person who did the unmasking is a “very senior” and “very well known” person in the surveillance community – and not someone in the FBI.

It seems the spreading of names was done for “political purposes that have nothing to do with national security,” or foreign intelligence, but hurting Trump’s team, Housley noted.

“It had everything to do with hurting and embarrassing Trump and his team,” according to his sources. TownHall

This of course begs the question of whether or not President Obama would have ordered Rice to perform the unmasking…

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WSJ Caught Fabricating Evidence In Fake News Hit-Piece On Ad Monetization?

Updated below:

The MSM assault on independent entertainers may have just reached a new low. Six weeks after a failed attempt to smear PewDiePie –  whose audience of 54 million subscribers is the largest in YouTube history, Wall St. Journal reporter Jack Nicaswho’s clearly got an agenda, is out with another hit-piece designed to justify the demonetization of videos deemed offensive; except Nicas may have  fabricated the evidence.

H3h3 is one of the more popular YouTube comedy / entertainment channels. If PewDiePie makes an estimated $14-$20 million / year from his 53 million subscribers, h3h3 is probably pulling in at least a million dollars per year with their audience of 3.7 million. So, it was of particular concern to husband and wife owners Ethan and Hila Klein when they noticed their ad revenues declining following the PewDiePie hit piece, along with reports of widespread demonetization taking place.

After doing some digging, Ethan Klein from h3h3 apparently caught the WSJ author FABRICATING evidence…

To break it down:

  • WSJ author Jack Nicas writes an article describing how YouTube “accidentally” advertised major brand names on a video with a racist title.
  • Nicas took “screenshots of the ads” to prove they were being run over the racist titled video.
  • In response, Coca Cola, PepsiCo, Wal-Mart, and Dish Network are pulling ads.

Ethan then contacted the uploader of the video…

While the WSJ article’s screenshots claiming monetization had 261,165 views, the entire video only has 261,406 TOTAL VIEWS according to the uploader’s dashboard… So clearly the WSJ screenshots were taken recently…

But Wait: 

Looks like that ad hasn’t been monetized since September of 2016 – for a very brief period of time, and YouTube’s automatic content filters did in fact kick in and demonetize the video as designed:

So Ethan from h3h3 appears to have caught Wall St. Journal author Jack Nicas fabricating screenshots for an article which allegedly led to major advertisers pulling their ads from YouTube. The WSJ article is exactly the kind of “evidence” YouTube can point to for justifying widespread demonetization, which is really about starving out up and coming entertainers whose influence is growing, especially among conservatives

UPDATE: It appears that the video in question was apparently claimed by “OmniMediaMusic” – NOT the original uploader – and may have in fact been monetized. This would explain why the original uploader’s monetization stats died off.

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Obamacare Implosion Now? Since Obama Siphoned GSE Dividends To Prop Up, Can Trump Simply Halt 1st Qtr Sweep?

Earlier this month, Harvard Ph.D. Jerome Corsi of InfoWars and a CPA “who worked for two years for a major U.S. accounting firm as an outside auditor for Freddie Mac,” confirmed a 2012 scheme hatched by the Obama administration to funnel hundreds of billions in dividends from Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSE) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to prop up the failing Obamacare program – by paying subsidies to insurers to remain in the system.

If you need to catch up on it, read the InfoWars article above or watch this 18 minute video:

The conclusion reached by Corsi and others is that this was probably illegal.

In fact, House Republicans actually sued the Obama Administration in 2014 over the fact that the subsidies to insurers weren’t appropriated by congress and won, which the Obama administration appealed. As Zerohedge and the Atlanta Journal Constitution pointed out last week, the Trump administration has until May 22nd to decide whether or not to pursue the appeal:

In 2014, House Republicans sued the Obama administration over the constitutionality of the cost-sharing reduction payments, which had not been appropriated by Congress. The lawmakers won the lawsuit, and the Obama administration appealed it. Late last year, with a new administration on the other end of the suit, the House sought to pause the proceedings — with a deadline for a status update in late May. AJC

And a ZeroHedge analysis:

Of course, any decision to remove those subsidies would likely result in yet another massive round of premium hikes and further withdrawals from the already crippled exchanges where an astounding number of counties across the country have already been cut to just 1 health insurance provider.  And, as we’ve pointed out before, higher rates = lower participation = deterioration of risk pool = higher rates….and the cycle just repeats until it eventually collapses. –ZeroHedge

Meanwhile, President Trump has made several Tweets since the Ryancare debacle in congress:

But wait, could it happen even sooner? Former Blackrock portfolio manager Ed Dowd may be on to something…

Simple question: what if Trump’s Treasury simply stopped the illegal dividend sweep NOW? It is the end of the 1st quarter, after all…

Not only would it force the MSM to cover Obama’s 2012 scheme to siphon funds from Fannie and Freddie, the stage would be set for far more sensible healthcare solutions from lawmakers who aren’t simply shilling for the industry.

Update: And look who Trump’s golfing with today – Rand Paul and OMB Director Mick Mulvaney

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Cernovich Weighs In On Flynn: Of Course He’s Going To Seek Assurances, The FBI Is Out For Blood!

Attorney, author, and e-celeb Mike Cernovich has weighed in on the Flynn ‘immunity’ Fake News story from the New York Times, after multiple sources – including Flynn’s attorney, said it was bullshit.

Cernovich laid out exactly how any attorney would advise Flynn given the current political witch hunt in Washington – namely, seek some sort of protection or assurances in an environment in which words are continuously twisted and the FBI is out for blood. Flynn doesn’t trust the FBI, nor should he – especially after director Comey’s unpredictable flip-flopping during the 2016 election and lack of progress on major cases.

Watch for the legal analysis, stay for the rant over all the shady Clinton related shit that’s gone unpunished by the FBI…



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Tucker SHREDS “White Genocide” Professor Who Almost Vomited After 1st Class Passenger Gave Up Seat For Soldier

I haven’t seen a cucking this thorough since the night a binder-wielding Kurt Eichenwald was nearly killed by a post-Tucker tweet…

Last night, Tucker Carlson effortlessly savaged attention craving Drexel University “professor” George Ciccariello – who made headlines in December after calling for White Genocide over Twitter.

On Tuesday, Ciccariello once again made the news after expressing his disgust when a 1st class passenger gave up his seat to a uniformed soldier on an airplane. Rational minds on the internet did not take too kindly:

In his latest stunt, the “white genocide” advocate led a group of feeble-voiced children in a protest of writer Charles Murray on the grounds that he’s a racist. The next stop for the Drexel degenerate; out of his safe space and into the lion’s den…

A facially ticking Ciccariello tried his best to match forces with Carlson, who simply kept knocking him on his ass – over, and over, and over. It was absolutely brutal:

Nobody takes you seriously, I’m trying to take you seriously. You’re accusing this guy of racial demagoguery and you called for white genocide, you also applauded the Haitian revolution for killing whites – look those are your views! I’m not saying you shouldn’t be allowed to express them. I’m merely pointing out the irony that you’re trafficking in race hatred and yet saying that Charles Murray shouldn’t be allowed to speak because he trafficks in race hatred. Are you self aware enough to catch that?

Tucker then goes on to read one of Ciccariello’s screeds, concluding “It’s High School writing… it’s crap!”

(that wasn’t even the best part… just watch until you see Tucker use air quotes)

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Senate Intel Committee Throws Hail Mary – Trots Out “1000 Russian Trolls” That Influenced Swing States With Fake News!

Now that the CrowdStrike DNC election hacking report is looking more and more like a ham-handed scheme orchestrated by anti-Russia, anti-Trump factions – which include Atlantic Council co-chairs Evelyn Farkas and CrowdStrike’s Dmitri Alperovitch, it appears the “Muh Russia” contingency is just haphazardly throwing their remaining cards on the table. The men in wood paneled rooms have apparently let the lunatics run the asylum.

While the House Intelligence Committee is hard at work sifting through revelations that the Obama administration spied on Trump and his team, Senate Intelligence Committee chair Mark Werner (D-VA) has dribbled forth completely unsupported claims that Russia influenced the election by employing a ShareBlue-esque army of “Internet Trolls” to post Fake News stories in swing states!

Mr Warner said: “We know about the hacking, and selective leaks, but what really concerns me as a former tech guy is at least some reports – and we’ve got to get to the bottom of this – that there were upwards of a thousand internet trolls working out of a facility in Russia, in effect taking over a series of computers which are then called botnets, that can then generate news down to specific areas. Independent.co.uk

I’ll give you a second to recover…

What’s “Nerd Virgin” in Russian?

Sorry folks from Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania – you’ve been had! Victimized! Fake News’d by the Russians! Your puny brains were no match for neckbearded Putin puppets who used the latest in mind control to rock the voteski.

“It’s been reported to me, and we’ve got to find this out, whether they were able to affect specific areas in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, where you would not have been receiving off of whoever your vendor might have been, Trump versus Clinton, during the waning days of the election, but instead, ‘Clinton is sick’, or ‘Clinton is taking money from whoever for some source’fake news

Funny enough, the United States does exactly this. It’s called SOCKPUPPETING! Very original Werner…

Perhaps the Senate Intel Committee is afraid to release specific examples of alleged “Russian Trolling” because they know 4chan and Reddit’s “The_Donald” community – the other groups they tried to blame for Hillary’s loss – will tear it to shreds within hours?

Give it up Neocons. You ran an out of touch candidate who cheated against Bernie Sanders – a guy who may have actually beaten Trump, and white hats within US Intelligence community gave the emails to Julian Assange in order to reveal how corrupt she is. She also fainted on 9/11/2016 and was chucked into a van like a side of beef, which couldn’t have helped.

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