18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
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Markets Pause Ahead of the Next Big Move

Rough trading day, sort of a mixed bag of nuts — cross-currents designed specifically to fool the plebeian class back into foolhardy sojourns. I made it a point to ignore my emotions and to think clearly about the task ahead. This being a consolidation day, we can either collapse to surge ahead. There will not be a sideways trading action in the weeks ahead. We will either trade up a lot or down. That’s my call, so brave and yet so based.

I positioned in expensive stocks that are out of the grasp of the poors, mostly out of novelty. I did see some money flowing into these higher priced securities but didn’t investigate too deeply into the narrative, as I am prone to changing my mind at a moments notice.

I traded well, as all professionals should. With the $IWM down 1% of the session, I managed to limit my losses to just 4bps, keeping me +150bps for 2024.

I am leveraged at 137% of equity, mostly to accommodate some hedges — via $SOXS and $TZA. My convictions are limited to the tides and the winds, as I am merely an instrument of money making abilities and try not to get emotional about my job.

The stated goal here, especially early going in the year: DON’T BLOW UP. In order to achieve this you need to set aside your child-like opinions and emotional outbursts and wait for a direction to be decided upon. You might feeeeeeel stocks are going up or down tomorrow — but the markets doesn’t give a fuck about your bad upbringing in the housing tenements and how you were never able to get girlfriends by tricking and fooling the easiest people on the planet — which led you to make small dicked decisions in the stocked market — rooted in the idea that money is going to solve all of your problems.

Go to the gym you pathetically flaccid troglodyte.

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One comment

  1. flea

    One of those days where the VIX ran opposite the general trend and ended quieter by 2% to under 13. So, I predict, a market reversal and up the rest of this week. If I’m right, you can thank me later.

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