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Armed Antifa Group Hosts “Our Enemies in Blue” Anti-Police Workshop

FarLeftWatch is out with another exposé on militant liberals, this time spotlighting the activities of the “Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM),” a violent leftist organization training to “radicalize a new generation of revolutionaries.”

Re-published with permission.

In the last few days, several prominent Antifa websites have been promoting the expansion of the far left group Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM). It’s Going DownSub.Mediaand Insurrection News published articles and took to twitter to encourage their followers to donate to a Fundrazr account to help RAM launch a new cell in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

What do we know about RAM? Well, according to their website:

“The Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement is a political movement dedicated to freeing people from bondage and building resistance in the United States.”

Just like every other Antifa group, they oppose white supremacy, racism, and bigotry. Seems reasonable, right? But read a little further into their “Political Foundation” and you will find a few things that aren’t so reasonable.

They advocate for the abolition of gender:


They advocate for the expropriation of good, lands, and tools:


And finally, just like every other Antifa group, they oppose capitalism and are open proponents of communism. On their website they go on to say:

“as revolutionary anarchists, the abolitionist struggle must be extended to the state and capitalism, the perpetrators of oppression. The revolutionary movement in the US today is at a cross roads, as fascist movements are expanding, and the state becomes increasingly authoritarian. The Rojava Revolution, in northern Syria, provides us with a model for revolution today with its foundation in communal and council based political organization and militant defense.”

In this statement they specifically mention “The Rojava Revolution” as a model for revolution. Most of the “revolutionary fighters” involved in this conflict are Marxist and communist guerrilla groups like the IFB, YPG and specifically the International Revolutionary People’s Guerrilla Forces (IRPGF). Not surprisingly there is a lot of cross promotion and “acts of  solidarity” between RAM and the IRPGF.

If this wasn’t enough, RAM has been conducting a series of workshops at their Brooklyn, NY branch designed to radicalize a new generation of revolutionaries. These include an “Introductory Class” a “Legal Training” workshop, an “Introduction To Anarchism” class, and even an “Our Enemies in Blue” anti-police workshop.

If you have been following our coverage of the growing far left extremist movement, this information is likely not surprising. Unfortunately, the media has now dedicated dozen of articles to normalizing and justifying the violence from Antifa and the far left. They repeatedly tell us that Antifa and these far left groups are a response to neo-Nazis and white supremacy. Why do they exclude Antifa’s militant opposition to capitalism? Why do they exclude Antifa’s proclivity towards communism, a political ideology that is responsible for the death of 94 million people? Perhaps we should ask them.

If you have any tips on far left activities please submit them here.

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  1. sarcrilege

    Those familiar with history of bolshevik revolution in Russia have clear understanding that the same script is being played yet again – today; on this side of the globe:
    “The Bolsheviks, “believed in a small, secret, disciplined party of professional revolutionists who would seize power when the time was right”. They planned revolutionary cells of three or four people who would organize strikes and demonstrations in factories.”

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  2. sarcrilege

    ….and this is how it ended:
    “Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse.”
    Yup, that’s them, driven by ethnic hatred:
    Do you still want to give them a pass? Because you want to get along? And they are the victims because they are skilled at playing the victim card?

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  3. LP

    Clueless coddled children with no real exposure to what they foment

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  4. NotGekko

    They know not what they claim to fight for

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  5. Cricket

    When I read about these movements, I feel as though we’re reliving history. Everything seems to be lining up to a roaring 20’s period, especially if the proposed tax reform goes forward.

    The roaring 20’s, following the banking crisis of 1907 (our 2007?) , was preceded by anarchist or Bolshevik types of events, and a huge gap between the rich and everyone else. For example:

    “The Wall Street bombing occurred at 12:01 pm on September 16, 1920, in the Financial District of Manhattan, New York City. The blast killed 30 people immediately, and another eight died later of wounds sustained in the blast. There were 143 seriously injured, and the total number of injured was in the hundreds.

    The bombing was never solved, although investigators and historians believe the Wall Street bombing was carried out by Galleanists (Italian anarchists), a group responsible for a series of bombings the previous year. The attack was related to postwar social unrest, labor struggles, and anti-capitalist agitation in the United States.”


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