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Obama: Hillary Lost Because Fox News Played In Bars – Also Democrats Suck At Lying To Poor People

Our commander in tofu has a lot of time, lame-ducking around. In a Rolling Stone interview published this week, Obama gave liberals something I KNOW I’m going to overhear at some stupid cheese and cracker holiday party this year:

obama-looking-stupid“And I think that part of it has to do with our inability, our failure, to reach those voters effectively. Part of it is Fox News in every bar and restaurant in big chunks of the country, but part of it is also Democrats not working at a grassroots level, being in there, showing up, making arguments. That part of the critique of the Democratic Party is accurate. We spend a lot of time focused on international policy and national policy and less time being on the ground. And when we’re on the ground, we do well. This is why I won Iowa” (bitches).

No, you won Iowa because it’s easy to reach people when you’re stumping in the middle of a huge fucking credit crisis that Bill “I like ’em young” Clinton kicked off by nuking the 66 year old lesson we learned from the crash of ’29 Glass Steagall Act for the banks, followed by Barney Frank pushing “it’s racist not to lend to anyone with a pulse” loans that got rated by bought-off agencies and packaged into CDO’s that were sold to old widows by well dressed con men. Assholes. Obama also “enjoyed” the fruits of an amazing financial invention; the safety net of unlimited money that Hank Paulson and Ben Bernanke held a gun to congress’s head to jack from the US Taxpayer. Fuck it, let’s burden future generations with as much debt as possible to avoid pain right now. As long as the US Dollar is the global reserve and at the top of the burning shit pyramid, unlimited printing won’t result in devaluation / inflation. Good thing China isn’t looking to unseat the USD with SDRs (they are).

Also funny how Obama throws Democrats under the bus for not “showing up, making arguments.” LIKE FUCKING WHAT? You got the Nobel peace prize and then proceeded to bomb 7 countries? Or that you caused the migrant crisis by murdering Gaddafi with your girl Hillary, destabilizing Northern Africa? Should democrats mention your healthcare bill that screwed every lower-middle class American who wasn’t poor enough to qualify for free Obamacare, yet didn’t make enough money to afford decent insurance? Or the small business owners with already thin margins who got royally fucked? Perhaps you’d have democrats try to appeal to the decimated rust belt to tell them how they’re going to bring their jobs back with open borders and globalism? Oh, I know! Democrats can hang their hat on the fact that the stock markets have been inflated to all time highs – something which does nothing to benefit the 79% of poor voters who make less than 30K / year and aren’t in the market.

Sorry Barry Hussein, you don’t get to be smug about Iowa. Enjoy looking down on the plebs you screwed from your $6.3 Million house in DC (which you paid $5.3 Million for in 2014). Not bad for a guy who entered the White House with a net worth of just $1.3 Million.


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  1. bountyhunter1

    So TV’s tuned to Fox in bars and restaurants trump TV’s tuned to CNN in every airport lol

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  2. Formergeek

    Oh how unfair Fox in the bars. CNN in every airport, break room, hotel lobby, lunchroom cafeteria, etc etc etc blasting away just fine and dandy. No attempted influence there.

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  3. ironbird

    Of all the fucking lies the teevee libtard monster endlessly spews. That commie asshats “approval rating” is the biggest. How the fuck does one entirely destroy the Dem Party over 8 years and be 54% awesome? Not possible.

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