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Tag Archives: democrats are fucked

The Democratic Party Is On Life Support After Years Of Pandering To Minorities And Millennials

Democrats are an interesting phenomenon. Up until the Civil Rights movement, the party of slavery and misogyny fought tooth and nail to subjugate nonwhites and women. Then, as any ardent moron will tell you, the Democratic party underwent an ideological “flip” in the late 1960’s, magically imbuing Republicans with all of their bigotry and hate. That flip was a lie, by the way.

Which brings us to today. Democrats are truly modern “tent revival” evangelists, weaving magical fantasies of peace and equality to anyone dumb enough to buy their bullshit, while engaging in nothing but divisive identity politics and discriminatory legislation, such as Bill Clinton’s 1994 Crime Bill. For decades, democrat pandering to minorities and impressionable youth has been but a cheap parlour trick, and the very people being pandered to are starting to wake up.

An article penned by Michael Barone in today’s Washington Examiner lays out the terminal state of the Democratic party, which has chosen cognitive dissonance over self-reflection in their most recent failing:

It [the Democratic Party] has lost a presidential election most of its followers expected to win. It failed to win a Senate majority, gaining just two seats in a year when it had nearly a dozen plausible targets. Its minimal gain in the House leaves it with just about as few House seats as it has controlled since the 1920s. It holds only 15 governorships and fully controls only four state governments — giant California, mid-sized Oregon and tiny Delaware and Rhode Island.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign blithely assumed that rallying “people of color” and Millennials would produce victory. They didn’t figure that Midwest non-college whites, who had long voted Democratic, wouldn’t be dazzled by Lady Gaga concerts.

And the Democrats’ plight is all the more poignant because right up until election night, many of them believed that the future was forever theirs. And with some reason. (source)

What does this all mean? The Democratic Party is losing support among key demographics they were convinced were a lock. Exit polls showed YUGE gains in support for Trump among Black, Hispanic, and Asian voters, and the left is struggling to explain why. It’s simple, really: Trump talked about jobs, immigration, and draining the swamp – things which matter most to downtrodden Americans who trust their bank-bailing government less than ever. Democrats responded by going low, branding half of America as racist and vomiting hate all the way into the election. If the Democratic Party doesn’t figure out that divisive identity politics and broken promises don’t work anymore, they are all but finished.


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