18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,468 Blog Posts


Happy Halloween catamites!

For the month of October, a month which I proposed we might crash (wishful thinking), the NASDAQ rose by 4%, Semis 2.5%, and the SPY 8%. It was a nice month for the permanent bull class of investor. However, those catacomb’d inside the FANG cellars were dispatched and placed into ruin.

Shares of META, GOOGL, MSFT and other tech giants disappointed and dove the fuck lower.

The oils rose by a staggering 30%, followed by beaten down REITs at +19% and retail at +18%.

The only areas of the market truly weak in October were Chinese burritos, solar, alt energy and biotech.

Barring some sort of collapse in my picks from now until the close, I will book a 3.5% gain.

What to expect for November?

I will reiterate my suggestions given in late September: a whirlwind of pain and suffering eagerly awaits you in the month of turkey and gravy. Tranny platoons of American soldiers will be STEAMING towards Europe in an effort to prevent a giant Russian winter offensive and markets won’t like it one bit.

Markets typically never trade lower in November and rarely crash into year end. My best guess is for an A-typical end of year wrought with pain and fears.

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Wheat, Natty Soar as Tensions with Russia Continue to $BOIL

Double Entendre alert!

It’s all fun and games until your city is a pile of ash.

Wheat is jacked this morning by 6% and natural gas by 10.5%, after Russia cordially withdrew from the grain corridor deal with the UN, Turkey and Ukraine. However, all parties are shipping grain nonetheless! It seems they’re not afraid of Russian subs and believe their torpedoes to be made of rubber. As such, today they exported with 12 large grain ships to Turkey and had 2 coming in! Perhaps that one was loaded with lots of Halloween snacks.

Anyway, I am of the belief it’s mostly bullshit at this point. If markets are never going to take this war seriously, I might need to focus my efforts on something else. Perhaps it’s time to obsess over the COVID shots again, take a look under the hood and see how many treble boosted folks dropped dead from SADS.

The NASDAQ is down 140 and I had a fuckload of everything rolling into today. I liquidated all of my inverse ETFs and still hold some risk averse stocks, +37bps for the session. I am content with the slow boil and will gun for higher returns when the fucking market is easier — you sons a bitches.

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42% of Ukraine’s exports are grain related. They are the “bread basket” of Europe. A few months ago Russia agreed to open a “grain corridor” to Turkey so Ukraine could export their grain. Due to a series of underwater drone attacks in the Black Sea, Russia has canceled the agreement and blames the Uk for facilitating the attack.

Full statement:

This development will undoubtedly cause inflation to rise in Europe, as the price of food rises due to lack of grain supply.

I’d also like to remind people of the returns for the NASDAQ over a number of time periods.

Do stocks deserve to be +42% from 2019 levels?

The NASDAQ is down 14% over the past 6 months. I’m in fact only up 3% over the same time frame. My bias has been to be short, but I’ve also hedged myself almost every day because of rallies like Friday.  In October alone we’ve had 7 rallies of 2% or greater. Is that the behavior of a bear market? No. But we are in one, without a doubt.

We were up 12% in July and people thought the market bottomed. Then we sunk 15% from August through September and now we are up 5% for October. How confident are you that stocks will continue heading higher into peak shopping season? Will consumers steam out in droves to stockpile on the latest tech gadgets amidst this economic backdrop? Conversely, if you’re short stocks, how comfortable are you shorting into the hole with bell weather stocks down 50-80% YTD?

For all those disappointed that I’ve had muted returns the past 6 mos, fuck off. This has been a very hard market to navigate and my responsibility isn’t to be the organ grinder’s monkey but to preserve and methodically grow my 50% YTD returns. My breakouts usually happens in wild streaks and I always temper myself after achieving success. In 2021, my returns were +218%. But look at the monthly distribution.

I started 2021 at $150k, rose to $450k by May 1 and then traded around that level through year end, finishing at $492k.

In January of 2022, I dipped to $440k because I was wrong. That was my bottom and I busted loose in February, rising to $633k by April 1 and  have methodically traded higher since then — closing Friday at $737k.


I can comfortably assume my returns are in the top quartile of all traders/money managers on the planet the past decade plus. If I’m so good and telling you this is a hard tape, this is a fucking hard tape.

Stop complaining.

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Almost Done “Trading the Market In Front of Me”

It’s all very tiresome to whore myself to idealogies each and every day — “starting anew” in order to trade the market in front of me. I have decided to actually toss that away for a while in favor of obstinate hard headed permanent bear status. Each rally will be met with my insults. Every uptick I will spit at the screen in disgust. There will never be adequate conditions to reach my comfort or pleasure — so I might as well prepare for the long haul ride to zero.

Saying this out loud is refreshing! Whilst I am prone to change my mind at a flip of a dime, I’m fairly certain inside my heart, if you opened it, you’d learned of such a deep and profound hatred for bulls — you might want to have me incarcerated for fear I might lash out one day and kill them all.

I ended the session DOWN 79bps, 154% leveraged with large SQQQ, SOXS and LABD holdings. I intend to martingale them and buy them into profit. If you forced a pistol upon me head right now and demanded a prediction for Monday, I’d say down and with vigor.

My positioning is purposeful — heavy long allocations to recession proof names paired with fuck your tech and biotech stocks all the way down into a grave.

For the week, I managed a slight gain and I feeeeeel pretty good about my 3.2% monthly gain into the final day of trade come Monday. I am fairly certain I’ll squeeze out another 1% and only underperform the market by 50%. This is acceptable to me because I was wrong on the markets direction and have still managed a gain. When the conditions are finally right for me to strike, I will do with with great speed and alacrity — forcing surrender of all the bulls but they shall not receive safe quarter with me — only the black flag.

Have a great weekend and lets hope for a limit down open come Halloween.

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The Dow is +800, NASDAQ +250 based on a squeeze in shares of Apple, Intel and resurgence in Amazon. Seeing these tech names plunge and reverse is all the PERMANENT BULL class of investor needed to margin out their accounts and sop up everything their greedy hands could get hold of. Thus far for the month of October we have seen numerous 2% rallies and on the whole it’s been an exciting month for longs, up nearly 10% with one day remaining of trade. The notion we could collapse in November like we did in September is distant and remote, based upon recent history.

The fact that the earnings season has been so bad is the reason why stocks are rallying. In a deep perverted distortion of reality, bulls believe the weaker we are the more likely the Fed will PAUSE. The permanent bull wants to front run the pivot — because the pivot, whenever it does happen, is their religion.

After the dust settles and markets absorb the pivot news, we will be stuck with a shitty economy and nothing the Fed can do to help it. QE is not gonna happen — not with CPI elevated above 5%. We are only in the beginning stages of the economic decline, brought on by the FOMC hikes.

In the near term, I have no doubt markets will attempt to jimmy higher. The bulls are everywhere and they’re hard to stop, always out and about talking shit — sucking Cadaver Biden’s cock and boasting about their bulging positions in 3x upside ETFs.

As for me, I once again DID NOT participate in this grandiose orgy of American exceptionalism and have been out all day long, hedged with SOXS, SQQQ and LABD — whose losses have placed me down 50bps for the session.

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Dip Buyoors Sop Up ‘Wonderful Bargains’; Musk Seizes Control of Twitter

Last night main stream neo liberal media revealed thru unnamed sources that Kanye West was in fact secretly in love with Hitler and nearly named one of his albums after the infamous dictator. On that news, Elon Musk unbanned Kanye West’s twitter account.

Also, the shitlibs are stroking out this morning over “The Joker taking over Arkham Asylum and freeing all of the supervillains into society.” The employees at twitter are all pleading for their jobs, or fleeing to Google and Apple, reminding Musk they “worked hard” on the app and “deserve dignity.” Whilst that might be true, it’s also important to remember Twitter is a private company Sir and the owner can do as he likes with it.

Thus far, Musk has terminated all top execs at the company and has said he intends to fire 75% of the political activists working at the company.

Last night Apple, Amazon, and Intel reported abysmal earnings. On that news, investors are sopping them up with relentless bids.

I remain hedged, long stocks near 52 week highs, higher by 20bps. This is the second to last day of the month for traders. Prepare for chicanery.

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The stock is down 20% after missing and guiding the fuck lower. The details are unimportant, as you can get that shit elsewhere. What is important is a MAJOR warning out of INTC, AMZN, META, GOOGL and even other formally great names like MPWR.

How many times do I need to remind you that it’s over?

Because I am a hero in America, I sold the fuck short via TZA, SOXS, SQQQ into the bell. My hopes and dreams are coming true in the after-hours, as I intend to destroy America in order to save her. The earnings reports you are seeing now is JUST THE BEGINNING, as things will unravel from here and so on and so forth, paving the way to a collapse in consumer confidence and subsequent job losses. Once we see 1 million job losses per mo, the Fed will pause. Faggots on the long side will roll in and get rolled over, as the narrative will immediately shift from sucking Fed cock to the dissolution of the Unites States and its financial hegemony.

At some point, we will need to prepare for a dollar collapse. Until then, we will sell these stocks down via shorts, hedged with longs showing good relative strength, methodically, but absolutely, profiting from the destruction of the stock exchange.

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Market Isn’t Nearly As Strong As You Think It Is

We have recently enjoyed respite via weakening dollar and yields. Because of this, markets have resumed a bullish tone. However serious you might be about the idea of diving back into a bull moded market now, I’d like to entreat you with some information.

The “most important” sector has always been tech and those catamites have been knifed down. Month to date, the vast majority of gains have been in energy.

As an industry, oil and gas is +29% for the month. Think about it for a second.

Meanwhile, earnings reports have been abysmal.

On a side note, it appears the absolute faggots out of PayPal re-instated their $2500 fine for bad speech.

I used to think it was only the elites who were scum. But I was wrong. Half the country proved during COVID they were of a monstrous quality. Perhaps they’re just NPCs — but as a people America has become a denizen for evil and now we are subsuming freedoms in exchange for a comical approach for “preserving democracy.” We don’t live in a democracy or a republic. This is an autocratic oligarchy controlled by some people for the purposes of a “rules based order” global empire and you and your family are nothing more than cattle to be used in their wars, both foreign and domestic.

We will be removing the PayPal option from Stocklabs. I might not be able to build my own global banking empire, but I certainly don’t have to use PayPal to do business.

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Markets Deserve to Knife Down

What people deserve and what they get are two different things. Look at me, nice man, always blogging, tweeting a storm bringing good news to the people: I should be up 5% every day. Yet, here I am up another 35bps, notably not fooled again.

Last night whilst you slept, Credit Suisse shit the bed. The stock is down 15% and META is down 23%. These two disasters “should’ve” equated to a rout in stocks, especially since we’ve been rallying. Yet, here we are +264 Dow, -145 NASDAQ and FAZ (triple short banks) is -3.7%.

See, there is deserve and what you get. Don’t confuse the two because in the end — everyone gets what they really deserve based upon merit. The market doesn’t give a shit if you’re white or black — it’ll punish you equally and without remorse if you’re wrong.

I’m at 83% cash, content to take it slow into month end. These are old habits I have since the days when I managed other people’s money. The calendar, per se, should’ve mean a damn thing to me now — but it gives me structure and a definable goal. I am +4% for the month and it’s not a banner month, but noteworthy in the fact that I have been bearish as fuck and still managed a gain, albeit one HALF what was enjoyed in the SPY.

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Shares of META immediately popped by 9% based off the headline number of BETTER THAN EXPECTED results. Inside 15 seconds flat, all chasoors were summarily executed as the headlines darkened and longs looked on with furrowed brows as Mark Zucked Face issued an earnings warning.

Shares are now off by 7%.


The economy is in the shitter and the Fed cannot help. This is 2001 but instead of the specter of easing — you sons a bitches get another 300bps of hikes over the next 12 — which will without a doubt send the economy seaworthy into a depression.

But go ahead and keep buying dips you fucking faggots.

I booked +30bps in gains in trading, Quant +80bps, YOLO +10.5%.

Who will stop me?

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