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Update on House Fly

Seeing the market wanting higher without much volatility, I’ll give an update on House Fly, especially since it’s a topic that is near and dear to my heart, all about me.

We’ve been busy gardening for the spring and as a result I’ve also been afflicted by seasonal allergies. There is no way around them, no matter how many different pills of version of honey I take. I am to be afflicted.

Girl Fly is finishing year 3 in film school in her attempts at entering the degeneracy of Hollywood and ANTIFA FLY year 2, where he’ll be transferring to his 3rd college next year in 3 years. Fly Jr is doing well in his career and in his two side hustles, but has yet to marry and produce any grandchildren.

I’ve slowed down on reading since I’ve been studying to re enter the field of money management. Long story short, I am being under utilized and need to satiate some desires. I have been listening to Audibles during showers and have nearly completed Chernow’s Washington. I am moving onto Hamilton next.

In our long drives to and fro picking up ANTIFA FLY, Mrs Fly and I have been listening to old Art Bell Coast to Coast shows. What fucking lunacy.

On the weekends, I moved away from red wine into artisanal cocktails, because why the fuck not? I have a great recipe for an Earl Gray Martini. Here goes.

Take half a bottle of gin and infuse with 2 bags of earl gray for 2 hours. Do not infuse longer than 3, otherwise you’ll make it bitter.

We are making a martini but with froth for mouth feel. Typically you’d need an egg white for it but I hate the smell of the wet dog egg and found an excellent alternative: aquafaba, which is chick pea water. Make sure it’s unsalted chickpeas you fucking morons.

2 parts Earl Gray gin
1 part lemon
1 part simple syrup
1 part aquafaba

Dry shake contents to attain froth and then add ice and shake again. If you are dry shaking, just know that your tins might leak, since it’s the cold from the ice cubes that seals it. I’ve found that using a hand mixer works well enough for dry shaking methods. Mix with ice, strain into martini glass rimmed with sugar and garnish with lemon peel.

That was gay. Moving on.

I depart for Boston on Wednesday just for a day to bring back Girl Fly and help her move her things out. I’m not a fan of cities but if I had to live in one, Boston is ok.

Other than trading, going to the gym 3 days per week, and the occasional cigar or estate pipe smoke, House Fly is doing pretty good. I have no health complaints, other than last year’s ACL tear which I cured without surgery. I haven’t played tennis since last year, but intend to go back soon since I enjoy it.

One major change in my life is I’ve been going back to church over the past year after 20+ years being absent from it and I must admit to really liking it. I want to be clear, however, I am not even sure I believe in God but am open to suggestion. I went to church regularly as a boy and then when I got older I eschewed it because I was more or less an atheist. However, there is an appeal to the Catholic faith and I do enjoy a good sermon and the people there all trying to improve themselves in a wholesome way, in a clean and well lit church.

Writing hasn’t been much fun, because I do not like to write about politics anymore and the market has been without much drama. I really do prefer broken elevator pin action, inspiring me to conjured up stories to instill fear in the reader. Nowadays, wealth creation is on the menu and the sell offs are narrow and shallow.

Ok, back to work.

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One comment

  1. flea

    Well, since you’re open to suggestion … I would suggest you DO believe in God. And where the Catholic church has strong and nice traditions, they are reticent for the plebes to take up the Book and read it themselves; and this is a critical point. Consider a Protestant church that offers expository (verse by verse) preaching (e.g. some Calvary Chapel churches) Here’s a short (amazing) example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hc8nQGih4g4&list=PL6jP_TB6ydcbC_SP2hXdP_fE7cIMqskmX&index=63

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