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Tag Archives: #FaithlessElector

REVOLT: GOP #FaithlessElector To Break Oath – Will Not Vote For Trump – OH WAIT, HE’S TIED TO LIBERAL PR COMPANY

With the Jill Stein recount fiasco nearly behind us, we can focus on other schemes to try and de-legitimize President-elect Trump.

Based on everything I’ve learned from Pace Picante commercials, I don’t think Texans like things from New York City. That said, if it came down to New York hot sauce over an open-border war mongering establishment shill with plans to rehome rapey North African migrants all over America, I think most Texans would begrudgingly eat the shitty NY hot sauce and wait four years to go back to the hot sauce store.

Not this guy. Ol’ Chris Suprun of Dallas, TX really wants to see America fail. He may be a GOP elector, but you can tell he’s shifty by those thick rimmed silicon valley glasses and that Trotsky jacket over a denim button-up. He even wrote a nice little hit piece in the NY times (which was factually incorrect), oh, AND HE HAS TIES TO A LIBERAL PR FIRM!

Via Gateway Pundit:

Texas presidential elector Chris Suprun says he will not cast his vote for Donald Trump.

Suprun signed a pledge last summer to support the Republican nominee.
He lied. Suprun is a #NeverTrumper. His Twitter timeline is littered with fellow #NeverTrumper gibberish.

If you look at Chris Suprun’s Twitter page you can clearly see that he is using Megaphone Strategies as his PR firm.













Megaphone Strategies was founded by far left activist Van Jones.
It’s mission is “to use use PR as a tool to diversify progressive movements.












Its clients include: Netroots Nation, Green for All and Demand Progress.

So this so-called conservative is using a far left company founded by Van Jones as a PR firm? You just can’t make this stuff up!

Do Republicans even vet their electoral college members?
Good grief!


Suprun and Jill Stein should get a room. They can awkwardly paw at each other while whispering sweet traitorous retarded nothings in each other’s ears.

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