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VIDEO: Wasserman Schultz Threatens Police Chief Over Awan Bros Laptop Evidence

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, of “shady shit always happening in Broward County over, and over, and over, and over and over and over” fame, just spent 3 minutes badgering the chief of DC Capitol Police – threatening him with ‘consequences’ if they don’t turn over a confiscated laptop belonging to one of the shady Pakistani IT spies guys the DNC employed to run their networks, which had been hidden in a crevice at the Rayburn House Office Building.

In the exchange, Wasserman Schultz asserts that the laptop is hers – and since she isn’t under investigation, the police should return it.

“We can’t return the equipment” responded Chief Matthew Verderosa…

To which Wasserman Schultz replied: “I think you’re violating the rules when you conduct your business that way and you should expect that there will be consequences.

In February, U.S. Capitol police informed House members that the three Awan brothers from Pakistan, Abid, Jamal, and Imran – may have stolen congressional data. They are under investigation by Capitol Police with the assistance of ‘outside’ help.

Of Note

The Awan bros. were managing computers for members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intellitence. You know, the guys with top secret clearance looking into Russian election influence right now. Trey Gowdy and crew… AKA group of people who deal with incredibly sensitive national security matters.

Also of note

The brothers were “shared employees,” hired by multiple Democrats for IT work whenever it was needed – so they floated all over the place doing all sorts of work on House members computers. Democrats Juaquin Castro, Cedric Richmond, Andre Carson, Jackie Speier, Tammy Duckworth, and Louis Frankel all employed the Awans.

After they were fired from the offices of two House Democrats, Politico reported that one of the brothers, Imran Awan, and his wife Hina Alvi, are personal friends with Debbie Wasserman Schultz – who presided over the DNC during the email hack currently blamed on the Russians.

Not very good at hiding stuff

A federal employee with knowledge of the situation and who requested anonymity told The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group that as House authorities closed in on Imran Awan and his brothers, a laptop used by Imran was hidden in an unused crevice of the Rayburn House Office Building. Wasserman Schultz’s office is in Longworth House Office Building, a separate structure.

The laptop was later found by Capitol Police and seized because it was relevant to the criminal investigation, the source said. –Daily Caller

Imprisoned their stepmother to bilk inheritance money

THREE DAYS before U.S. Capitol Police told House members about the Awans, their stempmother called Fairfax County, Virginia police report she was imprisoned in their house – kept from her husband’s deathbed. Oh, and they were bugging her with listening devices.

A relative described the woman’s life as being completely controlled by the brothers for months while they schemed to take their father’s life insurance. –Daily Caller

After their father died, the Awans carted their stepmother to Pakistan to collect.

Ran shady car dealership

In addition to nosing around highly sensitive data in Congress, the Awans ran a shady car dealership that wasn’t paying it’s bills. After one of their vendors threatened to sue them, Rep. Theodore Deutch started paying the guy.

Rep Theo Deutch (D-FL) paid a disgruntled vendor the Awans owed money. Weird.

To review:

  • Shady ass Pakistani IT staffers were nosing around highly sensitive data.
  • They may have stolen sensitive data, committing espionage – and are currently under investigation.
  • DC Police found a laptop hidden in a crevice of the Rayburn House Office Building.
  • Debbie Wasserman Schultz turns out to be friends with the Awans, and has vehemently defended them.
  • Wasserman Schultz berated DC Capitol Police chief today, demanding he return the laptop.
  • Answer: Nope

No word on whether Wasserman Schultz plans to ruin Christmas, but she sure seemed unhinged today.

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Manchester Bomber’s Father and Brother Arrested For Suspected ISIS Links And New Plot

The father and brother of Manchester suicide bomber Salman Abedi have been arrested in Tripoli, Libya Tuesday and Wednesday by the Libyan counter-terrorism force Rada. The two are suspected of having ties to ISIS, and intelligence suggested that they were planning an attack on the Libyan capital, per Reuters.

Abedi’s brother, Hashem Abedi was arrested Tuesday in Tripoli, while his father Ramadan Abedi was arrested the next day outside of his home in the Tripoli suburb of Ayn Zara while giving a TV interviews to the media.

Ramadan Abedi told Bloomberg: “I was really shocked when I saw the news, I still don’t believe it.

Hashem, who traveled from London to Tripoli on April 16th, had been in contact with his brother and had allegedly discussed acts of terrorism in the name of the Islamic State.

“We have evidence that he is involved in Daesh (Islamic State) with his brother. We have been following him for more than one month and a half,” Bin Salem said. “He was in contact with his brother and he knew about the attack.” –Reuters

In a statement, the Libyan counterterrorism force said Hashem Abedi admitted to having links with the Islamic State as well as being in the UK when the Manchester attack was planned.

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UK PM: Another Terror Attack May Be ‘Imminent’ – Soldiers Ordered To Streets Amidst ‘Critical’ Threat

UK Prime Minister Theresa May says more terror attacks  ‘may be imminent’ following last night’s bombing of an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester which left 22 dead and 59 injured.

It’s a possibility we can’t ignore that there is a wider group of individuals linked to this attack –Theresa May, PM

Intelligence agencies believe the 22 year old attacker, British Libyan Salman Abedi, may not have acted alone and may in fact be part of a terror cell.

In response to last night’s attack, UK intelligence agencies upgraded the terror threat level to the highest ‘critical’ designation, only the second time since the system was introduced in 2006.

We struggle to comprehend the warped and twisted mind that sees a room packed with young children not as a scene to cherish but an opportunity for carnage

All acts of terrorism are cowardly attacks on innocent people, but this attack stands out for its appalling, sickening cowardice, deliberately targeting innocent, defenceless children and young people who should have been enjoying one of the most memorable nights of their lives. –Theresa May

Police raid Salman Abedi’s home:

A young fan is comforted after the attack:





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Trump Calls Terrorists ‘Losers’ – “Because That’s What They Are”

Speaking from Bethlehem, Israel this morning after yesterday’s visit to the sacred Western Wall – President Trump took a moment from discussing peace with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to condemn yesterday’s bombing outside of an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK – which left 22 dead and at least 59 injured.

We stand in absolute solidarity with the people of the United Kingdom

I won’t call them monsters, because they would like that term. They would think that’s a great name. I will call them, from now on, losers – because that’s what they are. They’re losers.

And we’ll have more of ’em, but they’re losers, just remember that. –Donald Trump

See below:

Meeting with Abbas

Trump held talks with the Palestinian leader “in a spirit of hope”

“I am committed to trying to achieve a peace agreement between the Israelis and the Palestinians,” he said. “And I intend to do everything I can to help them achieve that goal.

“I look forward to working with these leaders for lasting peace.”

Read more about the visit here.

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[UPDATED] At Least 19 Dead, Hundreds Injured In Massive Explosions At UK Ariana Grande Concert

Correction: reported initially as 23 dead


  • At least one explosion (conflicting reports) at the Manchester arena during Ariana Grande concert.
  • 19 confirmed dead, at least 50 injured. At least 10 children reported to be among the dead.
  • Police treating as a terror incident
  • UK officials suspect suicide bomber
  • Islamic State suspected, Twitter videos claiming responsibility and threatening further attacks rolling in (update)
  • UPDATE – Twitter account posted about attack 5 hours before the attack
  • Explosion reportedly happened near ticket booth / foyer

At least 19 people are dead – 10 of them under 18 years old, and hundreds injured after massive explosions went off at the end of an Ariana Grande concert in UK’s Manchester Arena. There are also reports of another bomb found (unexploded) in the metro (see below).

UK’s guardian reports concertgoers heard loud bangs and what sounded like gunshots.

There were just a loud bang and a flash and everyone tried to scramble out. An alarm came on telling everyone to stay calm but leave as quickly as possible. –Jade Baynes, 18

Jade and her friend Jasmine Mia, 21, also from Hull, said there appeared to be some sort of commotion in the first tier of the arena, with a number of stewards stood around the seats.

Update: Mass Casualties Expected


Update2: Possible suspect

Update 3: Unexploded bomb reportedly found in metro

Police issue a statement

Injuries and chaos

Ambulances arrive

Bomb disposal arrives



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Kim Dotcom Goes All In: ‘I Knew Seth Rich… I Was Involved’ – Sean Hannity Offers Platform

Kim Dotcom, an actual hacker, serial entrepreneur – and for a while the #1 ranked Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 player in the world – may be the key to the entire Seth Rich saga. From testimony in the Wikileaks investigation to Rich’s still unsolved murder – and facing extradition – Dotcom is ready to go nuclear…

To bring you up to speed

Last week, Private Investigator Rod Wheeler appeared on Fox5 news in DC with an update in the unsolved murder of DNC IT expert Seth Rich, claiming proof exists on Rich’s laptop proving he was Julian Assange’s source for leaked DNC emails during the 2016 election – an account in direct conflict to the Russian hacking narrative based on a discredited IT firm’s report.

Wheeler walked back his statements the next day, however the fuse was already lit… Weaponized autists on Reddit and 4chan began furiously digging back into the Seth Rich case for clues in the still unsolved murder – and they went deep.

Among the findings were Seth Rich’s Reddit account, email addresses, and Twitter accounts – one of which was in support of candidate Bernie Sanders. As an aside – before joining the DNC, Rich moved to Washington DC to take a job with polling and research firm Greenberg Quinlan Rosner – whose founder Stanley Greenberg was a senior advisor to President Bill Clinton.

Reddit’s the_donald goes dark

As Seth Rich posts reached a crescendo Friday night – dominating the front page of /r/The_Donald, the Conde Nast-linked website shut the ‘subreddit’ down for around 12 hours following a moderator’s unrelated declaration of war on the rest of Reddit over censorship – completely killing the Seth Rich momentum. When The_Donald was reopened, ‘officially’ to aid the Seth Rich effort – the offending moderator had been banned and two other mods were removed from their positions. Seth Rich posts, however, are notably sparse. Oh, and Reddit edited Seth Rich’s account during the lockout.

Meanwhile in New Zealand

Kim Dotcom is pissed – and has been plotting revenge against Hillary Clinton, Obama, and Hollywood after being targeted in the biggest copyright infringement case in history – which included a massive illegal (and then legal) raid on his New Zealand mansion by 76 armed officers and two helicopters.

Also seized were giant screen TVs and works of art, US$175m (NZ$218m) in cash, the contents of 64 bank accounts world-wide, including BNZ and Kiwibank accounts in New Zealand, Government bonds and money from numerous PayPal accounts.

Police said last night up to $11m in cash was restrained in various accounts. stuff.co.nz

Dotcom was arrested and thrown in prison for almost two months, and has been fighting ongoing court battles and pressure to extradite him to the USA ever since. In December of 2016, New Zealand’s district court announced Mr. Dotcom was eligible for extradition – a decision upheld on appeal by NZ’s High Court.

The Mega founder has stepped forward to offer proof that Seth Rich was one of Wikileaks’ sources during the 2016 presidential election.

Sean Hannity has offered Dotcom a national platform (which Kim retweeted)

Dotcom’s offer to Congress

And he’s crystal clear on why he’s doing this

Turning back the clock – hinting at hacks

In December of 2014, Dotcom kicked off a series of tweets foreshadowing events to come – beginning with the claim that he was going to be “Hillary’s worst nightmare in 2016.” In a subsequent Bloomberg article from May of 2015 which used Kim’s threat in the headline, Dotcom revealed that Julian Assange was about to unleash hell on Hillary Clinton – with Dotcom clearly involved;

“I have to say it’s probably more Julian,” who threatens Hillary, Dotcom said. “But I’m aware of some of the things that are going to be roadblocks for her.”.

Assange has access to information, Dotcom said –Bloomberg, May 2015



Now take a look at a few of Dotcom’s tweets from December on…

(p.s. for all the anons looking for digits, the above tweet’s ID is: 539567677732171777)

Kim was confident Hillary was going to lose back in May of 2015

(dubs in twitter ID)

Around A year and two months later, Kim asks a provocative question

Dotcom responds to an article from July of 2016 about classified info found on her server – directly hinting at upcoming leaks.

First, let’s review part of the timeline:

July 4th, 2016: Wikileaks tweets a link to a bunch of Hillary emails obtained legally under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

July 22nd, Wikileaks releases around 20,000 emails related to the DNC.

October 7th, The Podesta emails begin to leak, which included emails to and from Hillary Clinton and associates.

October 17th, Wikileaks announced a ‘state party’ had severed Julian Assange’s internet connection at the Ecuadorian embassy.

The day after Wikileaks released the 20,000 DNC emails, Dotcom referred it as “Episode 1”

Kim goes into his beef with Hillary…

Kim reaches out to Google employees

In light of this week’s Reddit / 4chan investigation turning up Rich’s email addresses (which Reddit scrubbed during the blackout), Dotcom is urging Google employees to submit Rich’s email contents to Wikileaks.

Questions remain

Why did Seth Rich do it?

Some people believe Rich became enraged after learning how Hillary and the DNC cheated against Bernie Sanders – who Rich supported. Furthermore, Rich worked closely with to the players involved in a suspected setup to make it appear that Bernie Sanders had ‘hacked’ Hillary Clinton.

Others have noted that 11 days after Seth Rich’s death, a post in a pro-Bernie Sanders Facebook group suggested that Seth found out Hillary Clinton was rigging the election through fake polling stations whereby Bernie Sanders ballots were shredded and replaced with Hillary ballots.

How long was Rich working against Hillary Clinton?

Kim Dotcom began alluding to Hillary’s downfall in December of 2014, six months after Seth Rich joined the DNC. Was Rich feeding Wikileaks information since then – or did Julian Assange have other sources? What made Kim Dotcom so confident? Recall that prior to working for the DNC, Seth Rich worked for Bill Clinton advisor Stanley Greenberg’s polling firm Greenberg Quinlan Rosner. Is it possible Rich discovered things about the Clintons and/or Clinton Foundation which turned him off?

Seth Rich only accounts for the DNC emails, not John Podesta’s

Ex-Kissinger official and CIA operator Dr. Steve Pieczenik went on record in November of 2016 to assert that rogue elements within US Intelligence agencies – not Russians – passed the information to Julian Assange.

Now consider the official story that the Podesta emails were obtained via phishing email scam, in which John Podesta fell victim to a fake email claiming to be a Google password reset.

Did that even happen? Or were Podesta’s emails in fact obtained by ‘rogue elements’ within US Intelligence who passed them to WikiLeaks in conjunction with Seth Rich’s email dump from the DNC?

I am hopeful the truth will emerge in the fullness of time.


An earlier version of this report incorrectly referred to ‘Claudia Kash’ / ‘Claudia Klava’ as Seth Rich’s girlfriend.

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Report: Jared Kushner ‘Person of Interest’ In Russia Investigation – ‘I’m Not Speculating’

First son-in-law Jared Kushner is reportedly a person of interest in the Russian interference investigation…

After the Washington Post reported that a senior advisor to the President was under suspicion – without identifying who, a contributor to New York magazine, GQ, and HuffPo – Yashar Ali, busted out with this:

FOUR SOURCES!!! This is a LOT of sources guys, so feel free to believe it.

Meanwhile, Kush is out of the country accompanying Trump and the crew on their first official foreign trip to hang out with the Saudis Trump talked so much shit about during the election. You know, the guys who gave Hillary’s corrupt foundation tens of millions of dollars, etc.

Kushner’s previous Russian contacts (from The Independent)

White House officials have previously acknowledged contacts between Russian officials and Mr Kushner, as well as with Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

The revelation came just two days after the Justice Department announced that former FBI Director, Robert Mueller, had been appointed special counsel to lead the investigation into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Reports suggest the investigation also appears to be entering a more overtly active phase, with investigators shifting from work that has remained largely hidden from the public to conducting interviews and using a grand jury to issue subpoenas. The intensity of the probe is expected to accelerate in the coming weeks, the Post said. Independent.co.uk

Read more here

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Joe Biden Serves Up Side Of Beef – “I Never Thought Hillary Was A Great Candidate”

Former Vice President Joe Biden just tossed Hillary Clinton under the van – dropping a MOAB while speaking at the SALT hedge fund conference. Good guy Joe is going to donate his $200,000 speaking fee to charity, btw. Perhaps something to do with troubled youths?

Biden quipped:

I never thought she was a great candidate…

…I thought I was a great candidate.

SHOTS FIRED by the man who wrote the core of the Patriot act and routinely creeps out little girls… and may be running in 2020.

Biden then went on to opine on Washington gridlock – which can happen when the deep state conducts regime change 5 months into a Presidency. Biden pitched himself as the solution to everyone’s problem…

The public is sick of it… This fever has to break

Give me a fucking break Joe. The public is sick of Washington shills banding together to trip up, witch hunt, and otherwise hinder the President from accomplishing the objectives he was elected to accomplish – including shutting down all your little clubs.

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Seth Rich’s Reddit Account Discovered – Loved Pandas, Patriotic Clothes, And Joe Rogan

UPDATE: Former DNC director of Data Science Andrew Therriault shot off a tweet posthumously mocking Seth Rich – referring to him as “An Embarrasment.” Clearly he knew this was Rich’s account. Therriault deleted the tweet today, but the internet never forgets…

After private investigator Rich Wheeler claimed proof exists that murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich gave Wikileaks the infamous leaked emails from the 2016 presidential campaign (statements he’s since walked back on) – Reddit and 4chan have been hard at work trying to connect the dots surrounding Rich’s murder.

To that end, a user in Reddit’s ‘the_donald’ forum has found Seth Rich’s Reddit account – ‘MeGrimlock4’ (a Transformers reference) revealing much about the slain DNC staffer. For the most part, Rich seemed like a regular kinda guy – into football, dogs, patriotism, riding his bike, fun clothes, and volunteering at the Washington Humane Society.

The link – Seth Rich posts his email address while trying to help get the word out about his parents’ missing dog

His last submitted topic was about patriotic clothes

(jacket, shorts)

Seth loved pandas




Loved Pandas

He was a Joe Rogan fan

He took a picture with Warren Buffett

He believed in the Armenian genocide

He had a guiding quote

Then, Redditor /u/FricasseeingRabbit then found what appears to be a pro-Bernie Sanders alternate twitter account which is very close in spelling to Rich’s primary account.


(post here)

Seth Rich’s twitter is @panda4progress, which follows @Reddit, which led us to believe he was in fact a redditor. That seems consistent with this reddit account, in that they’re both in DC and have an interest in bicycles. Edit: not JUST bicycles. A company named “split” which this account is talking about here @Panda4Progress talks to them here. Also /u/MeGrimlock4 is posting about Nebraska football.

Rich was from Omaha. No cornfed midwestern kid from Nebraska isn’t a Huskers fan. THIS IS DEFINITELY SETH RICH’S ACCOUNT

Here’s where it gets interesting: /u/pandas4bernie and a tumblr by the same name ALSO stopped posting at the same time as this account. If that’s Rich, then that proves motive. Rich was a BernieBro.


Which may be why Rich gave WikiLeaks the DNC emails – after they false flagged Bernie…

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) uses an outside software partner “NGP VAN,” founded by Nathaniel Pearlman, chief technology officer for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign. Their ‘VoteBuilder’ software was designed for Democratic candidates (Bernie, Hillary, etc.) to track and analyze highly detailed information on voters for the purposes of ‘microtargeting’ specific demographics.

On December 16th, 2015, NGP VAN updated the Votebuilder with a patch that contained a bug – allowing the Sanders and the Clinton campaigns to temporarily access each other’s proprietary voter information for around 40 minutes. Lo and behold, the Sanders campaign National Data Director, Josh Uretsky, was found to have accessed Clinton’s information and promptly fired.

Uretsky’s excuse was that he was simply grabbing Clinton’s data during the window of vulnerability to prove that the breach was real.

Bernie cried false flag!

Sanders claimed that Uretsky was a DNC plant – “recommended by the DNC’s National Data Director, as well as a former COO of NGP VAN.”

Of note, Seth Rich was not the National Data Director. According to the DNC’s 2016 roster, Seth Rich was the DNC’s “Voter Expansion Data Director” while Andrew Brown was the National Data Director – who Bernie said referred Uretsky.

So Seth Rich, a Bernie supporter, would have known people involved in the ‘hack’ Bernie says was meant to frame him…

It’s easy to speculate how Seth Rich could have become disgruntled after witnessing the DNC attempt to sabotage the Sanders campaign. As such, it’s not a stretch to imagine that Rich – a guy with access  to sensitive emails and technical skills, did in fact communicate with Wikileaks in order to expose and root out the DNC’s misdeeds.

(OR, Rich was involved in the DNC breach)

Another rumor floating around is that Rich was involved in the December 2015 ‘hack’ on the Clinton DNC files, since he was one of about four people who would have had access during the 40 minute window of vulnerability.

Given Rich’s apparent support of Bernie Sanders, however, it seems unlikely he would work to frame his campaign for hacking.

Whatever the truth, I’m sure Reddit and 4chan anons will fill everybody in.

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Another Degenerate Secret Service Agent Busted – Gets 20 Years For Underage Sexting

It’s been a rough few decades for the Secret Service…

In any large organization there are bound to be a few bad eggs who occasionally drag their employer into the mud. That said, if there’s one entity which should be held to the highest standards of conduct, it’s the U.S. Secret Service – the agency tasked with protecting the most powerful man in the world. Unfortunately, their track record reveals quite the opposite to be true.

Pedophile Sentenced

A former White House Secret Service agent was sentenced to 20 years in federal prison on Thursday after pleading guilty to sexting with multiple underage girls.  Lee Robert Moore was arrested in November of 2015 when he sent pictures of himself to a Delaware Child Predator Task Force agent posing as an underage girl, perhaps while secretly servicing himself. This led investigators to discover Moore had been sexting with young girls in Texas, Florida and Missouri.

It is particularly galling that he was himself an armed guard at the single most important residence in our constitutional republic, yet he repeatedly used that guard booth to take photos of his penis and send them to underage girls.

This isn’t the first time Secret Service members have been caught with their pants down, drunk, or unwilling to do their job…

Columbian hookers

The Secret Service apparently hires cheapskates. After a member of Obama’s security detail reportedly stiffed a hooker on an $800 tab during the President’s trip to Cartagena for the 6th Summit of the Americas, the prostitute went two-scoops nuclear – kicking off an investigation which exposed all sorts of sordid affairs, like the wild orgies featuring Secret Service agents, DEA agents, and (potentially underage) Columbian hookers provided by local drug cartels.

Drug Enforcement Administration agents in Colombia who allegedly engaged in “sex parties” with prostitutes hired by local drug cartels also arranged for paid sex for at least two Secret Service agents traveling to the country to protect President Obama in 2012. –Washington Examiner

Then there were the prostitutes procured for VIP’s – which Obama administration aides were notified of per the Washington Post.

[N]ew details drawn from government documents and interviews show that senior White House aides were given information at the time suggesting that a prostitute was an overnight guest in the hotel room of a presidential advance-team member — yet that information was never thoroughly investigated or publicly acknowledged.

As a result, dozens of agents were disciplined or fired, and the hooker stiffed on the $800 tab was paid $250.

Domestic hookers

One of Mike Pence’s Secret Service agents was suspended in April of this year after the off-duty officer met with prostitute at a Maryland hotel. Sorry bud, you’re a member of the Secret Service – can’t do that.

Drunk driving and Doxxing Jason Chaffetz

In 2015, drunk Secret Service agents crashed into a White House security barrier. Investigating the incident at the time was (suddenly retiring rising star family man) Jason Chaffetz, whose 2003 rejected application to work for the Secret Service was accessed by dozens of agents over 60 times, including assistant director Ed Lowery. The application was eventually leaked it to the press.

Letting crazy people jump the White House fence 

42 year old Iraq war veteran Omar Gonzalez hopped the White House fence in September of 2014, walked into the White House armed with a knife, and made it deep inside to the East Room before Secret Service agents tackled him. Secret Service director Julia Pierson resigned and four senior officials were reassigned as a result of the latest incident in a string of agency mishaps.

Then in March of this year, another guy jumped the White House fence and managed to evade the Secret Service for over 16 minutes! 26 year old Jonathan Tran waltzed around and jiggled door handles before being placed under arrest.

The Secret Service confirmed late last week that a California man jumped across a fence near the Treasury Department on March 10 and made his way onto the White House grounds, where Chaffetz said he was able to peer into windows and jiggle the handles on doors.

The Secret Service is perhaps sharpening their game however, as a woman attempting to jump the fence was stopped on Tuesday of this week.

Letting an armed guy with a criminal record into an elevator with the President

Three days before the fence jumper with the knife, Obama’s Secret Service detail let the President get into an elevator with an armed security guard who started snapping pictures. The man was asked to stop taking pictures before eventually being removed from the elevator.

Letting the first daughters go wild

The Secret Service let underage twin first daughters Jenna and Barbara Bush drink alcohol at a bar in Austin, TX. One President later, and they’re letting Malia Obama smoke pot at Lollapalooza.

Letting a pedophile pimp bring a 15 year old boy into the White House for a midnight tour in 1988

Washington Times, Jul. 26, 1989 Pg. A3

Wait, what?

Unwilling to take bullets for the sitting President

After President Trump was elected, Secret Service agent Kerry O’Grady  – formerly in charge of the Denver office, posted on Facebook that she wouldn’t defend or ‘take a bullet’ for President Trump. The spouses of several Secret Service agents circulated a petition calling for O’Grady’s immediate removal, however she was simply put on paid vacation administrative leave and demoted.

No wonder President Trump has his own private security

Trump’s head of security (and now Director of Oval Office Operations) is this guy; retired New York cop and Navy veteran Keith Schiller who has worked for the President since 1999. He accompanied Jared Kushner on a recent trip to Iraq, and was recently selected as Trump’s envoy to deliver FBI Director James Comey’s termination letter.

During the election, Politico reported that Trump’s security detail led by Schiller was quite formidable, calling it a “privatized mercenary force.’

Trump has assembled a privately funded security and intelligence force with a far wider reach than other campaigns’ private security operations: tracking and rooting out protesters, patrolling campaign events and supplementing the Secret Service protection of the billionaire real estate showman during his nontraditional campaign for the GOP presidential nomination.

While Trump still uses the still-reforming Secret Service as his primary protective detail, I believe it’s safe to say that much like the Wu-Tang Clan, Kurt Schiller is not to be trifled with.

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