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Gene Munster: To Hell With Wall Street; Let’s Launch A VC Firm

This is a no-brainer folks.  There are no more good deals to be had in the early investment space anymore.  They’re all gobbled up by VC funds, milked for everything they’ve got, then dumped onto the investing public at absurd valuations, enriching bastard venture capitalists in the process.

The opportunity to get into an exciting company at the ground floor and benefit from their parabolic growth is now reserved for the world’s elites.

You, Joe blow investor, are an ATM machine for VC funds.

Seeing the writing on the walls, Gene Munster is leaving his post at Piper Jaffray to launch his own VC fund.

Good for him.

Benzinga with the details:

Long considered the top analyst covering Apple Inc and other important tech names, Piper Jaffray senior analyst Gene Munster will be leaving the firm in order to start a new venture capital firm.

Munster will be joined by long-time associates Doug Clinton and Andrew Murphy to start Loup Ventures, a firm that will be investing in virtual reality, augmented reality, artificial intelligence and robotics.

Munster joined Piper Jaffray in 1995 and has covered the digital media space.

In addition to numerous blockbuster bullish calls on Apple, Munster was also considered a top source on big tech and internet names like Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Yahoo!

We can expect Gene Munster to serve us steaming piles of Twitters, Snapchats, and DJI’s to us someday soon.


PJC stock is up 1.5% today because, well we’re rallying and stocks are just binary bits married to the US exchange.

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Mark Carney Thinks Globalism Could End Open Markets Entirely

Bank of England Governor Mark Carney was woke AF on Monday, dropping truth bombs during a lecture at Liverpool John Moores University.

At the heart of his lecture was a warning about the issues with globalism, a game that only benefits what Carney calls “stateless corporations”.

Have you ever stopped to think about what a corporation is?

Their existence is something that only happens in our minds.  In Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, the author uses the term inter-subjective-reality to describe them.  They are not tangible, existing only on paper and only because we mutually agree that they are in fact an entity.

They can be immortal.  Some are human-less.  Many have no allegiance to any country, headquartering wherever they can hoard money at the lowest tax rate and building factories wherever they can source near-slave labor.

Governor Carney wants to see these global companies show some fucking patriotism.

“As the prime minister recently stressed, companies must be rooted and pay tax somewhere.”

The lecture is only the second major speech Carney has given since Brexit.

“Globalisation is associated with low wages, insecure employment, stateless corporations and striking inequalities.”

Contrarily, Business Insider loves globalism, and their social media team recently whipped up a fun video to show Americans just how stupid they are for wanting to buy American made wares:

Upon viewing BI’s pro-globalism video, The Fly called them out:

For reasons unbeknownst to the average American, daytime media continues to press their globalist propaganda while ignoring the brutality of it all.

The below video does a good job of visualizing the numbers that most can’t seem to wrap their minds around, in terms of 3rd world populations and the ineffective ways developed nations try to improve their circumstances:

Governor Carney is no slouch.  He sees major problems with the path being taken by stateless companies.  BBC news is reporting that his lecture in Liverpool expressed serious concern that people could collectively turn their back on free markets.

“We need to move towards more inclusive growth where everyone has a stake in globalisation.”

Sounds like wishful thinking in the world of 1000 drone, soulless corporate entities.


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Naked Capitalism Demands WaPo Retract Their “Fake News” Propaganda; Threatens Lawsuit

The freedom fighters over at Naked Capitalism, who’ve had to join the ranks of finance websites turned truth seekers amid a sea of liberal leaning MSM outlets, have raised the stakes on Washington Post.  They’ve retained attorney Jim “First Amendment” Moody who is ready to press defamation charges against the ‘real news’ organization. They are also asking WaPo to apologize.

Early Monday morning Yves Smith of Naked Capitalism wrote a post outlining just how retarted the Washington Post is and how they intend to correct them unless they check themselves.  Her tweet on the matter is seeing heavy circulation:

Expect more hellfire to rain down on the Washington Post for their discretionary list of “fake news” websites.  This only gets worse for WaPo and the boys.

Attorney Jim Moody is no novice when it comes to high profile cases.  Per Naked Capitalism:

You will notice that our attorney Jim Moody is a seasoned litigator who has won cases before the Supreme Court. He has considerable experience in First Amendment and defamation actions. Past high profile representations include Westomoreland v. CBS and defending Linda Tripp.

In what most realize is a ridiculously obvious scam, the Washington Post recently published a list of websites and organizations they deem fake.

Zerohedge took a less direct approach to the WaPo claims, instead dismissing them as “beyond laughable”.

We fully endorse Yves Smith’s efforts.

Additionally, we note that the only reason we haven’t followed up with a similar action is because i) the allegations were beyond laughable – we have rejected all of them on the record, and ii) there are simply too much other events taking place in what should otherwise be a quiet end to the year taking place to focus on what may be a lenghty, if gratifying, legal process.

You can be certain the good folks at iBankCoin also endorse your efforts Ms. Smith. And on a personal note:

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DENIED: President Obama Halts DAPL Project, $ETP Could Be in Trouble

The water protectors who stood up against Energy Transfer Partners (ticker: ETP) and their evil pipeline plans are claiming victory Sunday evening after the Army Corps of Engineers denied the final permits needed for the Dakota Access Pipeline.

The Standing Rock Sioux tribe championed protests which brought awareness to the sketchy oil pipe designed to run underneath the Missouri river.  At a time when many parts of the country are enduring the effects of drought, Dakota Access turned into a flashpoint in the anti-fossil fuel movement.


For whatever reason, many people see the halting of DAPL as a victory against President-elect Trump.  They think he has a major stake in the success of the pipeline despite their precious Snopes fact-checkers saying the claim is “Unproven”.


The possibility that our billionaire-businessman-turned-President may have a few shares of ETP kicking around in one of his portfolios has prompted our most special snowflakes to tweet out idiotic anti-Trump fodder like:

Overall, this was a victory against evil and the continuous narrative coming from most media outlets is, “if it’s evil, Trump is behind it” despite everyone knowing that all evil originates and thrives in the halls of the DNC.

Protestors are claiming victory tonight but many plan to continue staying on site—convinced the soulless machines could resume building despite Federal orders to halt.  Protestors feel their work is not done until the front line is liberated.

Keep an eye on ETP shares heading into next week.  A move below $32 likely triggers a fast move down to $25 before buyers reemerge.


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Facebook Rolls Out Censorship Tool in Ploy To Court The Chinese

Everything we know and love about the internet is under attack from the social media triumvirate (Facebook, Twitter, Google) who intend to aggressively curate the voice of the people to make sure it conforms with their agenda.

Mark Zuckerberg and his cohort of SJW scientists want to unleash their potent propaganda tool in China.  Yes, try your censor drone on the People’s Republic first.

New York Times reported after hours Tuesday that Facebook created a censorship tool to enhance their appeal to President Xi Jinping of China.

Said tool was likely refined during the American election, where droves Facebook users deep inside the echo chamber were damn near certain their low-energy candidate would win President.

China seems like the sort of country who would make better use of the Facebook censor wall to ensure their citizens behave themselves.

‘Several’ employees who built the censor wall became unnerved and left the company after realizing they created a horrible suppression device:

Unveiling a new censorship tool in China could lead to more demands to suppress content from other countries. The fake-news problem, which has hit countries across the globe, has already led some governments to use the issue as an excuse to target sites of political rivals, or shut down social media sites altogether.

Over the summer, several Facebook employees who were working on the suppression tool left the company, the current and former employees said.

The news caused a bit of volatility for the social media giant Tuesday evening, with shares near their session low after hours:



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A Pox on Our Enemies in Iran: H5N8 Bird Flu Found in Tehran Farms

The health of the Iranian regime is in peril after two outbreaks of the highly contagious H5N8 bird flu virus were reported by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) Monday.  Reuters with the numbers:

The outbreaks killed some 5,600 birds out of a total of nearly 283,500 on the farms, the OIE said in a report posted on its website. All animals were killed or slaughtered.

“A post outbreak investigation to trace the source of infection is ongoing to detect the probable spread and circulation of this subtype,” the ministry said in the report.

The H5N8 virus has never been found in humans but has infected wild birds and farms in several European countries as well as in Israel over the past weeks.

The disease infests the inhumane pens our brothers and sisters the chickens are forced to live in.  The sunshine rarely touches their backs.  They’re beaks are clipped to prevent chicken-on-chicken ultra violence.  Their cute little feet can hardly touch the ground because they’re packed in so tight.

These chickens were freed from their Iranian overlords by a highly contagious disease and are now living on a free range with the gods.  Let it be a lesson to the murderous Iranians.  Treat you chickens better you savages.


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Kanye West Stops Concert, Goes on 40-Minute Pro-Trump Rant

There is no actual transcript of what happened last night in San Jose, but there are several videos surfacing of Mr. West praising the disruptive nature of Trump’s campaign and West saying he would have voted for our current President-elect:


In conclusion, Kanye is stoked about the way Americans now pick who’s going to win the American President contest, and it looks like 2020 will be Trump vs. West.


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From The CNN Fake News Centers: China Could Step in As ‘Leader of Climate Change Talks’

What will easily go down as the most hilarious claim made this week, former US Special Envoy for Climate Change Todd Stern told CNN China could be a world leader in climate change talks.

China, where every factory burns their waste behind the building.  Literally they light it on fire in the back of the property.


Per CNN:

Can America dump the Paris agreement?

Liu capped off his comments on America by saying the country should be more positive on climate change, considering it had a huge market from green energy and the technology to prosper from a low-carbon economy.
Former US Special Envoy for Climate Change Todd Stern — considered the architect of President Barack Obama’s climate strategy — said that it would take the United States at least four years to formally pull out of the Paris agreement if Trump did gain support to do so.
“What President-elect Trump could do is to essentially de facto walk away from it. And that would be a hugely bad idea on his part — it would be foolish,” Stern told CNN’s Robyn Curnow in an interview with “International Desk,” to air Friday.
He also said that shunning the agreement would create “collateral damage” for the United States, and that it was “completely plausible” that China could step in as leader of climate change talks in the US’ place.
“I think the Chinese have made it clear and, to their credit, that they intend to stick by this agreement and to push it forward,” he said.


Not a chance in hell.  The entire Republic of China is a lie.  Look at their entire economy.  Why do you think there are ghost cities?  Or why does the IMF not consider the RMB a major reserve currency?  Too much government manipulation.  Even as the world’s largest economy, RMB is only 1% of global foreign exchange reserves.

We’re gonna label China currency manipulators

China is talking a big game to the UN down in Morocco where the hash is strong and the cars are fast.  CNN described comments from Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin as a ‘slap in the face to Trump’ because, well, that’s what CNN does.

Bottom line: China needs to die for the rest of the world to live.  Fact.  If you really think the Chinese will submit to climate change, I suggest you spend a few months in Shenzhen.

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Dave Chappelle Returns To Television And Delivers Epic 12 Minute SNL Monologue

I saw Dave Chappelle live just before he went off the grid at possibly the worst place on earth–a college theater in rural Michigan filled with rabble-rousers.  And this was before social justice warriors formed safe spaces, so literally the lowest life forms on earth were permitted to shout catchphrases from popular Chappelle Show characters repeatedly.

Having had my safe space jeopardized, I was reduced to observing the savage crowd, their behavior like a pack of dachshunds guarding some meaningless corner of suburbia.  So I get why he walked away from the highest per-episode pay anyone was ever offered.

Nevertheless, it was refreshing to see him come back after the election and deliver a monologue that smashes cultural divide and stereotypes to pieces.

5 million views in one day.

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