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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.

Aristocratic Trading

I did nothing and it paid off — because nothing be ramp higher since the afternoon began.

But it’s worth noting, had you gone into today with cool stocks, you’d still be down 2.3%, up from -3.5%. Whereas myself, I entered into today only with aristocratic stocks — high priced securities out of the claws of the plebeian class.

I am still 100% long and now +22bps for the session. Who knows what will happen till the close — but I am not selling these stocks. I rather like the idea of it — accumulating shares of very expensive shares. Not that it should matter, but something about price scares off the rabble of the third estate. They’d buy 200,000 shares of 50 cent stock heading to zero before buying a single share of a stock trading over $200. I’ve had these discussions with people for decades and have a keen understanding of how people think about these concerns.

As for the overall tape: a very wide chasm exists between small and large caps. I do not think it wise to buy into technically weak names over strong.

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Never Trust the Tape

The Russell 2000 is swooning lower by 1.8% and I was rather proud of myself at the open for having a pastiche of “aristocratic stocks”, not bedeviled by the pangs of the market misery. I am still sick and sleeping most of the time so I didn’t sell anything, thinking “I’d just have to buy them back later.”

This of course was FALSE thinking, since I had been +80bps and now I’m down 45bps. Nothing hurts more than missed opportunity. It’s always smarter to sell at the open, especially in hard tapes. Just yesterday I was profoundly bullish, boasting about my 100% long position. I might have COVID, so I am excused for such pronouncements.

All of the really cool stocks are being BLUDGEONED to death, with my high beta index down a staggering 3.3%. You little fuckers thought you’d make it with a dead President at the wheel. You thought wrong.

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100% Long, No Fear

I’ll make this brief since I am presently bedraggled by some mystery illness.

I closed +89bps and have a 101% long book, no hedges. My positions, however, aren’t of the degenerate nature, not risk averse. I do not own $CVNA, $UPST or $AFRM, nor do I own $MDLZ, $KHC or $SJM. Instead, I own the best stocks, hand crafted for my pleasure. I intend to be sick tonight and into tomorrow, succored only by the gains I will be enjoying by these stocks.

I see zero chance of markets cascading lower any time soon. Although the small caps are weak, we have obvious strength in tera caps and that trend is likely to continue.

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Smalls Left Behind

Just like all of last year, save the last two months of the year, the degenerate small cap sector filled with scam stock is once again underperforming. I think it makes sense to never believe in the small caps again. What are you buying into with the small, at any rate? You are opting for financially weak companies whose business is constantly undermined and threatened by those bigger than them.

Feeling sick, I didn’t feel like scanning for stocks so I sorted for technicals inside Stockalabs for stocks over $200 per share. That’s all I did and I’m +102bps for the session. The short cut logic in this is to buy expensive stocks with strong technicals is to buy into the hegemony and those powerful companies seeking to uproot and destroy the small cap index.

Into the close, I don’t see why we can’t jimmy even higher. There doesn’t appear to be a reason for not rallying so we might as well do it and get it over with already.

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Trading Whilst Under the Weather

I went to bed feeling sick last night, perhaps I got myself another round of the old COVID. This is what I get for not vaccinating myself or wearing a mask. If COVID, I am literally a walking time bomb against Grandma and her death will be on my conscience. When I get good and better, I’ll visit my local $WBA to inquire about their latest vaccines — perhaps get a two for oner — injecting my person with both the COVID shot and maybe I’ll throw in the flu one to boot.

I cleaned out of my stocks this morning — since I was feeling bad. I have gains of +65bps on the books, thanks in large part of my large brain and shorts against the fucking semiconductors. I have only 1 position now and sort of like the peace and tranquility of not having to deal with the god damned roller coaster for one day.

I haven’t been watching the market, so I offer nothing of great insight, other than to suggest commodities are dead and SAAS is alive. It’s all so tiresome.

Into the final hours I’ll pick myself up and buy some stocks for tomorrow. Hopefully I’ll pick some good ones again, because I much prefer making money when sick than losing it.

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Markets Pause Ahead of the Next Big Move

Rough trading day, sort of a mixed bag of nuts — cross-currents designed specifically to fool the plebeian class back into foolhardy sojourns. I made it a point to ignore my emotions and to think clearly about the task ahead. This being a consolidation day, we can either collapse to surge ahead. There will not be a sideways trading action in the weeks ahead. We will either trade up a lot or down. That’s my call, so brave and yet so based.

I positioned in expensive stocks that are out of the grasp of the poors, mostly out of novelty. I did see some money flowing into these higher priced securities but didn’t investigate too deeply into the narrative, as I am prone to changing my mind at a moments notice.

I traded well, as all professionals should. With the $IWM down 1% of the session, I managed to limit my losses to just 4bps, keeping me +150bps for 2024.

I am leveraged at 137% of equity, mostly to accommodate some hedges — via $SOXS and $TZA. My convictions are limited to the tides and the winds, as I am merely an instrument of money making abilities and try not to get emotional about my job.

The stated goal here, especially early going in the year: DON’T BLOW UP. In order to achieve this you need to set aside your child-like opinions and emotional outbursts and wait for a direction to be decided upon. You might feeeeeeel stocks are going up or down tomorrow — but the markets doesn’t give a fuck about your bad upbringing in the housing tenements and how you were never able to get girlfriends by tricking and fooling the easiest people on the planet — which led you to make small dicked decisions in the stocked market — rooted in the idea that money is going to solve all of your problems.

Go to the gym you pathetically flaccid troglodyte.

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2023 Trend in 2024

Over the past few months we’ve enjoyed a resurgence in the small cap Russell 2000 index, which led stocks higher from November. Prior to that, the $IWM had woefully underperformed the larger caps — with the NASDAQ up 50% vs the Russell barely up 5%.

We are seeing that divergence assert itself today, as small caps dive lower by 0.9% against a higher NASDAQ. While it’s tempting to believe the opposite will occur — it is more likely the trend of the past year will continue. If stocks do trade up in 2024, it’ll likely be led higher by mega cap monopolies. The case for small caps is best rooted in lower interest rates and higher growth. At the earliest, rates will not be cut until Q3, so the case for small caps will need to come in 2025.

The morning drop was quickly bought and now we’re rolling higher. Breadth is a paltry 51% and gains are concentrated in biotech and tech. I am +13bps looking for more risk into the close.

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The Bull is Paused

Yesterday’s declarative blog “The Bull is Back” might’ve been a bit presumptuous of me. I tend to get easily excited and sentimental about the halcyon days when I’d throw my trader/servant down very steep flights of stairs for messing up my sell tickets. Nowadays, I get mad at just about anything and when I see the market, my true love, I tend to romanticize about it and always root for her success.

While it’s true, I also want the market to fucking COLLAPSE — that has nothing to do with the market itself, per se, as I view the market an extension of the criminal regime ruling over my country now. To see the market fail is to see them fail, which would then lead to their collapse and eventual transition of power to American patriots. I feel the same way about this regimes current wars.

At any rate, the US 10yr is FLAT and markets opened sharply lower.

But we have to remember the answers and markets love to bid up after it gets marked down at the open. This doesn’t mean it’ll go straight back up, however. It’s worth nothing, breadth is ok at 45% and SAAS stocks are up 65bps. They were down about 0.3% at the open, which is a key tell. That index I speak of is exclusive to Stocklabs — but you layman’s out there can concoct one on your own using stocks like CRM, HUBS, DDOG and others.

I’m very cautious here into this bounce, down just 17bps, 65% cash, keenly positioned both smartly and acutely because I am a professional and that’s what professionals do.

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Good afternoon plebs —

Last week the world was ending. Today the market is back to throwing old bears down flights of stairs. You have to understand the nature of risk to appreciate the candor of this type of tape. Risk, unlike genders, is on a spectrum and when it’s low we are prone to extreme risk off characteristic traits, such as spiraling lower stocks. But when it’s up, you should expect to see stocks bust loose — even though Joe Biden is President and even with GLOBOHOMO at the apex of its power — gripping Europe’s nuts in its homosexual claws.

I traded well and made 85bps for the session, wholly intent on receiving moar. I closed fully long and without hedges — partial to biotech and tech — the riskiest part of the spectrum.

If you’re confused about how I can say last week “stocks are heading lower” and today profess we’re on the verge of busting the fuck loose — it is my prerogative to do so. As such, I can once again change my opinion tomorrow — perhaps exalting the renewed bear market accompanied by a picture of the Titanic in a nice blog post. I do not offer you or anyone else explanation and can do as I like when I prefer doing it. Who can stop me?

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You fools. You had time to adjust and dive into all of the deals that were provided to you this morning, but you chose to be a bear and now you’re penniless, completely broke.

Markets are busting loose here and risk is 100% on. We are seeing $BTC surge, dragging the retarded miners with it by their feminine hair. I have been leaning into the market with a fixation on AI chip, higher by 82 bps for the session. My monthly allocated quant portfolio, which is long only, is up nearly 2%.

The important message of this blog is to inform you that risk is back on the table. Avoid shorting here — as we are likely to squeeze into the close — castrating all of the permanent bears in the process.

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