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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.

The Whipsaw Continues

An oversold bounce was had today, as traders sashayed (no homo) in and out of stocks to their wicked hearts delight.

As for me, I allocated more funds into AMCX and now hold around 20% cash. I think I’ll hold suchness into the maelstrom of the next two days. Sadly, we are to be without trading in China for the remainder of the week, as the dog-eaters take holiday to bask in their never-ending field of lies and deceit.

“The Fly” was up around 0.4% today, an otherwise meaningless day for the First Estate. The good folks at Exodus had advanced knowledge of today’s melt-up and were able to partake in the grandeur of TQQQ, FAS and other fanciful ETFs of extraordinary measure.

The market has bottomed. Trade accordingly.

NOTE: I am long BIDU.

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Conviction Buy: $AMCX

I’ve been meaning to buy this for a long time, since the days of Breaking Bad. The stock had gone up, uninterrupted, until now.

Ever since that DIS miss and fear of people unplugging their cable boxes in droves in exchange for Hulu and Netflix, AMCX and other cable and content operators have been hammered. What the fuck are you people thinking? Do you really think the average American is going to bother with non-traditional television and all of a sudden become tech savvy, just to save a few bucks off their cable bill?


Content will always be King and AMCX has the goods.

From Fear of the Walking Dead to Hell on Wheels to Better Call Saul, they are the shit.

Have a look at their numbers.

Valuation wise, the stock has never been cheaper. Data provided by the good folks at Exodus.



The upside in AMCX isn’t as high as many of your vagrant stocks that have recently been clobbered to the tune of 50%. However, the prospective gains are of a more distinguished and gentile manner, one by which you could parlay near the countryside and enjoy a tall glass of lemonade, without worrying about harrowing events emanating out of China.

For now, AMCX is a small position of mine. But I will make it bigger. With content like this, it’s only a matter of time before someone swallows them whole.

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The Summer From Hell

It’s September again. That means it’s time for you to put down your lightly frapped glass of champagne and get back to work. While you were gone, junior over at the old trading turret completely decimated your business. Now you will need to build a new one from scratch. How delightful!

Over the past three month’s, as you jet skied across Europe and pounded 8 balls of blow into your faces, stocks went down…a lot. More than you could imagine, actually.

Check out these numbers.


Look at all that red, boy.

What went up?

Home healthcare, tobacco, hard liquor and a few regional banks. But the banks are getting slaughtered now, so that’s out the window.

I think I heard Marc Andreessen say something about AAPL being only 1/10th of its true fair value today. As you can see, the VC cabal had a very fine summer, as their cocaine addled minds, craven for money, imagine that Apple might be worth as much as 7 Trillion dollars. Sure, why the fuck not? If AAPL is worth 7 trillion, then all of Marc’s wonderful private investments can be worth billions of dollars, without any semblance of profit, or even revenue. Why, the VC cabal can write their own checks, create their own ponzi schemes, and seemingly dump all of their refuse onto an uneducated investing public.

Anyone interested in buying some WAYFAIR up here?

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Demoralizing Grind

Everyone loves V-shaped recoveries, even bears. They get to be executed in a timely fashion, the bulls get their money, and everyone is pretty much accepting of the notion that stocks are not to be trifled with. But these long, drawn out, grinds are what everyone hates. They toss and turn, scrape and skid, until your portfolios are nothing but magic fairy dust.

This is the worst market ever, a denizen of torture.

Look at today’s mess: +150 but just 59% of stocks are higher. Moreover, my Bubble Basket, neatly tucked away in Exodus, is down for the day. In other words, good companies are having their shares sold down, due to valuation, while other shit lifts. I am sure I could easily find out what other shit is trending, but why bother? By tomorrow, that shit will be lower and the Bubble Basket will be higher, and vice versa, for infinity, until everything is ash.

960 stocks are OVERSOLD in Exodus today. The overall hybrid has broken through the floor boards and is now testing new levels of OS, the likes I haven’t seen since 2011–all the while our President is closing on a deal with Iran. How wonderful.

What will drag this market out from its funk?

For starters, the god damn absentee Fed Chief can come out from hiding and tell people she’s not gonna raise rates during a fucking panic.

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I imagine some of you fancy yourselves to be operators, stock plungers of the likes of Jesse Livermore. You sold short the market, endured a 1,000 point ‘reflex face ripping rally’ and walked away from today’s -500 a smug faced champion.

Your monies will soon be absconded.

There isn’t a moat deep and wide enough to defende against the Dick Guillotine, currently being rolled out from the outskirts of town into the city square. It’s wooden grandeur strikes fear into the hearts of short sellers everywhere. Upon seeing it, most shriek with fear and soil themselves, hiding behind their horses.

I cannot tell you with certainty that September will bear fruits of patience and offer bulls an escape from their current misery. I can only remind you that these ‘squalls’ have come and gone bfore and the end result, with exception to a handful of occasions, has been a resumption to the 200 year trend of higher equity valuations.

To be clear: my bullish position is temporary for the month’s of September and October.

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So when Greece was a problem for Europe, it was befitting for the Fed to intervene with QE, in order to prop up markets. But when China implodes, the single most important market in the world next to America, they talk about raising interest rates?

Are these people out of their fucking minds?

Janet Yellen has been all but invisible during this crisis. Maybe she should take a look at the banking sector today and bear witness to the amount of losses that has afflicted shareholders. All of the crisis’ that have victimized investors over the past 6 years are child’s play compared to a potential China crisis. This is the biggest event to hit the markets since the housing bust.

Lo and behold, the Fed is acting in the same manner that they did back then: doing absolutely nothing.

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We’re supposed to flee the battlefield when the opposing army outnumbers us by more than 2 to 1. If their armaments are appreciably better than ours, we are supposed to take up defensive positions and brace for a long night.

If this were a battlefield, this is the Romanian Calvary, atop goats, charging towards a bull’d up Navy Seal line, armed with drones and scout snipers in high ground. Quite simply, you bears are pathetic dick-grabbers, without a bag to piss or shit in.

This is how it will go down.


You catamite motherfuckers are gonna rue the day you decided to fuck with us. We’re gonna catapult so many fucking NASDAQS into your flotilla, it will sink from the waves washing across your bows. The market will soon come to grips with the fact that nothing else matters but equities. Federal Reserve/European Central Bank Action will mind fuck all of the dog-eating bumblers at the PBOC into a position of inferiority. The Chinese game is one of smoke and mirrors. Once they get their fog machine working again, Dr. Benjamin Bernanke, from the confines of his smoked out corner office at Citadel, will smoke the bears hot, locked inside of a burning cabin with no place left to go but up.

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You’re all inexorably fucked for an extended period of time. My misfortune is not having more cash on a day like today. Your misfortune is not having a brain to wade through the muck we face over the next two years.

The market is a minefield, filled with Bouncin’ Bettys, of pain and misery. Commiserate with your stupid friends over the good times you had, playing about the stocked market in all sorts of nefarious names, cheerfully and expressively making money in a very flamboyant way.

Those days are officially over. You must prepare yourselves for a new ‘calm normalcy’, one of wanton depression and vagrancy.

Your jobs will soon be lost.

Your retirement funds will be clever’d in half.

Your wife and kids will leave you because you’ll be penniless, retarded and dependent on alcohol.

This is the nascency of your problems. Ironically, they were all ‘made in china’, just like the cheap wares you bought yourself at Walmart, in an effort to save money and waste the said savings on drugs and alcohol.

THIS IS DISASTER. Brace for it.

Happy trading 🙂

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Is this 2010 or 2011?

The last time the NASDAQS fell by more than 5%, aside from 2015’s -5.65% showing, was in 2010 and 2011.

What happened next, back then?

In September of 2010, the NASDAQ pounded shorts into fucking clown-dust to the tune of +13.17%.

In September of 2011, the NASDAQ declined by -4.49%.

Howsoever, in both years, the NASDAQ ran hard in October, to the tune of +6.34% and +10.4%, respectively.

In other words, bears, enjoy your happy tidings, for this wave of pessimism is bound to pass with the leaves of summer.

It’s gonna be a hot Fall.

Data provided by Exodus.

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So many of you forget that there is a whole world outside of stocks. There are countless things to do with idle time than try to trick your neighbor into selling his shares to you at a discounted value. The allure of wealth and freedom is too much for many of you to bear. It poisons your minds to do stupid things. As a result, you end up losing vast sums of dollars, broke, ruined, a naked forked radish.

To quote a great man: it’s the baseless fabric of a vision that will be your undoing.

Avarice and greed are deadly components that can easily ruin a perfectly good life. Do you really need all of that money, or simply want it?

My old mentor was the most gluttonous person that I’ve ever met. He drove Ferraris and wore 250k watches, bragging about his wealth and making sure his homofied condo in NYC was adorned with fresh flowers three times per week. One day, while on vacation, he took the sun at a beach, a private one no doubt. Apparently he had a neck cramp and exhibited signs of discomfort. What a shame!

One of the fellow, well-to-do, vacationers witnessed his discomfort and asked if he could help. As luck would have it, my mentor was sun bathing on a private beach with a well-to-do chiropractor. The chiropractor asked that he lay face down in the sand, in order to properly reposition his spine. How wonderful!

“Snap, crackle, pop,” and his neck was broken. After six months of rigorous rehabilitation, my mentor was ready to Eddie Barzoon his way across the country again, wheeling and dealing to his hearts delight.

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