18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,445 Blog Posts

Fly Buy: ERY

I bought 10,000 ERY @ $11.38

Disclaimer: If you buy ERY because of this post, your Greek neighbors will ask you for a loan. And, you may lose money.

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Go find a chart of lending in China. While you’re at it, go find a chart of U.S. treasury consumption by our commercial banks.

Did you know that Japan’s debt is 200% of GDP? Did you know that 90% of it is funded internally? Think about this for a second, for we are about to go down the road of Japan, via our retarded monetary policy. If you are a bank, why would you ever lend money to Joey Bag O’Creditcards, when you can buy Treasuries, virtually risk free, and grab a big fat spread?

Well, that’s exactly what is transpiring today, as evidenced by the data.

All of you fuckers are worried about financing the deficit. I’ve been telling you all along: the American deficit will be funded by the American people.

Get in the vortex.

As an aside, Germany is starting to sound like they’ve had enough of being the EU’s piggybank. Coupled with Obama’s plead for Germany to spend more, this years g20 meeting should be interesting.

Scotty Bleier has been telling you for months now: we are Japan. Indeud we are. What part of vortex don’t you get?

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To be continued. The bulls escaped what should have been a 1929 style rout today, on the backs of that fucked up housing number. Get this folks: housing is at a fresh new low, yet here we are making believe shit is good, based solely upon the stock prices. Huh?!?

Since when has the market been a good forward looking indicator? Do not be tricked by the tricksters with chocolate bars in their side pockets.

Put aside the price action for a minute and recognize what’s going on. Have a moment of clarity, while enjoying the serenity of life, over an OVERSIZED mug filled with Monster Energy Soda. Things are getting worse. I was on board, 100%, just a few months ago. I based my bullish thesis on low inventory levels and a “normalization” of earnings. However, since then, things have taken a fucking turn for the worse, AND MORE. The entirely of the South East and Gulf of Mexico is in danger of becoming America’s “Deadlands.” You cannot simply ignore these headwinds and expect good results.

Until better data, I will remain light in equities, heavy in cash, and light in shorts. Remember, my goal is not to make a killing selling short. I am only interested in preservation of capital, coupled with a little growth. On a personal level, I am balls to the wall short. As a matter of fact, and this might draw a good deal of criticism, should the market go against me: I am 100% short, no cash.

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gpgy9IA4mKE&feature=youtube_gdata 616 500]


[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyYcB9AUMmU 616 500]

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From my citadel, the market can go either way here, with breadth split down the middle. But, over the past hour, the bears have mounted a bit of a rally, repairing some damage in important sectors like metals and tech. Nevertheless, it’s important to remember the market is always out to get you. Next thing you know, stocks do a reverse somersault triple lindy off the back of a fucked up diving board and lands on its face, leading to a really bad ending. Or, perhaps investors drink the cyanide laced Bernanke Koolaid, sending shares “moonshotting” higher, accompanied by purple horses and yellow donkeys.

As for me, I will do shit, mind you, until I am good and ready. I’ve seen the best of times and the worst. This shit doesn’t faze me. Let’s see 400 point swings then I will tap dance for you fuckers. I will tap dance a nice jig for your internet entertainment.

I’m still long C, GS, iBN, FTK, SD, HEAT, GLDD and TEVA. My cash position has been dwindling down, as I position to be long 20%+ VXX. TZA is all personal, so not really relevant in the big scheme of things.

At any rate, get ready for misdirection, followed by lies and propaganda. Oh, good luck trying to figure all of that shit out and how it pertains to your little portfolio.

UPDATE: It’s raining oil!

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqPF9dtCc9g 616 500] [youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqPF9dtCc9g

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Rolling Disaster

So let me get this straight, Prezident O’bama is refusing dredging ships from Belgium based upon an olde protectionist law called The Jones Act, which prohibits foreign ships from operating inside U.S. waters. In other words, the Big O doesn’t want to offend the union bosses. Now, the government has scrapped plans to build barrier islands, that would serve as a buffer between the fucking oil and where people live. As a result, shares of GLDD are trading lower.

People from the internets, we have a failure of government taking place right in front of our eyes. Not only are they inept, but corrupted dick suckers to boot. The stock market embodies the essence of America, good and bad. Based upon the shit taking place in the gulf alone, this market is due for a ridiculously absurd correction. Add on -32% home sales and you have yourself a recipe for sheer fuckery.

Go ahead and buy stocks like the coach bag wearing homo that you are. With my money, I’ll be positioning for a pullback.

Fuck you very much.

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Enter the Vortex

Some of you fuckers are incapable of making your own breakfasts. How the fuck do you expect to bank coin in the murky waters of Wall Street?

Going with my gut, during today’s session, I went “full retard” in my personal accounts, betting on a decline. Every so often, I get “super fucker” aggressive with my personal money, specifically because I have money to burn, bitch. And, I am never wrong, nor do I lose. Like I said, I’m tilted head moronic retard, long VXX/TZA into tomorrow’s love fest.

For clients, all very prim and proper, yachting, super duper bow tie fucker serious people, I made them lean short into the bell. Not so much different than the Tower of Pisa, those fuckers are leaning one way, if you know what I mean. I sold most of PKX, which was a core position up until today. And, I bellied up to the bar, gobbling up more VXX like fish eat oil.

You all have theories about inflation versus deflation. For example, Mr. Gint has been 100% correct about gold. However, that shit has ZERO to do with inflation. That has become an end of days trade. If there was real inflation, TLT would be significantly lower. Motherfuckers, we’re entering the Deflationary Vortex.

See below for illustration.

Titled: Enter the Vortex, I Insist

Fly, 2010

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I sold 75% of my PKX position, north of $102.5.

I bought 20,000 TZA @ $6.86. And, I bought 5,000 VXX @ $26.33.

This market was invented for people like me. Do yourself a favor and stick to spectating.

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Tea Bagged

You went out and bought stocks and now you’re getting tea-bagged by rapid fire liquidations. Enjoy the rest of your afternoon pal. As you scurry about trying to save your skin, I’ll be kicking back, guzzling down some Red Bull, watching the coin roll in off of my hedged bets.

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And we are going up again. Despite all of the spastic “pin-action” in the economy at large, men with burlap tank tops and velcro shorts (short sellers) are getting the livers punched out of them. There are 10,000 reasons to not like this market, all stemming from the unalienable fact that it is literally impossible to sustain economic growth through 2011, without a second stimulus package. Nonetheless, for every burlap’d bearshitter, there are 10 bullshitters who believe anything, buying stocks with both hands. Mind you, these are the same people who believe Dick Cheney is a staunch environmentalist and that natural gas/coal exploration “enhances” the flavor of their local drinking water, instead of fucking life.

With my money, I endeavor to outmaneuver you. If you are buying, I will wait. When you are selling, I will look into buying your margin liquidations. See folks, this is a real time, albeit fucked up, reality show, where some asshole money manager is out to get you. Granted, I am here to help too. However, if given the chance, I’d throw you down a flight of stairs and punch your mustaches off—without hesitation or regard for personal space.

As I talk shit, the market declines, not so much different than the respectability index depicting the United Steaks as a world class power.

I like VXX, TZA and a little SD here, mainly because I support the poisoning of all drinking water, west of the Delaware River.

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You Have a Mouse in Your House

I’ve been looking for a new home for the better part of the last 1,000 years. To make a long story short, I am easily swayed from buying. The catalyst to dissuade me is always different. A few weeks ago, I was chagrined by the local liquor laws in PA, which made me change my mind on a home there. About a year ago, I was greatly disgusted by the paint on the local High School, near a house I was interested in buying. One thing is abundantly clear to me: over the past 5 years, EVERYONE has been “grape raped” on their real estate investments.

I know so many people who are down 1-2 mill on their fucking houses. To me, that is utter insanity. If something like that happened to me, I’d burn my fucking house down and blame it on the fucking firemen. Then, I’d sue them for pain and suffering, plus damages on my charbroiled house, laughing all the way to the bank—jank. I know people who were up 100% on their shit boxes, only to be sitting down 20% now.

What’s my point?

Well, for one, how the fuck can this country mount a sustainable rally with the greatest asset of the American people being so far underwater? What are we a bunch of retarded apes with Coach bags? Secondly, are the banks really serious about not fessing up to the fact that they are FUCKING BANKRUPT? I mean, really, come on already; those fuckers are Archie Bunker style poor and everyone knows it. I couldn’t give two fucks and a gay zebra about the spread. This might be a little dated for many of you, but the banks are the fucking losers in all of this, on a very grandiose scale. NOTHING HAS CHANGED. REAL ESTATE PRICES ARE NOT REBOUNDING.

Please enter the deflationary vortex. Thanks for playing.

Pardon my rant. I just felt like having a truthful moment, in between my late night Red Bull-Coffee-Red Bull-Coffee routine.

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