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GORKA OUT: White House Advisor Quits, Pens Scathing Resignation Letter

Sebastian Gorka has resigned as Deputy Assistant to President Trump, according to The Federalist.

Gorka, a former editor at Breitbart News and a friend of recently fired chief strategist Steve Bannon, was one of the last true supporters of the “MAGA” movement at the White House, leaving President Trump flanked by Goldman Sachs and Democrat globalists.

Scorched earth

In a scathing resignation letter, the former National Security and Counterterrorism expert took a flamethrower to what remains of the Trump administration.

Via The Federalist

“[G]iven recent events, it is clear to me that forces that do not support the MAGA promise are – for now – ascendant within the White House,” Gorka wrote. “As a result, the best and most effective way I can support you, Mr. President, is from outside the People’s House.”

Gorka’s letter expressed unhappiness with the direction the Trump administration’s foreign policy has taken, as signaled by the president’s recent speech on Afghanistan:

Regrettably, outside of yourself, the individuals who most embodied and represented the policies that will ‘Make America Great Again,’ have been internally countered, systematically removed, or undermined in recent months. This was made patently obvious as I read the text of your speech on Afghanistan this week…

“The fact that those who drafted and approved the speech removed any mention of Radical Islam or radical Islamic terrorism proves that a crucial element of your presidential campaign has been lost…

“Just as worrying, when discussing our future actions in the region, the speech listed operational objectives without ever defining the strategic victory conditions we are fighting for. This omission should seriously disturb any national security professional, and any American who is unsatisfied with the last 16 years of disastrous policy decisions which have led to thousands of Americans killed and trillions of taxpayer dollars spent in ways that have not brought security or victory.”

In the cards? 

While serving the Trump administration, Gorka was focused on threats posed by radical Islam, a new long-term national security strategy, and combating China’s economic warfare – something Steve Bannon opined on in an interview days before his ouster from the White House.

A White House insider told The Federalist: “This was more or less going to be a done deal when Bannon submitted his resignation. Not because he didn’t have a protector, but because there is no point in having your life ruined every day if you’re not going to get much accomplished.

I suppose in hindsight, after Bannon’s ouster, Gorka’s departure was a foregone conclusion.

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  1. uglyflint

    Pissed about Bannon and Gorka. The end game is just one gigantic cluster fuck. Tear it all down man.

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  2. moosh

    Worm holed chess?

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  3. sarcrilege

    This is what putsch in slow motion looks like. Well done deep state, well done indeed.

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  4. moosh

    From the looks of it, deep state has MOAR strategic ammo? It only took the entire msm, both political parties, most of the world and other Soros’ sheeples and whatnot, which were put on point years ago. All the while, truth has been put on blast from all types of angles, exposing all of these cocksuckers’ schemes questing for power, money, votes and wars. Are we going to stop counting legit votes in usa elections here on out or is it on? Wtf

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  5. john_galt

    everyone on its own now, prepare for war

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  6. uglyflint

    Gentlemen, it’s so fucked. Don Lemon drilling Steve King on the sneaky Friday night Arpiao pardon, on hurricane coverage night. Oboma’s playbook for 8 years. Tear it all down man.

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  7. moosh

    Nah, it’s time to flip it with a full on burauge of elected agenda and common sense solutions to politician’s conveniently kept problems. Whats that called again?

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  8. chuck bennett

    Funny how they go easier on Trump when he is in full Neocon mode.

    Pardons? Trump is more worried about that investigation, perhaps the deal is, he fires his people and then has to drop some bombs. He needs to follow the protocol or else.

    Just a thought that’s been in my head for a while. A boy can hope, right?


    Chuck Bennett

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  9. uglyflint

    Mr Bennett, indeed. The hypocrisy of all this shit, it reeks. Tear it all down man.

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  10. moosh

    @uglyflint – there is a best way out of all of this… Soros and the like, no doubt wants to clear the deck, no?

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  11. uglyflint

    @Moosh, bingo. Tear it all down man. Sincerely, George Soros.

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  12. moosh

    Just checking, because the time for that was lost a few years ago (according to my libertarian soul). Be ready for whatever with good friends around is my motto now

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  13. ironbird

    moosh is right. Everyone needs to relax. The Fake News is Fake. Harvey has come to bring us all together. Or some shit that could make some sense.

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  14. Cricket

    Agreed. Relax. Trump made it clear that he would never reveal his cards.

    Meanwhile ISIS have gotten their asses whooped. No more ISIS. Done.

    He will never say he is going to withdraw from Afghanistan. Never. It will just happen. Quietly.

    Stop giving the corporate (deep state) media any credibility. Sorry to see Gorka go, but there are bigger moves behind the scenes.

    They are losing, we are winning. Believe it.

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  15. Cricket

    When I say there are bigger moves behind the scenes, I am speculating a link up between Sinclair Broadcasting, Breitbart (including Bannon and Gorka), Robert Mercer and Trump as a counter to the constant left-wing bile being spewed by the current media circus, that now includes Fox. As it is out of the clutches of Soros and his seditionist collaborators, the left are scared to death of Sinclair, as a mouth-piece of the left, The Guardian, has recently written:

    “This is Sinclair, ‘the most dangerous US company you’ve never heard of'”

    Sinclair is the largest broadcast company in America. But its partisan politics – and connections to the White House – are raising concerns.


    What were Bannon and Gorka really doing in the White House? Were they trying to develop policy, or were they there to gather intelligence?

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  16. ferd

    Deep state/neocon/libtard MSM kowtow to Likud/Netanyahu and at the same time are thought by many here to be tools of Soros. But Soros and Netanyahu are apparently at odds with one another. Which camp do they serve? Please explain.


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  17. ferd

    Cricket, love your optimism. But I’d guess the more likely explanation is that the threats against Trump’s businesses and their menacing him and his family with jail, have gotten him in line. Even going in, he cluelessly surrounded himself with Goldman alum – proving that he did not even pay close enough attention to the world to know who the enemy of his stated goals was.

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  18. sarcrilege

    Soros/Netanyahu spat is a nothing burger. Soros supports organizations that flood Europe with muslim savages (rapefugees); however, the same organizations in most cases criticize the depraved nationalistic, xenophobic and apartheid policies of Netanyahu in Israel. Moreover, Soros and Adelson support Likud opposition parties in Israel. This was going on since 2012; however, became public after OpenSociety emails were hacked and it erupted on public forum over Orban’s campaign to kick Soros’ ass and his rapefugees out of Hungary. At the end of the day they are both filthy zionists.

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  19. traderconfessions

    Gorka was fired…Now someone rightfully can punch him in the face without committing a federal crime.

    No matter though. Lord Mueller will have the final say. Your hero can build a wall, pardon those who willfully step on your holy Constitution, stop people from proudly serving in the military to appease slimy religious leaders and their cretin followers, and continue to embarrass 65% of Americans on a daily basis. .. but in the end he will be out on his ass in one year.

    Every time Bannon and Gorka speaks one more Independent and Moderate Republican voter steps away from Trump. Keep it coming boys. Say it loud and long!

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  20. chuck bennett

    Maybe Trump is surrounding himself with as a shield? (Friends of his enemies )

    Keeping them is a sign he is capitulating?

    Whatever this is or isn’t , he is not clueless.


    Chuck Bennett

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  21. t.c.

    Ah, the slow, sickly death of multiculturalism.

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  22. mx2101

    My take: Sinclair’s huge and growing collection of over the air TV stations will be preaching to Trumps choir. For everyone else Sinclair is just one of hundreds of other media, information and entertainment choices.

    Buying over the air TV stations, Sinclair is looking backwards from the changing media landscape.

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  23. Cricket

    Yes there definitely something afoot with Sinclair. Bannon met with Mercer as soon as he departed the White House to discuss the Breitbart-Sinclair relationship.

    Mercer operates the most sophisticated big data AI system ever. It trawls social media and the deep web and is reported to have access to more information than Google does. I believe it is one of the reasons he has been made co-CEO of Renaissance, is perhaps why Renaissance has the most successful hedge fund in history, and is a major contributor to Trump’s success. I have read that Bannon is skilled in analysing this information and did so for Trump’s campaign.

    It makes a lot of sense to get Bannon and Gorka out of the White House dugout and on to the playing field against the propaganda machine that is posing a risk to Trump’s agenda. The timing is right.

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