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Report: Russia To Seize US Property In Moscow If US Doesn’t Hand Back Compounds In Three Weeks

Late last year, President Obama seized two Russian compounds in New York and Maryland, expelled 35 Russian diplomats, and issued economic sanctions in retaliation for still-unproven allegations of Russian hacking during the 2016 presidential election.

Days later, Russia warned of a ‘proportional response‘ to Obama’s ‘paranoia.’

Russian Foreign Ministry Commissioner Konstantin Dolgov said at the time “Any anti-Russian sanctions are futile and counter-productive”  Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov added that Russia has no alternative than to make a proportional response, adding in a call with reporters that Moscow “doubted the effectiveness of the measures as the current U.S. presidential administration was stepping down in three weeks” while Duma Foreign Affairs head Slutsky slammed U.S. sanctions as “signs of real paranoia.” -ZeroHedge

And six months later, Putin’s running out of patience…

Reuters reports that Russia may seize U.S. diplomatic property in Moscow if Washington doesn’t hand back the seized diplomatic compounds before July, according to Russian newspaper Kommersant.

Moscow wanted the compounds back before a possible meeting at the G20 in Germany in July between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Trump.

If that did not happen, the newspaper cited the sources as saying Russia could retaliate by seizing a U.S. diplomatic dacha, or country house, in Serebryany Bor in north-west Moscow and a U.S. diplomatic warehouse in Moscow.

It said that Russian authorities could also complicate life for Moscow’s Anglo-American school by altering its legal status.

Remember – the Russian hacking narrative is based on that Crowdstrike report…

The DNC hacking report used to justify the aforementioned hostilities against Russia was created by the google-funded Crowdstrike – a security firm founded by Russian expat and Clinton Foundation donor Dimitri Alperovitch. Of note, Alperovitch also sits on the very Anti-Russian Atlantic Council – which is funded by the US State Department, NATO, Latvia, Lithuania, and Ukranian Oligarch Victor Pinchuk, who apparently owns the Ukrainian gas company Joe Biden’s son is on the board of.

Notably, CrowdStrike has been discredited – and was forced to retract evidence used in a botched report on Russia hacking Ukranian military equipment.

Given the above, perhaps it’s time to unwind some of Obama’s anti-Russia hostilities?

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One comment

  1. sarcrilege

    What a nice and smooth shift from the Comey fiasco for the DNC and deep state. The deep state will welcome Russia’s move to seize US property, double down and call it escalation – in addition to everything else peddled in the media, the Russians are thieves now. Don’t expect to hear from MSM that Obummer seized US property first 6 months ago and Russia’s move is just a response.

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