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Trump’s Handlers Concerned Don Jr. Will Leak Conservative News To His Dad

With pesky nationalists Steve Bannon and Sebastian Gorka gone from the West Wing, the deep state sequestering of President Trump is almost complete. Flanked almost exclusively by Goldman Sachs alums, military generals and Democrats – while Chief of Staff John Kelly controls information crossing the Resolute desk, nearly everything reaching the President most assuredly follows a globalist agenda.

Roger Stone, a longtime Trump advisor and frequent Infowars contributor said that the President’s “news summaries have been sanitized, which means no Infowars, no Daily Caller, no Breitbart. As such, his views are shaped by CNN and FOX News. He watches network news as well, which is almost antiquated. That’s why he’s so mad about the Russia investigation.”

Prominent pro-Trump personality Mike Cernovich, who is also regularly featured on InfoWars said of Kelly, “He’s controlling every article that passes through the West Wing right now,” adding “This shuts out a lot of people.”

Except redpilled Don Jr… 

Cernovich went on to say that he’s not worried about important information reaching Trump, because “If it’s good enough, Don Jr. will give it to him,” an assertion confirmed to Buzzfeed by an anonymous White House source.

Don Jr. is a huge problem,” the source said, saying he passes questionable articles to the president. “He needs to be a galaxy away from that place.”

“I would be fine if he never saw Infowars again,” said a source who has advised the administration on communications issues. “I do think too many people had access to the president, the Oval Office was the town hall of the West Wing. But on the other hand, why does General Kelly get to decide what Trump sees?”

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Study: Doping Western Cultures With Oxytocin Will Cure Hatred Of Refugees

A group of researchers from Germany and the United States have published a study which concludes that doping ‘xenophobic’ populations with massive quantities of the estrogen-linked hormone Oxytocin will cure nationalism – making native citizens more accepting and generous towards migrants who simply want free handouts from taxpayers while Islamic extremists rape and murder infidels.

Accommodating the large influx of migrants not only challenges the humanitarian capacities of European countries but also requires their native populations to adjust to rapid growths in ethnic diversity, religious pluralism, and cultural differentiation. However, the impetus to adapt to changing social ecosystems is susceptible to considerable interindividual heterogeneity. Resistance to this transition often goes along with xenophobic sentiment, and as a consequence, recent elections in Europe have favored populist candidates who have openly expressed xenophobic attitudes toward refugees.

As co-author René Hurlemann said in a related study; “Given the right circumstances, oxytocin may help promote the acceptance and integration of migrants into Western cultures.

Widely referred to as the ‘love hormone,’ ‘hug hormone,’ and ‘cuddle chemical,’ Oxytocin is secreted from the pituitary gland during sex, childbirth, and lactation – influencing social behavior and emotion. It has been shown to increase romantic attachment and empathy – invoking feelings of relaxation, trust, and psychological stability.

For just €3.11 / day you can destroy your culture! 

The study concludes that a combination of oxytocin nasal spray and social pressure from other doped up participants resulted in ‘xenophobic’ test subjects increasing donations to migrants by 74% – jumping from average of €1.79 to €3.11.

[O]ur results imply that an OXT-enforced social norm adherence could be instrumental in motivating a more generalized acceptance toward ethnic diversity, religious plurality, and cultural differentiation resulting from migration by proposing that interventions to increase altruism are most effective when charitable social cues instill the notion that one’s ingroup shows strong affection for an outgroup. Furthermore, UNESCO has emphasized the importance of developing neurobiologically informed strategies for reducing xenophobic, hostile, and discriminatory attitudes (47). Thus, considering OXT-enforced normative incentives in developing future interventions and policy programs intended to reduce outgroup rejection may be an important step toward making the principle of social inclusion a daily reality in our societies.

Perhaps the researchers can also study how to chemically control refugees so they’re less violent, rapey, and are willing to integrate into another culture without destroying it? Maybe if they tainted the water supply in Saudi Arabia with Oxytocin they’d start accepting refugees instead of forcing Europe to shoulder the burden?

Meanwhile, the BBC is reporting that Lithium added to tap water may cut dementia by up to 17 percent.

The world is what they make of it.

“By this time the soma had begun to work. Eyes shone, cheeks were flushed, the inner light of universal benevolence broke out on every face in happy, friendly smiles.-Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

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Mueller Subpoenas Podesta Group As Firm Retroactively Files More Pro-Russia Disclosures

FBI Special Counsel Robert Mueller has issued grand jury subpoenas to executives of five public relations firms who worked with former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort during a 2012-2014 lobbying effort for a pro-Ukraine think tank tied to former president Viktor Yanukovych. Yanukovych fled from Ukraine to Russia after he was unseated in a 2014 coup.

NBC News reports that two of the subpoenaed firms include Mercury LLC and the Podesta Group, founded by John and Tony Podesta and operated by the latter.

Manafort’s firm earned $17 million between 2012 – 2014 consulting for Yanukovych’s centrist, pro-Russia ‘Party of Regions.’ During the same period, Manafort oversaw a lobbying campaign for the pro-Russia “Centre for a Modern Ukraine,” a Brussels based think tank linked to Yanukovych which was pushing for Ukraine’s entry into the European Union.

The Podesta group, operating under Manafort, earned over $1.2 million as part of that effort.

Notably, visitor logs reveal that Tony Podesta visited the White House at least 114 times during the Obama administration according to White House visitor logs, and was said to have had ‘special access‘ to the administration through his brother, John Podesta, while lobbying for various pro-Kremlin interests.

During a 2015 interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, former president Obama admitted that his administration ‘brokered a deal‘ for the 2014 coup in Ukraine – all while John Podesta was a West Wing advisor and Tony Podesta lobbied for an organization which opposed the coup.

Podesta Group and Russia

While Robert Mueller’s investigation is ostensibly focused on the Trump campaign – conducting a surprise raid on Paul Manafort’s home last month in search of records linking him to Russia, it will be interesting to see if the Special Counsel chooses to delve into the bevy of documented ties between the the Podesta brothers and Russia.

For example, Russia’s Kremlin-owned Sberbank paid the Podesta group $170,000 over a 6 month period to lobby against 2014 economic sanctions by the Obama administration:

Podesta’s efforts were a key part of under-the-radar lobbying during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign led mainly by veteran Democratic strategists to remove sanctions against Sberbank and VTB Capital, Russia’s second largest bank.

The two Russian banks spent more than $700,000 in 2016 on Washington lobbyists as they sought to end the U.S. sanctions, according to Senate lobbying disclosure forms and documents filed with the Department of Justice.

The Podesta Group charged Sberbank $20,000 per month, plus expenses, on a contract from March through September 2016. –Daily Caller

In March of this year it was revealed that the Podesta group forgot to register as a “Foreign Agent” for their work with Sberbank.

Uranium One and Joule Unlimited

The Podesta group also earned $180,000 lobbying for Russian-owned mining company Uranium One during the same period that the Clinton Foundation was receiving millions from UrAsia / U1 interests.

Hillary Clinton campaign manager and presumed Secretary of State John Podesta also sat on the board of Massachusetts energy company called Joule Unlimited, along with senior Russian official Anatoly Chubais and Russian oligarch Ruben Vardanyan – who was appointed by Vladimir Putin to the Russian economic council. 

Two months after Podesta joined the board, Joule managed to raise $35 million from Putin’s Kremlin-backed investment fund Rusnano.

Not only did John Podesta fail to properly disclose this relationship before joining the Clinton Campaign, he transferred 75,000 shares of Joule to his daughter through a shell company using her address.

In an interview with CNBC’s Maria Bartaromo, Podesta denied that he failed to disclose his ties, emphatically stating “Maria, that’s not true. I fully disclosed and was completely compliant,” adding “I didn’t have any stock in any Russian company!” in reference to Massachusetts based Joule Unlimited – with its two Russian dignitaries on the board board and a $35 million loan from a Russian investment fund founded by Vladimir Putin.

Forgetting to file pesky disclosures

While the Podesta group and Paul Manafort both failed to file paperwork related to the Pro-Russia Centre for a Modern Ukraine, new retroactive disclosures filed by the Podesta group on August 17 reveal dozens of previously unreported communications with high level democrat officials related to the lobbying campaign – including Hillary Clinton’s State Department and the office of former Vice President Joe Biden.

In their defense, Podesta Group CEO Kimberly Fritts stated that “the firm relied on assurances from the think tank, the European Centre for Modern Ukraine, that it was not controlled or financed by a foreign government or political party. Based on that information, the firm disclosed its work to Congress rather than the Justice Deparment.”

Whether or not that’s true, it’s painfully obvious that the nebulous accusations levied against the Trump team can’t hold a candle to Kremlin-linked individuals who would have wielded massive influence in a Hillary Clinton White House.

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NYT’s New Trump-Russia Claim Is Desperate Propaganda At Its Finest

The Russia circle jerk has gone into overdrive – cranking out painful ghost loads of Russophobic witch huntery. Honest to God, this is insanity – all aimed at de-legitimizing a sitting president. What could be more damaging to democracy?

Here’s the latest from the NY Times – in the most condensed and straightforward summary I can manage:

Russian-born businessman Felix Sater, a friend of Trump’s attorney and spokesman Michael Cohen since they were teenagers, emailed Cohen in November 2015 to pitch him on the idea that he (Sater) could use his Russian business contacts to set up a deal where the Trump organization would build a tower in Moscow in exchange for Vladimir Putin’s support – which would ‘get Trump elected.’

Via NYT:

In another email, Mr. Sater envisioned a ribbon-cutting in Moscow. “I will get Putin on this program and we will get Donald elected,” Mr. Sater wrote.

Mr. Cohen suggested that Mr. Sater’s comments were puffery. “He has sometimes used colorful language and has been prone to “salesmanship,” Mr. Cohen said in a statement. “I ultimately determined that the proposal was not feasible and never agreed to make a trip to Russia.”

Two months after Sater pitched Cohen on this idea, Cohen reportedly reached out to Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, writing: “Over the past few months I have been working with a company based in Russia regarding the development of a Trump Tower – Moscow project in Moscow City,” Cohen allegedly wrote Peskov. “Without getting into lengthy specifics the communication between our two sides has stalled.”

Cohen heard nothing back from Putin’s spokesman, and no Trump properties have been built or scheduled to be built anywhere in Russia.

So: Russian-born friend of Trump’s attorney tries to broker deal to gain Russian support for Trump’s run for President. When the ‘deal’ stalled, Trump’s attorney reached out to Putin’s spokesman, who heard nothing back, and nothing ever came of it.

At worst, Trump’s employee investigated the possibility of ‘buying’ Russia’s assistance in the 2016 election. Trump was never involved, no meetings took place, and no deal was done. Why would Cohen seek this deal if Trump was already a ‘Putin Puppet?’ 

And just five days ago, CNN reported that Trump’s deputy Chief of Staff, Rick Dearborn, received an email in June 2016 ‘seeking to connect top Trump officials with Vladimir Putin.’ Again, why seek to establish a back-channel if Trump was already an agent of Russia? 

Do you liberals see how retarded you’ve sounded for months?

And before you get huffy, did you know Ukraine actively tried to help Hillary Clinton defeat Trump? Keep reading.

Via Politico… 

Donald Trump wasn’t the only presidential candidate whose campaign was boosted by officials of a former Soviet bloc country.

Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office. They also disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election. And they helped Clinton’s allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers, a Politico investigation found.

A Ukrainian-American operative who was consulting for the Democratic National Committee met with top officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump, top campaign aide Paul Manafort and Russia, according to people with direct knowledge of the situation. 

The Ukrainian efforts had an impact in the race, helping to force Manafort’s resignation and advancing the narrative that Trump’s campaign was deeply connected to Ukraine’s foe to the east, Russia. But they were far less concerted or centrally directed than Russia’s alleged hacking and dissemination of Democratic emails.

Wow, so Ukraine actively helped the Democrats try to influence the election by exposing Paul Manafort’s Russian ties. And about those ties… Manafort’s firm earned $17 million between 2012 – 2014 consulting for the sitting president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych’s, centrist, pro-Russia ‘Party of Regions.’ During the same period, Manafort oversaw a lobbying campaign for the pro-Russia “Centre for a Modern Ukraine,” a Brussels based think tank linked to Yanukovych which was pushing for Ukraine’s entry into the European Union.

The Podesta group, run by Tony Podesta and operating under Manafort, earned over $1.2 million as part of that effort, and has been been issued a Grand Jury subpoena by Robert Mueller to testify under oath.

My, what tangled webs of absolute horseshit we weave.

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Marine Who Found Smashed Awan Equipment Blasts Wasserman Schultz Over ‘Islamophobia’ Claim

The marine who discovered smashed hard drives and other electronics in the garage of a rented home owned by arrested DNC IT staffer Imran Awan, is outraged over claims of ‘Islamophobia’ from Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Andre Taggart turned the damaged equipment over to the FBI, which is investigating the former Wasserman Schultz employee for a variety of suspected crimes, including procurement fraud, violations of the congressional IT network, and using an off-site server to divert data.

When Wasserman Schultz claimed that U.S. Capitol Police are only investigating a ‘persecuted’ Awan due to Islamophobia, Taggart decided to speak up.

Via the Daily Caller

Taggart told The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group Wednesday that “it was amazing” that Wasserman Schultz, a Florida Democrat, describes Imran as a victim of religious discrimination by law enforcement. Taggart rented the Northern Virginia home of Awan, who had frantically moved out after learning authorities were onto him.

“It pisses me off,” said Taggart, a black Marine who says he votes Democrat. He believes Wasserman Schultz is crying wolf and devaluing the meaning of genuine discrimination, while also exposing herself and the nation to risks.

The day after the Daily Caller reported that Taggart had found and turned over the damaged equipment to the FBI in July, Imran attempted to flee the country, only to be arrested by the FBI at Dulles International Airport. The Awans had transferred and smuggled nearly $300,000 out of the U.S. before Imran’s arrest.

Taggart’s identity was originally withheld when the Daily Caller broke the story about the smashed hard drives in July, however the Democrat marine said he made the decision to come forward because he is concerned that ‘fellow Democrats are making a grave mistake by ignoring a scandal with serious criminal and national security implications,’ reports TheDCNF.

“I’m absolutely disgusted with everything going on in the country right now, mostly because of right-wing conservatives, but with respect to this situation, political affiliation is irrelevant,” said Taggart.

While the Awans were arrested on four counts of fraud in relation to a Home Equity Line of Credit they tapped and sent to Pakistan, they are suspected of a variety of other offenses – up to and including sending classified information to foreign enemies of the United States.

“Him, his wife, his brother, all working down there — there’s no way they could do this without help. If we can drag Trump and his wingnuts through the mud for the Russia influence that they are having, then it’s only fair that we also expose this s–t,” said Taggart.


When Imran Awan discovered that Taggart was holding onto the damaged equipment from his rented garage, he threatened to sue to get it back. Awan also listed the house for sale right after signing a multi-year lease.

“They took advantage of us,” said Taggart.

Awan relative Syed Ahmed told The Daily Mail “for the sake of money they would have done anything… [Imran] might have been selling this information.”

Both Judge Napolitano and Lt. Colonel Tony Shaffer have said that their intel sources believe the Awans were spying on congress and selling information:

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Massive Flooding In Wake Of Harvey, Houston Hit Hard After Coastal Devastation

While coastal Texans clean up from Hurricane Harvey, the storm moved inland to Houston where over two feet of rain in 24 hours has resulted in intense flooding in the strongest storm to hit Texas since 1961. (Pictures below)

With predictions of as much as 50 inches of rain expected, residents were advised to take to their roofs rather than take refuge in attics unless equipped with ‘an axe or means to break through.’

“Have reports of people getting into attic to escape floodwater,” Tweeted Houston police chief Art Acevedo. “Do not do so unless you have an ax or means to break through onto your roof.”

Heavy rains are predicted over the next several days. The National Weather Service has issued flash flood warnings, stating “catastrophic flooding in the Houston metropolitan area is expected to worsen and could become historic.”

Donald Trump’s homeland security and counterterrorism adviser, Tom Bossert, told CBS: “We’re going to see continued rain, upwards of 30in. I don’t think people understand what 30in of rain [is] … I’ve been around dozens and dozens of major disasters and hurricanes, hundreds of disasters. I’ve never seen 30in of rain.”

President Trump unleashed a tweetstorm over the storm, saying he’d visit Texas as soon as he could ‘without causing disruption.’

The scene

A resident hawk took its chances in a cab:

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SF Freedom Rally Cancelled After Organizer Claims ‘It Was A Setup’

After several discussions with San Francisco police, a “Freedom Rally” slated to take place on Saturday at at Crissy Field near the Golden Gate Bridge was cancelled, along with a similar Sunday rally in Berkeley.

Organizer Joey Gibson of the group “Patriot Prayer” pointed to rhetoric from the likes of Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and San Francisco mayor Ed Lee for fanning the flames of leftist extremism, saying that the event felt like a setup.

“After several conversations with the police and understanding, you know, the situation of what’s going on we decided that tomorrow really seems like a setup. It doesn’t seem safe,” said Gibson.“A lot of people’s lives are going to be in danger tomorrow. The rhetoric from Nancy Pelosi, Mayor Lee, the media, all these people are saying that we’re white supremacists and it’s bringing in tons of extremists. And it seems just like a huge setup.” -Joey Gibson

Gibson went on to mention violent ‘Antifa thugs,’ stating ‘these kids who dress in all black, they constantly put police officers lives in danger, our lives in danger, liberal lives in danger if they get in their way or speak out against them.’


Press Conference

In lieu of the Freedom Rally, Patriot Prayer held a press conference Saturday afternoon which was cut short when organizers caught wind of incoming violent leftists from Antifa. Founder Joey Gibson made it clear that his group wants to unite moderates on both sides of the aisle against ‘extremists’ like Nancy Pelosi and John McCain.

I will work with anybody. I will help a Democrat get elected if he or she is an honest, good person. If we stay divided, these establishment figures like Nancy Pelosi, who is no different from  John McCain, they will stay in office. These corrupt politicians will stay in office as long as we stay divided by party line. So until we bring these moderates together and we stand against these extremists, it will be the same problem over and over and over again. –Joey Gibson

When asked if Oathkeepers founder Stewart Rhodes pulled out of the rally because a ‘white supremacist speaker’ from the group Identity Europa was slated to appear, as Gibson responded that “he knows for a fact that I wasn’t going to let any white supremacists in.”

Gibson was also asked what the group Patriot Prayer stands for, and replied “My message is really simple, it’s about love, peace, and freedom. We need to bring good people together. There’s good people and bad people in every single group, and we gotta drop the labels.

We gotta get the moderates together, and that’s how we go after the corruption, the deception, and all the lies in D.C.”



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GORKA OUT: White House Advisor Quits, Pens Scathing Resignation Letter

Sebastian Gorka has resigned as Deputy Assistant to President Trump, according to The Federalist.

Gorka, a former editor at Breitbart News and a friend of recently fired chief strategist Steve Bannon, was one of the last true supporters of the “MAGA” movement at the White House, leaving President Trump flanked by Goldman Sachs and Democrat globalists.

Scorched earth

In a scathing resignation letter, the former National Security and Counterterrorism expert took a flamethrower to what remains of the Trump administration.

Via The Federalist

“[G]iven recent events, it is clear to me that forces that do not support the MAGA promise are – for now – ascendant within the White House,” Gorka wrote. “As a result, the best and most effective way I can support you, Mr. President, is from outside the People’s House.”

Gorka’s letter expressed unhappiness with the direction the Trump administration’s foreign policy has taken, as signaled by the president’s recent speech on Afghanistan:

Regrettably, outside of yourself, the individuals who most embodied and represented the policies that will ‘Make America Great Again,’ have been internally countered, systematically removed, or undermined in recent months. This was made patently obvious as I read the text of your speech on Afghanistan this week…

“The fact that those who drafted and approved the speech removed any mention of Radical Islam or radical Islamic terrorism proves that a crucial element of your presidential campaign has been lost…

“Just as worrying, when discussing our future actions in the region, the speech listed operational objectives without ever defining the strategic victory conditions we are fighting for. This omission should seriously disturb any national security professional, and any American who is unsatisfied with the last 16 years of disastrous policy decisions which have led to thousands of Americans killed and trillions of taxpayer dollars spent in ways that have not brought security or victory.”

In the cards? 

While serving the Trump administration, Gorka was focused on threats posed by radical Islam, a new long-term national security strategy, and combating China’s economic warfare – something Steve Bannon opined on in an interview days before his ouster from the White House.

A White House insider told The Federalist: “This was more or less going to be a done deal when Bannon submitted his resignation. Not because he didn’t have a protector, but because there is no point in having your life ruined every day if you’re not going to get much accomplished.

I suppose in hindsight, after Bannon’s ouster, Gorka’s departure was a foregone conclusion.

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North Korea Risks ‘Fire and Fury’ With Launch Of Three ‘Short-Range’ Missiles

In a move which can only be construed as calling President Trump’s bluff over his ‘fire and fury’ threat over further provocations, U.S. Pacific Command announced that North Korea has launched several ‘Short-Range’ ballistic missiles into the Sea of Japan today.

Earlier today, South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff reported that several ‘unidentified projectiles’ from area of Gitdaeryong in Gangwon Province at around 6:49 a.m. local time, flying over 250 Km (155 miles) towards the North East.

“Our military is closely monitoring for North Korean additional provocation and strengthened surveillance and security postures and maintaining readiness postures,” the South Korean release said.

Meanwhile, Japanese officials told Kyodo news service that the North had fired ‘a projectile’ into the sea between Japan and the Korean peninsula.

The launch marks the 15th missile test by North Korea in 2017, and the first since new UN sanctions kicked in earlier this month.

Can’t wait for all that ‘fire and fury,’ can you?

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Google Issuing Refunds To Advertisers Amid Fake Traffic Epidemic $GOOG

The Wall St. Journal reports that Google is now issuing refunds to advertisers who ran promotions on websites with fake traffic, typically generated by ‘bots,’ and is rolling out a new ‘transparency’ tool for marketers to better monitor ads they buy through its platform. 

Over the past few weeks Google informed hundreds of marketing partners and ad agencies about the issue with ‘invalid traffic’ also known as ‘ad fraud,’ in which ads bought using the company’s DoubleClick Bid Manager were served to sites which pay for traffic.

That said, the refunds are for just a fraction of the invalid traffic. Via WSJ:

Google’s refunds amount to only a fraction of the cost of the ads served to invalid traffic, which has left some advertising executives unsatisfied, the people familiar with the situation said. Google has offered to reimburse its “platform fee,” which ad buyers said typically ranges from about 7% to 10% of their total purchase.

The company says this is appropriate because it doesn’t control the rest of the money spent. Typically, advertisers use DoubleClick Bid Manager to target audiences across vast numbers of websites in seconds by connecting to dozens of online ad exchanges, marketplaces that connect buyers and publishers through real-time auctions.

The ad spending flows through to the exchanges. The problems arise when ads run on publisher sites with fraudulent traffic, including those where clicks are generated by software programs known as “bots” instead of humans. This is an issue of growing concern to marketers. It is difficult to recoup the money paid to those sites when the issue is discovered too late.

Google declined to state the dollar figure of the refunds, though some ad buyers told the Wall St. Journal that refunds range from “less money than you would spend on a sandwich” to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Advertisers aren’t too happy about the refunds, as they haven’t been given specifics about which ‘fake traffic’ sites their ads ended up on, or the specific exploits used. “We need to be very careful about commenting on or discussing specifics about bots or our detection,” Said Scott Spencer, director of product management for Google. “Often fraudsters will change their approaches and strategies based on our public comments.”

Scams within scams.

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