18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,500 Blog Posts


UPDATE: Last night I had a bottle of wine and perhaps my vision was blurred this morning when I read about Biden’s plans for long range missiles. He announced the US would NOT provide Ukraine with weapons that could strike DEEP into Russia. Pardon my gambit at fake news.

This of course didn’t stop the form Ambassador to Russia from war mongering.

There’s a working theory out there that the government is all knowing omnipresent, with well thought out diabolical schemes to bring all sorts of pain and suffering to the world, rooted in satanism and sacrifice — all for the end goal of world domination. I have long dismissed this absurd theory based on the empirical evidence that the people governing us are incompetent idiots, who are now in the last throes of squandering what they’ve been given — compromised by drugs, sex, and power. These creatures are nothing more than insects — invading homes and families like the pests they are. We are seeing their grande incompetence on the world stage now — via this weak attempt at stopping Russia from winning in Ukraine.

The update goes as follows:

Russia originally went for a wild eyed gambit in an attempt to end the war early and misjudged the fighting ability and will to fight by the Ukrainian army. This was viewed in mocking tones by “the west”, who felt embolden by this and as a result directly intervened in the war via sanctions on Russia and the kitchen sink in weapons supplies to Ukraine. Since then the Russian army, under new command, regrouped and started a more traditional method to wearing down and destroying the Ukrainian army, via artillery, missiles strikes, and air assets. Since then the Russian army has not been mocked as much on Twitter, as nearly all news reports have pointed to their success in the Donbas.

The sanctions the west inflicted on Russia have failed, as evidenced by Russia’s currency, stock market, and trade surplus. Putin just increased pensions by 10%. A failing economy doesn’t give his entire country a pay raise.

So now in the face of all these failures, the west, led by Biden, is doubling down. Today Biden boasted about sending missile systems to Ukraine that can strike deep into Russian territory.

This was the response from Russia.

MEDVEDEV: Otherwise, during the attack on our cities, the Russian Armed Forces would fulfill their threat and strike at the centers for making such criminal decisions.” Some of them are not in Kiev at all. There is no need to explain what would happen after that.”

This is where we are now — countries like Germany sending 15 tanks to Ukraine, Biden wanting to provoke Russia into attacking a NATO country so he could play FDR, and all of it reeks of wanton incompetence.

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Here Are the Very Best Stocks

Let it come as no surprise to any of you out there that the best of stocks are wholly in the commodities sector of the market — the place where Vladimir Putin twists his Russian knife most severely. Using the Stocklabs ranking system, I intend to provide you all with the top rated stocks over the past month with volume over 300,000 per day and then the one’s little known to the outside world, the orphan stocks who trade less than 300,000 per day. No need to thank me for this gift, as I am a patriot.

As you can see it’s littered with downstream (refiners) and natural gas names, mostly due to the fact that we are being RAPED at both the pump and inside or our water heaters. I apologize for using such a violent word to describe my stock screener.

And here are the orphan stocks, the one’s no one wants to adopt because of fears they’ll steal all of the china at night.

My generosity is without boundaries.

On a non-stock related note, I watched the new season of Stranger Things with my family with weekend and was not surprised to learn how stupid the writers have become since taking their COVID-19 vaccination. The plot was utterly retarded and I wanted to throw my television out of the window, but refrained because I still need to pretend I am a normal person in front of my children. This is just another example of how movies and shows have denigrated since the COVID-19 vaccinations, mostly due to blood clots inside of their fucking brains.

I did not see the new Top Gun yet, but will do so soon. I fully expect to see Maverick shot down and KILLED by a transgender Canadian pilot with rainbow stickers festooned all over his/her F-35.

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Why Buy Anything Other Than Commodity Stocks?

Just a brief set of thoughts before I go outside.

We had a very good week for stocks and in between all of the celebration were several earnings shortfalls that resulted in heinous drawdowns, most specifically in consumer related and technology names.

At the same time, the general market rose, but with it commodity stocks. As a point in fact, they rose almost as much as the deeply oversold tech stocks, sans all of the associated risks involved with buying growth companies into a weakening economy.

At this point, the only thing that could upset the apple cart is piece in the Ukraine, which isn’t going to happen. As a matter of fact, things are about to escalate in a terrible way soon.

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Let me just say, you all deserve harrowing losses for what you did this week. The nerve of you bidding this market up like this made me sick to my stomach.


With grace — because I am a professional.


That’s right, the automated Quant was up 13 fucking percent for the week and my trading gains are +42%. I closed the session 11% cash, and 25% hedged into what I hope will be CATACLYSM on Tuesday. None of the bad news is factored in and I know this sounds or reads rather like Chicken Little nonsense — but the skies are truly blackening and the future is going to be terrible.


I will of course treat myself to watch the new Top Gun movie, but fully expect to see Maverick team up with a morbidly obese tranny — who splatters jelly donuts all over the COCKpit, leading to a Russian S-400 battery to shoot down and kill Maverick, which would be good — seeing that he is a straight white male, most likely a Trumper. Not sure what to expect from such a movie, but as sure as I am sitting here — IT WILL BE RETARD TIER just like the new Batman — where that loser prances around in nightclubs for 3 hrs doing cuckhold shit. The new Top Gun will probably feature Maverick spending more time in CRT classes than training, leading to him and his entire team getting SHOT THE FUCK DOWN on their first day in combat, or perhaps their entire aircraft carrier will be sunk whilst raising the rainbow flag for pride month.

My expectations are decidedly grim.

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I AM FLAT FOR THE SESSION, a great accomplishment considering I am bedraggled by SQQQ as a 25% holding of mine. I should’ve sold when we had that one red candle this morning but I didn’t so now I sit and wait for the late day sellooooors to appear, those who are scared to hold over the long cold and dark weekend.

Let me remind you, MONKEYPOX is on the loose, with Spain finding another 14 ill from the disgusting disease.


Aside from that, I am 25% cash, 100% balls and cock just trying to chisel out a path towards green today. Although markets look good right now and the bears are caught off guard with this up week, I’d like to remind all of those reading that Russia is winning the war in Ukraine, the US is in recession, the housing market is going to blow the fuck up soon, inflation is a permanent fixture now that we sanctioned ourselves to death, America is a mentally deranged nation of drug addicts and users, and we have OFF ON MONDAY — which is probably the scariest thing of all.

Try not to get monkeypox over the weekend lads.

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The PCE came in hot as fuck at 6.3%, but as expected so futures took off. The NASDAQ is looking to gain around 140 at the open, which would mean the overall market is on pace for its first weekly gain since March.

On the issue of inflation, Jim Biden is set to forgive $10,000 in student loans, so don’t give up on the $100 tomato idea just yet.

Imagine the hubris should we extend said gains into yet another week? It’s not our job to fight trends, but to obey them and on occasion predict the future. If inflation data didn’t scare the market down and all of the bad earnings didn’t scare the market down, it’s possible the bad news is baked in and markets want higher.

That being said, be on the lookout for new shoes to drop, new bad news to worry about. I have nothing to offer you now, but the way bear markets work — there’s always something to get in the way of a nice rally.

NOTE: I’m not a believoor and do not ascribe to the notion we have bottomed.


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Fridays have been woefully dreadful for the market, especially ahead of a long weekend with Monday off.

I closed +1.74% and at the close, since I didn’t want to sell any of my 10% positions, I threw down a 25% position in SQQQ — which should cover me should markets decide to cascade lower tonight and into tomorrow.

I have no desire to be greedy and I am grateful for being able to navigate the market with grace and poise, now +41% for the year, +12.2% for May. I was always going to make money in a bear tape and there was never a matter of if but if when, for those who’ve been following me from the beginning. To all of those who quit Stocklabs in favor of cartoons, find solace in knowing your subpar thinking has landed you in an inexorable subpar existence of having gone down the wayward path of Morton’s Fork — because you never had a choice in the matter — biologically predispositioned to make poor choices — sad and fat.

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We will not get markets running hot and cryptos being dismantled at the same time. Today ETH bottomed out at 1720 and quickly moved higher — now encroaching on 1900. My position in ETH has been dwindling down since the beginning of the year, having accumulated more than 200 sub $300 — I chose to sell in 1/12th lots until nothing was left by 2023. Admittedly, I wished I had sold it all — but this is the game plan I have and will stick to it. I am tempted, however, to freeze sales should ETH get around $1400, which I believe will be met with substantial support.

We have the markets running hot today and although I am reticent to be bullish now, into Friday, I am going with the flow — now +1.75% for the session.

If we do run higher again tomorrow, you should expect a continuation of this bottoming action in cryptos. I am playing this via miner MARA.

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I am +165bps for the session, not because I am bullish and like stocks, but because I am a consummate professional. My gains now crest above 40% for the year and I have been sitting at all time RECOURD highs for weeks now. I tell you these things, not to boast or to make you feel bad about your present situation, but instead to serve as a pretext for the following things I am about to say.

This rally is being spearheaded by retail, believe it or not. The assumption markets are making now is — MEH things aren’t that bad, might as well stick my cock in this here. Bear in mind, most traders are flatly doing this without protection or even thinking about the negative ramifications.

This is what we do know.

Earnings have been an abomination and Russia is winning the war in Ukraine. We are only hoping for the best here, pinning everything on the notion that inflation will taper and the Fed will swoop in to save the day.

MEANWHILE, WTI is +3.6% and natural gas encroaches on $10.

We aren’t going to paper ourselves out of this mess, not this time.

I AM NOT SUGGESTING you go out there and short now. But what I am telling you is to not be fooled and believe this is the bottom and all will be well — because it’s not going to be all well and good and we haven’t even begun to see unemployment rise.

Therefore, I remain long, but reserve the right to hedge at any moment. I do believe accounts should be hedged on just about every single session near the close and those hedges closed out before 9:40am the next day. Again, we are not naive or stupid and do not fall for the same parlour tricks that have worked before — because this time IS sort of different and the downside to the markets are in line with the expected earnings guide downs — which I estimate to be in the magnitude of 25-35%.

For now, however, we have a respite.


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The Ruble is down 10% today. The US seized an Iranian oil tanker. AVGO is buying BRCM. NVDA is green after collapsing 10% last night. All of the leadership tech stocks and also the trash ones are up. Even the meme stocks are going again.

Q1 GDP was revised down 1.5% from 1.4%, yet no one gives a fuck.

See what’s happening? The nerds are attempting revenge and you can find said nerds in the most heavily shorted stocks.

I allocated into heavily shorted stocks, reserving 40% cash for eventualities. It would seem, at least early on, markets want higher.

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