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WOW: Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Thrown Completely Under The Bus By Donna Brazile

Donna Brazile, former chair of the DNC accused of helping ‘rig’ the 2016 primaries against Bernie Sanders, has written a book to tell her side of the story – and holy shit – what a disturbance in the force. To salvage her reputation, Brazile throws Hillary Clinton, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, and even former President Obama completely under the bus as she describes Clinton’s control over the DNC, the rigged primaries, and the deep debt left by Obama’s 2012 campaign.

Politico published an excerpt from Brazile’s book, republished for your edification below.


Inside Hillary Clinton’s Secret Takeover of the DNC

Before I called Bernie Sanders, I lit a candle in my living room and put on some gospel music. I wanted to center myself for what I knew would be an emotional phone call.

I had promised Bernie when I took the helm of the Democratic National Committee after the convention that I would get to the bottom of whether Hillary Clinton’s team had rigged the nomination process, as a cache of emails stolen by Russian hackers and posted online had suggested. I’d had my suspicions from the moment I walked in the door of the DNC a month or so earlier, based on the leaked emails. But who knew if some of them might have been forged? I needed to have solid proof, and so did Bernie.

So I followed the money. My predecessor, Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, had not been the most active chair in fundraising at a time when President Barack Obama’s neglect had left the party in significant debt. As Hillary’s campaign gained momentum, she resolved the party’s debt and put it on a starvation diet. It had become dependent on her campaign for survival, for which she expected to wield control of its operations.

Debbie was not a good manager. She hadn’t been very interested in controlling the party—she let Clinton’s headquarters in Brooklyn do as it desired so she didn’t have to inform the party officers how bad the situation was. How much control Brooklyn had and for how long was still something I had been trying to uncover for the last few weeks.

By September 7, the day I called Bernie, I had found my proof and it broke my heart.


The Saturday morning after the convention in July, I called Gary Gensler, the chief financial officer of Hillary’s campaign. He wasted no words. He told me the Democratic Party was broke and $2 million in debt.

“What?” I screamed. “I am an officer of the party and they’ve been telling us everything is fine and they were raising money with no problems.”

That wasn’t true, he said. Officials from Hillary’s campaign had taken a look at the DNC’s books. Obama left the party $24 million in debt—$15 million in bank debt and more than $8 million owed to vendors after the 2012 campaign—and had been paying that off very slowly. Obama’s campaign was not scheduled to pay it off until 2016. Hillary for America (the campaign) and the Hillary Victory Fund (its joint fundraising vehicle with the DNC) had taken care of 80 percent of the remaining debt in 2016, about $10 million, and had placed the party on an allowance.

If I didn’t know about this, I assumed that none of the other officers knew about it, either. That was just Debbie’s way. In my experience she didn’t come to the officers of the DNC for advice and counsel. She seemed to make decisions on her own and let us know at the last minute what she had decided, as she had done when she told us about the hacking only minutes before the Washington Post broke the news.

On the phone Gary told me the DNC had needed a $2 million loan, which the campaign had arranged.

“No! That can’t be true!” I said. “The party cannot take out a loan without the unanimous agreement of all of the officers.”

“Gary, how did they do this without me knowing?” I asked. “I don’t know how Debbie relates to the officers,” Gary said. He described the party as fully under the control of Hillary’s campaign, which seemed to confirm the suspicions of the Bernie camp. The campaign had the DNC on life support, giving it money every month to meet its basic expenses, while the campaign was using the party as a fund-raising clearinghouse. Under FEC law, an individual can contribute a maximum of $2,700 directly to a presidential campaign. But the limits are much higher for contributions to state parties and a party’s national committee.

Individuals who had maxed out their $2,700 contribution limit to the campaign could write an additional check for $353,400 to the Hillary Victory Fund—that figure represented $10,000 to each of the 32 states’ parties who were part of the Victory Fund agreement—$320,000—and $33,400 to the DNC. The money would be deposited in the states first, and transferred to the DNC shortly after that. Money in the battleground states usually stayed in that state, but all the other states funneled that money directly to the DNC, which quickly transferred the money to Brooklyn.

“Wait,” I said. “That victory fund was supposed to be for whoever was the nominee, and the state party races. You’re telling me that Hillary has been controlling it since before she got the nomination?”

Gary said the campaign had to do it or the party would collapse.

“That was the deal that Robby struck with Debbie,” he explained, referring to campaign manager Robby Mook. “It was to sustain the DNC. We sent the party nearly $20 million from September until the convention, and more to prepare for the election.”

“What’s the burn rate, Gary?” I asked. “How much money do we need every month to fund the party?”

The burn rate was $3.5 million to $4 million a month, he said.

I gasped. I had a pretty good sense of the DNC’s operations after having served as interim chair five years earlier. Back then the monthly expenses were half that. What had happened? The party chair usually shrinks the staff between presidential election campaigns, but Debbie had chosen not to do that. She had stuck lots of consultants on the DNC payroll, and Obama’s consultants were being financed by the DNC, too.

When we hung up, I was livid. Not at Gary, but at this mess I had inherited. I knew that Debbie had outsourced a lot of the management of the party and had not been the greatest at fundraising. I would not be that kind of chair, even if I was only an interim chair. Did they think I would just be a surrogate for them, get on the road and rouse up the crowds? I was going to manage this party the best I could and try to make it better, even if Brooklyn did not like this. It would be weeks before I would fully understand the financial shenanigans that were keeping the party on life support.


Right around the time of the convention, the leaked emails revealed Hillary’s campaign was grabbing money from the state parties for its own purposes, leaving the states with very little to support down-ballot races. A Politico story published on May 2, 2016, described the big fund-raising vehicle she had launched through the states the summer before, quoting a vow she had made to rebuild “the party from the ground up … when our state parties are strong, we win. That’s what will happen.”

Yet the states kept less than half of 1 percent of the $82 million they had amassed from the extravagant fund-raisers Hillary’s campaign was holding, just as Gary had described to me when he and I talked in August. When the Politico story described this arrangement as “essentially … money laundering” for the Clinton campaign, Hillary’s people were outraged at being accused of doing something shady. Bernie’s people were angry for their own reasons, saying this was part of a calculated strategy to throw the nomination to Hillary.

I wanted to believe Hillary, who made campaign finance reform part of her platform, but I had made this pledge to Bernie and did not want to disappoint him. I kept asking the party lawyers and the DNC staff to show me the agreements that the party had made for sharing the money they raised, but there was a lot of shuffling of feet and looking the other way.

When I got back from a vacation in Martha’s Vineyard, I at last found the document that described it all: the Joint Fund-Raising Agreement between the DNC, the Hillary Victory Fund, and Hillary for America.

The agreement—signed by Amy Dacey, the former CEO of the DNC, and Robby Mook with a copy to Marc Elias—specified that in exchange for raising money and investing in the DNC, Hillary would control the party’s finances, strategy, and all the money raised. Her campaign had the right of refusal of who would be the party communications director, and it would make final decisions on all the other staff. The DNC also was required to consult with the campaign about all other staffing, budgeting, data, analytics, and mailings.

I had been wondering why it was that I couldn’t write a press release without passing it by Brooklyn. Well, here was the answer.

When the party chooses the nominee, the custom is that the candidate’s team starts to exercise more control over the party. If the party has an incumbent candidate, as was the case with Clinton in 1996 or Obama in 2012, this kind of arrangement is seamless because the party already is under the control of the president. When you have an open contest without an incumbent and competitive primaries, the party comes under the candidate’s control only after the nominee is certain. When I was manager of Al Gore’s campaign in 2000, we started inserting our people into the DNC in June. This victory fund agreement, however, had been signed in August 2015, just four months after Hillary announced her candidacy and nearly a year before she officially had the nomination.

I had tried to search out any other evidence of internal corruption that would show that the DNC was rigging the system to throw the primary to Hillary, but I could not find any in party affairs or among the staff. I had gone department by department, investigating individual conduct for evidence of skewed decisions, and I was happy to see that I had found none. Then I found this agreement.

The funding arrangement with HFA and the victory fund agreement was not illegal, but it sure looked unethical. If the fight had been fair, one campaign would not have control of the party before the voters had decided which one they wanted to lead. This was not a criminal act, but as I saw it, it compromised the party’s integrity.


I had to keep my promise to Bernie. I was in agony as I dialed him. Keeping this secret was against everything that I stood for, all that I valued as a woman and as a public servant.

“Hello, senator. I’ve completed my review of the DNC and I did find the cancer,” I said. “But I will not kill the patient.”

I discussed the fundraising agreement that each of the candidates had signed. Bernie was familiar with it, but he and his staff ignored it. They had their own way of raising money through small donations. I described how Hillary’s campaign had taken it another step.

I told Bernie I had found Hillary’s Joint Fundraising Agreement. I explained that the cancer was that she had exerted this control of the party long before she became its nominee. Had I known this, I never would have accepted the interim chair position, but here we were with only weeks before the election.

Bernie took this stoically. He did not yell or express outrage. Instead he asked me what I thought Hillary’s chances were. The polls were unanimous in her winning but what, he wanted to know, was my own assessment?

I had to be frank with him. I did not trust the polls, I said. I told him I had visited states around the country and I found a lack of enthusiasm for her everywhere. I was concerned about the Obama coalition and about millennials.

I urged Bernie to work as hard as he could to bring his supporters into the fold with Hillary, and to campaign with all the heart and hope he could muster. He might find some of her positions too centrist, and her coziness with the financial elites distasteful, but he knew and I knew that the alternative was a person who would put the very future of the country in peril. I knew he heard me. I knew he agreed with me, but I never in my life had felt so tiny and powerless as I did making that call.

When I hung up the call to Bernie, I started to cry, not out of guilt, but out of anger. We would go forward. We had to.

Donna Brazile is the former interim chair of the Democratic National Committee. Excerpted from the book Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns that Put Donald Trump in the White House to be published on November 7, 2017 by Hachette Books, a division of Hachette Book Group. Copyright 2017 Donna Brazile.

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Twitter Admits To Censoring #PodestaEmails And #DNCLeak Tweets Before The 2016 Election

Talk about election interference – Twitter just admitted it “buried” nearly 50% of tweets with the hashtag #DNCLeak and 25% of tweets with the hashtag #PodestaEmails during the election, validating the complaints of thousands of users who said they were being censored during the election.

Twitter general counsel Sean Edgett told the Senate Judiciary Committee in a written statement:

Before the election, we also detected and took action on activity relating to hashtags that have since been reported as manifestations of efforts to interfere with the 2016 election. For example, our automated spam detection systems helped mitigate the impact of automated Tweets promoting the #PodestaEmails hashtag, which originated with Wikileaks’ publication of thousands of emails from the Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s Gmail account.

The core of the hashtag was propagated by Wikileaks, whose account sent out a series of 118 original Tweets containing variants on the hashtag #PodestaEmails referencing the daily installments of the emails released on the Wikileaks website. In the two months preceding the election, around 57,000 users posted approximately 426,000 unique Tweets containing variations of the #PodestaEmails hashtag.

Approximately one quarter (25%) of those Tweets received internal tags from our automation detection systems that hid them from searches.

As described in greater detail below, our systems detected and hid just under half (48%) of the Tweets relating to variants of another notable hashtag, #DNCLeak, which concerned the disclosure of leaked emails from the Democratic National Committee

And just 2% of the tweets using the hashtag #DNCLeak came from “potentially Russian-linked accounts,” said Edgett, adding that the company hid the tweets as “part of our general efforts at the time to fight automation and spam on our platform across all areas.” 

What’s interesting is that Twitter isn’t hiding behind speculation that the wikileaked emails were altered in any way. Not only has John Podesta confirmed their authenticity several times, EVERY SINGLE ONE of the Wikileaks can be verified using a unique string of letters and numbers stamped into the header of every email, called the DKIM Key. You can perform this verification on any email by going to one of the many verification websites and plugging the DKIM key along with a copy of the entire email. If one word or punctuation mark is off, the DKIM verification will fail. This is why none of the wikileaks have been officially refuted, and we know Donna Brazile lied on national TV.

One has to wonder – since Hillary lost the election despite Twitter’s admitted interference, how badly would she have gotten her ass kicked if the platform respected freedom of speech?

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Final Destination: Two More Vegas Survivors Die Weirdly

Just weeks after surviving the Las Vegas massacre at the Route 91 Harvest country music festival, a married couple from California died in a fiery wreck when their car rammed into the gate of their gated community and burst into flames less than a mile away from their Riverside County home.

Dennis Carver, 52, famously jumped on top of his wife Loraine, 53, to shield her from the gunfire during the Vegas massacre.

When Dennis Carver realized the loud cracks weren’t fireworks but instead rapid gunfire, he jumped on top of his wife, Lorraine (Lora) Carver, to shield her from the bullets. –Las Vegas Review-Journal

Officials report it took firefighters over an hour to put out the fire caused by the Carvers’ wreck. Their 16-year-old daughter, Madison Carver described hearing a “loud bang,” and saw her parents’ crashed car in flames when she went to investigate.

The Carvers’ eldest daughter, Brooke, 20, posted the following on Facebook Oct 20:

“This week we have been through more pain than we have ever been and probably will ever go through again. It’s hard to see Gods (sic) plan right now and how this was all part of it, but through the support of family and friends we have been pushing through.”

Other mysterious deaths

Granted – any event with 20,000 attendees will statistically have a few people who don’t make it to Christmas, however two other survivors of the Vegas massacre who notably said they saw multiple shooters have died weirdlyand one of them was trying to organize a survivors’ group to coordinate accounts of the incident when she died.

Kymberley Suchomel

Vegas survivor Kymberley Suchomel died October 9 in her Apple Valley, CA home just five days after she posted her version of events to Facebook. Her grandmother told the Victorville Daily Press that Kymberley appeared to have died in her sleep:

“Kymberley had epilepsy and she’s always been prone to seizures — she told her friend that she recently had three focal seizures,” Julie Norton said. “I believe the stress from the shooting took her life.”

Kymberley’s said on Facebook that “every single survivor I have talked to also remembers multiple shooters, and at least one from the ground.” 

A longtime friend of Suchomel’s also posted screenshots of a conversation with Kymberley in which she said she was planning to “organize a group of survivors” in order “to piece things together.

“You can share my comment for sure,” Suchomel told her friend,  “And you can leave my name” she added. “I’m trying to organize a group of survivors so if anyone wants to contact me they can. Because this fucked up shit doesn’t make sense and we are trying to piece things together.”

Five days later Suchomel was dead.

Danny Contreras

The next mysterious death of a Vegas massacre survivor is Danny Contreras – who described multiple shooters as well. The 35 year old reported his account all over – with one of his tweets shared hundreds of times which stated “can’t believe i got out of concert alive! 2 men chasing me with guns.” 

Contreras was found dead in a vacant Las Vegas home with multiple gunshot wounds.

Police said 35-year-old Danny Contreras was found dead at 7:05 a.m. Monday. A woman who thought she heard a man groaning had called 911 requesting a welfare check on the 5800 block of East Carey Avenue, near North Nellis Boulevard.

Contreras died of multiple gunshot wounds, and the coroner ruled his death a homicide. –Las Vegas Review Journal

Las Vegas Police homicide Lt. Dan McGrath said it’s possible Contreras had gang ties based on the fact that he had tattoos, though the killing was likely related to narcotics rather than gang activity.

Neighbors said they did not hear any gunshots, however they heard arguing and a dog barking.

While the fiery death of the Carvers’ after careening into the gate of their gated community is indeed mysterious, the couple did not post publicly about multiple shooters. Kymberley Suchomel and Danny Contreras, on the other hand, most certainly did before their untimely deaths.

Watch this video and tell me there was only one shooter:


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Bitcoin Hits Record Highs After CME Introduces BTC Futures

Despite Jamie Dimon’s best efforts to talk shit about bitcoin – calling the digital currency a ‘fraud, worse than tulip bulbs‘ which governments will undoubtedly shut down, the world’s largest exchange, CME Group, said it plans to introduce bitcoin futures within 60 days.

The move will allow institutional investors a brand new way to tap into the digital currency, as current options are limited.

Bitcoin surged over 4% to record highs on the news before backing off:

Bloomberg reports:

The CME contract will settle in cash and use a daily price from the CME CF Bitcoin Reference Rate, which is supported by digital exchanges Bitstamp, GDAX, itBit and Kraken. Missing from that list is Gemini, one of the other large global exchanges, which struck a deal with Cboe.

A functioning derivatives market could help professional traders and investors access the incredible volatility inherent in bitcoin without having to trade on unfamiliar venues that may risk anti-money laundering and know-your-customer rulesIt will also allow traders to hedge their cash positions in the digital currency, which to date has been difficult to do.
As the world’s largest regulated FX marketplace, CME Group is the natural home for this new vehicle that will provide investors with transparency, price discovery and risk transfer capabilities,” Terrence Duffy, CME’s chief executive officer, said in a statement today.
Bitcoin Investment Trust
As one of the only bitcoin-backed securities on the market, Bitcoin Investment Trust (GBTC) – which holds actual bitcoin and is a “physical” fund, trades at a 30% premium to NAV.
With the introduction of CME futures, it opens the door to bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs). The SEC rejecte4d a proposal in March by Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss – co-creators of the Gemini exchange – stating that the necessary surveillance was too complicated since “significant markets for bitcoin are unregulated.”
CME is a giant in trading with products including futures on the S&P 500, oil and gold, and customer connections all around the world. The timing of the decision is a bit of a surprise. Just a month ago, CME President Bryan Durkin said on Bloomberg Television that “I really don’t see us going forward with a futures contract in the very near future,” writes Bloomberg.
Looks like the CME has come to its senses.
CME won’t be the first…
In the race for bitcoin derivatives, both CME and Cboe have lost to a startup. LedgerX won CFTC approval to offer swaps and options on bitcoin and began trading earlier this month. Volumes have been light so far. Yesterday, 103 bitcoin swaps traded on LedgerX, while nine options contracts changed hands, according to the exchange. The LedgerX options trades are physically-delivered, giving investors who hold a contract to maturity the ability to own bitcoin outright.
That said, the CME’s introduction of bitcoin futures is one of the largest, most significant step by a major institution towards legitimizing the digital currency as a store of value – Dimon be damned.

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Tony Podesta Threatens Tucker Carlson After Bombshell Report On Russian Influence Peddling

Tony Podesta has reportedly threatened Fox’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight” hours after resigning from his role at the Podesta Group – a D.C. lobbying firm accused by a former executive of pedaling Russian influence along with fellow lobbyist and short-lived Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort.


UPDATE: The letter

Manfort was indicted over the weekend on 12 counts ranging from tax fraud, money laundering and giving false statements between 2006 and 2015, and is currently under house arrest after turning himself over to the FBI Monday – fueling speculation as to whether Tony Podesta’s sudden departure from his firm is connected.

Of note, Monday’s indictment lists “Company A” and “Company B” as firms involved in the investigation – which NBC reports are the Podesta Group and D.C. Public Relations firm Mercury Public Affairs.

Last week Carlson reported that Tony Podesta is a central figure in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. Directly after his report, Carlson’s show was contacted by a former long-time executive of the Podesta Group with “direct personal knowledge” of Tony Podesta’s questionable activities, which Carlson divulged the next evening.

Carlson later tweeted “We’re confident the Mueller probe will reveal a lot more about Tony Podesta’s lobbying practices in the near future.”

To review

After meeting with the former Podesta Group executive who has been “extensively” interviewed by Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel, Tucker Carlson Tonight relayed several highly troubling aspects of the Tony Podesta’s relationship with business associate and fellow lobbyist, Paul Manafort.

According to the former Podesta Group executive, Manafort and Tony Podesta were running a Russian influence-peddling racket up and down Washington D.C., bringing a “parade” of Russian oligarchs to congress for meetings. Podesta was also “Basically part of the Clinton Foundation,” meeting regularly to discuss the now-infamous Uranium One deal.

Highlights, as previously reported (video below):

  • Lobbyist and temporary Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort is at the center of the Russia probe – however the scope of the investigation has broadened to include his activities prior to the 2016 election.
  • Manafort worked with the Podesta Group since at least 2011 on behalf of Russian interests, and was at the Podesta Group offices “all the time, at least once a month,” peddling Russian influence through a shell group called the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine (ECMU).
  • Manafort brought a “parade” of Russian oligarchs to congress for meetings with members and their staffs, however, the Russia’s “central effort” was the Obama Administration.
  • In 2013, John Podesta recommended that Tony hire David Adams, Hillary Clinton’s chief adviser at the State Department, giving them a “direct liaison” between the group’s Russian clients and Hillary Clinton’s State Department.
  • In late 2013 or early 2014, Tony Podesta and a representative for the Clinton Foundation met to discuss how to help Uranium One – the Russian owned company that controls 20 percent of American Uranium Production – and whose board members gave over $100 million to the Clinton Foundation.
  • Tony Podesta was basically part of the Clinton Foundation.”
  • Believing she would win the 2016 election, Russia considered the Podesta Group’s connection to Hillary highly valuable.
  • Podesta Group is a nebulous organization with no board oversight and all financial decisions made by Tony Podesta. Carlson’s source said payments and kickbacks could be hard for investigators to trace, describing it as a “highly secret treasure trove.” One employee’s only official job was to manage Tony Podesta’s art collection, which could be used to conceal financial transactions.

10/31/2017 – updated to reflect specific threat

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Pissed Off Tesla Driver Goes On 25 Minute Rant Over Horrific 1st Year Of Ownership $TSLA

Tesla owner Tyler Martin was giddy as a school girl last December when he picked up his brand new Model S – until he began noticing several problems.

From paint damage and misaligned trim panels on his new customer walkthrough to creaks, rattles, a defective windshield and broken mirrors – poor Tyler has paid a heavy price to let the world know he’s making a difference in his coal-powered electric car.

Jalopnik writes:

Among the issues he mentions are paint imperfections, a dusty touch screen, and poor trim alignment on the door—these were what he found on the day the car was delivered. Other issues quickly crept up, but Martin waited about six months and 3,000 miles before taking his new car to a service center. When he did, he mentioned to the technicians that his electric driver-side mirror would only unfold partially; he had to physically push it the rest of the way.

Martin also asked the shop to get the door trim lined up properly, but allegedly the mechanics couldn’t quite get it perfect. In addition, Martin mentioned that his rear passenger-side door had a strange delay between the handle being pulled and the door actually opening.

On top of that, he told the shop about a rattle from the rear passenger-side door, a crooked steering wheel when driving straight, a front door that creaked when it opened, and a defective windshield with little horizontal lines in it.


By Martin’s second service visit to address all the problems cropping up, Martin reported a “number of new rattles,” the passenger door panel separating from the door frame, and an off-center steering wheel.

By the time a technician came to Martin’s house for the car’s second service, a new rattle had popped up in the front passenger-side door. The technician fixed this, and replaced the windshield (with one that was also defective). Shortly after this service, Martin says he was sitting in his passenger seat, and noticed the door trim coming off (see above).

Over the next few thousand miles, the car developed a number of new rattles, including one in the center console and one in the B-pillar. The steering wheel remained crooked, the HVAC fan squeaked and the car’s charging port struggled to open with the remote.


Martin’s biggest disappointment of all was a “weird yellow line” that appeared around the 17-inch touchscreen – the central information hub of the Model S.

Enjoy Martin’s rant – which has over 73,000 views in four days as of this writing: 

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Tony Podesta Leaves Firm After FBI Indicts Business Associate Paul Manafort

Tony Podesta, co-founder of the Podesta Group with his brother Tony Podesta, has left the lobbying firm that bears his name amid the ongoing investigation by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller which led to the Monday indictment of lobbyist and short-lived Trump campaign manager, Paul Manafort.

Podesta is handing over full operational and financial control to longtime firm CEO Kimberley Fritts, according to multiple sources with knowledge of the meeting. Fritts and a senior group of the Podesta team will be launching a new firm in the next one or two days. Sources said the transition has been in the works for the past several months. –Politico

As iBankCoin previously reported, the Podesta Group was subpoenaed in late August along with four other public relations firms who worked with former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort during a 2012-2014 lobbying effort for a pro-Ukraine think tank – the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine (ECMU) – tied to former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych.

Yanukovych fled from Ukraine to Russia after he was unseated in a 2014 coup.

Former Podesta Group Executive Opens Up: 

Now might also be a good time to review what a former long-time Podesta Group executive told Tucker Carlson about the Podesta Group: 

The former executive who has been “extensively” interviewed by Mueller’s team, said the FBI probe is now focusing on people in Washington who have worked as de-facto operatives on behalf of Russian government and business. To that end, Carlson’s source made several shocking claims about Paul Manafort and the Podesta Group peddling Russian influence throughout Washington D.C. – focusing primarily on access to the Obama administration, and heavily involved with the Clinton Foundation and the Uranium One deal.

They are more focused on facilitators of Russian influence in this country than they are on election collusion,” Carlson’s source told Fox.

To be clear, a former long-time executive of the Podesta Group has told Robert Mueller’s team the following (and more):


  • Lobbyist and temporary Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort is at the center of the Russia probe – however the scope of the investigation has broadened to include his activities prior to the 2016 election.
  • Manafort worked with the Podesta Group since at least 2011 on behalf of Russian interests, and was at the Podesta Group offices “all the time, at least once a month,” peddling Russian influence through a shell group called the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine (ECMU).
  • Manafort brought a “parade” of Russian oligarchs to congress for meetings with members and their staffs, however, the Russia’s “central effort” was the Obama Administration.
  • In 2013, John Podesta recommended that Tony hire David Adams, Hillary Clinton’s chief adviser at the State Department, giving them a “direct liaison” between the group’s Russian clients and Hillary Clinton’s State Department.
  • In late 2013 or early 2014, Tony Podesta and a representative for the Clinton Foundation met to discuss how to help Uranium One – the Russian owned company that controls 20 percent of American Uranium Production – and whose board members gave over $100 million to the Clinton Foundation.
  • Tony Podesta was basically part of the Clinton Foundation.”
  • Believing she would win the 2016 election, Russia considered the Podesta Group’s connection to Hillary highly valuable.
  • Podesta Group is a nebulous organization with no board oversight and all financial decisions made by Tony Podesta. Carlson’s source said payments and kickbacks could be hard for investigators to trace, describing it as a “highly secret treasure trove.” One employee’s only official job was to manage Tony Podesta’s art collection, which could be used to conceal financial transactions.



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“Did He Wear A Wire?”: Former Trump Campaign Aide Pleads Guilty To Lying To FBI

originally published by ZeroHedge

In addition to the news that former Trump campaign executive Paul Manafort and his longtime deputy, Rick Gates, have been indicted on 12 counts including tax fraud, money laundering, failing to register as a lobbyist for a foreign country, and conspiring against the US, unsealed court documents have revealed that former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos pleaded guilty on Oct. 5 to making false statements to the FBI.

Noting that the Russian government often uses foreign intermediaries to accomplish its foreign policy goals, the FBI said it investigated Papadopoulos, who served as a foreign adviser for the Trump campaign starting on March 2016 and continuing through most of the campaign, for any such contacts. This investigation included an interview in January 2017. According to the indictment, there is probable cause to believe that on Jan. 27, Papadopoulos made material false statements and omitted material facts to the FBI regarding his interactions during the campaign with foreign contacts, including Russian nationals.

Specifically, Prosecutors charged Papadopolous with lying to investigators and that he falsely described his interactions with a certain foreign contact, identified as a professor, who discussed “dirt” related to emails concerning then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, when in fact, he had repeated communications with that contact while serving as an adviser on the campaign. Papadopoulos allegedly told the FBI that those conversations happened before he joined the campaign, statements rebutted by the Justice Department’s timeline.

Papadopoulos also shut down a Facebook account following a second interview in February. The account included communications with foreigners including Russian nationals – thereby obstructing the FBI’s investigation.

A self-described energy consultant, Papadopoulos was the youngest and least experienced member of the small foreign policy team Trump abruptly formed last March after coming under criticism for his lack of foreign policy expertise. Furthermore, the Washington Post reported that in at least half a dozen email requests sent between March and September 2016, adviser George Papadopoulos urged Trump or senior members of his campaign to meet with Russian officials. Some of those emails were read to the newspaper by a person with access to them.

These newly surfaced emails mark the latest in a long string of examples of the Trump team’s efforts to establish direct communication with Russia during the 2016 race.

In one, Papadopoulos offered to arrange “a meeting between us and the Russian leadership to discuss US-Russia ties under President Trump,” as quoted by the Post.

It is worth recalling, however, that as the WaPo first reported back in Augustseveral Trump officials, including Paul Manafort, who served as Trump’s campaign chairman, expressed concern over the proposed meetings. Other officials who raised concerns over Papadopoulos’s proposals to meet with with Russian officials include the Trump campaign’s co-chairman, Sam Clovis, and Navy Rear Adm. Charles Kubic.

Papadopoulos also passed on an exchange with the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC), which conveyed that the Russian foreign ministry was receptive to Trump making a trip to Russia. An official with the Council confirmed that a discussion about a U.S.-Russia dialogue “informally” occurred.

“We discussed the idea informally as one of the opportunities for … dialogue between Russia and the U.S.,” Ivan Timofeev told The Post. “RIAC often hosts meetings with prominent political figures and experts from the US and many other countries.”

Manafort, according to the report, passed on the note to one of his colleagues, saying “We need someone to communicate that DT is not doing these trips.”

“We thought we probably should not go forward with any meeting with the Russians until we have had occasion to sit with our NATO allies,” Clovis said in a March email discussing a potential meeting.

* * *

Then there’s this from the WaPo’s initial account:

Papadopoulos emerges from the sample of emails as a new and puzzling figure in the examination of the Trump campaign’s contacts with Russian officials and their proxies during the 2016 election, now the subject of a special-counsel investigation.

Less than a decade out of college, Papadopoulos appeared to hold little sway within the campaign, and it is unclear whether he was acting as an intermediary for the Russian government, although he told campaign officials he was.

While the emails illustrate his eagerness to strengthen the campaign’s connections to the Russian government, Papadopoulos does not spell out in them why it would be in Trump’s interest to do so. His entreaties appear to have generated more concern than excitement within the campaign, which at the time was looking to seal the Republican nomination and take on a heavily favored Hillary Clinton in the general election.

The Papadopoulos emails are part of 20,000 pages of documents the campaign provided to Congress earlier this month.

* * *

A growing question now is what Papadopoulos may have “given” the government as part of the plea agreement, and whather he has “flipped” on Trump:

Former US Attorney Preet Bharara says the FBI appears to have found a cooperating witness in Papadopoulos – which is significant.

In his plea agreement, the government says it will offer leniency to Papadopoulos in exchange for his cooperation, and that sentencing will be delayed before cooperation is completed. 

Finally, as The Smoking Gun asks, “did George Papadopoulos agree to wear a wire or make any FBI-monitored calls?

Finally, with some asking whether the young ex-advisor may have had alternative motives, the Guardian’s Jon Swaine points out that the former aide sought book publisher recommendations three weeks ago.

“Interested in meeting with a prominent publisher. Recommendations welcome, ” wrote Papadopoulos


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Kevin Spacey Accused of Mounting ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Actor Anthony Rapp When He Was 14 [updated]

Star Trek: Discovery actor Anthony Rapp has accused Kevin Spacey of mounting him on a bed in 1984 when he was just 14 and Spacey was 26.

The openly gay actor told BuzzFeed the incident happened when both were appearing in Broadway shows (Rapp in Precious Sons and Spacey in Long Day’s Journey Into Night). Rapp said he hasn’t spoken with Spacey since the incident, and that his “stomach churns” at the thought of Spacey’s success. Rapp said he felt the need to come forward after the Harvey Weinstein scandal opened the floodgates.

“He was trying to seduce me,” Rapp said, adding “I don’t know if I would have used that language. But I was aware that he was trying to get with me sexually.”

Via Hollywood Reporter

One night, Spacey invited Rapp to his apartment for a party; later, Rapp says, he found himself bored and watching TV in Spacey’s bedroom when he realized that he was the only one left in the apartment with the actor, who was 26 at the time.

Spacey then appeared and “sort of stood in the doorway, kind of swaying. My impression when he came in the room was that he was drunk.”

Rapp, who is now 46, claimed that Spacey then “picked me up like a groom picks up the bride over the threshold. But I don’t, like, squirm away initially, because I’m like, ‘What’s going on?’ And then he lays down on top of me.

Rapp alleged that Spacey was holding him down while tightening his grip on Rapp, who was able to get away after some time.

“I was like, ‘What is happening?’” he told BuzzFeed News. “I saw on the counter next to the sink a picture of him having his arm around a man. So I think on some level I was like, ‘Oh. He’s gay. I guess.’ Then I opened the door, and I was like, ‘OK, I’m going to go home now.’ He followed me to the front door of the apartment, and as I opened the door to leave, he was leaning on the front door[frame]. And he was like, ‘Are you sure you wanna go?’ I said, ‘Yes, good night,’ and then I did leave.”

Rapp said he opened up in light of allegations against Harvey Weinstein, James Toback, Mark Halperin and others. “Not to simply air a grievance, but to try to shine another light on the decades of behavior that have been allowed to continue because many people, including myself, being silent. … I’m feeling really awake to the moment that we’re living in, and I’m hopeful that this can make a difference.”

Update: “My bad. I’m gay

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Qatar’s Former PM Says United States, Saudi Arabia and Turkey Colluded On Regime Change In Syria

Qatar’s former Prime Minister gave a viral TV interview last Wednesday in which he said Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United States have been shipping weapons to anti-Assad jihadists since at least 2011 – the same week a leaked NSA document confirmed that anti-government forces in Syria were under the direct command of foreign actors since the beginning of the conflict.

ZeroHedge writes:

according to a well-known Syria analyst and economic adviser with close contacts in the Syrian government, the explosive interview constitutes a high level “public admission to collusion and coordination between four countries to destabilize an independent state, [including] possible support for Nusra/al-Qaeda.” Importantly, “this admission will help build case for what Damascus sees as an attack on its security & sovereignty. It will form basis for compensation claims.”

The top Qatari official is no less than former Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber al-Thani, who oversaw Syria operations on behalf of Qatar until 2013 (also as foreign minister), and is seen below with then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in this Jan. 2010 photo (as a reminder, Qatar’s 2022 World Cup Committee donated $500,000 to the Clinton Foundation in 2014).

In an interview with Qatari TV Wednesday, bin Jaber al-Thani revealed that his country, alongside Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and the United States, began shipping weapons to jihadists from the very moment events “first started” (in 2011).

Al-Thani even likened the covert operation to “hunting prey” – the prey being President Assad and his supporters – “prey” which he admits got away (as Assad is still in power; he used a Gulf Arabic dialect word, “al-sayda”, which implies hunting animals or prey for sport). Though Thani denied credible allegations of support for ISIS, the former prime minister’s words implied direct Gulf and US support for al-Qaeda in Syria (al-Nusra Front) from the earliest years of the war, and even said Qatar has “full documents” and records proving that the war was planned to effect regime change.

According to Zero Hedge’s translation, al-Thani said while acknowledging Gulf nations were arming jihadists in Syria with the approval and support of US and Turkey: “I don’t want to go into details but we have full documents about us taking charge [in Syria].” He claimed that both Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah (who reigned until his death in 2015) and the United States placed Qatar in a lead role concerning covert operations to execute the proxy war.

The former prime minister’s comments, while very revealing, were intended as a defense and excuse of Qatar’s support for terrorism, and as a critique of the US and Saudi Arabia for essentially leaving Qatar “holding the bag” in terms of the war against Assad. Al-Thani explained that Qatar continued its financing of armed insurgents in Syria while other countries eventually wound down large-scale support, which is why he lashed out at the US and the Saudis, who initially “were with us in the same trench.”

In a previous US television interview which was vastly underreported, al-Thani told Charlie Rose when asked about allegations of Qatar’s support for terrorism that, “in Syria, everybody did mistakes, including your country.” And said that when the war began in Syria, “all of use worked through two operation rooms: one in Jordan and one in Turkey.”

As is now well-known, the CIA was directly involved in leading regime change efforts in Syria with allied gulf partners, as leaked and declassified US intelligence memos confirm. The US government understood in real time that Gulf and West-supplied advanced weaponry was going to al-Qaeda and ISIS, despite official claims of arming so-called “moderate” rebels. For example, a leaked 2014 intelligence memo sent to Hillary Clinton acknowledged Qatari and Saudi support for ISIS.

The email stated in direct and unambiguous language that:

 “the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region.”

Furthermore, one day before Prime Minister Thani’s interview, The Intercept released a new top-secret NSA document unearthed from leaked intelligence files provided by Edward Snowden which show in stunning clarity that the armed opposition in Syria was under the direct command of foreign governments from the early years of the war which has now claimed half a million lives.

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