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Friendly Dinosaur Warren Buffett Thinks WSJ And NYT Have “Assured Future” Thanks To Digital Subscription Models

I know Warren Buffet is hallowed ground for some of you, but the Oracle from Omaha just cobbled together the weakest investment thesis since Yahoo! bought Broadcast.com, making Mark Cuban the luckiest son of a bitch on the face of the planet – even if he does consistently pick losing teams.

Get this – Buffet, who’s never sent a Tweet, thinks that Rupert Murdoch’s Wall St. Jounal (of recent failed PewDiePie hit-job fame) and the New York Times $NYT (of generally failing fame) are going to be the only two publications with an “assured future” thanks to their robust online models. Jeff Bezos’ Washington Post (of government mouthpiece fame) gets an honorable mention.

There are only two papers in the United States that I think have an assured future because they have a successful internet model to go with their print model, and that’s the Journal and the New York Times. They have developed an online presence that people will pay for.

Now the third that may do it, again going back to Bezos, is the Washington Post – and he’s improved dramatically their situation online, so it’s conceivable that their math works.

Sorry Warren – faith in the MSM is completely broken, and people are increasingly migrating to sites like ZeroHedge and iBankCoin to avoid corporate-globalist propaganda. Plus, anything in the WSJ / NYT is available from about a dozen sources for free.

Now let’s take a look at how WSJ and WaPo are actually doing in terms of internet traffic – the cornerstone of Warren’s rad thesis – especially since iBankCoin’s “clickgate” article showed how mystery internet traffic from China as measured by Alexa.com (which shares an owner with the Washington Post) appeared to be synthetically inflating their rankings. Interestingly, the Chinese traffic has suddenly disappeared from the Alexa metrics, painting a dramatically different picture of NYT and WaPo’s penetration in the digital space.

Sorry Warren – these papers all suck, they’re being exposed for sucking, and you’re on the wrong side of the trade.

Of hilarious note, Squawk Box’s Becky Quick asked Buffet about “assholes” at the end of the interview!

Becky: So, how often do you think “that guy’s an asshole” but not tell him

Buffet: Well I’ve certainly thought that over the years, but it hasn’t all been guys either!

Warren gets a few bonus points for handling that like a boss – even if he needs to fire whichever ivy league MBA told him digital subscriptions work.

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Has David Seaman Been Ben Swann’d? Another PizzaGate Researcher Deletes Entire Social Media Presence

David Seaman is an interesting guy. After kicking off his career in journalism as a staff writer for Jim Cramer’s TheStreet.com, Seaman carved a circuitous path through the MSM – appearing as a guest on ABC News, CNN Headline News, BBC, HuffPost LIVE, The Young Turks, and Fox News. He was ousted from the Huffington Post platform in 2016 for writing two articles about Hillary Clinton’s health, after which Seaman turned his obsessive focus to the controversial topic of #PizzaGate; making dozens of popular videos, tweeting extensively, and calling for the public arrest and execution of those involved.

Some see Seaman as a leading figure in the quest to get to the bottom of the #PizzaGate scandal, while others view him as nothing more than a self-promoting opportunist.

Wherever you fall on the spectrum of Seaman, the PizzaGate researcher’s Twitter, Youtube, and Vid.me accounts were all mysteriously deleted in the last 48 hours and he has gone dark – eerily reminiscent of Ben Swann, the CBS affiliate reporter who suddenly deleted his social media presence after a widely shared report on #PizzaGate (for those concerned about Swann, he is alive – though his social media is still dark and he has not followed up on his controversial report).

Concern for Seaman has been expressed throughout social media:

Infowars’ Paul Joseph Watson has chimed in:

Seaman’s last gab.ai message was cryptic:

Also of note; the day before Seaman’s media blackout, Buzzfeed published a hit-piece attempting to discredit him.

Despite the sudden deletion of content, a fellow “pizza” researcher who is friends with Seaman has apparently been in contact with him – suggesting he’s immensely stressed out, and posting a screenshot from a private conversation with David in which he says he has been advised by “the right people” and can explain all in one week:

Similar words were contained in Ben Swann’s Twitter sign-off: It’s all good

An anonymous user on Voat who also claims to be a friend of David’s also posted about the situation:

David’s a friend of mine. I posted this on Donald Trump’s subreddit and it was deleted in under a minute. His Paypal has been frozen twice, his Patreon keeps getting messed with, bank cards frozen, police patrol cars regularly in front of his apartment to intimidate him. When I hang out with him, he keeps his cell phone in another room, says he can’t stand the constant harassment emails and messages he receives every minute.

While visiting friends in Maryland, he was poisoned and had serious cardiac problems for a day. He’s gotten kind of publicly religious and strange since then because he said he saw the angelic lights when his heart stopped. “Alohim are real” he texted me. Since then, he vomits constantly and has panic attacks, I don’t know what they poisoned him with but he seems different. Frail.

He told me he deleted his Twitter because he can’t take any more criticism or threats until his health recovers.

I can only think of a few explanations for what’s going on:

Seaman wants to avoid being sued into the stone age after Alex Jones and others recently backed off the pizza narrative – though for a seemingly fearless guy living off YouTube ad revenue and Patron supporters, the thought of bankruptcy doesn’t seem like it would phase him.


Seaman was in fact told by “the right people” to delete his accounts for some reason yet to be revealed, and it’s actually “all good.”


Seaman, who had reported mysterious police cars outside of his apartment as well as a poisoning, has been silenced by bad guys.


This is a publicity stunt.

What say you?

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#DemExit: Bernie Supporters Defecting After DNC Appoints Clinton Shill Tom Perez As New Chair

The DNC may have just handed President Trump his second term, as Bernie Sanders supporters are revolting against the Democratic Party’s new chairman, Tom Perez (who appears to be a moron). He’s a complete and utter establishment shill who actively assisted the Clinton campaign in destroying Bernie Sanders – and many in the DNC are defecting… The hashtag #DemExit is trending, bigly.

Let’s look at a few notable examples of Tom Perez’s overt shillery:


We heard loudly and clearly yesterday from Bernie supporters that the process was rigged and it was. And you’ve got to be honest about it. That’s why we need a chair who is transparent,” 2/8/2017nbc


Actively conspired against Bernie Sanders:



I know I’ve posted this like 6 times – but Glenn Greenwald has the best advice for the failing DNC:

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Despite Arrest Of Top Advisor And Bodyguard, New Poll Shows Le Pen Is Mightier Than Les Globalists

It’s coming…

French authorities have made yet another monumental error in judgment after arresting Marine Le Pen’s chief of staff and bodyguard for questioning over alleged misuse of public funds to pay parliamentary assistants – the equivalent of a jaywalking ticket in terms of shits given. By making le mountain out of le molehill, this latest debacle by French authorities is the most recent in a long list of backfired attempts to delegitimize the National Front candidate – including French banks refusing to lend money to her campaign, and the MSM’s ongoing hit-job (calling Le Pen “far-right” and “extreme” on a regular basis, for example).

These tactics seem to be working about as well as they did with Trump. Keep it up French establishment – you’ve effectively solidified Le Pen’s underdog status. In case you hadn’t noticed, your country is being burned to the ground by foreign invaders and France is becoming one giant no-go zone. Instead of addressing the problem, you’ve doubled down on multiculturalism by continuing to welcome a hoard of migrants – 70% of which are “men of fighting age.” Oops. Sad. etc.

The latest national poll shows support for Le Pen SURGING:

With Le Pen’s promise to return france to Economic sovereignty, it goes without saying that if she is elected in May, the European Union will be living on borrowed time. Frexit will happen and the ECB backstop will dissolve – considering Germany and France are it’s largest contributors. Italy’s solvency is #FakeNews with it’s 133% debt/gdp ratio; and the rest of the PIIGS are vulnerable to the big bad wolf of defaults. I wonder if Italy’s recent legislation for “extraordinary and temporary state support” of their largest bank was a canary in the coal mine of ECB death? The fact that Germany is pissed about it may be a clue.

What then? Euro hyperinflation as confidence is lost, or a Euro split to try and avoid this? A reversion to individual currencies as the entire EU experiment fails? The Netherlands is already considering dumping the at-risk currency. If any of these scenarios start to pan out, scared money will undoubtedly flock to the usual suspects; US Treasuries and other “safe” sovereign bonds, Dollars, precious metals, US real estate, and other safe havens. Volatility will be back, and all you freeloading pikers will buy Exodus subscriptions to try and salvage your nest eggs.

Of course, the doom trade is never that simple, and most everyone got the Trump trade wrong. I’m sure the EU will find a way to cover up the carnage and pretend everything is fine, and we’ll see Dow 30K before any of that happens – so keep partying until the music stops, but don’t get caught without a chair (my most stupidest analogy to date).

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Banned HuffPo Contributor: Trump “Must Go Through Hell Every Day If This Is How The Press Is Behaving”

What happens when a prolific progressive Huffington Post contributor deviates from the narrative and publishes an article admitting Donald Trump was correct about something?

HuffPo deletes the article and bans the guy, of course!

Norwegian journalist, author, and world traveler René Zografos had the audacity to suggest that Donald Trump was telling the truth about Sweden’s ongoing nightmare related to the violent tidal wave of predominantly North African refugees. Zografos wrote:

It’s well known for Scandinavians and other Europeans that liberal immigration comes with drugs, rapes, gang wars, robbery and violence. Additional to that we see the respective nations cultures fading away, for good and for bad.

Hours after publication, the article was gone – and Zografos’ access to the Huffington Post was revoked:

When reached for comment, Zografos’ told iBankCoin:

I just think this it’s a silly behavior, and actually a bit scary, because free press is crucial in our world. I don’t always agree with Trump, but he must go through hell everyday if this is how the press is behaving.

For the liberal media to actively ignore, suppress, and lie about what’s going on in Sweden (which now has a grenade problem of all things, which did not exist prior to 2012) is beyond the pale. Between no-go zones, riots, news crews being assaulted, and a recently earned reputation as the “rape capital of Europe” – all of which have been vehemently denied by the MSM and the hypocritical Swedish government, the level of propaganda and cover-up is astounding.

Mr. Zografos discussed the incident on Twitter:

In the meantime, Mr. Zografos granted iBankCoin permission to republish his now-deleted article in it’s entirety:


Sweden has huge problems because of liberal immigration policy
Many journalists around the world are eager to condemn Donald Trump no matter what. When he tweeted about immigration in Sweden few days ago, the social media exploded. Most of the opponent said that Trump had made up the immigration problem Sweden are having. They are wrong.
Only hours later there was a riot of violence and destructions by immigrants in the capitol of Sweden, Stockholm. The police was forced to shoot with ammunition to put and end to it. In Malmö, another city south in Sweden they have struggle with gang violence and lawlessness for years. So when Trump talk about that Sweden have an immigration problem he is actually spot on.
It’s well known for Scandinavians and other Europeans that liberal immigration comes with drugs, rapes, gang wars, robbery and violence. Additional to that we see the respective nations cultures fading away, for good and for bad.
But the immigration problem is not only a Swedish predicament. The truth is, that several European cities have huge immigration problems where even the police force is afraid to interfere in some locations in these cities. UK, France and several other European countries are changing rapidly with extreme quantity of immigration. I’m not saying immigration is only bad, but a lot of problems come with poor immigration policy, as consequences we get violence, terror and gangs. The fact is that the press here in Europe hasn’t doing their job properly. There is this fear for journalists to not report the basic truth – which is that Europe has enormous problems that comes from liberal immigration politics, and as we also now can see in Sweden, but also here in Norway. But it’s not political correct for journalists to say or write that immigration in Europe is unsuccessful. When that said, most of the people that come from other countries are behaving flawless and are a gift to our society, but then again to report that everything is all good is simply wrong and these journalists should find another job, because they do not have enough integrity that requires to be decent journalist.



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Bannon Lays It Out: “The MSM Better Understand Something – All Of Those Promises Are Going To Be Implemented”

Top Trump strategist Steve Bannon sat down with Reince Priebus at CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) and painted a far less acrimonious picture of Trump’s team than the MSM has been shoving down our throats. There were no signs of “Chaos” or discord, for the most part – in fact, Bannon laid out exactly how wrong they are:

If you look at the opposition party and how they portrayed the campaign, how they portrayed the transition, and how they portrayed the administration – it’s always wrong.

If you remember, by the media’s description, the campaign was the most chaotic, most disorganized, most unprofessional, had no earthly idea what they were doing – and then you saw them all crying and weeping that night on the 8th. And the reason it worked is President Trump. Trump had those ideas, had that energy, had that vision, that could galvanize a team around him.

Bannon went on to describe exactly what the media keeps getting wrong – Trump’s agenda:

This is the thing that the mainstream media, or the opposition party, never caught. If you want to see the Trump agenda, it was all in the speeches. He went around to these rallies where those speeches had a tremendous amount of content in them.

I happen to believe, and I think many others do, he’s probably the greatest public speaker in those large arenas since William Jennings Bryan [D-NB 1891 – 1915].

Many many people try to come in and try to convince President Trump, “Hey, you’ve won on this, but this is what you wanna do,” and he’s like “No, I promised the American people this – and this is the plan we’re gonna execute on.” And by the way, that’s what you’ve seen.

The MSM better understand something; all of those promises are going to be implemented.

If you want a look at how Bannon and Preibus feel about each other – this last clip is insightful. Steve’s clearly made Reince his bitch in my humble opinion (excuse the choppy video):


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And They’re Off! Weaponized Autists Begin Pouring Through Leaked CNN Tapes For $10K Reward

As advertised, James O’Keefe of Project Veritas has released the first batch of leaked CNN newsroom footage – and is offering at $10,000 reward to anyone who stumbles across damaging information. The less-exciting part is that this first batch of footage is from 2009, however 4chan and Reddit are already hard at work – searching through hundreds of hours of tape in the hopes of finding something that could possibly sink the network.

The content can be found at http://www.cnnleaks.com/, however as of this writing the site is very slow to access. A 406 MB torrent can be found here, however download at your own risk with a torrent client. Don’t worry if CNN hasn’t given you permission to review the tapes – pepe has you covered:

While we wait for the autists to do their thing, let’s review some of CNN’s greatest hits – as compiled by Redditor /u/joepa_knew:

  1. CNN would rather give you a sappy heartwarming LIE than admit this woman wants violence.
  2. CNN and Anderson Cooper lie about past reporting they’ve done, and pretend that audio of Hillary cackling on about a child rape case is somehow “not authenticated”
  3. Here’s CNN’s Don Lemon doing the god damned EXACT SAME THING.
  4. Here’s CNN pretending that looking at Wikileaks is illegal… But it’s ok for them to do it… because they’re the media…
  5. Here’s CNN coaching their “focus group” on what to say after the debate… because FUCK THE TRUTH
  6. CNN doesn’t want to tell us what Trump actually said, so they’ll just doctor his tweets and make shit up. No big deal right?
  7. It’s always so unfortunate when technical issues cause cuts in feed every time someone say something bad about Hillary… especially when they were with Bernie till the end!
  8. Of course they would employ Donna Brazile, head of the fucking DNC, who is happy to pass along debate questions to Hillary. At least until she got caught…
  9. And then the same thing happened for Wolf Blitzer. In fact, CNN got every fucking DNC staffer’s input on what questions they would like this “impartial objective news service” to ask Trump
  10. Here they are backing down after being threatened with a lawsuit for calling Assange a pedophile
  11. Don Lemon calling the BLM kidnappers “not evil”… lol fuck this guy.
  12. Don Lemon identifies “random protestor” as a CNN technician, after an astroturfing spiel about the electoral college!

(Thread here. Comments section has more)

And if you want to grab a tabloid at the checkout counter, let’s entertain unfounded rumors from someone claiming to be a CNN insider!

Throughout the last few months, the website “Victurus Libertas” has provided interesting information purported to be from various agency insiders, the accuracy of which has been more hit than miss. That said, take the following information with a huge grain of salt…

  • John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Tom Cotton, and other republicans are in regular contact with Wolf Blitzer and Tapper, leaking negative info on Trump.
  • Talking points on Trump are handed down from Zucker through his “lapdog” Brian Seltzer. Everyone here is mad as hell at being accused of pushing fake news. But that is what they do.
  • Campaign starting 2/19 to smear Trump with anti-Semitic accusations
  • CNN staff loves discussing PizzaGate off camera. CNN treats like fake news but they are all scared of it.
  • Schumer is always asking if there is any news on Anthony Weiner and his laptop. Everyone knows Chuck Schumer is a pedophile.
  • “Schumer thing leaks, it’s over! We are not even allowed to mention Podesta, or PizzaGate, but that’s all everyone discusses here. It’s one big cover up.

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$75,000 “Blood Oath” Orgy Enthusiast Bill Maher LOVES Defending Pedo Sex – “The Crime Is That We Didn’t Get It On Videotape”

What an interesting turn of events. Days after outspoken Trump-supporter Milo Yiannopoulos appeared on Bill Maher’s panel of idiots where he was subject to a liberal hit-job, the left decided to execute operation McMuffin; a collaboration between liberals and former CIA “never-Trumper” Evan McMullin to strategically release dredged up flippant remarks Milo made about homosexual grooming – which led to a canceled book deal and his resignation as tech editor for Breitbart. With over 1500 sex trafficking and child exploitation arrests in the first month of Trump’s presidency, this was clearly the left’s desperate attempt to try and insinuate some sort of hypocrisy on the right concerning pedophilia. Weak.

The MSM, predictably, wasted no time attacking Milo – a strategy which surely couldn’t backfire:

Salon.com even deleted a pro-pedophilia article so they wouldn’t look like total hypocrites when they ran an story quoting Bill Maher, who took credit for kicking off the Milo smear campaign:

Hours later, thanks to 4chan and Reddit – the tides are turning, and Bill Maher’s about to get blown the fuck out…

Turns out the 61 year old host of HBO’s Real Time With Bill Maher, who attends a $75K / year elite Los Angeles sex club, is also a huge fan of pedophilia as long as the abuser is a woman – as told in a 2007 issue of Playboy magazine:

This isn’t the first time Maher has defended statutory rape. While the official DSM definition of pedophilia has an age cutoff of 13, the HBO host vehemently defended former teacher and convicted statutory child rapist Mary Kay Letourneau for having a sexual relationship with one of her students, which began when the boy was 12 – firmly putting Maher’s advocacy for the relationship in pedo territory.

(Note how Henry Rollins is completely on point?)

Karma Bill, karma. Oh, and about that sex club mentioned earlier; it appears Maher is into some Eyes Wide Shut shit. While normally I wouldn’t care – the hypocrisy of his ivory tower judgment of a gay conservative, and the fact that he piled on and took credit for kicking off Milo’s “downfall” for the exact same practice he’s advocated several times, makes it fair game to point out that the HBO host loves him some expensive orgies!

At a swanky party in a Beverly Hills, Calif., mansion last Saturday, I spot Bill Maher in a sea of beautiful young women and make my approach.

“Are you a Leo?” I ask the host of HBO’s “Real Time,” while eyeing a lion pendant around his neck.

“No, they make me wear this stupid thing because I’m a member,” he replies, stroking the back of his date, a pretty younger woman in a short black leather dress.

Single men pay $1,850 per party, or $1,500 if they come with a female partner. For the erotic elite, there’s an annual Dominus membership for $75,000, which includes admission to all parties, a sterling-silver necklace with a lion pendant and access to private rooms at parties and Lawner’s network of sex experts.

The sex club also has an interesting initiation:

Dominus members sign a “blood oath,” involving blood and a paper document, to join — but Lawner won’t go into details. NY Post

What??? AIDS tests are in the back of the store at the pharmacy counter, Bill.

The crickets are warming up for yet another prolonged silence from the MSM.

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Liberal Ad Agency Drops Infowars, 1st Amendment Assault On Conservative Media Heating Up

Most websites survive on advertising revenue, product sales, or a combination of both. Thanks to Exodus subscriptions, iBankCoin is largely self-supporting – however sites which don’t have an awesome paid service or product sales depend strictly on advertising to survive. Ads are “delivered” to websites by digital advertising agencies – which are overwhelmingly run by liberals (90% of the industry by one ad exec’s estimation).

On that note, conservative media outlet Infowars has just been axed by San Francisco advertising agency AdRoll – a major source of revenue for the Alex Jones owned Trump-friendly website, the day after Jones did an interview with the (failing) New York Times.

Jones just said in a Reddit AMA that Adroll’s decision is going to cost him $5 Million in 2017. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that the San Francisco based ad agency is overwhelmingly liberal? Several high level employees have donated money to democrat candidates over the past few elections, and their hippie lookin’ senior management needs a fucking haircut (except for the bald guy whose sloppy goatee has boundary issues). CEO Aaron Bell is a huge Bill Gates groupie, having grown up in liberal Washington and worked at Microsoft, where he stalked the Billionaire at their annual employee barbecue.

Now that you know who we’re dealing with, here’s the Infowars breakup letter:

Note the term “retargeting.” This is where the same ad follows you from site to site like in Minority Report – which is pretty much Adroll’s bread and butter. Lo and behold, the guy in charge of retargeting, Peter Clark, contributed to the “Democratic Hope Fund” in 2015:

I sure hope Peter didn’t advocate pulling the plug on Infowars simply because he and the rest of the team at AdRoll disagree politically…  Is hitting conservative news outlets in their wallet a new trend?

Forbes contributor and founder of ad agency Ideasicle, Will Burns, posed this very question in November of 2016 after Trump won the election:

The election of Donald Trump has changed everything. What was once regulating our behavior via an understated yet potent social force we called “political correctness” is now no longer “understated” and no longer “correctness” but a form of absolute-ism.

I have personally noticed that my liberal-leaning advertising friends (which is nearly all of them) have become unhinged since Trump won. The vitriol with which they post their distaste for any Trump supporter and the speed with which they brand Trump supporters as automatic racists, misogynists, and xenophobes, has been alarming.

In closing out the article, Burns re-poses his opening question. His answer reveals his belief that 90% of ad agencies are liberal:

I honestly don’t know the answer and I’m sorry for that. And you should know that if the advertising industry were 90% conservative I’d be asking this same question in reverse. -Forbes

InfoWars is now the second conservative outlet to suffer from politically motivated advertising hits, after Breitbart.com was axed by AppNexus – one of the largest digital ad agencies in the world, last November.

While this appears to be yet another case of liberal intolerance against conservatism. It would seem, however, that the door is now wide open for conservative digital ad agencies to flourish and take the place of their bigoted peers.

Peter Thiel, what say you?

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Is James O’Keefe About To Smoke CNN? Set To Release “Hundreds of Hours” Of Newsroom Footage “Wikileaks Style”

James O’Keefe of Project Veritas is set to unleash holy hell Thursday on #FakeNews network CNN. Well, he didn’t exactly say it was CNN, but it was heavily implied. Apparently the network has a mole…

O’Keefe is known for undercover sting operations which have led to such bombshells as the DNC’s paid agitator network, the outing of “DisruptJ20” / Antifa organizers which took place at comet ping pong – and netted three arrests (including a suspected pedophile), and most recently New Hampshire election fraud.

Today O’Keefe was interviewed on Sean Hannity’s radio show where he revealed that a major network has been “stung”

O’Keefe: In the next 48 hours, Project Veritas, like Wikileaks, will be releasing hundreds of hours of tape from within the establishment media. Our next target is in fact, the media.

Hannity: How long have you been working on this?

O’Keefe: We’ve had people on the inside come to us. Just like Julian Assange has people come to him, we’ve had people, sources come to us and give us information, and we’re going to be releasing it “Wikileaks Style” this week.

Moments later:

Hannity: Can you give us a hint what organizations are going to be impacted by this?

O’Keefe: It’s one that Trump has really been talking about, you can probably use your imagination.

Hannity: So, it’s CNN…

Listen here:

In other words, a closeted Trump supporter working deep inside hyper-liberal CNN just gave O’Keefe a ton of behind the scenes footage of “The Most Trusted Name In News.” My guess is we’re about to hear a bunch of establishment media puppets revealing their extreme hatred for the sitting President of the United States.

Remember that time CNN employees were laughing about Trump’s plane crashing? If O’Keefe’s release is anything along these lines, popcorn sales are about to go through the roof…

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