18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,477 Blog Posts


I attempted a foray on the long side before 3pm and it cost me 20bps. Towards the end of the session, I truly bear’d the fuck up without cause or concern for my safety or the comfort of others near me. The time for pussy footing around the market is over for me. I am now fully engaged and here to help destroy western finance as we know it.

My end game: capitalize on the complete destruction of CALPERS and work towards building an Orbital Space Cannon (OSC) for offensive purposes only.

I have a fuck load of shorts, also some commodity longs and an irrationally large bet on BOIL. My goal with BOIL is simple: profit off the agony of Europe, whilst at the same time planning a trip there in order to revel in my successes over them.

I do not wish any people to lose large sums of money — only the bulls and they aren’t people.

For the session, I extended my cock by 225bps to +50% for 2022 and I am speeding up now 102% invested, dipping ever s slightly into my margin account.

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I had been short all day and I just closed those shorts and moved to 90% cash, locking in +228bps for the session. I did this, not because I was scared or because I was bullish, but because I could.

I fully intend to crash the close and gun for even more, hopefully at a higher price point.

The problem with shorting into NASDAQ -320 is shorting into NASDAQ -320.

The overarching trend in recent months has been SHARPLY HIGHER stock prices upon any and all dips.

What has changed?

The Ukrainians suffered their worse killed in action count to day yesterday, following the murder of Darya Dugin. I believe this provocation cements the fact that Europe is going to be forced to endure energy shortages this winter and the United States will be forced to deplete its weapons stores and Russia will be forced to conduct a brutal war and expense and potentially face an even greater conflict with all of Europe.

The fact that bond yields are once again rising lends credence to the idea that the recent reflation in asset prices worked counter to the Fed’s preferences and the only way to truly defeat inflation, dare I suggest, will be to completely destroy the stock market and western finance as we know it.

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It’s 100% over for Europe. It was a nice run.

No one will be able to afford electricity in Europe this winter. Gas prices are up 20% TODAY.

In other news, apparently, Russia cracked the case and identified a Ukrainian woman behind the murder of Darya Dugin.

Worth noting, via Stocklabs.

NASDAQ FUTS are down 190, natty higher — everyone in panic mode but me +170bps PM.

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When Will the War Matter?

Here is a few facts for you on this wonderful Sunday evening, in regards to the war in the Ukraine.

Typical casualty ratios in any war is usually 1:1.4, whereby the defender is offered an advantage due to fixed defensive lines and to overcome this the attacker must come with superior forces since both sides are going to suffer similar casualties with the advantage lying with the defenders. According to some reports I have been reading, Russia afflicting casualties on the UKR army at a 10 to 30:1 ratio — meaning for every thousand Russian death/injuries — Ukraine is being annihilated with 10-30,000.

The Russian method is slow and methodical and front line Ukrainian soldiers are saying they never even get to see Russian soldiers in the field, up until the point the area is mopped up. How is Russia doing this?

Unprecedented amounts of artillery attacks.

They are expending 60-90,000 artillery shells per day. To put that into perspective, during the entire Gulf War the United States expended 65,000 shells. Russia is doing that in a single day, in what seems to be an endless barrage of attacks supported by first class logistics and an industrial complex.

Since Russia switched tactics, from rapid big arrow attacks to the slow and methodical approach we see now — they have yet to lose a single battle — no matter how many wonder weapons NATO sends the Ukrainian army.

Over the weekend the daughter of an influential Russian philosopher, Alexander Dugin, was murdered in a car bomb in Moscow, in what appears to be an attempt on Dugin — since he’s close to Putin. These sort of provacations are desperate attempts to get the Russians off their methodical strategy — to perhaps respond emotionally and fall into a trap. I seriously doubt anything will change on the ground, other than more of the same.

Back west we are mostly bored of the news and have traded the markets as if this potential powder keg didn’t exist. Biden is financing the entire Ukrainian government and military, to the tune of $1-2 billion per week. It’s clear to anyone watching the actions of the west — they do not want peace with Russia and Russia doesn’t want peace with them.

Back on the issue of when will it matter.

It will begin to matter again when the weather turns and European industry is faced with the task of gathering enough supplies to make it through the winter. After that, the west will need to figure out what will a post UKR-RUS war look like for them — and how to maintain their grip on the resource rich Ukraine without getting into a shooting war with Russia.

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September is Littered with Murderholes


I just logged off Twitter after absorbing some great news for NATO. Apparently the Ukrainians are winning the war again and will, at some point, “liberate” both Crimea and Russian controlled Belgorod. This is great news for the west and I am hoping their HIMARS production facilities are working fastidiously, but in a manner on par with equity and equal opportunity for persons of color and pansexuals worldwide.

On the important issue of the stock market, we are nearing the end of summer and will be getting back to business soon. The month of September of course looms and with it a plethora of opportunity to be killed in action.

Below are returns for IWM during the month of August dating back to 2000, courtesy of Stocklabs. As you can see, it has been littered with tragedy and if I am being honest with all of you here and now — I can almost taste the tears of the bulls as they probably had such high hopes after a summer of debauchery and looking forward towards Pumpkin’d Pie and carving out the olde Jack O’ Lanterns.

Does this mean we will face a similar fate in 2022?


Yes, that is exactly what it means. This is not a blog of guessing, but a blog of telling. I am telling you now — the market will collapse during the ill fated month of September and if you’re not careful about your portfolio — you too will be liberated from your money and sent packing back to the cold tundra of poverty.

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The summer of SAAS you all enjoyed is fast coming to an end. The Champagne is getting stale and the cocaine is losing its potency. The ribald gains you’ve enjoyed will soon be paired with a dagger to the eye socket.

The war in the Ukraine is getting worse…for NATO.

The bitter coldness of winter is just around the bend, threatening the existence of the poors in Germany.

The artificial run down of oil, thanks to the release of the SPR, will not last and America, fat lazy and stupid, will be left without reserves and oil will be $150 bbl.

I positioned bearish into the close, long some oils and defensive stocks — but shed 23bps thanks to an errant WEBR trade that spilled over into losses.

You have enjoyed yourselves the past month or so, almost feeling as if the bear market had ended. You were happy, slovenly, and comforted by gains. All of that, Sir, is about to end and with it comes loss, regret, and tragedy.

Have a nice weekend.

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Before 2020 I rarely if ever day traded. Then I tried it and took an account from $100k to $750k inside 2 years, all public for the FUCKERS inside Stocklabs to see. I’ve traded options on and off my whole life but never had the tools made available to me to truly crush it. The derivatives markets are not like stocks and there are complexities that are often ignored by other FUCKERS trading independently.

So I decided to created my own tools with the help and leadership of someone who is better versed in it than I am. We are in the 6th to 7th inning of completing this offering and it’s live now in the screeners for me and it’s great.

Above are active options and % of call vs put buying

FULL DISCLOSURE: I haven’t quite figured out how these correlations work and if there is rhyme and reason to some of the chaos in the options market. I am sure there is and will be studying this daily from now until I master it. Like day trading, I am fairly certain I will eventually crush in this arena too — as trading and investing is more or less, aside from writing, the only god damned thing I am good at doing.

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I knew the market *might* collapse while I was away from the office and here we are, DOWN 200 NASDAQ, yields spiking, euro cracked lower, volatility through the roof. To put this into perspective, there is plenty of time to react if you missed this leg lower, should markets barrel back down to the lows.

I’m 95% cash, 5% long REI. Although tempted to place some trades, I’d rather wait to see if this is a legit reversal first. It has all of the trimmings of a bear tape. However, for the last 2 months all of these dips have been bought. Perhaps the reality of the situation is finally settling in, the inexorable dilemma of growth vs inflation managed by incompetents equals crash?

Let’s see.

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Back at the Turret; Options Labs Coming Soon

Hello absolute faggots friends.

I’d like to apologize to so many of you whom I’ve insulted over the years, forced you out of Stocklabs via unnecessary bullying and mean handling. I have looked inward and am a completely different person now. I have even forgiven the folks at Cartoonland for their foray into NFTs and won’t even charge them extra for coming back into the fold.

Since so many of you have left — The Pelican Room has become a liberal denizen for progressive ideas. We are all quite impressed with the Biden regime and feel strongly about the prospects of Pax Americana.

See? I never lie.

In other news, I am back at the trading turret after making 38bps today while on the road from a delightful meeting with the President of the United States in DC. I have other news for my internet colleagues and friends: Option Labs is coming soon. We will provide this service for free for a limited time and then it’ll go premium. It will also be a stand alone service for those not interested in our stock tools.

This is being developed by a fellow Pelican Losblion and it’s going to be straight fire and crack combined. Here is an early look at the screener — filtering out the most active options with call to put volume greater than 60%. We have all the greeks too and I am thinking about adding some minor greeks, especially LAMBDA and ZOMMA.

For the person’s who have no fucking clue about options, the good folks at Stocklabs will be here to help teach you.

Tomorrow my house will be filled with construction workers again — but that won’t stop me from trading.

See you in the AM, good friends.

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