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Wikileaks: ‘Bernie Needs To Be Ground To a Pulp. We Can’t Start Believing Our Own Primary Bullshit’

Savages, that nice old man Bernie Sanders had no idea his own party would literally throw him in the sausage grinder.

To hell with the democratic voter, and who they choose in their primary, seems to be the prevailing sentiment from Joel Johnson.

Perhaps the Clinton insider and DC lobbyist was enjoying a few cocked tails before sending this brazen midnight email to John Podesta, but the tone is downright primal.  These shills wouldn’t stop until they beat Bernie into submission then forced him to bend the knee to Hillary.  Check out Podesta email number 40401:


Bernie bros–your party played you.

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The Iranian Heist: The Qatar-Turkey Pipeline

Hector Morenco broke a story Sunday where he connects the dots between donations to Clinton Foundation from The House of Saud for help building the Qatar-Turkey pipeline to Europe.

First Morenco claims the ‘donations’ were bribes for Obama/Clinton to create the Arab Spring uprising, bold claims:


He then goes on to tie Russia into the scheme:


Finally he connects all the dots and claims a massive drove of WikiLeaks will substantiate his claims, but not before the election due to the amount of the documents to sift through:


If this scheme is actually proven, Morenco will likely be lauded as a truth warrior.  For now, it’s just an eerie pipeline running through the hotbed of global conflict.  He is walking the trail of economic benefit and these journeys often reveal truth.  Whether the Democrats were played by Iran and Russia, leading to the building of some bastard pipeline is fact or not remains TBD.

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GDP Better Then Expected But Personal Consumption Way Too Low

The GDP reading was strong at 8:30am and even wiggled the market around a little bit.  Usually the only economic events that can move our markets are central bank announcements and sometimes the monthly Non-farm Payroll reading.

GDP hit 2.9% which is the biggest number since 2014.  However, Personal Consumption came in low, 2.1% vs 2.6% est.

Personal Consumption tracks the final sales to domestic purchasers, (strips out inventory/exports) 1.4% last quarter after 2.4% April-June.

The American household is not purchasing enough finished goods from Amazon.  Shame on the American household.  Perhaps this nightmare of an election has citizens a bit nervous?

Post GDP, Fed Fund futures are pricing an 81% chance of a December rate hike.  So while the consumer should be on the gas now, leveraging up on cheap debt and buying stuff, they aren’t.


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Latest WikiLeaks Expose The Back Door Drug Dealings That Make Insurance Premiums Increase 25%

This leaked email from Ira Magaziner, senior policy advisor and chief healthcare advisor to the Clinton Foundation shows the way the foundation fights to keep affordable generic AIDS medicine out of the United States to protect Big Pharma:


It goes on to show a donation to the foundation can keep the drug dealers’ margins fat, or phat, whatever; pay to play:


In case you’re wondering why insurance premiums are sky high, one of the reasons is massive profit margins on life saving drugs.  These companies must be incentivized to push a new drug or therapy through the pipeline, fine.  However there is some fuckery going on that allows drug prices to maintain artificially high prices, to ultimately be paid out by insurance companies, who subsequently jack up their premiums, deductibles, etc.

And according to the WikiLeaks emails referenced above hot off the #PodestaEmails19 drop, it seems the Clinton Foundation is doing their part to ensure this practice continues.

Without removing these elitists and their close ties to Big Pharma, gratuitous rates for drugs, drugs Americans guzzle down by the bottle, will continue to put weight on the average US home’s budget.

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Here’s A Handy Google Spreadsheet With Links to The Best #PodestaEmails

Someone did the grunt work of organizing, annotating, and logging more than 500 of the best emails from the WikiLeaks drip campaign of John Podesta emails.

It is a great resource if you’re trying to see which emails relate to specific injustices like “Self-Incrimination/Public Image Destruction” or “Foreign Policy”.

You can use the auto filters on the spreadsheet (The ID# column, for example) to quickly dial into only the emails you want to see:


Here’s the link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DgwLHAC5mk9Ghblc6O7AXzxX5dNLlMg0hHUn-D_Ay7I/edit#gid=0


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Russian Military Claims US-led Coalition Killed 60 Civilians in Mosul

RT.com is out with a report from the Russian military that US-led airstrikes have killed 60 civilians and injured at least 200 more.

According to the Russian military, among the civilian objects hit by US-led coalition airstrikes was a school for girls in southern Mosul, which was attacked last Friday.

ISIS has been running Mosul since June 2014.

There are approximately 1.5 million civilians living in the city, and the battles are expected to displace up to 200,000 of them.

US-led coalition says it has carried out 32 air strikes in the area over the last week.


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WATCH: Latest Project Veritas Video Implicates Hillary Clinton and Donna Brazile

Per the video description:

Part III of the undercover Project Veritas Action investigation dives further into the back room dealings of Democratic politics. It exposes prohibited communications between Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the DNC and the non-profit organization Americans United for Change. And, it’s all disguised as a duck. In this video, several Project Veritas Action undercover journalists catch Democracy Partners founder directly implicating Hillary Clinton in FEC violations. “In the end, it was the candidate, Hillary Clinton, the future president of the United States, who wanted ducks on the ground,” says Creamer in one of several exchanges. “So, by God, we would get ducks on the ground.” It is made clear that high-level DNC operative Creamer realized that this direct coordination between Democracy Partners and the campaign would be damning when he said: “Don’t repeat that to anybody.” The first video explained the dark secrets and the hidden connections and organizations the Clinton campaign uses to incite violence at Trump rallies. The second video exposed a diabolical step-by-step voter fraud strategy discussed by top Democratic operatives and showed one key operative admitting that the Democrats have been rigging elections for fifty years. This latest video takes this investigation even further.


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George Soros May Have Compromised The Voting Machines in 16 States; Deplorables Band Together To Fight Back

Trump supporters in 16 states are demanding their precincts abandon their Smartmatic voting machines and switch to the fallback voting process of paper ballots.

The movement began Thursday after 4chan.org member ‘Groundwar’ called his Governor’s office, “to see if my state could invoke their conflict of interest clause in their voting machine contract and fall back to a manual voting process/paper ballots.”

He (or she) made the request because it turns out Smartmatic’s Chairman, Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, is also Vice-Chairman of George Soros’ Open Society Foundation.

Snopes, whose forensic approach to proving/denying the validity of a claim is rapidly losing credibility, says the whole kerfuffle is FALSE.

The Deplorables are pressing onward, because they want a paper trail for what they suspect may be a rigged election.  They are banding together on /r/The_Donald subreddit to individually call the Board of Elections for every single precinct in all 16 states that they found to be using the George Soros voting machines.

These freedom warriors have already compiled the phone numbers for each Board of Elections into a massive pastebin.  If you want to join in, you can simply use Ctrl+F inside the paste bin to find and call your local voting hub.  The pastebin also provides the verbiage they suggest you use when calling.

In case there is any lingering doubt over Soros’ ties to the Clinton Campaign, here’s an email discussing matters such as “making Soros happy” and Secretary Clinton’s private dinner at the billionaire’s home:


Americans demand greatness, not just in military prowess, but all facets of society and especially voting.  Per The Fly:

The notion that the elections ‘are rigged’ isn’t something unique to America or this moment in time. As a matter of fact, our rigged elections are probably somewhat distinguishable when compared to all of the other autocratically run countries in Europe and let’s not even talk about Asia or S. America — where in Brazil politicians are being systematically hunted and executed.

It’s just that Americans expect greatness, which is the reason we’re rising up and demanding the fuckery must end. If, in fact, our country was rigging elections and also hauling ass for the benefit of the American people, odds are no one would be getting all pitched fork and fire torches right now. But the country has been gutted and the services provided to us have been shitty, and expensive; and God damn it, we’ve had about all we could stomach.

Almost every decision that is made is for the benefit of a foreign power. We see the horseshit in plain sight, the middle east disasters, the Iranian deal, the Chinese slave factories, the lack of a sane immigration policy, the neocon agenda of wars, etc.

With 17 days left, citizens are banding together to try and make this historical election have a paper trail in the 16 states identified to potentially be corrupted by the George Soros Smartmatic voting devices.  You can too.

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Senator Diane Feinstein Admits “offer to help” and to “be a surrogate” for Clinton in Bengazi Hearings

California Senator Diane Feinstein can be seen offering Hillary motherly treatment and care during the whole Benghazi fiasco in the below email:


Feinstein is the Senator who headed our Select Committee on Intelligence which wrote a 90-page review of all the events that took place in Bengazi.  The report was, in effect, the final say on Benghazi.  Feinstein’s name is spattered all over it in big, commanding letters:


Naturally, this meddling between the executive and legislative branches of the government has internet people grabbing for their pitched forks.  They think this email is the one that will finally “get her,” which is kind of sad.  Sure, this is not good government, or as The Fly more eloquently states:

Alas, thanks to our friends in Moscow, by way of Wikileaks, we get to peer into the abyss and uncover the foliage covering the rot and the waste of the DNC — the very lowest persons in the history of the world. This is agitprop redux, the sordid blend of intoxicating power and corruptness that ruins empires.

The thing is, the people in power have chosen to dismiss the WikiLeaks, no matter how damning anything inside them may be.  This is not a democratic/republican thing, this is full on denial by the system.

But, citizen journalists keep poking away, illegally scanning these emails.  It’s the new bit torrent, except instead of downloading scary movies you find out horrific realities.

All that being said, and coming full circle, a U.S. Senator is behaving as a good surrogate mum for Mrs. Clinton.  It’s good to be in bed with the future President.  Good luck, Californians!

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Piece of Schmidt: Leaked Memo Shows Google Founder’s Close Ties To Clinton Campaign

It is comical to pass this off as news.  NEWS FLASH: Google, whose YouTube regularly censors voices who don’t conform with the HRC narrative, may have helped build the HillaryClinton.com website, according to a leaked memo from Teddy Goff, a digital strategist working with the Clinton Campaign.

The memo was attached to this email BUT BE CAREFUL GUYS, reading WikiLeaks is like committing Treason against your country.  ::laughs sadistically, and with disgust::

Below are some fun points from the memo, enjoy!

“I have been kept apprised of the work being done by Eric Schmidt’s group and others working directly and indirectly with your team. On the whole, I am comfortable with where we stand and confident in our roadmap to launch day and beyond.”

Not too many Eric Schmidts in the world. Next

“They are apprised of what Eric is building but not dependent on it, having identified commercially available products for all mission-critical functions in the event Eric’s group is delayed or otherwise derailed,”

Corporate talk for, “things are going well, boss”

“We have instructed Eric’s team to build the most important products in their portfolio—specifically, the back-end of the website, the ability to accept donations (along with associated features, most importantly the ability to store credit card information), and the ability to acquire email addresses—first,”


“Partnerships: Working relationships with Google, Facebook, Apple, and other technology companies were important to us in 2012 and should be even more important to you in 2016, given their still-ascendent positions in the culture.”


Not only should election results be called into question.  So should the news Apple shoves on your iPhone’s lock screen, the queried results from your Googler, and the ‘friends’ that show up in your Faced’book stream.

All bullshit.

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