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Yearly Archives: 2017

Trump Tweets The Record Straight On Ridiculous Jeff Sessions “Witch Hunt”

President Donald J. Trump – infused with the spirit of Harambe (RIP), delivered a series of tweets tonight affirming his support for Jeff Sessions.

I can hear it now… “Oh, he’s so unprofessional and petty tweeting all the time. My wife’s boyfriend and I can’t stand him!”

Can it Francis, this is how you win elections.

Presenting; unfiltered Trump

Witch hunt!

Question for progressives; are you still buying the Russian scourge / Trump puppet story your fearless communist leadership is selling? To normal people, this Russia bullshit is nothing more than a bunch of sore losers who keep beating the same dead horse to explain away the fact that they just suffered their biggest defeat in decades.


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Democrat Claire McCaskill Caught Lying About Meeting With Russian Ambassador – When Will She Resign?

Updated with NYT stealth delete!

Democrats have two major problems; compulsive lying, and they suck at technology. The DNC and Hillary Clinton’s campaign being hacked by 5 to 7 foreign intelligence agencies whereas the RNC and Trump’s data was secure is a great example of the latter, however perhaps the best combination of questionable ethics and technological ineptitude was the episode in which Hillary Clinton’s incompetent IT guy crept onto Reddit during the Benghazi investigation to ask how he could strip Hillary’s email address from (legally) archived records.

The latest example of lying while sucking at technology comes to us from Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO), who tried her best to pile on  in the Russophobic Jeff Sessions witch hunt by emphatically tweeting about how she’s never had a call or meeting with the Russians. Ever. Unfortunately for Claire, she forgot about the two times she not only did that, but tweeted about it! 

Witness this epic fail:

Really Claire?

Too bad Claire didn’t think to use Twitter’s advanced search like Redditors did about 5 minutes after her tweet. Considering the fervor over Jeff Sessions today – with top Democrats demanding he step down for lying (which was debunked within hours, yet still resulted in his recusal from any inquiries into Russian election interference), we are left to wonder when Claire McCaskill will tender her resignation, you know – for actually lying.


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$CAT’s Out Of The Bag? Caterpillar Offices Raided By IRS, FDIC, And Commerce Dept

Shares in Caterpillar ($CAT) are down sharply after Federal authorities executed search warrants at three facilities, including the corporate headquarters in Peoria, IL. The multi-agency raid is being conducted by the IRS’s Criminal Investigation Division, the Commerce Dept’s Office of Export Enforcement, and the FDIC’s office of Inspector General. The reason for the investigation is presently unknown.

At the Downtown Caterpillar global headquarters building, at least some company employees were directed to the building’s cafeteria and were told to remain there and not leave, according to one employee at the facility. Another source with direct knowledge indicated those sequestered there include employees in the tax and accounting divisions, as well as from executive offices.

Some of the agents entering the headquarters building wore jackets bearing an Internal Revenue Service logo, others appeared to be from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Others simply denoted that they were federal agents. A placard in the window of one of the federal vehicles noted it was used by police from the U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Industry and Security Office of Export Enforcement. pjstar.com

Per ZeroHedge:

As a reminder, this is not the first time CAT has gotten in trouble with regulators: back in 2014 CAT and PWC got in trouble before Congress for evading taxes using offshore locations when this infamous line came up: “What the heck, we’ll all be retired when this audit comes up on audit.” In retrospect, perhaps not all will be retired.

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22 Year Old Argentinian Immigrant Arrested By ICE After Giving Anti-Trump Speech

Jackson, Mississippi – 03.02.2017

A harrowing scene unfolded as an Argentinian DREAMer missing her earlobes was detained by ICE and held with no bond, after giving an anti-Trump speech about deportation – while currently overstaying her visa.

Daniela Vargas, 22, has resided in the USA since she was 7 years old under the “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals” (DACA) immigration policy – which requires recipients reapply every two years to retain legal residency. In February, more than 50 undocumented immigrants were picked up in an immigration sweep – including Vargas’ father and brother. During the February arrest, Vargas allegedly hid in the closet – only to be discovered, handcuffed, and subsequently released.

Not this time…

After her father and brother were detained, Vargas previously told The Clarion-Ledger she planned to go into hiding. She came out of hiding to speak at the conference.

Since she came into the country on a visa waiver program, Vargas could be processed without a hearing, Peterson said.

I’m not going to question Vargas’ intelligence for flagrantly challenging the Trump administration’s ICE agency after barely avoiding arrest only weeks earlier. Who am I to judge? Follow your heart and stick your dick in a beehive for all I care, but don’t get mad when you get stung.

Before being detained Wednesday, Vargas said she planned to move out of state with her mother and pursue her dream of being a university math professor. Clarion Ledger

Perhaps this is for the best? The Vargas family will now be deported together, and can enjoy life back in their home country of Argentina where, according to sources, they still teach math.

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DNC Death Throes: Caustic Vitriol, Tantrums, And Calling Navy Seal’s Grieving Widow An Idiot Doesn’t Seem To Be Working

The DNC is dead. Muerte. Fin. Let’s take an inventory of how the elitist left has been fucking up in spades;

Out of touch:

Skeletor’s mother, aka Crypt Keeper’s next ex wife, aka nutsack ear – Nancy Pelosi, led a parade of miserable shrews to Trump’s speech last night, wearing KKK-esque cult outfits.

(Miserable Shrews, 02/28/2017)

Given how epic Trump’s speech turned out to be, perhaps a course correction was in order? A hand signal or something? Nope, this gaggle of dumb bitches stomped out after Trump finished – back to snake mountain, while 78% of respondents in a CNN poll reacted positively to Trump.

Following Trump’s speech, the official DNC response was issued by a life-alert representative / heaven’s gate cult leader.

NEXT, we have a top volunteer for Hillary Clinton’s campaign, Dan Grilo – a perfect example of liberal sociopathy, who called a navy seal widow an idiot. When the internet exploded with rage, he deleted the tweet, and then his entire Twitter account – not before backpedaling like a bitch of course. Now he’s unemployed; most assuredly only because he got caught.

What’s this? Debbie Wasserman Schultz and her horrible soul-glow perm couldn’t be bothered to applaud for the same widow during the two minute standing ovation.

Speaking of out of touch bitches, Chelsea Hubbell Clinton, of recent “driving a Clinton Foundation official to the brink of suicide” fame, keeps making retarded tweets and is getting BTFO every. single. time.

Chelsea Hubbell, raised in a bubble, shitposting every day. Along came THE ENTIRE INTERNET WHICH FUCKING DESTROYS HER ON A REGULAR BASIS. End of story.

Liberals – from millennials to old commies, can’t stop making ass:

Comments sections across the blogosphere are full of bitter, snarky, self-confident losers who don’t seem to understand that now is the time to shut the fuck up and attempt introspection. They demand their participation award, as the generation raised on Nickelodeon and MTV can’t help but substitute arrogance for a wholesale lack of substance. These people are truly empty shells, and when humility is in order – it’s file not found. Most of these bitches need to plug in and download the “losing with grace” algorithm into their angry little snowflake robot brains, because their kung-fu sucks and most of them don’t realize they’re acting like twats.

The liberal MSM is overt propaganda – and the next generation of voters knows what’s up: 

Thanks to the WSJ led assault on PewDiePie – in which they called a lovable guy with over 50 million fans a Nazi and vomited forth a heavily edited a video with no context, Generation Z knows they’re being lied to. Oops!

Thanks to the un-refuted Wikileaks, they also know about those MSM shill huddles at Podesta’s house, and how John Harwood was John Podesta’s bitch.

They know that the MSM has routinely been fed narratives, for years.

They know Bernie Sanders was sabotaged by the CNN and the DNC – which just put one of the key conspirators in charge.

The most recent lie is of course Sweden – which the MSM and Swedish government has repeatedly claimed is A-OK, yet a different picture emerges when people pop over to Zerohedge, Breitbart, iBankCoin, Twitter and YouTube to follow “boots on the ground” journalists like Tim Pool who’s being chased around the country by riotous Muslims issuing death threats. Result; the MSM opposition party is once again exposed – both their narrative and reputations have been utterly destroyed.

The DNC, Globalists, and their MSM mouthpieces have lost control, and the left – what’s left of it, continues to double down on hate and vitriol like petulant children. There’s an entire generation of kids about to vote in the next few election cycles who are now fully up to speed, and are smart enough to let facts inform their opinion. If only the rest of the “progressive” movement would follow their example…


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As Stocks Soar Following Trump Speech, CXW, Harley Davidson And Coal Burning Extra Bright

Following Trump’s very Presidential speech to congress – which pundits on the left are having a hell of a time criticizing, equities are soaring. In particular, coal stocks, private prisons, and of course – Harley Davidson are on fire after being singled out by the President for growth.

I just met with officials and workers from a great American company, Harley-Davidson. In fact, they proudly displayed five of their magnificent motorcycles, made in the USA, on the front lawn of the White House.

We have undertaken a historic effort to massively reduce job‑crushing regulations, creating a deregulation task force inside of every Government agency; imposing a new rule which mandates that for every 1 new regulation, 2 old regulations must be eliminated; and stopping a regulation that threatens the future and livelihoods of our great coal miners.

To protect our citizens, I have directed the Department of Justice to form a Task Force on Reducing Violent Crime.

I am going to bring back millions of jobs. Protecting our workers also means reforming our system of legal immigration. The current, outdated system depresses wages for our poorest workers, and puts great pressure on taxpayers.

Is it any wonder stocks are off to the races today?

And let’s see how Harley Davidson ($HOG), Coal stocks ($ARCH), and private prison stock CoreCivic ($CXW) are doing:

It should also be noted that Harley Davidson ($HOG) was flagged oversold by the iBankCoin Exodus algorithm 4 trading sessions ago, and CoreCivic was flagged overbought 5 trading sessions ago. While it may seem intuitive that OB = going down and OS = going up, that’s not always the case – and you have to look under the hood. Many times, stocks climb a wall of worry – and Exodus keeps careful track of performance once signals are thrown. You can see that after just 7 days, Harley Davidson ($HOG) has gone up an average of 5.78% 7 out of 7 times, while CoreCivic’s ($CXW) overbought has gone up an average of 3.29% 6 out of 9 times.

When analyzing an investment in Exodus based on these indicators, it’s important to note the % of times up, the average return, and the number of days held since the flag was thrown. While no single indicator should be solely relied upon for an investment decision, it’s helpful to know how stocks have performed following a flag in the system.











Disclosure: Long $CXW

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MSM Having Selective Moral Outrage Over Sexy Kellyanne Conway Photo On Oval Office Couch

In what the media wholeheartedly described as a FUCK YO COUCH moment, Kellyanne Conway is the latest Trump administration official to undergo yet another bullshit media hit. Take a look:

Oh my God – the liberal media is talking about “decorum” in the Oval Office…

Let’s see what she was actually doing:

The outrage! I seem to remember liberals defending President Clinton getting blown behind that desk, and then there’s all those pictures of Obama (and just about every other US President) with his feet on top of it.



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Jobs, Jobs, Jobs! LG Gets Jump On Samsung – Will Build $250 Million Plant In Tennessee – Set To Open In 2019

After weeks of speculation that South Korean companies Samsung and LG are considering building appliance factories in the USA to avoid expected import tariffs by the Trump administration, LG has stepped up to the plate – committing $250 million for an 829,000 square foot factory in Clarksville, TN to produce washing machines, expected to open in 2019.

LG expects the vast majority of washers for U.S. consumers to be made in the Clarksville plant. Its washing machines sold in the United States have so far been made in Korea, China, Vietnam and Thailand.

The plant will have the capacity to expand to make other home appliances as well as commercial washers, the company said.

LG will receive support for construction as well as tax and other incentives, under agreements with the State of Tennessee. Reuters

On February 2nd, President Trump tweeted his thanks to Samsung, attaching an article speculating on their potential plans to move appliance production to the USA. Samsung was none too pleased over the presumptive tweet:

“We feel pressured for (President Trump) thanking Samsung because nothing has been decided yet, but it could give the wrong impression that Samsung may have done something (as he wished),” an unidentified industry official told the site.” -Business Insider

LG is the latest in a growing list of companies giving Trump credit for job creation or investments. Prior to Trump’s inauguration, Dow Chemical ($DOW), Carrier (owned by $UTX), Sprint ($S), OneWeb, and IBM ($IBM) all gave credit to Trump for bringing thousands of jobs back to the USA – including GM ($GM), which announced a $1 billion investment in US Factories that is expected to result in 7,000 jobs, and a Lockheed Martin ($LMT) announcement of 1,800 jobs added to it’s F-35 fighter jet program. Japan’s Softbank has also pledged to invest $50 Billion in the United States (a deal in the works before Trump’s election), and Japanese PM Abe is reported to be putting together a US investment package which could generate 700,000 US jobs.

Last but not least, on February 8th, Intel ($INTC) announced a $7 billion investment in a new plant in Arizona, expected to result in at least 10,000 Jobs.

All in all, between all the human trafficking/ pedo busts, ICE deportations, and jobs created – I’d say Trump is off to a pretty good start fulfilling campaign promises.

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Trump Approval At 50% Ahead Of Tonight’s Speech To Congress – Amidst Democrat Plans To Protest

A new Rasmussen poll ahead of Donald Trump’s speech to congress tonight puts the President’s approval rating at 50% – two points above President Obama’s “strongly approve” rating from just one year ago.

The latest figures include 34% who Strongly Approve of the way Trump is performing and 41% who Strongly Disapprove.  This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -7.

Obama’s “Strongly Approve” one year ago was 26%, while 40% “Strongly Disapproved,” giving him an Approval Index rating of -14.

45% of those polled also believe that the country is headed in the right direction – higher than any week during the Obama presidency, which ranged from the mid-to upper 20% range for most of 2016. Of note, only 32% of respondents felt the country was headed in the right direction after Trump’s election in November, a figure which has been steadily climbing.

Meanwhile, several congressional democrats are planning on protesting tonight’s speech. Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY) is planning on skipping his running tradition of posting up at the edge of the aisle to shake the President’s hand

“This isn’t part of our normal political discourse, this goes beyond ideological and political differences,” Engel said, referring to reports of the Trump administration’s ties to Russia and efforts to repeal ObamaCare. “I will listen to what he has to say today, but I will not greet him and shake his hand.” -Fox News

Furthermore, Democrat Jarid Polis of Colorado will be bringing a guest “saved” by an Obama-era policy which spared the children of illegal immigrants from deportation, and Rep. Judy Chu (D-CA) will roll up with a 35 year old Iranian graduate student affected by Trump’s temporary ban on immigration from 7 terror-linked countries. Maxine Waters is planning on skipping the speech altogether.

I don’t remember any Republicans showing up to Obama’s last congressional address with one of the millions of Americans who saw their Obamacare premium double or triple, or families of Afghanistan 90% civilian casualty drone strike victims, or emaciated children withering away on Michelle Obama’s inedible public school food program – but hey, Trump’s a monster for enforcing existing laws and trying to prevent terrorists from entering the country.

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Moderate Muslim Immigrant In Sweden Says 20-30% Of Local Muslims Support ISIS

Amidst all the rape, riots, and grenade attacks which seem to have followed Muslim immigrants into Sweden (and are being aggressively denied by Swedish officials), Infowars’ Paul Joseph Watson issued a challenge for journalists to pop over for a visit to see just what in the fuck is going on.

Journalist Tim Pool accepted that challenge, and has been actively trying to get to the bottom of what’s going on with Muslim immigrants and the violence which has swept the country.

For his efforts, Pool has received death threats:

And was present in Malmo during the latest grenade attack:

In Pool’s latest video, he interviews a Muslim immigrant named Mohammed in the “no-go” area of Malmo. He is a self described member of the terrorist group Hezbollah, who sees Trump as a dictator and looks forward to the day Israel falls to the Palestinians.

Poole: You think what is Israel now will become Palestine?

Immigrant: Exactly, 100%… There will be a day that it will disappear. They have weapons, they have power, they have what they have, but still – you know, Hezbollah not gonna be quiet for that, and there will happen something.

Mohammed also suggests that 20-30% of Muslims in Sweden support the head choppers over at ISIS:

Poole: You said this area is 95% Muslim. Do you think most the people here feel the same way as you?

Immigrant: There is maybe, of this 95%, there is maybe 70% like me… But the rest, for sure, they support ISIS.

Lovely. And Hillary Clinton wanted to import this ideology into a quiet neighborhood near you.

If you would like to support Tim Poole, you can send a few bucks his way here.

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