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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.

Saturday Cinema with Le Fly: Fury

I don’t know why some men dislike Brad Pitt. For the love of God, the man starred in Fight Club, Inglorious Basterds, Legends of the Fall, A River Runs Through It, and now Fury.

This is a fantastic war film, offering a less jingoistic approach to glorified battle in favor for the harsh realities. This is not a sugar coated WW2 war film and it will make you feel uncomfortable at times. It’s haunting, inspiring, and also bad ass (cue Pitt speaking in German as he mows down the Nazi bastards).

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The Stage is Set for Success

Because of my wide ranging portfolio of stocks, I shed 0.5% for the day. However, my core trading positions performed well today, with gains in XLU (largest position), SBNY, CENX–with moderate losses in ARWR and SAGE. That being said, I invite you to bet against me.

The stage is now set, good people from the inter webs, to enjoy splendour on a very large scale. We’re gonna scale this bitch to the maximum next week.

In exactly 3 days hence, the market, especially the NASDAQUERIES, will be measurably higher.

Two things of note.

1. Tune into to a free demonstration at 4:30 at After Hours with Option Addict, where Raul will explain the glory of Exodus.

2. Remember to visit tomorrow, where I will delve into a testosterone laden movie, one of my recent favorites.

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I am a firm believer in the hacking game. As such, I bought back shares of QLYS.

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Risk is Off

This tape is reminiscent of the tape that nearly destroyed me last year. There is a divergence between risk assets and non-risk. Hospital stocks are up, while biotech decidedly lower. Utilities are strong, while tech is getting hammered.

Oil, solar, chinese burritos: all in the gutter.

See to your affairs lads. The market might want to correct (extra Delbert Grady) some of you fuckers out there in search of bounty.

Until I see a reason to jump, XLU will remain my largest holding. Depending on how today’s tape develops will determine whether or not I take quick losses on some of my latest positions.

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Last Call For Exodus

Ten thousand apologies to the gentlemen in the orchestra seating area for these seemingly endless barrages of wanton salesmanship. After all, iBankCoin is a business and I must tend to it, every so often.

I appeal to you this evening to inform you that tomorrow will be the last day to behold the grandeur of Exodus throughout a live trading day, before trials end this Sunday night. If you haven’t partaken, I insist that you partake.

Email me for credentials: [email protected]

Good night.

NOTE: Tomorrow Raul will be doing a live demo for Exodus inside of After Hours with Option Addict. It will be open to all to view.

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It’s entirely possible the world will end tomorrow. Also, I thought it might make for a fine Friday afternoon to see your faces beading with sweat due to largess paper losses.

I’ve taken a very large position in XLU and have seen it go lower by 3% since I bought it.

A lesser man would toss himself into a lit fireplace, doused with gasoline, because of these losses. “The Fly” simply brushes them off, like a mosquito attempting to land on my dinner plate.

I will have you know, yields will go lower again. You can bank on it. When they do, you’re all going to be sucking my knee-caps, praising my foresight into the dark and evil lands of utilities.

For the day, I shed 0.24%, like a pedestrian, sewer pipe style.

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The Plebeians Shall Be Washed Away from the Earth

We’re overdue a good washing out. It might be in order. I am witnessing many biotech stocks hand grenade their shareholders into receivership today. It’s worth mentioning that QQQ is now oversold in Exodus. According to the stats, you should be all right with this trade by next week Wednesday. Unfortunately, and much to my chagrin, some of you jump the gun straight away and start meddling about your futures accounts, in search of lotto victory.

This sort of haphhazard money management is liable to get you killed, man. Relax and go eat a peach. Enjoy the summer weather and drink a little.

“The Fly”, in between bouts of tear laden fits of rage, has exemplary command over his emotions and demonstrates a certain equanimity when trading, almost at all times. This is a great achievement, one that will be studied until the end of days.

Get a grip of yourselves and exhibit a minimum level of decency and decorum when trading. God willing, you will be spared when the great purge of the char-wallah class of investor begins.

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Two long term positions of mine are roaring today, HCA and LPNT. The baby boomer generation is officially dying. Ergo, it goes without saying, they will all need to visit these fine institutions in the not-too-distant future. As such, I’ve taken it upon myself, with great liberties, to plan for their demise.

I started a new position in SEM today.

Separately, everything else is going rather swimmingly, as my positions tether themselves to the winship that is inherent in the Exodus algorithm. Since we are open for free trials, from now until sunday (email me for access: flybroker@gmail), I will have you know our oversold algorithm kicked in yesterday for SPY. It was featured as the trade of the day.


Bear in mind, in the past the signal needed a few days to become effective, so don’t rush into any large trade in order to prove your testicular fortitude. Instead, wade into the market and in 5 days hence, you will be rewarded.

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I had a guy ask me today if I wanted a fucking cannoli with my coffee. “Do I look like I eat cannolis with my fucking coffee…mate?”

On the Twitter, I read a distorted rant about some guy who admitted to decimating himself in the stocked market, over a period of 10 years. Instead of looking inward, he blamed his online broker for not firing him and then went on to talk about delusional shit, such as spending more time about the arts and travel.

Fuck you and the arts. I’ll strike you with my ballista or for a closer encounter, how about the ranseur?

There was a guy in the newspaper the other day who ventured off to purchase sex from some russian whore. A few short hours later, he woke up without his balls, literally. She drugged him, a surgeon came in, and dissected him like a fucking frog.

The world has always been a savage place. Quit pretending that it’s worse now than ever before. If anything, you can find a bit of “calm normality” amongst the 1st world nations of the world, providing you have a decent income. If not, you are subjected to wild gunfire, arguments over the hue of some lads t-shirt, or scuff marks about the old Air Jordan sneaker.


The market isn’t hard to game. You just need to watch it, caress it like a delicate flower, and then attack it like a band of mounted mongols, circa 13th century Hungary.

We do it for you here, live, concierge style. But men will be men, always looking to build his own house, make his own mark. At some point in your miserable lifetimes, you will come to the conclusion that paying attention might be something that is too costly for your profoundly important schedules. For those people, I strongly advise seeking professional help and/or moving your money into an index fund and call it a day. For the lot of you, beggards and bastards alike with the mendacity of Brian Williams or “Baghdad” Bob: quit half assing your so called avocation into the capital markets. Invest in news feeds, get a good online broker, join the ranks of Exodus, 12631 and After Hours with Option Addict, and wait for those investments to reap returns.

Far too many of you want it all, without having to work for it.

Go away from my blog now.

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Tragic Tragedies

As you sit there stupefied by what just transpired, just know that your pain is shared. I shed more than 1.1% for the session, fully disheveled and distraught with anger and regrets.

Having said that, tomorrow is a new day with fresh tragedies to endure.

Good luck.

FYI: All of the Exodus free trial credentials will go out soon. I was busy managing a business today. If you want in, especially after a day like this, email me at Flybroker@gmail and I’ll hook you up.


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