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Tag Archives: millennials

Safe Spaces Shattered, Yale Cancels Midterms, Salty Tears Flowing, Solid Gold Despair

Holy shattered safe spaces Batman, there are a lot of sensitive people out there today. Scroll down to the bottom for salty tears.

Look, before any of the Wikileaks came out, you liberals had the fucking internet. You could have done your research into the Clintons and seen how shady they are, adjusted your moral compass, and chosen not to vote for a woman who caused the FUCKING MIGRANT CRISIS as Secretary of State by destabilizing Northern Africa. Who has been working on behalf of the Saudis to get their fucking pipeline built. Who hasn’t done shit for her base as she’s slid through Washington doing her “woman of the people” act. She is a faker, and everybody who worked with her knew it. You failed to absorb or believe ANY of the DKIM verified Wikileaks.  You still think a pizza party is just a pizza party.

There are no stories about Hillary helping people in need unless it was for some scripted political capital. It’s all been theater. Go ahead, hit me with all of the charitable things she’s done that haven’t been linked to earning votes, Clinton Foundation pay for play, or destroying Haiti. She is evil, and you liberals with full access to the internet believed that her brand of globalist neo-conservatism masquerading as progressivism was a good deal, just like you thought twice with Barry Hussin O’Bama (who I voted for exactly once believing he might actually end these imperialist oil wars). I can only conclude that your fucking monkey brains were too afraid to pop out of your USA Today groundhog day of a life and think for yourselves. THEY HAVE ALL BEEN SELLING US UP THE RIVER, well before Hank Paulson, Robert Rubin, Al Gore, and the Clintons began parading around China in the 90’s, helping them lay the groundwork for their enormous financial and manufacturing infrastructure that would proceed to utterly fuck our middle class.

Back to liberals. In addition to being fucking morons, you’ve raised your children to be weak and without coping skills. If it all falls apart, no joke, they will not do well. They can’t hear negative things, and YOU let that happen with your empty shell of a personality and sociopathic inability to impart substance to your offspring. Instead, you lemming into work every day and collapse at home every night hoping our world class educational system did a good job raising your children. How many movies about utopian futures crumbling does it take before you understand that you don’t want to be caught in the inflection point? Can you even chop wood with that beard of yours and those suspenders you wear to the wine bar for your $60 wine flights, and your stupid Macklemore haircuts? No. You and your kids are fucked and you’ll all die in your X5 trying to flee the city. Even if you make it out, your batteries will die and you don’t know how to read a map. At best, your children will witness their dumb and cunty show parents slinging childhood-devastating insults at each other before dying a horrible death of intestinal pain after all the pine needles you tried eating for sustenance.

Lastly, I wonder what would have happened if the DNC and the Clinton campaign hadn’t colluded to destroy Bernie Sanders and cheat against him at the primary debates? It would have been two outsiders going head to head instead of establishment vs. outsider. Karma is a bitch.  

And now, strap on your headphones and witness the:



Literally Shaking

Pundits and politicians who swore Trump couldn’t win the election

Get the rest of your chicken tendie fix HERE.

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