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Maxine Waters Has Wig Split By Protestors Outside Town Hall Event (VIDEOS)

A crowd of conservatives descended upon a Town Hall event in Gardena, CA Saturday to peacefully protest Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) who was speaking out against the GOP healthcare bill.

There were no fires set, excrement thrown, or bike locks used to try and murder political foes – just a diverse crowd of concerned citizens who showed up to call Maxine Waters out for being an establishment shill who’s destroyed black communities while promoting the witch-hunt of President Trump over nonexistent ties to Russia.

Political activist Grindall61 was on the scene and recorded all the action (see full videos here and here).

After the event a crowd waited for waters to leave – booing her as she entered her getaway car.

Maybe that’ll teach Waters to screw over her constituency, continuously call for the impeachment of a democratically elected President she says she won’t work with – then lie about it? Probably not.

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Bernie And Jane Sanders Lawyer Up Amid FBI Fraud Probe

Politico has confirmed that Bernie Sanders and his wife Jane have retained high powered DC lawyers amidst an FBI fraud investigation. Jane Sanders orchestrated a $10 million loan for the now defunct Burlington College to purchase a 33 acre property, reportedly obtained through a ‘fraudulent scheme.’ Sanders is accused of having lied about funding for transaction, while the FBI is also looking into claims that Bernie Sanders’ office pressured the bank to approve the loan.

The original request for an investigation into Federal bank fraud was sent in a January 2016 letter to the Vermont District Attorney as well as the FDIC by Brady Toensing – an attorney and chair of Donald Trump’s Vermont campaign. The letter detailed the mechanics of the alleged fraud, which is what reportedly launched official investigations. Toensing told Politico on Thursday “The investigation was started more than a year ago under President Obama, his Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and his United States Attorney, all of whom are Democrats.”

If true, the Sanders’ could be in some serious trouble.

The whole Burlington College Saga…

In 2004, Jane Sanders left her position as her husband’s congressional chief of staff to become president of the unaccredited and struggling Burlington College – founded in 1972 and operated out of a former grocery store. When Sanders took over as a “turnaround” president, she set out to rapidly grow the college – announcing a $6 million plan to expand the campus in 2006 which never came to fruition.

Inside of Burlington College, Sanders was earning a as reputation for her “toxic and disruptive” leadership style, and in late 2008, according to a 2016 essay on the college written by a former teacher Greg Guma, “Nearly half of the students and faculty members signed a petition demanding a meeting about the “Crisis in leadership,” while Jane Sanders’ salary rose to $150,000 in 2009 amidst a tuition hike from $5,000 to $22,407 in 2011. Meanwhile, enrollment dropped by almost 25%.

In 2008, literature professor Genese Grill wrote to the school’s academic affairs committee, describing Sanders’ “harassment and unethical treatment of other faculty and staff members, many of whom have since left the college disgruntled and angry.”

And in 2010, Jane Sanders announced a plan to move the tiny underfunded Burlington college onto a 33 acre parcel of valuable lakefront real estate in Northern Burlington. “It was the last piece of undeveloped, prime property on the lake shore,” according to Guma.

The property was owned by the Roman Catholic Diocese, which was strapped for cash after recently settling over two dozen sexual abuse lawsuits for $17.76 million. The 33 acre property hit the market for $12.5 million, and the church agreed to take Jane Sanders’ offer of $10 million.

Scheming for loans

When Jane Sanders made the offer to the Roman Catholic Diocese, Burlington College was nearly broke – with an annual budget just below $4 million. In order to finance the property, Sanders secured a $6.5 million loan from People’s United Bank in the form of a tax exempt bond purchase, and the Catholic Church agreed to carry a $3.65 million second mortgage on the property. Sanders told both institutions that Burlington college had $5 million in likely donor pledges and $2.4 million in confirmed pledges to be used to pay off the debt.

But wait – that was just for the property!

What Jane Sanders didn’t plan for was the $6 million or so required to actually build out the campus on the property to include green space, athletic fields, lecture halls, and walkways. Oops!


Sanders’ original claim of $2.4 million in confirmed donor pledges was quickly reduced to $1.2 million according to documents filed in the first fiscal year after the purchase – yet in records obtained by VTDigger, Burlington College received only $279,000. Despite hopes by Sanders and college trustees that they could boost enrollment and expand the student body, nothing changed – and the school failed at raising the money to satisfy it’s loans.

And then Jane Sanders was fired, with a $200,000 severance package.

In order to try and avoid bankruptcy, Burlington college sold off pieces of the 33 acre property to a local developer – which allowed the institution to pay off some of the debt Jane Sanders had accumulated, however in April 2016 the bank called it’s loan – and on May 28th, the college closed it’s doors after 44 years in operation.


Per Politico;

[F]ederal investigators and FBI agents started to pull apart the $10 million financial arrangement. They showed up at Burlington College to sift through hard drives, audit reports and spreadsheets. They began to interview donors, board members and past president Carol Moore. “I was contacted and spoke with an FBI agent numerous times last spring, again last summer,” Moore told Vermont Public Radio in May 2017, “and recently, maybe a month ago.”

And now, it appears the Sanders’ are preparing for battle…

While the Obama-era FBI and DOJ under James Comey and Loretta Lynch may have gone soft on Bernie and Jane Sanders, their recent lawyering up suggests there’s a storm on the horizon for Vermont’s most famous fake socialists.

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Loretta Lynch Probed By Senate Over ‘Political Interference’ In Clinton Investigation

Senators investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election have formally requested that ex-Attorney General Loretta Lynch answer questions over allegations she provided Hillary Clinton with “political interference” during the 2016 presidential election. Bipartisan letters were sent to Lynch and others on Friday from Senators Grassley (R-IA), Feinstein (D-CA), Graham (R-SC), and Whitehouse (D-RI).

Of particular interest are questions which arose in an April New York Times article detailing a batch of hacked Russian intelligence documents obtained by the FBI which allegedly contain an email from DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz to Leonard Bernardo – an official with the Open Society Foundation, stating that Lynch told a DNC operative that she “would not let the FBI investigation into Clinton go too far.”

The questions in the Senate letter seek to determine whether Lynch is aware of the hacked email, the authenticity of the document, and who Lynch may have communicated with regarding the Clinton investigation – specifically mentioning Amanda Renteria, who filled the “Hispanic woman” position mentioned in the Podesta emails which the Clinton Campaign sought for a role as political director of her 2016 presidential campaign.

Also of interest but not included in Friday’s letter are questions Senator Graham had previously raised after fired FBI Director James Comey revealed during his June 8 testimony that he was pressured by Lynch to refer to the Clinton email investigation as a “matter” instead of an investigation – which gave Comey a ‘queasy’ feeling. Comey also said that he was ‘disturbed’ by Lynch’s secretive ‘tarmac’ meeting with Bill Clinton.

Was she [Lynch] gonna to authorize us to confirm that we had an investigation? And she said “Yes, but don’t call it that. Call it a ‘matter.’ And again, you look back in hindsight – you think, ‘should I have resisted harder? I just said, ‘alright, this isn’t a hill worth dying on.'”

It gave me a queasy feeling.

Lynch and others who received letters from the committee have until July 6 to comply with the request.

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Arab States Issue 13 Demands To Qatar – Include Unfriending Iran, Beheading Al-Jazeera And Nixing Turkish Base

Two days after the US State Department formally inquired about WTF is going on between Arab States and Qatar, the countries of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Baahrain, and the UAE sent a list of 13 demands to the tiny Gulf nation to be met within 10 days in order to lift their total blockade of the country. Among them – reducing diplomatic ties with Iran, shutting down broadcaster Al Jazeera (and affiliates), and immediately cease working to open a Turkish military base announced in May of 2016. Also interesting is the demand that Qatar give up their intel on terrorist groups they have supported and “provide all databases related to oppositionists…” (Scroll down for full list of demands)

This formal list comes on the heels of a June 6th rumor that Arab States issued a list of 10 demands to be fulfilled within 24 hours, however Qatar said they never received them according to Al Jazeera journalists who are now dusting off their resumes.


On June 5th, news broke that Bahrain, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt had cut off diplomatic ties with Qatar over accusations of ‘spreading chaos’ by ‘funding terrorism and supporting Iran’ – shutting down all land, sea, and air crossings with the tiny energy-rich nation that has the highest per capita income in the world. Qatari visitors and residents were given two weeks to leave – while diplomats had just 48 hours.


While Qatar has been friendly with Iran for years, the prelude to the embargo began after a broadcast which showed Qatari Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani speaking with no audio – and scrolling text at the bottom of the screen which stated his support for Iran and terrorist groups. Qatar claims the broadcast was ‘hacked.’

After the broadcast, Saudi Arabia and the UAE blocked Qatari news organization Al-Jazeera.

Amid Qatar’s denials, Saudi-owned satellite television networks immediately began airing repeated stories about the disputed comments. By early Wednesday morning, those living in the UAE and subscribers to local cable providers couldn’t access the channels of Al-Jazeera, the pan-Arab satellite broadcaster based in the Qatari capital, Doha.

Attempts to reach its websites brought up a warning from the UAE’s Telecommunications Regulatory Authority saying the site “contains content that is prohibited.”

In Saudi Arabia, internet users also found Al-Jazeera websites blocked with a warning from the kingdom’s Culture and Information Ministry.


Full List of demands (translated by @hxhassan)

1. Qatar must reduce diplomatic representation with Iran

2. Qatar must immoderately shut down the Turkish military base that is being established

3. Qatar must announce severance of ties with terrorist, ideological & sectarian orgs: MB, ISIS, AQ, HTS, Hizbollah

4. Qatar must cease any funding activities to extremist and terrorist individuals

5. Qatar must hand over all designated terrorists

6. Qatar must shut down Al Jazeera and all affiliated channels

7. Qatar must stop interference in these countries’ domestic andforeign affairs; stop naturalisation of their citizens; extradite such citizens

8. Qatar must provide reparations to these countries for any opportunity costs incurred over the past few years because of Qatari policies.

9. Qatar must become in sync with its Gulf and Arab neighbourhood on all levels, and to activate Riyadh Agreement 2013/2014

10. Qatar must provide all databases related to oppositionists that it provided support to & clarify what help was provided.

11. Qatar must all media outlets backed by it directly or indirectly, like Arabi21, Rasd, New Arab, Middle East Eye, Mkamlin, Sharq etc

12. These demands must be agreed within 10 days, otherwise they would be invalidated.

13. Agreement will involve clear goals and mechanism, monthly reports in the first year, every three months the next & annually for 10 years

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James Comey And Wife Spotted Walking Into New York Times Building – TO PARTY!

Former FBI Director and classified info leaker James Comey was spotted entering the New York Times’ Mahattan building Thursday evening with his wife, as reported by the Daily Mail – the same day President Trump admitted he never recorded their conversations.

Former FBI director James Comey made a quiet visit to The New York Times on Thursday, one of few public outings since he admitted leaking stories to the newspaper about President Trump before the Senate Intelligence Committee on June 8.

Comey kept his sunglasses on and his gaze forward as he marched through the front entrance of the Times Square office building which houses the publication. He was accompanied by his wife Patrice Failor who also wore sunglasses.

Unmistakable as he towered over the crowds in a crisp navy suit and tie on one of the warmest days of the year, Comey drew second-glances from some stunned by-passers.


After the Daily Mail piece hit the wires, the internet was abuzz with rumors about Comey’s visit – only to find out from NYT reporter and DNC propagandist Maggie Haberman that Comey was attending a ceremony at the building.

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Trump: Mueller And Comey’s BFF Status ‘Very Bothersome’

President Trump told Fox News’ Ainsley Earhardt in a Fox and Friends interview scheduled to air Friday that he is bothered by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s close relationship with fired FBI Director James Comey.

When asked of Mueller should recuse himself, Trump stated “Well he’s very, very good friends with Comey which is very bothersome… We’re going to have to see.”

As Radio Host Mark Levin pointed out last week:

John Legato is a former deep cover FBI special agent – and he writes that Comey and Muellertheir families have vacationed together, have had picnics together, hours spent at the office together, had a few cocktails after work. So Mueller can’t possibly be impartial here. Not when he’s very close friends with a key witness.

The point is this – he’s not independent

Hatchet Job

Trump also made mention of the four democrat-supporting attorneys Mueller has hired for the investigation.

“There’s been no collusion, no obstruction and virtually everybody agrees to that… So we’ll have to see. I can say that the people that’ve been hired [by Mueller] were all Hillary Clinton supporters.” -Donald Trump

Something Newt Gingrich tweeted about on June 12:

Michael Dreeben – donated to Obama and Clinton

Jeannie Rhee – deputy assist AG, Wilmer Hale, Donated to DNC, Obama, Clinton

James Quarles – asst. special prosecutor, Wilmer Hale, long history of Dem donations, Clinton

Andrew Weissman – oversees fraud at Justice. Donated six times to Obama PACs as well as DNC in 2006

Levin also noted “He’s [Mueller] not looking into any of the financial relationships between the Clinton Foundation and Russia. Any of the violations of the espionage act by Hillary Clinton and if the Russians got a hold of any of those emails. Mr. Comey nicely and neatly closed that investigation.”

No Investigation!

Trump Attorney Jon Sekulow has been making the rounds to defend the President, telling a testy Chris Wallace that James Comey himself said Trump was “not a target or subject of investigation.”

“There has been no notification from the special counsel’s office that the president is under investigation… I can’t imagine a scenario where the president would not be aware of it.”

Sekulow then went on Hannity yesterday to suggest that James Comey should be the one under investigation for leaking a classified memo created after a meeting with President Trump.

Trump’s interview with Fox and Friends airs on Friday.

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Trump: Mueller And Comey’s BFF Status ‘Very Bothersome’

President Trump told Fox News’ Ainsley Earhardt in a Fox and Friends interview scheduled to air Friday that he is bothered by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s close relationship with fired FBI Director James Comey.

When asked of Mueller should recuse himself, Trump stated “Well he’s very, very good friends with Comey which is very bothersome… We’re going to have to see.”

As Radio Host Mark Levin pointed out last week:

John Legato is a former deep cover FBI special agent – and he writes that Comey and Muellertheir families have vacationed together, have had picnics together, hours spent at the office together, had a few cocktails after work. So Mueller can’t possibly be impartial here. Not when he’s very close friends with a key witness.

The point is this – he’s not independent

Hatchet Job

Trump also made mention of the four democrat-supporting attorneys Mueller has hired for the investigation.

“There’s been no collusion, no obstruction and virtually everybody agrees to that… So we’ll have to see. I can say that the people that’ve been hired [by Mueller] were all Hillary Clinton supporters.” -Donald Trump

Something Newt Gingrich tweeted about on June 12:

Michael Dreeben – donated to Obama and Clinton

Jeannie Rhee – deputy assist AG, Wilmer Hale, Donated to DNC, Obama, Clinton

James Quarles – asst. special prosecutor, Wilmer Hale, long history of Dem donations, Clinton

Andrew Weissman – oversees fraud at Justice. Donated six times to Obama PACs as well as DNC in 2006

Levin also noted “He’s [Muellernot looking into any of the financial relationships between the Clinton Foundation and Russia. Any of the violations of the espionage act by Hillary Clinton and if the Russians got a hold of any of those emails. Mr. Comey nicely and neatly closed that investigation.”

No Investigation!

Trump Attorney Jon Sekulow has been making the rounds to defend the President, telling a testy Chris Wallace that James Comey himself said Trump was “not a target or subject of investigation.”

“There has been no notification from the special counsel’s office that the president is under investigation… I can’t imagine a scenario where the president would not be aware of it.”

Sekulow then went on Hannity yesterday to suggest that James Comey should be the one under investigation for leaking a classified memo created after a meeting with President Trump.

Trump’s interview with Fox and Friends airs on Friday.

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AUDIO: Jason Chaffetz Plays Death Threat For Fox & Friends – “Prepare For The Battle Motherf***er”

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) appeared on Fox & Friends on Thursday where he played a death threat from March which was left on his office voicemail stating that Chaffetz would be lynched.

“Hey Jason Chaffetz—I suggest you prepare for the battle, motherf***er, and the apocalypse,” the caller yelled. “Because we are going to hunt your ass down, wrap a rope around your neck, and hang you from a lamppost!”

The man who left the voicemail has been arrested, according to freebeacon.com.

Chaffetz, former Chairman of the House Oversight Committee who announced his sudden retirement from politics in April to spend more time with family, told Fox & Friends that he wants more done to protect members of congress from potential violence, and that death threats are a common occurrence for lawmakers which go mostly uninvestigated. The retiring Congressman mentioned a separate incident in which a man threatened to slit Chaffetz’s throat.

“There has got to be better ways to protect members of Congress,” said Chaffetz.


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Would-Be Bangladeshi Rapist Stabbed By Italian Girl Scout In Rome

A 28 year old refugee from Bangladesh was stabbed in the leg with a box cutter while he attempted to rape a 16 year old Italian girl scout on her way home from Rome on Tuesday night.

According to il Giornale.it, Officers investigating the case said the man reported that the girl scout attacked him – pulling a the box cutter from her purse before stabbing him in the Rome suburb of Monte Gennaro. Police caught the man while he was trying to escape over a bridge, and he is being held by authorities.

Long Distance

What exactly is a Bengali national doing in Rome, over 4,500 miles (7300 km) away from his home country? Why, money of course! According to the Dhaka Tribune, an average of 30-40 Bangladeshis per day illegally cross the Mediterranean via Libya, Egypt, and Turkey.

According to the Italian Ministry of Interior’s statistics, Bangladesh is just behind Nigeria as the single largest point of origin for migrants arriving by sea.

2017’s first 100 days saw 4,645 Bangladeshis illegally arrive in Italy. Over the same period of time in 2016, only there were only three Bangladeshis making the same trip.

In 2016, a record high 8,131 Bangladeshi national were registered by authorities at landing points in Italy. In the first 120 days of 2017, 4,645 Bangladeshi have already been registered, 60% of last year’s total.

According to the site, it costs between $3,000 – $3500 dollars (200k Bangladeshi Taka) to traffic a person from Bangladesh to Libya, before heading over to Italy via Istanbul, Turkey, Sudan or Egypt.

A Libya-based Bangladeshi diplomat, asking to remain unnamed, said that even he was questioned by immigration officials at Dhaka, Istanbul and Tripoli. But he was surprised to see that small groups of Bangladeshis were completely ignored by officials at the very same airports.

He said: “The illegal Bangladeshis coming to Libya are treated better than VIPs!”

According to him, the smuggled Bangladeshis can be easily identified by the Libyan traffickers wait with Bangladeshi traffickers at the airport to receive the new visitors.

The new groups are identified by their caps, or at times their t-shirts.

Free Money!

Italy’s taxpayers provide refugees with 35 euros / day for meals and shelter, as well as $2.50 / day for walking around money. The liberal Italian government has also made it extremely attractive to enter the country:

In October 2013, Italy’s previous unelected government, which like the current one was left-wing, ordered the Italian navy to search for and rescue all boat people in the Sicilian channel and beyond. This hugely expensive operation — ‘Mare Nostrum’ — ran until October last year and rescued nearly 190,000 people. The Italian government took this decision after a migrant boat sank with the loss of 360 lives 500 yards from an idyllic beach on the island of Lampedusa, once a resort of choice for the right-on rich.

The same left-wing Italian government also took the extraordinary step of decriminalising illegal immigration, which means among other things that none of the boat people are arrested once on dry land. –Spectator.co.uk

How nice…

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BREAKING: Former State Dept And CIA Employee Arrested, Charged With Federal Espionage

A former State Department employee was arrested Thursday and charged with espionage for allegedly transmitting Top Secret and Secret documents to a Chinese government agent, according to an affidavit filed with the U.S. District Court in Alexandria, VA.

Kevin Mallory, 60, of Leesburg is a self-employed consultant who speaks fluent Chinese. Court filings show that Mallory was an Army veteran who worked as a special agent for U.S. State Department’s Diplomatic Security Service from 1987 to 1990. Since then, Mallory has worked for various government agencies and defense contractors, maintaining a Top Secret security clearance. The Washington Post reports that Mallory was also an employee of the CIA.

Mallory faces life in prison under the federal Espionage Act, and could qualify for the death penalty if certain conditions are met.

According to court filings, Mallory traveled to Shanghai in April and was stopped by Customs agents at O’Hare Airport in Chicago after failing to report $16,500 in cash in his carry-on bags. A month later, FBI agents interviewed Mallory – who told them that he met with two people from a Chinese think tank that he now suspects were Chinese intelligence agents.

The suspected operatives gave Mallory a “special communications device” to securely transmit documents, which he claimed was only used to transmit two unclassified “white papers” on U.S. policy matters.

However, when FBI forensics searched the device, they found several other documents which Mallory believed to have been deleted, according to the affidavit. One message from Mallory to the suspected Chinese agent read “your object is to gain information, and my object is to be paid.” The Chinese agent’s response was reportedly “my current object is to make sure your security and try to reimburse you.”

Upon further analysis of the device, investigators found four classified documents – three of which were designated as Top Secret. According to the affidavit, Mallory was asked why some of the information at the top and bottom of certain pages was redacted – to which the alleged U.S. spy responded that it was to conceal the “Top Secret” designation so that “Unless read in detail, it appeared like a simple note,” along with an assurance that the information was valuable.

Mallory appeared in court on Thursday wearing a gray tank top and black athletic shorts, and requested a court-appointed attorney. He was ordered held pending a Friday afternoon detention hearing.

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