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Sales of Pepsi’s Sugar Drink Surge in North America, Lag Elsewhere

PepsiCo earnings were released this morning and the stock is higher by 2% after the company reported stronger-than-expected quarterly earnings.

Their Latin American sales sucked sugar cane because of the ‘deconsolidation of Venezuelan operations’ which is corporate-speak for Venezuela is muscling their soda plant by strangling supply channels and arresting line workers.

European sales lagged also, mostly driven by foreign exchange rates and perhaps their proclivity to drink coffee.  Asian sales slumped a touch, but do not count them out, for they love to be as John Wayne American as possible and care not about their oral health.

Pepsi’s slowdown in global growth does not concern investors because back home in the United States people are guzzling sugar drink like politicians are threatening to take it away, second amendment paranoia-style.  Sales surged in North America, both of beverage and snack.  Their boxed oats line, The Quakers, grew as well.

Investors want staples, especially American ones because our habits are deeply embedded.  Long live sugar drink, smokes, beer, and industrial meat manufacturing.


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