18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,477 Blog Posts

HORSESHIT Into the Bell

Let’s be honest, this is fucking bullshit. On top of that, this is exactly the sort of trading action that portends a calamitous drop.

I’ve taken some precautions, even though I have just 10-15% in cash (it varies). Two of my larger positions are KMB and ESRX. In addition, I own CHD, PEP and WM. Even my “risky” plays have strong fundamental underpinnings, like ATML and IDTI. My higher risk trades include DDD, PPC, OSG and SVU, all subject to the winds of sentiment.

I ended the day +0.4%, well off the highs for the day. I am optimistic, but fully expect my optimism to lead to a short term disaster. My entire investment career has been about big gains, small losses, then bigger gains. The market will ebb and flow, driving your portfolios through peaks and valleys. Stress test yourself to ensure you can handle the pressure when the heat is raised high.

As for Le Fly: he is invincible, a man built from titanium, able to read the tea leaves even before said leaves have been plucked. Spare yourselves the embarrassment of betting against such a man of metal and believe, for the sake of all that is good and democratic (no Obama), that everything will work out seamlessly in the end.


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Bring it, Fucked Faces

Do you realize how lucky you are, being a resident in the US or Canada? Can you imagine living in one of those muslim countries, where the people–by the millions– protest OVER A RANDOM CITIZEN VIDEO POSTED ON YOUTUBE, that depicted “The Prophet Muhammed” as a fucktard?

The people who are up in arms over a private citizens youtube video have the brains of dogs. It’s amazing, as well as shocking, that in the year of our lord 2012, there are so many people on this earth who uphold the lowest standards of barbarism.

This is why America has aircraft carriers and you fucktards have suicide bombers. There is a reason why our armies travel the globe with impunity, while you resort to blowing up resorts, maiming and killing babies and elderly people in wheeled chairs.

I’d like to believe the people who burn the American flag and blow up up shit, all because of a FUCKING YOUTUBE VIDEO, are in the minority. I’d like to believe that the silent majority are peace-loving fucktards, selling incense along the streets of Karachi. But it’s not true.

We shall send them even more youtube videos, disgracing their beloved Muhammed, all in the name of “Soldiers for Jesus.”

Truly, this fervor over organized religion is so juvenile and simplistic, it’s sad. When are you fucking idiots going to learn that you are nothing more than organic matter that will reduce to dust after you are dead? When your heart stops, you will not travel, in mystical manners, up into the sky to enjoy hedonistic pleasures. Instead, you will enjoy peace and finality.

You fucking imbeciles.

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ORCL is up and the iPhone is going to boost the economy by 0.5%. Benjamin Bernanke is firmly in control, punching short sellers in the scrotum, whilst eating cans of spinach (extra Popeye). After yesterday’s purchases of KMB and OSG, I am back down to 10% cash, maybe a tad more.

What you need to understand, in a bull market, is that everything, eventually, trades up. It’s my job as a manager to figure out when certain stocks will pop, in order to maximize profits. Sometimes it’s easy, other times, painfully frustrating. This has been a down week for me. However, I’ve been proactive, moving things around, in an attempt to find lightening in a bottle.

How do we find stocks that are going to move now?

That’s a complicated question because it’s part practice, part intuition, which is developed through experience. For one, inside of The PPT, I have specialty screens reserved for markets like this. It saves me time. In my world, time is money. I prefer short squeezes and I watch the breadth, by industry, to gauge momentum. I watch all industries and constantly navigate the darkest corners of the market, hoping to find disconnects.

In my estimation, the shippers have been unduly destroyed.

OSG will trade up to $10.

NOTE: The Dow is up 8 Friday’s in a row.

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No Market For Old Men

I’m trying hard, real hard, to make something happen, post QE3. My biggest winners were NFLX and OSG and that is pathetic. I ended the day DOWN by 0.2%, continuing the slow grind lower over the past 3 days. Many of you will start bailing from the market soon, should this malaise continue. We might even get a one to three day flush to the downside.

But we’re going higher. As the Gods, sun and the moon and everything north from Hades is my witness, we are going–the fuck–higher.

You’re better off juggling a bag o potatoes than trying to FAZ up here. The fix is decidedly in.

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Unprecedented Greed Ultimately Leads to Destruction

I went old man with my KMB purchase. I was looking at the 25% cash position and said to myself “go old man, Fly–for fortunes await you at the other end of the wheeled chair.”

Good thing I am “getting it straight off the boat” today with OSG. My ATML is clubbing my brains to gravy and DDD is a fucking bitch-whore-dick-sucker. I’d like to toss their CEO off a roof in 3-d, just to demonstrate my outrage. SVU is marking time, as it has done for quite some time. NAK, SVU, JIVE and OSG are Fly Lab plays.

I am not selling PPC into weakness. I told you it was a thesis play. I am waiting for margins to swing back around, likely in Q1 of 2013. When it happens, anyone holding PPC short will pay the ultimate price with blood. Do you think I like to watch my positions bleed out, fucking baby nightmares clawing at me as I try to read a book?

“The Fly” has shit to do, earl gray to drink, and construction crews to chastise. I don’t have time to worry about a manipulated market unwinding, unseemly, during the wonderful month of September.

One thing is for certain: The Winter is coming and fuckers have to pay the price for insolence and lack of civility. I intend to strike back at my agitators this winter, clouds of black smoke and chards of sharp pieces of metal piercing through their stupid helmets.

Top pick: OSG

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Quantitative Fatigue

It appears the euphoria, post QE3 announcement, is over. Too many people went long, thinking it was straight up without pause. I do believe the market has 20% higher from here, a bull market of sorts for another 6 months. However, there will be set-backs, tricks along the way.

Some of you might view this weakness as a opening salvo into what might become an “October surprise”, whereby the markets plunge despite government intervention. Being a pragmatic man of reason and justice, I am open to all ideas, good and bad. But if there’s one thing we’ve been taught over and over again, no matter how much we may want to believe “this time is different,” asset prices will be propped up–by hook or crook.

Having said that, I detected some cynicism in the tape yesterday, which is why I sold my largest position, MCK, and a top 5 holding, AKS. Although I did buy some OSG, crazy for boats and such, my cash levels have been tripled to nearly 25%. Even with all that cash, I’m still giving back some serious coin this morning.

Remember boys and girls: losses are part of the process. For all I know, we may be in for a 1 month malaise, a seasonal beat down for the ages.

Nevertheless, my only conviction lies in the untenable fact that the Fed is going to increase money supply, denigrate the dollar, and, ultimately, make stocks go higher–emphasis on “make.”

NOTE: A fascinating story that has played out for more than 10 years with SCMR is over. SCMR is one of the few survivors of the dot com crash, having been lucky enough to price a secondary just before the crash; they were buoyed with over a billion dollars in cash for over a decade. Well, they just gave it back to shareholders with a special $10 divvy. Bravo.

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Reelect Prezident 0bama

I smell fish in the oil markets. Something is awry!

Also, I’d like to opine on the overt manipulation by the media, attempting to brainwash people that American’s “do not relate” to Romney. Excuse fucking me, and pardon as well, I relate much better to a man of industry than some oddball community organizer fellow with a nefarious and secretive past.

Fuck the alphabet soup.

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