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High Levels of Human Sewage Persist at Site of Olympic Water Events

Disgusting photos are emerging just six days ahead of the 2016 Summer Olympics.  The footage comes from Guanabara Bay, a body of water adjacent to downtown Rio and home to several aquatic events.

grosswater-1 grosswater-2

Garbage aside, what is most concerning is 9 million human’s worth of human sewage that pours into the bay.  It is estimated half the waste water is untreated.  If you are unfamiliar with poop in water (perhaps you never lived in Detroit) then you may not be aware of the natural chemistry that breeds SUPER BACTERIA.

In their winning bid to host the Olympics, Rio de Janeiro officials had promised to reduce pollution by 80 per cent.

However, earlier this month alarm bells rang after scientists found a group of drug-resistant bacteria in Rio’s waters.

Called Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae, the bacteria can cause meningitis, pulmonary gastrointestinal urinary tract and bloodstream infections.

Raw sewage which is dumped into the ocean has been cited as the likely cause of the bacteria which has been detected in the city’s beaches.

Such super bacteria is a particular risk for those with compromised immune systems.


The advice given to athletes is to ‘keep your mouths closed’ when in the contaminated water.  That may seem impossible for certain events, such as marathon swimming or row boating.  Fortunately those events are being held down at the mouth of the bay, where ocean currents [hopefully] keep things cleaner.  As for the sailors, they will be elbow deep in excrement with their little dingy boats.  I made this handy-dandy map which shows the location of each water game:


The Rio games already carried enough health risk to keep several athletes away.  The following athletes opted out of competing:


Some argue, especially in the case of golfers, that the reason they will not compete is because no prize money is at stake.  Golfers and bankers–scum of the same ilk, they say.

Zika and babies born with irregular brains aside, the Olympics are taking place in a country reeling from lack of social programs like schools and hospitals.  Locals are frustrated by the amount of resources being used to entertain World Cup and Olympic fans.  One week ago 10 people were arrested for plotting terrorist attacks during the Olympics.

We are less than one week away from the official start of the summer Olympics.  The world will be watching, and unfortunately, some of the world’s best athletes will be swimming in shit.

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Bernie tried being a Democrat, but it seems the internal rigging and petty infighting were too much for the kindhearted man. According to Susan Page, who has covered 10 presidential campaigns, Bernie is hanging up his Dem-hat and returning to the Senate as an Independent:

President Obama played good cop last night, pandering to Mr. Sanders and his devote followers, perhaps in an attempt to keep them on board with team Democrats.  It could have also been genuine.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz has played bad cop since Bernie began his affiliation with the Democrats.  The Wikileaks document dump, which lead to Debbie’s forced resignation as Chairman of the DNC, often shows her mean-spirited actions against Bernie.

In an April 24 email she received with an article describing the ways Sanders felt the DNC was undermining his campaign, she wrote back, “Spoken like someone who has never been a member of the Democratic Party and has no understanding of what we do.”

Debbie Schultz is now a senor advisor to the Clinton campaign.

There have been several calls during the DNC convention for unity amid the Wikileaks scandal.  Bernie Sanders supporters have been turning up in large numbers to express their support for him while booing requests, even by Bernie himself, to instead vote for Hillary.

Whether Team Hillary and the Democrats can convert Bernie supporters into Hillary voters may determine the final outcome of the Presidential election, but the party 100% has not convinced Bernie to be a Democrat.  He’s out.

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Trump Calls on Russia To Turn Hillary’s Missing Emails Over To The FBI

Donald Trump sent out a tweet:

Team Hillary issued a statement, opting not to use email for this communique:


If I am reading this statement correctly, the HRC camp is saying that by Donald asking Russians or anyone else to turn over the deleted emails to our FBI he is creating a national security issue.

Moving on.

Since Wikileaks recent dump of over 20,000 emails from the Democratic National Committee servers, there have been claims that the Russians are working closely with Donald Trump to ensure Hillary Clinton is not granted access to the oval office.

Wikileaks has become a reputable source of hacker information especially since 2013 when the firm aided Ed Snowden.  Per Wikipedea:

Snowden documents published in 2014 show that the United States government put Assange on the “2010 Manhunting Timeline”,[130] and in the same period they urged their allies to open criminal investigations into the editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks.[131] In the same documents there was a proposal by the NSA to designate WikiLeaks as a “malicious foreign actor”, thus increasing the surveillance against it.

The official Wikileaks twitter account has denied any knowledge of where the #DNCLeak emails came from:

Meanwhile the DNC paid a security consulting agency to analyze the hack, and it turns out there were some meta-giblets on the files which show Russian data peppered on the files.  I’m no expert on hacking, but I do know a person can use Russian, or any other countries IP addresses if they want to protect their anonymity.


Positioning Donald Trump as a comrade to Russia has been the primary strategy of the Clinton campaign ever since Five Thirty Eight data showed the candidates in a close race. The goal is to downplay any information the hackers produce, because allegedly more is on the way:

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Outrage After British Cartoon Fireman Sam Steps on Qur’an

Yesterday afternoon a feller by the name of Miqdaad Versi spotted something peculiar while watching Fireman Sam.


Anyone with eyes and basic logical function can see that a page appeared during British cartoon Fireman Sam matching Surah Mulk (67), verse 13-26.  However internet people, in all of their specter and glory, went frame-by-frame through the animation to see if infidel Sam did in fact step on the Holy Scripture, or if it was just part of a pile of papers that flew about after stepping on some other, non-holy combination of paper and ink.  You decide:

It’s debatable what happened in Fireman Sam’s world on that slippery day.  But in the real world, where sensitivity is at all-time high, the animators were fired and the episode permanently banned.

A Mattel spokeswoman said: “It’s just an unfortunate incident where someone from the production company thought they were just putting in random text.

“We have no reason to believe it was done maliciously.”

In a statement, Mattel said: “The page was intended to show illegible text and we deeply regret this error.

“We sincerely apologise for any distress or offence it may have caused.”

It said it would “no longer be working with the animation studio responsible”, and would take “immediate action to remove this episode from circulation”.

Here is the entire scene:

A quick read of the Qur’an lets you know an apology, if in fact the cartoon character stepped on a piece of paper with Qur’an pen drawings on it, is not sufficient for the offense.

2:190 Fight in God’s cause against those who fight you, but do not overstep the limits; God does not love those who overstep the limits.

Be on the lookout for a cartoon depicting a page of the Qur’an slipping on Fireman Sam’s face to make things right.

Religious tension is high throughout much of Europe after ISIS knife men attacked and killed a French priest.  Today FBI Director James Comey raised awareness for a swath of new attacks he sees coming to both Europe and the United States.  Overall, the continued fighting between these religious groups may hinder the travel and hospitality industries.

Citizens of the United Kingdom recently voted to leave the European Union.  There is dissension among UK citizens as to whether they made the right choice.  While the Kingdom struggles to settle into their independence, the country is now forced to reconcile the Islamophobia being subconsciously propagated by Fireman Sam.


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Priest Beheaded, Nun in Critical Condition After ISIS Knife Men Go Full ‘Allahu Akbar’ on French Church

The terrorist attacks in Europe appear to be snowballing–increasing in frequency and brutality.

This morning two ISIS soldiers went right for the throat, literally, by barging into a Christian place of worship and beheading an 86-year-old priest.  A real horror show scene it was.  The Vatican called the the killing ‘barbaric’ but opted out of calling the war-aged men barbarians.

Nuns and worshipers were taken hostage by two knife men who allegedly called out to their Devil, ‘Allahu Akbar’ as they attacked.

A priest has been ‘beheaded’ by two ISIS knifemen who cut his throat after bursting into a French church and taking nuns and worshippers hostage before being shot dead by police.

Five people including the 86-year-old priest, two nuns and two parishioners were held by assailants who raided the church in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray near Rouen in Normandy during morning mass at 9am.

The clergyman, named as Jacques Hamel, is believed to have been beheaded during the attack while another hostage, believed to be a nun, is fighting for life in hospital.

The two attackers were ‘neutralised’ by marksmen as they emerged from the building, which is now being searched for explosives. French president Francois Hollande said France is ‘at war’ with ISIS while the terror group has claimed responsibility for the killing.

There were reports the attackers shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ as they ran out of the church while at least one of the men was dressed in Islamic clothing.

It comes as it emerged that the building was one of a number of Catholic churches on a terrorist ‘hit list’ found on a suspected ISIS extremist last April.

There are also reports that one of the attackers was a local resident who was under electronic tag surveillance having been jailed in France for trying to travel to Syria in 2015. His bail terms allowed him to be unsupervised between 8.30am and 12.30pm – the attack happened between 9am and 11.am.

Do you see what happened?  The barbarian used his small allotment of unsupervised time to hack a priest’s head off.  You give a savage an inch, they take a mile.

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The Overlords at Goldman Sachs Added Starbucks To Their Conviction Buy List

Goldman Sachs has spoken:

They have no issue with Starbucks missing revenue expectations by $100 million dollars last quarter.  What’s a $100 million between friends, yes?

And by goodness, opening 200 stores in The People’s Republic of China, where internet news is banned and knockoffs are welcomed it good business, indeed!

Shares of the sugar drink dispensary are priced to gap up to $59 this morning, putting the shares into breakout territory after weeks of sideways consolidation.  This morning’s move is predicated upon Goldman Sachs adding the company to their Conviction Buy List–so retail investors will have to stomach the uncertainty that said Conviction Listing may be an action Goldman used to help liquidate one of their institutional clients.

How investors react to the breakout, particularly whether or not buyers become initiative and drive the price higher from here, could be telling of the overall belief investors have in the continued growth of China’s middle class.

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Bernie Sanders Is Not Convincing His Supporters To Vote for Hillary

Earlier today a crowd of Bernie Sanders supporters went nuts after the nice man urged his fans to instead vote for Hillary Clinton.  The Bernie Bros do not want to vote for Hillary.  Overall, it seems, they consider Mrs. Clinton a member of the established elites, whomever they are, while Mr. Sanders is a funny old man who enjoys rolling marijuana cigarettes from the comforts of his modest home.

So when Bernie supporters at the Democratic National Convention were asked to vote for Hillary, they started with the booing.  Thank goodness nobody was passing out tomatoes…

On the streets his supporters were getting biblical with their chants:

But also marching a 51-foot joint around.  Those artsy Philadelphia hipsters; so crafty, lolz:

Overall it looks like Bernie is facing an uphill battle, convincing his loyal supporters they should still vote this November.  The alternative, having a ‘good sativa’ and a bottle of malt liquor provides a better instant gratification.

Meanwhile, behind the 4-mile long, 8-foot high wall Democrats built around their convention, protesters took to the streets to emphasize their unwillingness to vote for Hillary:

It seems Bernie will need to pull off some kind of brilliant Larry David scheme if the Democrats are to unite before November.

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ISIS Soldier Detonates Suicide Bomb Vest at German Concert

Fifteen people were injured last night, four with serious trauma, after an ISIS militant who gained access to Germany as a Syrian refugee carried out a suicide bombing at a music festival in Ansbach, Germany.

More specifically, the deranged asylum seeker detonated a homemade bomb outside Eugene’s Wine Bar which appears to be an improvised target after the terrorist was denied access to the open music festival.

The good news is the idiot killed himself and none of the injuries sustained by innocent patrons of the festival are considered life threatening.  The bad news is Germany has sustained four high-profile acts of violence within one week, three which were committed by asylum seekers.

More than a million refugees have flowed into Germany since January 2015 according to government figures.  Chancellor Merkel finally admitted this month that terrorists are being ‘smuggled’ into Europe with the hoards of migrants.

According to Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann, the Syrian refugee confirmed his radical Islamist motive on a cellphone video.  Something, something, in the name of Allah, allegiance to Abu Bakr something-or-other, saying Germans stand in the way of Islam, or something.

A real psychopath, this dead idiot was, justifying the use of murder because some people choose not to believe in his religion.

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Military Aged Syrian Refugee Macheted Woman To Death in Germany

Apparently the 21 year old man had a disagreement with a woman at the bus terminal and, being a barbarian, reasoned the only resolution suited for said disagreement was to bust out a machete and start hacking like a psychopath.

At least one person has been killed and two more injured in an incident in the German town of Reutlingen. A man wielding a machete apparently randomly attacked passersby in the street.

The man was identified as a Syrian asylum seeker, 21, who was previously known to police, local police department said in statement.

The motives of the man are still unclear.

The perpetrator had an argument with a woman near the central bus terminal in Reutlingen, and during the altercation severely injured the woman using a machete.The woman died of her injuries at the scene, police said.

The perpetrator was then detained near the scene “in minutes” after the incident but managed to injure another woman and a man, police added.

Another day, another attack in Europe that would make Freddy Krueger blush.


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