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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.


Listen to me. I’ve consumed more information, whether it be blogs, movies, books, essays, scientific journals, teevee shows, over the past three years than all of you combined. Because of this, I am a supreme authority of all things, especially cinema. The very fact that you have access to my database of knowledge and information is a massive boon for your existence. That being said, since the departure of our dearly beloved tabbed blogger and 12631 trading mate, ChessNWine, iBC has been without a proper movie connoisseur leaving a dreadful vacancy in its wake. I realize that many of you have suffered since this departure in style and culture and I’ve decided to do something about it.

Alas, Le Fly is here to save the day–yet again.


The Talented Mr. Ripley (3.75 bullets out of 5)

This used to be a favorite movie of mine, before I went on a tangent and saw a bunch of films that generally shit on this. But the message is profound and will be relevant for the next thousand years.


The villain in this film, Matt Damon, reminds me of so many people who’ve attempted to destroy me over the years. If you enjoy a modicum of success and have a bunch of inchworms clamoring for your attention, I advise you to watch this movie and take copious notes. It might just save your lives.

Next week we will analyze and discuss my favorite film in French cinema.

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You Use Yandex, Not Google, Yes?

Come to Yandex and have big party on the computer. Google is American shit, who only wants to build cars for lazy people and glasses for perverts and spies. In Russia, all the people use Yandex because it’s cool and better than Google.

Look at this favorite search in Russia. See how cool that is, yes? Just buy stock and retire off coast of Monaco. You’ll be big man once shares go up, no?

All of the news you hear about Ruble and Russian economy is big black American lie, yes? Here in Moscow, we are very warm and fat. We have meat and bread and lots of women.

Go to Yandex for the news. It’s much better than Brian Williams.

This message was paid for by the KGB

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Friday Fun, With Oil

What a wonderful coincidence to see oil spiraling higher again, just after a peace agreement was reached in the Ukraine. I wonder what they have that we want over there? Maybe Jesus’ bones are buried there, or perhaps some rare earth metal, which can be used for our cellular mobile telephones? Either way, oil is definitely making the seasonal gods look meaningful this morning.

This play is very, very easy. Buy the oil stocks that are down most, who have massive short positions in them, and then crush the skulls of those embedded short inside of them. If you’re bored, you can do this over and over again. It’s a lovely game, indeud.

Here is my execution list.


Bear in mind, most of those names are complete shit and will wipe out your family fortune, should you fall into a coma and wake up a year from now. The best name on that list, by far, is SLCA. They are the real deal, vendors of beach sand to rednecks who enjoy contaminating drinking water.

It’s worth noting, I’d be reducing oil positions into this melt up. I’m actually looking at banks and some steel here, namely BBD, VALE and TCK.

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Will You Shut Up Now?

My only question to you is, now that every single short thesis has been repudiated and rejected, will you shut up now?

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Look at What I Just Did

I sold ACAT (+11%) and averaged down in BABA.

I also sold DVN to reduce my exposure to crude and bought SBNY, which will be a long term position.

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Update on My Positions

I haven’t really talked about the majority of my positions in a long time. Instead, I’ve focused solely on some of my swing trades, which for the most part, is a smaller portion of my overall assets under management.

I have two major losers on the books: SLCA, YELP. I have a choice to make with them.

1. Raise capital to average down.
2. Ignore them.
3. Cut them loose.

I do not want to sell them, not here. But, I don’t want to add to them either. So, for the time being, I am going to ignore them and make money elsewhere.

My long term account is now at the highs of the year, up 6%. Where am I making my gains?

AAPL +45%
BX +12%
STZ +31%
GILD +12%
FB +120%
HCA +7%
HAIN +32%
HAR +29%
JAZZ +16%
N +17%
PANW +46%
BID +19.5%
TOL +11%
WFM +49%
ACAT +11%

As you can see, I have been picking some good stocks over the past 6 months. But you fuckers were too focused on the likes of GPRO and BALT to notice. I have some future winners in the making too. I think ICPT, OXY, HABT and MUSA work long term. Short term, I think PEIX, PACD and FMSA will give me ideal exits points. Overall, I am long almost 40 names, which is a big change from how I’ve been positioned over the past 7 years. In the past I’d concentrate my positions and rip in and out of them with frequency. What I am trying to do now is be more patient and let winners win. The only way I am able to do that is by having a wide array of holdings, none constituting more than 5% of capital.

As for active swing trades, those are still overweight. I intend to leverage those trades to bolster my returns.

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Good Morning: Prepare to Have Your Faces Chewed Off

On February the 15th, peace and harmony will reign in the Ukraine. That gives the lads over there just 3 more days to kill and maim one another. If you are a soldier in Russia or in the Ukraine and you are reading this blog, let me just say you are wasting valuable time. Get the fuck off the computers and grab your Kalashnikov and get out there. A peace accord has been reached and war will expire in exactly 3 days.

On another front, a deal between the Nazis and the rear-end of Europe has been reached as well.


Consider today a repudiation of who you are, not just your investment intelligence. This is more than just a rally; this is mockery, largess. Shame on all of you for missing out on this easy to predict outcome. A great shame, as well as pox, looms over your house.

As for me, I’ve been celebrating the gains to be had in my YNDX position amidst large vats of hot coffee. I did not require sleep last night, as I was kept up by the ramblings that take place inside of my head, new ventures, ideas, opinions and the like.

Oil is roaring higher, since a deal in the Ukraine means we are no longer required to bankrupt Moscow. Ergo, oil back to $100. Fuck you very much.

Everything is exactly what it seems, for good or for worse.

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