I turn dials and fiddle with knobs to hone in on harmonic rotations
Joined Oct 26, 2011
4,121 Blog Posts

Happy Feet

I need to limit my trading to my most sure trades.  I may sound redundant today, seeing as I said this yesterday, but this needs to happen ASAP, tomorrow.

I am feeling it, these juicy Nasdaq days are becoming very comfortable and my confidence is increasing.  I can see consistent profitability because it is so close.  I am not finding new hurtles, it is the same hurtle over-and-over, impulse entry into unplanned trades.

The key trades, the ones that matter, seen as letter-A and -B grades on the below chart are going really well.  My confidence in these trades is so great that I venture into the dark world of unplanned trades.  In the dark world of unplanned trades I sabotage my own success.

These unplanned trades I take, they’re actually decent opportunities but I do not have deep enough pockets or the confidence to trade them.  Look at some of my losers—right idea but lacking the confidence of my tried-and-true.  I need to keep my emotions in check, especially on these big days where confidence might cause mistakes (like it did today).

One hurtle before I can increase to a two lot.  And a two lot trader is a dangerous trader because on these big days my entries yield much more than my first scale.


In my stock book I salvaged some premium off yesterday’s TSLA YOLO and bought some MVIS. Otherwise sitting put until something material changes.

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