I turn dials and fiddle with knobs to hone in on harmonic rotations
Joined Oct 26, 2011
4,121 Blog Posts

Use Your Environment

You know your blood is truly northern when 28 degrees feels balmy and a sweater is sufficient for going about the town. Suddenly you’re resisting the urge to put on shorts. It all goes back to relativity. For weeks we were single digits or negative. You bear the brunt of it on your hands. Friends start calling you Chappie because your knuckles are swollen and bloodied. But you are stronger because of it.

The same goes for trading [yes, I am going somewhere with this]. You go through hellish, choppy conditions and you come out of it better if your purpose is solid as stone. The wounds heal and you outpace the next set of young lads nipping on your heels.

Truthfully, that’s life in a nutshell. You grow, run like you’re being chased, and then you die.

Subs, I toiled all weekend to serve up some cool opportunities setting up in the equity complex. The Weekly Strategy Session should be hitting your boxes as I type. May it serve you well in forming a contextual read, mates.

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