18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Trading Whilst Under the Weather

I went to bed feeling sick last night, perhaps I got myself another round of the old COVID. This is what I get for not vaccinating myself or wearing a mask. If COVID, I am literally a walking time bomb against Grandma and her death will be on my conscience. When I get good and better, I’ll visit my local $WBA to inquire about their latest vaccines — perhaps get a two for oner — injecting my person with both the COVID shot and maybe I’ll throw in the flu one to boot.

I cleaned out of my stocks this morning — since I was feeling bad. I have gains of +65bps on the books, thanks in large part of my large brain and shorts against the fucking semiconductors. I have only 1 position now and sort of like the peace and tranquility of not having to deal with the god damned roller coaster for one day.

I haven’t been watching the market, so I offer nothing of great insight, other than to suggest commodities are dead and SAAS is alive. It’s all so tiresome.

Into the final hours I’ll pick myself up and buy some stocks for tomorrow. Hopefully I’ll pick some good ones again, because I much prefer making money when sick than losing it.

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