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Most Curious Thoughts

We could see some panic soon

If the top is in, we’re still pretty early in the process. To sit here and type an entry saying the top is in would be irresponsible. We don’t know if a top is in. We’ve made several observations that match-up with the type of sentiment we look for near tops. There are some major upcoming events geopolitical and otherwise that at some point will force the invisible hand to slap markets around in a fit of reprice. How and when the hand strikes, we don’t know. Winter is coming but not before spooky season. The possibility of putting a good scare into everyone is present. But without a solid data set there is no way to put a probability to it, and I’d rather go sit in the woods and eat with sticks then put the fear in any of yous.

I’ve been positioning for a correction. I panicked first—some time near the end of August I raised a decent chunk of cash since then resisted the temptation to redeploy it.

Then I put a big SQQQ position on Thursday morning. Decent entry. Not great, but certainly not as reactive and impulsive as some of the other entries I saw folks calling out:

So I am cashed up and hedged. Money has met mouth and together they are synchronized in expecting some kind of a correction. Either the market will prove me wrong, moving higher, forcing me to cover the hedge at a loss then chase prices higher. Or I think and fast and wait…until a good scare sets in so I can cover the hedge and begin to pepper some buy orders in.

I won’t be gung ho to buy the next dip. Not into the election. Too much uncertainty. I’d rather have funds earmarked for my latest project—a sweat lodge. They took away my precious hot yoga. I haven’t had it since the very beginning of March. This was fine during the initial COVID freakout. I was busy gathering supplies and whatnot. Then summer came and the warmth was ever present. But now winter is coming. A long one, by any measure. I am going to need a hot and dark and quiet place to sit and think.

You want to know my secret? Thinking. Fasting. Waiting. These are skills 99% of the competition lack. Master these and you’re well on your way to competency in investing and trading.

Winters are harsh in the murder mitten. They can twist the psyche and render the mind vulnerable to self deception. Ask me how I know.

The sweat lodge must be built and there must be some damn urgency behind the project. Winter is coming.

So I will not be buying heavily into the next dip. I will pepper in some buy orders. I expect the next dip is coming soon.

I could be wrong.

Models are neutral. There are whispers from the model and algorithims that a big down move is coming, but as of yet there is nothing probable. If selling accelerates this week. I will buy more SQQQ. Otherwise, assume your humble boy Raul is simply thinking, fasting and waiting.

Raul Santos, September 20th 2020

Exodus members, the 304th edition of Exodus Strategy Session is live. Go check it out.


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Not trading the quad witching; some high level thoughts

Let this entry serve as a reminder to the reader that while most week day mornings Raul is a humble market practitioner, there exists a wild impulse that writhes in the background of my subconscious, fighting to break free from its cage and click-punch orders in a wild melee at the exchanges. The “boring” research I present in public forum and on Sundays behind the paywall is constructed to keep my carnal side contained. If it were not, my ability to survive trading would come to an abrupt end. The stock market gods would pick up this old crocodile by the hind legs and hammer toss my body off a high cliff.

It may sound a bit bourgeois, but all I care about is financial independence. I’ve tried the whole working thing—blue and white collar. I’ve even wrapped a rag around my neck and worked Latino style. Of all thesee workneck dressings, the only one I can feel right about is Latino style, and I can assure you even a structure as well fed and fit as mine is limited in the amount of honest labor it can perform.

A work horse dies toiling in the fields. That is no way to live. Therefore I must do what on the surface appears easy but when done right is simple at best and damn impossible for the 95 percent; to consistently extract a meaningful amount of fiat american dollars from the global equity complex.

Today I shook myself awake from a long-form dream where I was back at my last corporate employer, touring the facility and catching up with all my old comrades. They were all still where I left them. Poking away at keyboard in little foam and steel divided cubes except for one—the young feller of Bangladeshian decent who I trained to be my replacement. He transferred to the “product” department. It was on the ground floor and no cubes. It had smooth cement floors and giant screens everywhere and gorgeous women all around—some of them smoking. In short, he had ranked up to some kind of interesting role. The stress levels were high, so was his pay and there was a real sense of urgency.

Read into that how you will. I woke up feeling a bit off. Was part of me considering phoning my manger and begging to be reinstated as an Excel monkey? Mothership was a cool 61 degrees. The bedside fire had gone out while I was asleep.

Now I am on the desk and NASDAQ futures are up +70 or so and I don’t want to trade. I traded great yesterday morning, capturing over 100 handles, traded according to a plan constructed before the open. Good trading. I made enough this week. Today poses too much risk of sullying my mood heading into the weekend. But before this existential prose drags on any longer I want to share some of the reasoning behind the SQQQ position I initiated yesterday. First, here are the daily levels to be aware of on NASDAQ futures:

The main chart that has me carrying a hedge into today and possibly the weekend is the semiconductor index. I imagine most of you are tired of seeing the old sentiment cycle analogue I hitched onto my wagon when OptionsAddict presented it a few years back, but I don’t care. It works for me and helps me wrap context around all the noisy external events we’re constantly wading through. More on this later. First, check out the semiconductor index:

Nothing about the above chart is bearish. That is a strong up trend with a slight break recently. My brain however can’t shake the image of the giant GPU NVIDIA recently put out. It really seems glutinous. This is my subjective brain, not the analytical one used above. But look at this thing:

In my brain that hog of a GPU is the chrome spinner wheel that infested public streets back in 2006 before the Great Recession. A warning that seems so obvious in hindsight. It may be a stretch of the imagination. I will be first to admit that. But come’on man.

Next let’s look at the daily chart of the NASDAQ-100 rolling futures contract:

If you read my entry last Sunday you’ll recall my loathing these big instagram influencer accounts that have suddenly, in the absence of stimulus from posting videos of themselves doing things, became fucking stock market commenters. Another dude comes to mind with a green mallet. On Instragram it was not just an Amanda Cerny in on the act. KrispyShorts also was all over his story these last couple months talking about how he made millions in the stock market using a loan from the bank. What does this all look and sound like? To me it picks up a megaphone and shouts RETURNING CONFIDENCE…see Exhibit III:

Now I may be just a humble Latino laborer, but part of my brain has an obsession with waves, stock markets, Hellenic philosophy, statistics, crowd psychology and a whole other slew of intellectual pursuits. Am I a bit jaded? Hardened emotionally from watching the entire Faces of Death VHS collection as a pre-teen? Four years fighting and fucking my way through a parochial college prep academy? Paying for a bachelor in finance and half a master in accounting only to abandon that career path? Heading into the wild? Alone? Living in a van down by the river trading stonks?

We don’t know.

All I venture to do on this here blog is present the facts as I see them in a time stamped matter. Let history be thine judge.


Raul Santos, September 18th 2020

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Topping is a process

Man I had to take the second half of the week off from trading. I kept feeling an odd vibration in my bones that something was amiss. Recall that two Thursdays ago I “panicked first” and raised some cash—even selling a piece of my coveted Tesla position. When Tesla had that big down day a few days ago, what was it down like -18% or something? At one point? The temptation was to re-buy and claim a dazzling victory over the gods of speculation, flip-flopping about the most holy-of-holy ticker symbols T-S-L-A.

I did not re-buy.

Now I am not saying we’ve topped. But I will state that topping is a process, and it looks like we may have taken the first motions to begin. If this is a swing top there will be plenty of time to gird our loins and/or seek the safety of the sidelines. Why? Because topping takes time.

There have been warnings abound. These talented Instagram influencers, jesters of the court who consistently dazzle the smart-phone-addicted dullard with jokes or big old juicy asses suddenly became stock market gurus like a month ago. Even Amanda Cerny, who I feel confident labeling the Sarah Palin of Instagram, got in on the act by announcing to her million followers that she bought 15 shares of Tesla (pre-split):

Nothing ruins a party quite like a bunch of god damned influencers showing up and blowing up your spot.

Speaking of party, daddy-o I finally found one last night. I haven’t had me a rousing jaunt across the anarchic roads of Detroit all summer. Like a squirrel sensing winter coming, I got all gussied up, sprayed my high bun with a bonding agent and set out into the city night. As I left Mothership, I said au’revoir to the constant rumble of idiots toiling to keep their precious grass lawns rank and file and headed into the kill zone.

As soon as I crossed 8 Mile that wonderful feeling washed over me, that great sense of relief that I was back in a place where I was safe from all the walking mozzarella sticks and their dumb assed “this house backs the blue” pathetic-ness. I cracked open a 24-ounce can of malt hooch and made the rounds, checking in with all the usual suspects to see if anyone knew where I could find an orgy of song and drink.

Well I found it. North-west side. A party promoted under the guise of “Sexual Tension” or something of that salacious nature. I picked up a couple ride-or-die homies and we headed to the fashion mile, a hotbed for hellcat street racing and other lawlessness. My happy place. We had to fill out a questionnaire to enter the patio and have our temperatures checked. It was mask required but my goodness the mamacitas.

Like some shit I’d imagine most of you will never experience during your milquetoast life. Blonde lady, skinny as a rail and 6’5 dunking on any jabroni trying to spit some game. Except for yours truly, of course, humble Raul. I’m too pretty and my charisma is contagious. Maybe she loved me. Maybe she wanted to kill me.  A four hundred pound Black transvestite QUEEN with an assembled court and all. Loud, thumping techno, house music, to wash away the wretched memory of all those idiots and their internal combustion grass trimmers and whips and fucking blowers. I was safe.

We stayed until last call, some honeys invited us up to their 20th story rooftop for a knight cap, etc. etc. You know how these things go in the city…

The rooftop terrace was nice and all but I couldn’t stop looking at the walls that led another eight or so stories higher. I wanted the top. So I slipped into the shadows, threw one leg over the steel fencing, then the other, and I was on the service end of the roof. You know, with the loose gravel and lots of cables running every which way and giant HVAC systems…

I found a sturdy aluminum ladder back there that could reach about two stories high. Not quite enough to easily claim the next ledge without standing on the top rung, of a relatively straight up ladder, then getting my armpit onto the ledge and carefully lifting my yoga-sturdied limber ass up, but I made it. Then I hoisted the ladder up to me and took it to the next wall, then the next wall, and voila! I was at the top. Just me and the American flag whipping in the wind.

Finally, a peaceful perch to sit and contemplate all things life and otherwise.

And that was when I realized two things—nothing really matters, and that topping is a process. I made my way back down, but not before first doing my old tight walk routine to startle some life into the after-party-goers some seven stories below. Came back down, drank some cranberry juice chaser, no alcohol, until it started pouring rain. Then I returned to Mothership, woke up at 9am and did a.m. yoga in the whipping wind. Made some food, took a nap, and here we are.

Models are neutral lads. The only trade I will be taking is the trade that has allowed me to survive on my own for these last seven years—the bread and the butter—the open gap inside the prior day’s range. I wake up, I work that trade, then I go about my day, no one’s master, no one’s slave.

There are some clear places on a few charts to watch over these coming weeks to confirm (or deny) that the top is in. Remember: we have an FOMC rate decision this upcoming Wednesday, we rolled forward to the December futures last Thursday, and we are about 50-some days away from the big vote.

There is no shame in going to the sidelines. Our job is to survive first, then thrive when conditions allow it. Maybe those conditions are now, maybe there not. I dunno I might be a madman, but I am dead set on l-i-v-i-n.

Raul Santos, September 13th, 2020

Exodus members, all you need to see in this week’s report is the NASDAQ transportation index. It is telling a huge story. Go check it out now!



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All models go neutral into holiday-shortened week

Howdy internet friends, and happy Labor Day.

I’d like to take a moment to update you on the latest findings from my weekend research. I will keep this post brief given my need to labor elsewhere. Working on Labor Day is what America is all about and I have work to do. But first, let us look back on last Sunday’s headline. Isn’t it a bit unsettling how this here humble Raul blog (hRb) regularly presents a forecast that materializes? Here is the headline I put out last week Sunday:

I suppose I panicked first, as they say, because when that wave of selling came through Thursday morning I raised some cash.

Raising cash never feels good to me. I need risk exposure and do not trust the american fiat dollar. Or those wretched bitcoins for that matter. Therefore I have to find a darn good use for cash anytime I have it. I’d rather maintain a lean checking account that has funds available for the next three months then have an unsettling six figure cash balance sitting around.

Cash unnerves me. It makes my impulses flair up. I suddenly find myself waiting in line at Gucci with a bunch of dolts keyed up on social media, wanting some dumb new belt or flip flop. Then, when they don’t have the thousand dollar loafers I up and decided I wanted when I woke up, there I am calling all the stores in more established regions like Manhattan and Bal Harbour, trying to hunt down loafers. Then a whole day I could have been working is gone, and I am trying to venmo some likely scammer for a pair of furry loafers.

It’s enough to make my feet spin right off the earth and into coo coo for cocopuffs land. Then what follows? Other impulses—to find some fast women and take them up on top of an old building to drink a few liters of tequila then jump down the fire escape to see if the welds hold up.

All of this takes my eye way off the prize. Staying invested, and hungry and broke keeps me focused. It never feels good raising cash.

Nevertheless, I am 35 heckin’ years old now and I am so tired of hitting my head. So I need to find ways to carry all this useless cash without going insane.

Because I need to carry some cash into these next three months. Winter is coming and before it we have to walk through the ruthless climax of an election cycle. The extreme right is doing all they can to initiate helter skelter and the extreme left has gentrified the Black Lives Matter movement and I can’t escape to Canada like I usually do about now. I’d much rather chase the fall colors. Seeing one brilliant red alert sunrise from a good vantage point can cure a decade of suburban mind rot.

I suppose I will have to keep myself busy with the giant hole in the backyard. I will probably add another two feet to its depth to refrain from other extracurricular activities.

This upcoming week will be a challenge. The models have gone neutral which gives me nothing to lean on in terms of bias. I have no edge heading into this holiday shortened week. A week that signals the end of summer in many a brain. It signals the time is now to gather up your nuts before the hard winter settles in. Without a clear bias, I have only one way of objectively engaging the market and extracting nuts—the open gap inside the prior day’s range. That’s about the only trade I will be working this week.

As always, we’ll be taking it one day at a time. Be sure to drop by around 9am New York for my daily trading plan. I may take a few days off. If I do, I shall let you know over on my twitter handle @IndexModel.

Cheers lads, and happy labor day.

Raul Santos, September 7th, 2020

Exodus members, the only real edge we have heading into next week is the set up on the NASDAQ transportation index. Be sure to read Section IV of the report, which is live now behind the paywall, and understand what price levels to be aware of.



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Still bullish, sure there are warning signs, maybe we raise a bit of cash Thursday

Not much in the way of new developments. I put my head down last week and worked. I worked so hard Thursday that by the time I was done working I was so sore and whisky drunk that I poisoned myself with a large serving of tofu pad Thai—extra spicy with extra peanuts. Reading the next day that Black Panther actor and all around solid human Chadwick Boseman died of colon cancer at age 43 downright shook me. Especially since I was writhing in gastrointestinal pain from all the flaming hot peanuts I had consumed.

Your humble pen pal Raul is 35 years old and has done anything but be kind to his gut. Well, that is not entirely true. What initially had me exploring vegetarianism four years ago was the promethease database telling me I was most likely to die of colon cancer. I figured, well shoot I’d better stop filling my body with rotting flesh. So I started by doing a vegetarian breakfast for about a year. Then I spent a few days fasting high up in the Canadian mountains,meditating and snowboarding and hiking, and experienced a deep interconnectedness with all things living and swore off flesh consumption for good. So I have done that for my gut.

I regularly keep my pipes clean with high proof alcohol and a hot sauce addiction. But who knows—tomorrow isn’t promised and the DNA I was dealt is predisposed to perish from colon cancer.

For now, while I remain in the land of the living, a very strong and beautiful man who can command his cock to harden even in arctic winds, my job is simple—to extract as many fiat american dollars as possible from the global financial ecosystem. Said fiat will then be converted into real assets like cement and greenhouses and sweat lodges, built as far north and at as high an altitude as my constitution allows. I took my eye off the prize last week, instead toiling in the woods with Elder Raul, but I can assure you I remain steadfast in my mission to be the greatest investor and trader of all time.

Models are bullish into month-end. I shall press all longs, especially the airlines, at least until Thursday.

As always, we shall take it one day at a time. Be sure to drop in around 9am New York to check out the day’s key NASDAQ levels and what the plan is for the morning trade. We can drive all the way across the country at night only seeing the road our headlights illuminate. We use that same approach to investing.

Anyone claiming to have a firm grasp of the future direction of the stock market more than about six minutes into the futures is a charlatan, a damned liar and a cheat who is likely seeking to scam you. Be sure to avoid these people and cast doubt upon them in public forum.

That’s it. Cheers to your Sunday.

Raul Santos, August 30th, 2020

Exodus members, we are loving the NASDAQ Transportation Index right now. I just published the 301st edition of Strategy Session. Go read why we love it.


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Bull onward

Not much to discuss. I used up most my good thoughts already today via a conference call. But before the conference call I attended a group yoga class for the first time since like January and it was good to see all the good freaks still at it, contorting their beautiful bodies every which way in a path to a balanced mind.

The models remain bullish. Tech is strong, semiconductors are strong, the transportation index is lined up and building energy. Really the only people losing money and/or wasting their time in the financial markets are the davy day trade lemmings and the ferreting stock picking addicts. Us regular folks who buy the absolute best companies in the word and HOLD…are making a mint.

Futures trading is going okay. There were a couple big lay up trades last week. Here’s to seeing a few more set up in the weeks to come.

Jay Powell is scheduled to speak Thursday morning. Otherwise all the important earnings announcements are out of the way and we can just cruise into month-end on the wings of our benevolent tech leaders.

Really nice.

Apparently President Donald Trump is going to give some announcement about a COVID therapy at 6pm tonight. I can assure you I won’t be watching his announcement or the price of futures. There are enough regular trading hours for me to earn my nut. Life is to precious to spend summer Sundays in front of computer and teevee screens. And I have fountains to build.

Adios muchachos,

Raul Santos, Auguts 23rd 2020

Exodus members, the 300th edition of Strategy Session is live, go check it out.

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Still bullish

Not much to report on this fine and dewy Sunday. Models remain bullish and continue to call for a calm drift, much like we saw last week. There are some interesting tweets out over the weekend, highlighting super bearish bets taken in the volatility markets last week and others just plumb calling for 50% corrections.

Their sentiment has been noted, and this here humble Raul blog is by no means calling those bets and tweets wrong. But there is certainly no intention to take action based off their tweets. The only tweets that could put a feller like me in action come from either Noble Jack Dorsey or Mankind’s Last Hope our daddy Elon Musk.

Everything else is noise and boy-o-boy is the volume about to be turnt up on the useless noise. Let the games begin. There were two stations around Mothership late last week, set up with large tour buses and hundreds of political signs being handed out, and get this, people were actually taking the signs.

I come from the school of thought that life is too short to allow anyone to hang their sign on me. I’d rather wind up and kick a rock with all my might then hobble over to the ice machine and dip my toes into a cold bath.

Anyhow, there are going to be a lot of people and resources dedicated to breaking through our attention barriers and persuading us to vote for some bullshit that sort of matters but in the grand scheme of things really doesn’t matter at all. I’ll vote, but everything is already predetermined. Our fate was written long before our existence. It is merely our job to maximize pleasure and make stuff look cool before we perish.

Anyhow, I am going to die soon but first I am going to finish digging this kick-ass hole I have going in the back yard.

Cheers to your Sunday. Have a hug and be nice to everyone and I will too.

Raul Santos, August 16th 2020

Exodus members, the 299th edition of Strategy Session is live, go check it out.


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All models insist on pressing long bets

Make no mistake, any position bought in the stock market or cypto land with the intent of being sold in less than 10 years is a gamble. It is gambling and if you do not take it seriously then it is at best an expensive hobby. There will be little flashes of glory, but those will be overshadowed by the long and bleak cloud of degradation and waste. Most of the waste will accrue in the form of time. The time you wasted losing your money, when you could have just set up the slow cooker then gone about more better money making affairs, man.

I dunno what you, the reader, what your purpose is. Mine is to extract as many fiat american dollars out of the global financial complex as possible. Said funds are then to be converted into real assets like land and cement and elaborate plumbing. Greenhouses and irrigation and means of production that cannot be stripped from me. My willingness to work hard cannot be taken. Only if my flesh and bones wither and my body is rendered lame. Only then will these real assets lose their luster.

That is why, beyond building now while I am extremely strong of constitution, my purpose is to automate as many tasks as possible or otherwise build them so effectively that an 85 year old with a bad back and hip can maintain them without undue suffering.

Me I like to suffer to a certain extent. I seek pain and discomfort. All forms. Mental and physical. I am a student of discomfort and the information it carries.

Goodness, another Humble Raul aside has been typed. It is a wonder anyone reads this derelict blog.

Anyhow, every model that helps me decide when and how to gamble is telling me to press my longs for at least five more days. And that is how I build my entire strategy. From the top down then from the bottom up then from the top down again.

On Sunday I do my best to forecast the next five trading days. Every morning I do my best to envision the next few hours. Every time I enter a trade I do my best to define my targets, when the trade would be proven wrong and whether the reward for assuming such risk justifies my SPENDING TIME taking it.

I work too hardt but you know what? The harder I work the more opportunity just seems to appear. There is nothing to envy here. No hustle porn even. Just consistent work.

You don’t want to work? That is fine too. I don’t want to work. I am all about Universal Basic Income. I’d sit around all day building fountains and waterfalls and listening to the sounds they make.

But for now we live in a fake capitalism and the path of least resistance is to out work your competition when you are of stronger constitution then them so you can sit back and spend your time writing and building fountains when you’re old and weak of flesh.

I am going to die soon but for now I work.

Raul Santos, August 9th 2020

Exodus members, I really loaded this week’s strategy session, the 298th edition. I think I’d be a good idea to check it out.

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Week is over, the optimists won, go dig a hole elsewhere

Some of you guys crack me up. Ferreting in-and-out of the tickers of garbage pail companies, clicking your hard-earned money around in some futile attempt to cure boredom? I think? It is not a money making pursuit from what I can see.

If you want to extract fiat american dollars from the global financial complex there are three ways:

  1. Invest—-sit and fast and think.
  2. Trade one instrument better than 99% of the competition.
  3. Consistently execute the signals of an algorithm.

I pulled off a bunch of big wins these last few weeks simply by investing in the absolute best companies and CEOs in the world. I didn’t go out and try to find “the next {insert quality company here}” like all these Motley fucking fools. I let Our True Leaders do the heavy lifting. I just sat in the back seat, telling jokes and enjoying the scenery.

Square was a no brainer. I will invest in any CEO who can spend two months at a silent retreat. Noble Jack works hardt then STFU and listens to the wind. That is where all the best ideas come from.

Making money in the stock market can be so simple but some of you jokers take the most convoluted route down this gold-bricked road.

I am in far too good of a mood to sully it trading this Friday tape. I’d imagine most of the real hitters are off enjoying these final days of summer anyhow. Only lonely souls unable to find meaning in life are spending their whole day staring at computer screens on a Friday in August.

Go build something. Anything. No sense waiting for the perfect place to build. Start where ever you are now.

This is Plato’s republic.

Now I am off to work outside.

Cheers and good tidings,

Raul Santos, August 7th, 2020


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August is hustle month

Quick administrative note: last week I published the R.R.F. portfolio but my China correspondant and fellow R.R.F. architect ROBERTO BREGANTE was apparently not satisfied with his choices. These update have to be made Monday:


Anyhow, August is hustle month. I have been going over my notes from the last few years and apparently I have a habit of launching new ventures in August. I think it is some kind of natural trigger from hearing the crickets and cicadas. Their vibrations jolt me into some kind of urgency where I remember that winter is coming, and that if I am to get a project off the ground I’d better act soon before the call of the wild lures me back into the Canadian Rockies.

Maybe this winter I won’t be granted access to the sacred northern lands of Canada in which case I will set up base camp somewhere in the Tetons and explore the back country.

In any event now is the time to put projects in motion or they won’t be materialize and before I know it we’ll have taken another lap around the sun and I’ll have a few more greys in my beard with nothing to show for it.

I want to develop land lads. I come from a long line of builders and warriors and their heritage menaces me. I either need to fuck or fight or build otherwise I become an unruly citizen, prone to over aggression and other hedonistic impulses.

Regarding the global financal complex. Things are going well for us futurists. The coined bits had a strong showing over the weekend and all last week our True Institutions of Leadership, organizations like Alphabet and Amazon and Tesla and Apple, immortal beings that systematically erase archaic notions of national borders drawn by disgusting politicians in suit and tie, our True Institutions of Leadership closed out July strong.

When the NASDAQ wins, humble Raul wins. And all models point to a continued victory for Big Tech this first week of August.

That is all I have time for today. Models are bullish into the first week of August.

Cheers and trade’em well.

Raul Santos, August 2nd, 2020

Exodus members, the 297th edition of Strategy Session is live. Go check it out.

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