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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.

Let’s Be Clear About One Thing

It wasn’t the guns. It wasn’t the mother or the father. It wasn’t the video games. And it wasn’t the drugs.

The disgusting creature who murdered all of those babies was evil. I do not mean the demonic type. Simply stated, some people are born a certain way and others are moulded into personality traits. The old nature versus nurture debate is fairly straight forward here.

Mr. Lanza had a privileged life; but he was fucking nuts. In the past, he wouldn’t be allowed to circulate amongst normal people. They’d lock him up and take his brains out to make him normal again, or sedated.

Stop trying to find a reason as to why this happened and accept the fact that some people aren’t here to contribute to mankind. Some people are destroyers of life, hope, spirit, body, money etc. Whenever you identify these people, cast them out from your lives, even if they’re family or a significant other.

The government is going to pass a bunch of laws to give the impression that they are “fixing the problem.” But the only way this gets fixed, on a macro level, is by you, the parent of a child, taking the time to communicate with them. Make sure they have their p’s and q’s in order and keep sharp and explosive objects out of the house if your kids are fucking lunatics.

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Erring on the Side of Gross Manipulation

Who knows where Apple’s stock will be in one year? Or for that matter, who can say if oil will be higher or lower, or natty or gold? The anointed are shuffled more often than a grade A whore house in Vegas.

Going into 2013, there are only two questions that need to be answered.

1. Will GDP expand by more than 2%?

2. Will the momentum in new homes sales continue upward?

Frankly, I don’t see the economy growing at all without a strong housing market. 2012 was a dead cat bounce year for the housing market, with double digit price increases in a number of cities. Countrywide (no Mozillo), prices rose by almost 5%.

When housing is in bull mode, all sorts of derivative plays benefit, from lumber to paint to siding to plumbing. But why bother fucking around with outlier plays when you can go directly to the source? Over the past 10 years AAPL has been a great stock to own. How about their suppliers?

Had you placed your money in AAPL derivative plays then, you are broke today.

Buy the homebuilders or short them. It’s that simple. They’re either going to double over the next two years or drop by half.

My favorites are BZH, PHM, TOL, SPF and HOV. There are others, some might be less volatile than these. But I’m not looking to make a little bit of money. I’m long BZH in order to have my balls swing low and my fists involuntarily punching people in the fucking face.

The government has narrowed the places to invest down to a limited few. Once dividends become unattractive through higher tax rates, rich folks will give real estate a second glance. You heard it here first and here it again now.

Aside from that, VHC is marching on, as their mediation with AAPL continues, scheduled to end on Thursday.

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Refiners, Banks, Homies and Biotech

Back in 2011 my largest holding was WNR. I was a contrarian, as refiners were hated by Wall Street, favoring drillers and exploration companies instead.  Crack spreads were wide for a long, long time; but Wall Street didn’t care. They saw the profits being generated at WNR, HFC, MPC and CVI and said “meh, it’s temporary. Short them.”

They were wrong.

Bank stocks were also hated in 2011. No one wanted to invest in banks. After all, they’re all liars and thieves. Lo and behold, bank stocks have led the market higher in 2012.

Do I even need to discuss the homebuilders? No one wanted to touch them and they ripped heads off in 2012, allowing the true believers to swim, mind you, in profits.

The same goes with biotech. I hate biotech stocks because the barrier to entry, from an intellectual standpoint, is too high. If I wanted to learn the industry and play the FDA game, I could. However, I feel there are easier places to blow up my money. Nevertheless, Wall Street climbed the wall of biotech worry in 2012 and pushed shares through the roof.

Here are some of the larger cap winners of 2012.

Naturally, my next question is the question that everyone in the world is thinking. What’s next to move? What will be the theme for 2013?

I haven’t penned my 2013 predictions yet; but I have a few ideas.

Have a look at the Yen.

I talked about this in The PPT last week. I don’t view the weakness in the Yen as something to be wary of, but to embrace. Kyle Bass is going to eat a bag of dicks, shared with Hugh Hendry, being short Japan. They just elected conservatives who want to stimulate forever, bulk up on defense, fuck up China and rebuild infrastructure.

Japanese exporters stand to benefit, a great deal, from the weakness in the Yen.

Here are all Japanese stocks traded here.

Japanese ETfs include EWJ, JOF, NKY and short Yen via YCS.

From now until the end of the year, I’ll be researching possible winners for 2013. The change in the calendar is something that should not be discounted. It’s a time when everyone starts from 0, the great reset. Anything can happen.

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The Santa Rally is Now

I don’t care to discuss gun control. Following the somber tragedy at Sandybrook, I’ve lost any semblance of hope that remained in the very depths of my psyche for this stupid, cocksucking country. If I said to you “it’s the meds that making people crazier today”, most would agree. But for what? No one will listen to what I am saying, nor you. The pharmaceutical industry will keep pushing these fucking drugs onto our children, for any reason at all, until parents WAKE THE FUCK UP and stop listening to these so called professionals.

I don’t mean to come off as a macabre by discussing my SWHC position and I won’t utter a word about it after this post. I feel it’s just bad taste. But we went back and did some research, correlating share price to these 2nd amendment moments– such as Aurora, Columbine, Virginia Tech etc, and without equivocation share prices rose. Seventy five percent of you believe we shouldn’t ban guns; but the topic will be talked about in Congress. This uncertainty will drive sales through the roof. It always does.

But that doesn’t mean we should do nothing as a society. If we’re not going to look into the dangers of psychotropics, at a minimum, households with mentally ill people in it should not be permitted to have firearms.

I’m bullish on stocks going into pagan Xmas, even though AAPL is enshrouded by bearshitters. I am going to take a very prosaic approach to this market and buy when there is blood at my feet and sell when it’s raining champagne corks. All of the noise surrounding the fiscal cliff and GDP, for the most part, is ceremonial. It won’t matter until it happens.

As of right now, the frivolities of America will be the dominant factor for trading this week. Do you really think people have taken an austere approach to their Kwanza shopping this year?

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Recap: The Best of iBankCoin This Week


Here Are the Very Best Stocks Traded

$VHC: A Post Verdict Update

2012: The Year of the Buyable Fade

P and L On Current Holdings

My Endorsement For New Tabbed Blogger


Back in the Mine

It Was a Trap

What To Make of This?


Congratulations to the Newly Elected Interim Tabbed Bloggers

Stop Hating on The Clam

I Cannot Think of a Title For this Post


Fading the Faders

Trap the Value-Trap Trappers?

Staring Down the Business End of the Firearms Trade

Intraday Look and Analysis: Momentum Needs to Stay on Track

Buyback or Not, Berkshire is Breaking Out

Listen to Research in Motion’s Dying Declaration

The Apple Natives are Growing Restless

Patiently Stalking the Prized Prey

A Higher Lowjob with No Teeth Can Be a Bad Thing

Bad End to the Week, in Many Ways

Ragin Cajun

Charting The Fly’s Very Best Screen

Don’t Sleep On The Letter X

Best Get You Some Steel



How Do You Surf?

Last Minute Endorsement Change: Raul3

$2,000 Contest Update & VOTE FOR RAUL3

6 Reasons To Switch To Google’s Chrome Internet Browser

Is It Time To Throw Money At The Shippers?


You Make Videos – I Make Movies: MAXIMUS 2012





Maximus: The People’s Tab

The Last Word From Maximus

Death Threats Against Maximus

A Note On Sandy Hook Elementary


iBC Campaign Video

Hop in the “Le Mobile de FAZ” with Honey Boo Boo Chile

Election Shakeup

Makin’ Back Losses, PAL!


Rhino’s Quick Picks

Haven’t Decided….

A Short Iraq Story In A Boring Market

Ask Rhino

Thank You

Rhino’s Quick Picks


A WORD!!!!!

Quite Refined


Campaign Video: Too Hot To Miss

My Portfolio Became a Pile of Degeneracy Last Week – You Love a Good Degenerate

Sticking To The Script

Dump The Weak

I Drew The Line Here

The Essence of Knife Catching

Lower Your Blood Pressue and Enjoy The Weekend

Caine Thaler

Calls For EURUSD Parity On Temporary Suspension

I Throw My Hat In With Raul3

The Great Christmas Rally Has Finally Arrived

Fixated On A Catalyst


Breaking Away

Scott Bleier

They Will Never Stop….


Top 5 Fidelity Select Sector Funds

Top Short Setups

Who Do We Blame for the Connecticut Tragedy?



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I Cannot Think of a Title For this Post

I deleted my previous post, after learning about the tragedy in Connecticut. I was out with my wife when the details of the story crossed my wires and I’ve been physically affected by it ever since. I do a lot of joking here, but this sort of event really gets me depressed.

Being a father of 3, knowing how precious the lives of children are, I am profoundly sincere when I say to anyone affected by the monster who hurt our most innocent, I am sorry.

I really don’t know what to think when I read news like this. How could anyone commit such a horrendous act, especially to those who cannot defend themselves and just want to believe in magic. Not only did this bastard kill and injure scores of teachers and children, he ruined the lives of hundreds, if not thousands.

I realize my stupid pistol investment went lower after the news hit–but I couldn’t care less. My problems are trivial when compared to the ones who have to deal with real loss.

Not to be long winded about it, but my family was disrupted as a child when my Father was killed by the bullet from a handgun. As much as people want to believe guns are the problem, that making them illegal will make everything better, they’re wrong. This country is diseased through an acute lack of morality and integrity. Everything about America has become rotten to the core. I am disgusted by this news, but also saddened for what it says about us.

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Stop Hating on The Clam

Everywhere I turn people hate on the clam, mock him even, for implementing QE. People of a lower cloth think they know more than the good Dr., declaring in dismissive tones “the Fed is wasting their time with QE; the economy still sucks.” Immediately after making these statements, they eat whole bags of cheesed doodles and wash it down with pop of the soda.

Plainly and without reservation, you’re just an idiot. Who are you to question the heavy pimp hand of Benjamin Bernanke?

His job is to keep stock prices stable to higher, not create jobs–you fucking faggots.

Is it Bernanke’s fault when the dick-grabbers from Congress can’t balance a budget or effectively govern the economy?


But ask yourself this question the next time you hate on the The Bearded Clam:

Where would the stock market be without QE and what type of debilitating deflationary effects would’ve gripped the economy by now without it?

The Bearded Clam knows all, an American hero of legendary proportions. The lot of you are merely citizens pushing pencils.

Fuck off.

NOTE: Major props to ChessnWine for killing an Apple short sale trade from yesterday inside 12631. Both Chess and RC absolutely killed it in 2012.

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Congratulations to the Newly Elected Interim Tabbed Bloggers

Rhino ran away with the popular vote, trouncing “The People’s Blogger” MAXIMUS by 50 votes. But MAXIMUS did well on his own accord, coming out from obscurity to seizing more than 20% of the vote. Both Raul3 and Elizamae were neck and neck in a “too close to call” conundrum, so we held Special Elections.

As a result of said Special Elections, outright tomfoolery ensued, as both candidates went Tammany Hall on the vote–which resulted in wild and nonsensical swings, none that can be explained by conventional means, without the application of brazen corruptness.

Nevertheless, we are not here to investigate voter improprieties. We will leave that for the sexual deviants to sort out. We are here to crown a new tabbed blogger, one that will ENTERTAIN as well as EDUCATE the readership.

I give you RAUL3.


The easy part is finished. Now let’s see if any of you are good enough to stay here.  On March 13th of 2013, if your blog traffic is not sustaining the 3% threshold of overall site traffic, you will be fired. No hard feelings. Don’t ask for a reprieve. You will be let go to wander off into the dark, cold wilderness of The Blogger Network.

The Board of Directors at iBankCoin have mandated that its bloggers uphold the standards of what this site was built around, which is never to conform or settle for mediocrity. To accomplish this task, we are to work harder and smarter than everyone else. If you can do these things and communicate lucidly, the people will love you and embrace you as one of their own.

If not, it’s a set of steak knives of the shoe for your pathetic asses.


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