I turn dials and fiddle with knobs to hone in on harmonic rotations
Joined Oct 26, 2011
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More FitBit Rumors Have The Wearable Tech Company’s Stock Soaring

Today’s FitBit rumor says Nike is interested in buying the company, or the device, or poaching employees.  No one is really sure, that’s what makes it a rumor.

See also: FitBit: The Form of a Winner Today $FIT

And this week rumors are facts and grounds to absolutely rip the pants off a stock [to the upside, of course, ONLY].

The stock is up over 10% so far on the session.

As awesome and amazing as rumors are, you know where you could objectively infer a move was coming in $FIT?  Why yes, Exodus–and its intuitive hybrid scoring mechanism, which saw a HUGE spike back on March 31st:

Speculative fever is running hot as mating season approaches and humans desperately turn to cyborg technology to aid in the toning of their hips and nips.

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One comment

  1. mfalke

    Brilliant entry in JOY last week!

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