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Hyundai And Kia Recall 240,000 Cars After Whistleblower Comes Forward

The South Korean government has ordered Hyundai and it’s subsidiary Kia to recall 240,000 affected cars after a 25 year veteran employee came forth and told authorities about dangerous issues with vacuum pipes, fuel hoses, parking brake light issues, and other faulty parts on 12 different models, including the i30 hatchback, Sonata, Genesis, Mohave, and Carnival minivan.

After initially refusing to act voluntarily – citing no safety risks, Hyundai is complying with the mandated recall. Still, they were quick to note that there had been no “reported injuries or accidents from the cited issues.”

Safety is always Hyundai-Kia’s number one priority and we make decisions on recalls or any other customer protection steps in compliance with regulators around the world and stringent internal procedures -Hyundai

The recall adds to the 1.5 million cars Hyundai-Kia recalled last month for possible engine stalling.

The Whistleblower

The man responsible for the recall is Kim Gwang-ho, who told the BBC that he couldn’t, in good faith, allow passengers to travel in vehicles he knew to be faulty.

Kim, 55, had worked at Hyundai for more than 25 years, and it was obvious to me that he cared deeply for the firm and was very proud of the work that he’d been involved in.

But he also pointed out that his decision to speak out was calculated. He was nearing retirement, and didn’t have as much to lose as his younger colleagues. –BBC

For his honesty, Hyundai fired Kim and launched a lawsuit against him – however after the story behind the recall went public, Hyundai dropped the suit, reinstated his old job, and reimbursed him for years of unemployment.

I love a happy ending!


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Morons Worldwide Can’t Cut Avocados – British Association Calls For Warning Labels

Apparently cutting up delicious Avocados is fraught with danger as people around the world keep slicing their hands while trying to gain access to the increasingly expensive green gift from God.

UK surgeons are reporting a growing numbers of avocado-related hand injuries at emergency rooms, calling the stab and slash wounds from failed attempts to prepare food “avocado hand,” which can include serious nerve and tendon injuries.

In fact, the British Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons is calling for safety labels to warn people of the hidden dangers of avocado cutting.

“People do not anticipate that the avocados they buy can be very ripe and there is minimal understanding of how to handle them. We don’t want to put people off the fruit but I think warning labels are an effective way of dealing with this. It needs to be recognisable. Perhaps we could have a cartoon picture of an avocado with a knife, and a big red cross going through it?” –Simon Eccles, Royal Society of Medicine, UK

Eccles notes that at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in London, he treats about four patients a week with avocado hand, and staff at St Thomas’ Hospital, in London report a “post-brunch surge” on Saturdays.

And it’s not just morons in the UK! Retards around the world are apparently cutting themselves in droves. Actress Meryl Streep was photographed with a bandaged hand in 2012 after self-harming in pursuit of the elusive avocado meat, and according to The Times, over 300 people in New Zealand have sued for compensation from avocado injuries in the last five years.


Per The Times:

David Shewring, vice-president of the British Society for Surgery of the Hand, told The Times: “Recently the health benefits of avocado have been advocated, with an increase in their popularity — and a consequent increase in related injuries.”

He outlined the “correct” technique for de-stoning: “Wrap the avocado in a towel leaving the pip exposed. Carefully use the edge of a heavy sharp knife to chop into the summit of the soft pip, so that it is slightly buried. Holding the knife, so that the pip is stabilised, use a towel to twist the pip out.”

Or just cut it carefully without slicing into your hand and quit trying to be a samurai when you bury your knife into the pit to remove it.

Stay safe out there…

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Jeff Sessions Dropping Hammer On Drug Traffickers

Jeff Sessions is going ham on drug traffickers – instructing US Attorney Generals to pursue the most ‘readily provable offenses’ with mandatory minimum sentences.

In a two-page memo issued to all US attorneys this week, Sessions lays out a policy of strict enforcement, rolling back Eric Holder’s more lenient policies under Obama.

This policy affirms our responsibility to enforce the law, is moral and just, and produces consistency. This policy fully utilizes the tools Congress has given us

By definition, the most serious offenses are those that carry the most substantial guidelines sentence, including mandatory minimum sentences.

In a speech earlier today, Sessions says he’s not targeting individual drug users – only traffickers:

“If you are a drug trafficker,” he said, “we will not look the other way. We will not be willfully blind to your misconduct.”

Furthermore, Sessions allows Attorneys General discretion when individual cases may not warrant a mandatory minimum sentence:

There will be circumstances in which good judgment would lead a prosecutor to conclude that a strict application of the above charging policy is not warranted. In that case, prosecutors should carefully consider whether an exception may be justified. Consistent with longstanding Department of Justice policy, any decision to vary from the policy must be approved by a United States Attorney or Assistant Attorney General

The memo infuriated previous Attorney General Eric Holder, who wrote a lengthy screed calling the new policy ‘dumb on crime,’ stating:

It is an ideologically motivated, cookie-cutter approach that has only been proven to generate unfairly long sentences that are often applied indiscriminately and do little to achieve long-term public safety

Sessions, however, argues that it’s the DOJ’s ‘responsibility is to fulfill our role in a way that accords with the law, advances public safety, and promotes respect for our legal system. It is of the utmost importance to enforce the law fairly and consistently.’

That said, you may want to revisit private prison stocks CoreCivic ($CXW) and Geo Group ($GEO). CoreCivic is currently flagged with a light oversold signal in Exodus.

This particular OS signal for $CXW (3 month) has a short track record, only having triggered once – however there’s another signal in Exodus which has a much longer track record; 8 out of 8 signals have returned an average return of 5.39% over a 10 day hold.

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HP Laptops Discovered To Be Spying On Users With Keylogger

Thought all you had to worry about was the NSA and 400 lb hackers?

Swiss cybersecurity firm Modzero has discovered that 28 models of HP laptops running Windows 7 or 10 – a little over 20% of all laptops – have been spying on users via a ‘keylogger’ – a program which records every keystroke made on the device. This means that passwords for banking, email accounts, and private communications on affected laptops are being stored locally – which “leads to a high risk of leaking sensitive user input”.

“Users are not aware that every keystroke made while entering sensitive information – such as passphrases (or) passwords on local or remote systems – are captured by (the software)” –Modzero

When Modzero contacted HP about the issue, the company went radio silent, so the Swiss firm went public with it’s findings. When UK based Sky News picked up the story and reached out to HP, the company said they were “aware of the keylogger issue on select HP PCs.”

HP told Sky News: “Our supplier partner developed software to test audio functionality prior to product launch and it should not have been included in the final shipped version. Fixes will be available shortly via HP.com.” Sky News

A full list of affected laptops can be found here.

Here is Modzero’s writeup on how the keylogger works:

Conexant’s MicTray64.exe is installed  with the Conexant audio  driver
package and registered as a Microsoft Scheduled Task to run after each
user login. The  program monitors all  keystrokes made by  the user to
capture  and  react  to  functions  such  as  microphone   mute/unmute
keys/hotkeys. Monitoring of keystrokes is added by implementing a low-
level keyboard input  hook [1] function…

In addition to the handling  of hotkey/function key strokes, all  key-
scancode information [2] is written into a logfile in a world-readable
path (C:\Users\Public\MicTray.log).

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Witnessed: White House Press Corps ‘Collude In Real Time’ To Undermine Sean Spicer

New infowars host Mike Cernovich sat down with Jack Posobiec of The Rebel Media for a discussion on what goes on behind the scenes at the White House press corps – having both attended and participated in press briefings.

While comparing notes, Cernovich and Posobiec noted how MSM journalists communicate with each other during the briefings to try and trip up the Press Secretary.

Cernovich: Here’s what I noticed too, is, they’re all texting each other what to ask. They’re colluding in real time. Did you observe that too?

Posobiec: Absolutely observed that. They were texting and I also saw a couple slack channels they had opened up. Slack is sort of like an internet chat room forum type thing, it’s private chat.

And all they’re trying to do is trip up [White House Press Secretary] Spicer.

So not only do MSM journalists sit around off-camera like soulless empty vessels – not doing any actual journalism, they also collude like a pack of hyenas using texts and slack chats with  “gotcha” questions try and trip up White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer.

And this is why the MSM is a complete joke.

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Sears CEO Eddie Lampert: ‘I Am Not In Denial,’ Blames ‘Irresponsible’ Media For Sucky Share Price

Sears ($SHLD) CEO Ed Lampert, whose hedge fund ESL Investments is Sears’ largest shareholder, swears business is great – calling reports of a pending bankruptcy “unbalanced,” and said the media had been “deliberately unfair” for a decade.

“We don’t need more customers. We have all the customers we could possibly want,” Lampert said at Sears’ annual shareholder meeting. “As soon as we start making money, people are gonna say, ‘How did I miss this?’”

I give you my assurance I am not in denial,” he added. Fox Business

Lampert, who is surely not mentally ill, spent much of the 90 minute Annual Shareholder Meeting ranting over a slideshow – insisting the media had unfairly hounded the retailer with negative news, “meant to scare our vendors” who then tried to negotiate better deals with the company.

“Every time people use the word bankruptcy, somebody who reads that doesn’t get past that word,” he said. “It makes it very unfair for us, and it’s a very uneven playing field for us.”

Once the largest U.S. retailer, Sears has not reported a profit for six years – which Lampert compared to Amazon‘s early growth. Lampert then warned haters of pending regret:

“As soon as we start making money, people are gonna say, ‘How did I miss this?’

Sure Eddie – couldn’t be your shitty business and the fact that you failed to jettison your ghost-town mall properties and successfully adapt to the online model.

Here’s a chart of $SHLD revenue going back to 2004, courtesy of Exodus

And a chart of the carnage – thanks to the ‘irresponsible’ media:

Fear not $SHLD longs, Eddie Lampert says “I’ll fight like hell” (to fix stores), adding: “We don’t want to destroy value, we want to create value.”

$SHLD closed down 9.61% today at $10.16

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Report: Trump Mulling Spicer Replacement After Press Secretary Fumbles Comey Announcement

National political reporter for axios.com, Jonathan Swan, reports that President Trump has been discussing a replacement for Sean Spicer after the White House Press Secretary appeared to have fumbled Tuesday’s announcement concerning the dismissal of FBI Director James Comey.

As Newsweek and the Washington Post report, Spicer had planned to email a statement announcing Comey’s termination Tuesday afternoon – however he was apparently having technical difficulties. Unable to send the announcement, Spicer stood in the doorway of the press office around 5:40 p.m. and ended up “shouting a statement to reporters who happened to be nearby.”

At 5:41 or so, reporters began to tweet the news – and nine minutes later at 5:50 pm EST, Spicer issued a tweet with the announcement:

Then, Spicer stepped outside

After a brief interview with Fox’s Lou Dobbs, Spicer apparently stepped over to some bushes and ordered reporters to turn their lights off – allegedly refusing to be filmed:

“Just turn the lights off. Turn the lights off,” he ordered. “We’ll take care of this. … Can you just turn that light off?”

(A correction from WaPo on Spicer’s spatial relationship to the bushes)

For about 10 minutes, Spicer answered questions surrounding Comey’s firing – repeatedly circling back to the fact that Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein had made the assessment and recommendation to fire Comey in light of how he handled the Clinton email investigation during the 2016 election.

Spicer then thanked reporters for their time and reentered the White House.

Twitter is buzzing

Now that blood is in the water, Spicer’s detractors are piling on…

Out the rest of the week

Deputy White House Press Secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, filled in for Spicer today – and is expected to address journalists throughout the rest of the week in Spicer’s stead.

Is this the end of the road for Sean Spicer? Will the Spice stop flowing? Or is all of this simply WaPo and Newsweek piling on a Press Secretary caught flat footed by a President who stayed mum on Comey’s firing until the last minute in an effort flush out leakers?

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Maxine Waters Flips Her Wig After MSNBC’s Peter Alexander Confronts Over Comey Flip-Flop

Maxine Waters had a bit of difficulty conveying her position on former FBI Director James Comey in an interview with MSNBC’s Peter Alexander Wednesday. Waters expressed outrage over Trump’s Comey’s dismissal – a man she said was incompetent to lead the Russia investigation less than four months ago.

Alexander: To be clear, you believe it would have been better to keep in place an FBI director who you said had no credibility to oversee this investigation, than to find someone who you think would be a better choice?

Waters: No, but I believe the President thought that. Don’t forget, you’re talkin’ about what some Democrat said, what I said, but don’t forget – he was the President.

Alexander: But you said he had no credibility, so it would seem to make sense that he should get rid of him!

Waters: No, no no no.

Alexander: The bottom line is that you think an FBI director without credibility would have been best served in this position to try to pursue this investigation?

Alexander then challenged Waters to a hypothetical on whether or not Hillary should have fired Comey had she won:

Alexander: So if Hillary Clinton had won the White House, would you have recommended that she fire FBI director James Comey?

Waters: Well, let me tell ya something; if she had won the White House I believe that given what he did to her, and what he tried to do, she should have fired him – yes.

Alexander: So she should have fired him but he shouldn’t have fired him?

Waters in January:

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Dalai Lama Tells Nancy Pelosi To Quit Being So Negative

Ok, his holiness didn’t exactly say it like that, however the Dalai Lama did tell the Democrat House Minority Leader worth upward of $100 million that he would pray for her to “rid herself of her negative attitude about dwelling on the negative too much.”

What does Pelosi have to be negative about? Oh right – the DNC lost the house, senate, and hundreds of upcoming judicial appointments across the country.

She caught heat for charging taxpayers over $100K for in-flight booze while on official business.

Her daughter led the failed faithless elector charge.

Ol’ Nancy didn’t get that huge increase in Syrian refugees she wanted – saying in 2015 that raising the U.S. refugee cap by 5,000 was “far too low.”

Or maybe she’s incurring some negative karma for her support of regime change in Syria? She was a huge fan of Trump’s Tomahawk attack, after all.

Pelosi loved Bashar Al Assad before calling for his head in 2013 over Syrian chemical weapons use – which many have suggested was a false flag to drag the US into yet another regime change. The NYT even retracted it’s claims blaming Assad for the attacks.  The April 14th gas attacks in Syria have been similarly called into question, yet St. Pelosi is calling for another game of “We came, We saw, He died.”

Maybe she’s not right with the cosmos after steering Billions of taxpayer dollars into projects which benefitted her husband’s investments?

The top Democrat in the House of Representatives steered more than a billion dollars in subsidies to a light rail project that benefitted a company run by a high-dollar Democratic donor and in which her husband is a major investor. -Free Beacon

Is Nancy’s exemption from insider trading laws, allowing her to profit in IPOs like Visa while having material nonpublic information weighing on her soul?

Perhaps Miss Nancy has incurred some negative karma for promoting gun control – which has proven time and time again to raise crime, as criminals have no problem disobeying gun-free zones. Maybe history will remember Pelosi’s wish to disarm Americans yet another precursor to oppression? After all, successful genocides have all started with gun registration followed by confiscation.

But nothing like fighting for Tibet to ease a guilty conscience, right? It’s all the rage with Nancy’s base in California – if I’m to believe the bumper stickers.

Whatever is causing Nancy Pelosi to dwell on the negative, the Dalai Lama is praying for her.

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COMEY REACTIONS: Trump Trolls Schumer, Olbermann Explodes, Assange Teases New Leaks

Well, the Democrats got their wish from just 6 short months ago; James Comey is no longer Director of the FBI – fired yesterday for his handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server. The former FBI director apparently thought it was a prank when he saw news of his dismissal on TV while giving a speech to employees at the Los Angeles office.

Democrats loved Comey before they hated him, and now love him again

Democrats were enamored with Comey over the summer when he famously recommended against pressing charges in the Clinton email investigation. Then, they soured on Comey after he reopened the investigation a little over a week before the election – based on information obtained by the NYPD from Anthony Weiner’s laptop while under investigation for sexting an underage girl.

Comey closed the pre-election investigation two days before polls opened, finding no wrongdoing – however the many in the DNC said the damage had been done – with many (including Hillary) blaming him for Clinton’s loss. Comey was vilified by the left, which is perhaps why Stephen Colbert’s audience cheered last night when the rabid Trump foe (and Podesta pal) broke the news of Comey’s firing. Meanwhile, Democrats in Washington are totally melting down – suggesting Trump “staged a coup,” and is a traitor for firing the (once again venerable) James Comey.

And it seems that Trump is back to his old ways, talking shit over Twitter. This felt like campaign trail Trump:

Some have even suggested Trump even trolled Comey and/or the deep state on Comey’s dismissal letter, which spells out “I WIN” down the left side.

Let’s take a trip back in time to recall how Democrats felt about Comey after the second email investigation:

Chuck Schumer

Harry Reid (D-NV)

Steve Cohen (D-TN)

Obama’s handler new roommate Valerie Jarrett urged Obama to fire Comey.

James Brown Maxine Waters had this to say in January

Keith Olbermann is having a grand-mal meltdown:

Let’s compare Olbermann from yesterday vs. November 6th

More idiocy:

And so on and so forth – Democrats are SHOCKED and APPALLED that Trump would fire the honorable Jim Comey in the middle of the Russia investigation – much of which has been based on an increasingly discredited Russian hacking report from CroweStrike, an Irvine, CA company partially funded by Google, which was the only entity to analyze DNC servers in relation to claims of election hacking.

Quite interestingly – Julian Assange’s FBI source says we should prepare for more leaks:

Perhaps, as some have suggested, Comey had been stonewalling internal FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation. Consider the following:

Comey has been a deep state operative for most of his professional career:

  • He earned more than $6 million in one year working for Lockheed Martin (manufacturer of the F-35 debacle), the year they became a Clinton Foundation donor.
  • He became a member of the board at HSBC bank shortly after NY AG at the time Loretta “tarmac” Lynch let the Clinton Foundation partner slide with a slap on the wrist for laundering drug money.
  • He let Hillary off the hook for egregious illegal violations of national security by recommending not to prosecute her.


Here’s a thought, get on your tin-foil hat… Thanks to incredibly sophisticated technology at their disposal, the ‘deep state’ knew early on that Hillary was in big trouble – which is why they started seeding the phrase “fake news” in early 2016 to try and discredit rapidly growing support for then candidate Trump. Using highly predictive data collected from Google, Facebook, Twitter, and the NSA, they were able to gauge national sentiment in near real-time with pinpoint accuracy. Assuming that’s what happened, because it did, now imagine that as the election drew nearer the deep state absolutely knew Hillary was going to lose…

What to do?

Have Comey re-open the email investigation, let Hillary lose, and blame the loss on a combination of Russian hacking and Comey’s erratic investigative actions throughout the election. Have a Rothschild blame Clinton campaign chair John Podesta for good measure, thus solidifying the notion that poor Hillary was a victim of the Russians, James Comey, and John Podesta’s “arrogant out of touch campaign” – thus ensuring HRC wasn’t to blame for her own loss, and keeping that sterling Clinton reputation intact.

Lastly, Alex Jones has apparently got some dirt on the Comey situation to be released later today…

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