18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,476 Blog Posts


Last night in celebration of what I thought would be the end of western Finance, I imbibed a little too much with some of George Washington’s very favorite spirit, Laird’s Apple Jack. I did this whilst eating BBQ’d meats and a cigar — because I am a man and these are the things we like to do after watching golf for several hours.

Needless to say, I had a bit too much and was subsequently “Apple Jack’d” today and it led to a loss of 125bps for the session. I am sorry for those who mirrored me and were in fact “Apple Jack’d” themselves, at no fault of their own, except for the fact that they decided to mirror me.

All that is behind us now and I am heavily positioned long energy and also SHORT bitcoin and SHORT the general market.

It is my belief the markets cannot go higher, no matter how many times Tomothy Lee is on the television telling the world about his ABSURD ideas.

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Remember when Biden announced the US would start selling 1 million barrel of oil per day in order to fight “Putin’s tax hike” on Americans? Well, that is set to expire this October and the DOE is slated to REFILL the fucking SPR with 60 million barrels of oil at the market — starting in 2023.

There are some who believe the US has artificially suppressed the price of oil in order to assuage morons to vote for Biden and his gang. Well, after the November election and into the fires of 2023 — the United Steaks will be at the mercy of markets in an attempt to buy back the oil they sold — most likely at high prices.

Where do you think the price of oil will be by March?

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Market is Screaming Energy Crisis

Today is a helpful reminder to avoid drinking booze on work nights. Earlier today I bogged myself in a series of hazardous trades and now find myself down 100bps. I had to sell everything in order to get a clean slate. I walked the dogs, hedged some bushes, and now I believe I see the market better.

We are most likely going to CRASH THE FUCKING CLOSE and as I write this my hands are still trembling from the hedger that was reverberating in my hands for the past 30mins or so. NEVERTHELESS, I am now long a pastiche of energy plays, an ag, and have a general disposition to bet on inflation and against Cathy Arc.

The important and salient point of this blog is to communicate my truest thoughts about the markets and it is, without question, one of a foreboding narrative. I got worked up earlier today and saw the markets through Apple Jack’d color glasses but that has since washed away after 10 or so glasses of water.

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The Collapse Has Been Delayed, Inexorably

I got carried away last night thinking about the market being destroyed when in fact, as you can see today, this is nothing more than a garden varietal day. It must’ve’ been all of that Apple Jack talking. It seems, lest I am hungover and unable to view things clearly, markets are strong.

Yes I know the Dow is off by 220, NASDAQ 74 — but in Stocklabs we break it down more in depth and in there at least the market is strong.

I covered my enormous shorts and later got sucked into a smaller one. Bottom line, I am +10bps. I had seriously thought last night I’d awaken from my orchard induced slumber to +500bps. It simply wasn’t meant to be. What should I do about it — cry?

Chinese stocks are very strong, as well as uranium etc. To be honest, I need some food and more water and then I’ll take a more serious view of things here today.

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I sit before you puffing a cigar every 30-45 seconds, washed down with 6 fingers worth of Apple Jack over ice. The fire is burning bright and hot inside House Fly and the parked chops are nearly grilled to perfection.

I will tell you this, if only for your only nightly comforts — I once again stand before you a supremely victorious man — SHORT the market via 35% weighted SQQQ and FAZ — into the maelstrom of NASDAQ FUTS -200. We haven’t even gotten to see European electricity prices yet and I do hope they digest the fact that Russia blew up the largest HIMARS rocket deport to date, and have all but rendered this wonder weapon ordinary.

Into 4am, look for futures to deteriorate and if you should spot a bounce in the morning — you’d be wise to sell into it. Autumn has started early this year and the fall has already begun.

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Morons —

Pax Americana is over again. Your transvestite led tech companies are beneath 500 tonnes of rubble again and there is nothing you can do about it. Your President is dumber than the last one who was dumber than the previous one who was the dumbest we’ve ever had. Student loan forgiveness is a crime against humanity, almost as criminal as the tuition rate itself. And to be clear, ALL HUMANS living in the year 2022 should have ample refrigeration in their abodes.

That being said, I will be very blunt and direct with you.

It’s over.



Your tech overlords overplayed their hands and now find themselves stuck, TRAPPED EVEN, in retarded companies surrounded by weak men and laughable women. Meanwhile in Asia, the Ukraine is losing and everything NATO has done to date has been wrong. There isn’t room for negotiation now, since “the west” is keen on war and only content with blood. It seems almost all of Europe is without natural gas — due to their infatuation with all things ESG. As the lady men in Europe pranced about in their fanciful undergarments making speeches about winded mills and panels of the solar varietal — the “orcs” in Asia were drilling for gas and oil — creating a war machine that could not be stopped once thrusted forward.

We are still an unserious people.

As the crisis looms and electricity prices skyrocket to unbelievable levels — the only thing western media hacks have to say is –“Russia is bluffing.” This is not a viable stratagem.

On a personal note, I depart for Boston next week to drop off two children at their college — where we pay an enormous sum for subpar education. The diploma mills are important, however, and I am not a fan of “winging” it on your own with just a HS diploma.

I expect markets will careen lower next week and the week after and every week after until Thanksgiving — when we will all reflect upon the oil and gas men in Texas and appreciate their efforts and cast wide and malovolent aspersions at the catamites who hijacked “the west” into a permanent state of cuckoldry.

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Listen to me. I am calling for a catastrophe.

Don’t look at your purse or the purse of your neighbors, fellow American scum. Look over to the Atlantic and how bogged the entire continent is in regards to the winter that is coming and all of the money in the world cannot stop what is coming.


I stepped into today 106% long. Because I am a MASTER TRADE and true Space Alien Magician (SAM) — I traded the day back to flat and closed the day 35% short via SQQQ, FAZ and I am also short the VIX via SVIX — which is a bullish position.

I think, and pardon me for suggesting it, we crash the open on Monday.

Have a nice weekend.

Le Fly closed at recourd highs.

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A few important points for you.

The UK increased the “cap” on electricity to consumers by 80% today.
French power cost rose by 25% today
German power expenses are upwards of 8% GDP today. It was less than 1% last year.

Czech President Blames “Green Madness” For Energy Crisis.

The west isn’t imploding by design, contrary to what many conspiracy theorists suggest. The west is rotting from the top down and led by unserious people who live in a bubble of their own doing — fat, slovenly societies committing suicide because they’re idiots. Academically these people passed their classes with flying colors — but their minds are infected with disease and cannot see the forest through the trees.

It’s hard to imagine the market not gapping down Monday. Position accordingly.

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It’s possibly in fact over this time.

Powell left zero room for dovishness, which resulted in a collapse of the stock exchange. I had a 15% position in TZA and I closed it out for +5%.

The yield curve is worsening and more important FRENCH POWER PRICES ARE UP 25% TODAY.

I’m short Bitcoin now via $BITI and have a few longs just in case. But to be honest, fuck this market.

Up 5bps for the session because I don’t lose.

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It was going to be grande and then Fed’s Bostic, the piece of shit that he is, started to talk shit and it all came crumbling down. I realize it’s not over and Powell has yet to speak — but the air has been let out of the balloon and it’s spiraling down.

I had been up 100bps PM and bore witness to an odious collapse, so I bought 15% weighted TZA and it stabilized me after I pared down my portfolio to keep only the very best. I am +11bps like a moron, running fast on the hamster wheel hoping to make it.

I’m 42% cash and have 0% confidence that Jackson’s Hole will be a virtuous campaign that can help longs assuage normal human beings to buy into this nonsense.

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