18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,474 Blog Posts


Obama is about to join the cocaine party by way of BUSH TAX CUT EXTENSION. WHOOOOOO-FUCKING-WHOOOOOOO!

“Tax cuts for all.”

George Washington, 1776

There isn’t a solitary reason to be short stocks, as they do not like to stay down. If you are waiting for your helium induced stocks to come down, you’ll will be waiting a long, long time.

Bottom line, without bias: Up we go.

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The Drama: It’s Simply Too Much

So the Wikileaks guy is going to release some damning information regarding U.S. banks. Wait, let me guess, the documents will say the banks are hiding their fucking losses. Better yet, the documents will show bankers laughing it up, eating roast beef, as they slash jobs. Who gives a shit? The fucking government is bought and owned by the banks. They are at the top of the oligarchy. After all, we allow them to purposely hide losses via criminal accounting. Now everyone is all worried about some leaks? PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.

Over in Europe, idiots working in slow motion are targeting Portuguese, Spanish and Italian bonds and CDS, pushing PIS verses German spreads to all time highs, as well as CDS  to all time highs. It’s as if these vigilantes just learned today that PIS (leave off the last S for savings) sucks. Well, I have some news for you lowly types, PIS (Port, Ital, Spain) will not default. Worst case scenario, they will be tossed a nice bailout, with fucking ribbons on it. Go eat a piece of Italian bread and punch yourself in the face with a Portuguese dinner plate, instead of worrying about Euro defaults.

NO ONE LOSES in this New World Order. Quit bellyaching over shit that leads to dead ends.

On a separate note, stocks look to be heading lower, once again. Let’s see if the bears can make this one stick. However, just know, the first day of December is always a nice green one. So, if you are into hedging or selling short, do so with extreme caution, ahead of tomorrow’s scheduled and expected fuck fest. As for me, I might just take the day off. You need to understand, “The Fly” runs hot and cold. He cannot burn hot all the time, for he might burn out or explode. It’s important to unwind and not work too hard when it’s not needed. Working smart is just as important as working hard: never forget that.

Going into today, I have just 10% in cash. I might cut loose a few “scragglers” today, in order to reduce my risk profile.

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December Seasonality

As the market comes in, it’s important to remember what works in December. Remember, December is the month for tax loss selling, window dressing and out right fuckery, via Santa Claus.

The following stocks were mined out of The PPT‘s seasonality engine, all flawless in the month of December, with average returns more than 10%.

HUSA, 7-0, +31%

TLVT, 6-0,  +17%

ERJ, 9-0, +13%

Q, 13-0, +13%

HIL, 6-0, +11%

RRI, 9-0, +11%

For PPT subs, here are all stocks with 90%+ win rates in December, marked by industry.

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POMO Powers

Germany, France and the rest of Europe had their markets raped today, down more than 2%, yet here we are mounting a rally. They are nothing more, or less, than the ashes at the tip of our cigars. Our POMO powers are fantastical. They are dynamic and magnanimous. People from around the world are gathering near our fireside to witness the splendor and the bravery, performed by our Chief Magician, Benjamin Bernanke.

As you know, I added to my longs today, namely CLF. Throughout the morning, I bought more of most of my current positions, putting my cash positions at a paltry 10%. So, right now, as your stupid face reads this here bible, I am 90% “all in.” Ask me if I am scared, because I am not.

For the record, as said inside of The PPT, I sold most of my FTK position last week and now hold just 250k shares. I intend to hold the remainder for another 6 months.

In closing, you cannot stop us, nor contain us. The very notion of decline is simply illegal and those who bet against us are doomed for the ash heap of history, joining other losers like Hitler and the Confederates.

Top picks: REXX, PSUN, CLF, CIEN, LIZ, Q and CCJ.

NOTE: CLF has been up 20 of 23 years in the month of December for an average return of 6%+. Q has been flawless.

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gp7bDJo3p6k 616 500]

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Fly Buy: CLF

Going in the opposite of zero-hedged in the brain here, I bought 10,000 CLF for December seasonality splendor.

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This Too Shall Pass

For months I was fucking paranoid over an Irish bailout. Because of it, I got all bearish and shit, bought a tit-load of VXX and dug myself a resting place. Here we are, post Irish bailout, and the market is down a hundo. Are you fucking kidding me? As the FAZmobile crowd enjoys their nine cents of fame, I will plot my next purchase. CDS spreads are blowing out for Portugal, Spain and Italy today, but so the fuck what. The market doesn’t give a shit, why should I?

Instead, I will focus on the positives, like WRES, LIZ, PSUN, CCJ, CIEN and FORM. Those are some of my positions and they are not down today.

See folks, Santa Claus is coming to town and he has lots of POMO in his bag. You can bitch and moan all you want, exactly in that order; but it will not change the dynamics of this market. The dollar leads us up and down, very simple. As of now, the dollar is ripping tits to the upside. However, once this euro-bailout drama passes, so will the dollar—right down a fucking toilet. Have faith and confidence in the fact that our dollar will one day be worthless.

As I write this, I am up 0.03%. In other words, NOTHING has changed.

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Coin is Life

Enough lamenting over the decline of the West, for the West does not buy you new Ferraris. I hope you little bastards appreciate the fortunate position you are in, with money invested smartly in the stock market.

Growing up, Grandpa Fly ran two furniture businesses and was ignorant about the stock market. He spent his money like it was burning his face off. He had several cars, lots of “fancy clothes,” jewelry  and lots of high powered friends. He was very active in a Brooklyn political machine, which produced Chucky Schumer from nothing to U.S. Senate.

He went to dinner with the Rockefellers, did business with the Progressos, and eventually lost it all.

He didn’t lose it all because he was incompetent or through bad business dealings. One day in 1983 he woke up blind. The blood vessels in his eyes burst, due to high blood pressure, and that was that. He made furniture and refinished it; so he was of little use without the luxury of vision.

For the next 14 years, until his death, he lamented to me about being “stupid” for losing it all. He was a proud man his whole life, oozing with confidence. He did stand up comedy routines on the side for the Army, during WW2. Then his own personalized Black Swan event took that (confidence) away too, through poverty.

I learned a lot from his plights, specifically about the importance of money and what it means. Contrary to what idiots says, money is EVERYTHING. Without it, your marriage is over. Your happiness is limited. And, your legacy is nil.

The stock market gives you pikers a chance to leverage your bullshit 250k income into something significant, over time. My life is dedicated to making people money. I’ve turned 100k into a million. I’ve taken 500k and transformed it into 1.5 mill over 3 years. Hell, I took a flimsy blogspot site and transformed it into a million dollar enterprise, without spending a single dime of my own, or anyone else’s, money.

I make Kings out of ordinary people, through the gift of positioning and intuition.

Never take what you have for granted. And never be satisfied with what you have. What we have going on here, through PPT, PDS, 12631 and Scotty Bleier will get you there, if you commit yourself to the process. The process exudes success; you just need to want it bad enough.

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agFDh4Fr_Sk 616 500]

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The Decline of the West is Disgusting

I’m here reading the notes regarding the Irish bailout and the Wikileaks’ “trove” of secret U.S. documents. Let me just say, the bailout of Ireland is not really a bailout for Ireland. Firstly, it’s being partly financed by the Irish pension funds. And, lastly, it’s main goal is to protect foreign banks, namely French and German, from absorbing billions in losses from loans gone bad. We are talking ridiculous austerity, with 20% of Irish GDP going towards payment of interest next year.

The entire Western banking system is one big house of cards. It’s all connected. Go look at the debt to GDP stats: we’re all in the same boat. Massive debt, declining or slowing populations, while 3rd world fuckfaces expand. What will the world look like in 100 years?

Answer: NOT like Kansas.

The Wikileak “trove of secrets” has me thinking the U.S. government is full of little snitching bitches, not so much different than the modern day mafia. To think, the most recent cables released, officially, by the U.S., dates back to 1972. Yet here we are reading shit that happened this year. The Wikileaks are not the problem, but the symptom of a civilization in decline. No one gives a shit; therefore, nothing is held sacred. To think some eurofag with an ax to grind is publishing this filth on a grand stage (internet, via NYT and other well known newspapers) is sickening. In the old days, people were arrested for this shit. Today, they are interviewed by Oprah and lauded as “heroes of free speech.” You’re not a fucking hero when you’re putting lives at stake. This is nothing more than greed driven journalism. Greed comes in many forms, not just money.

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvJKVKglIRs 616 500]

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The Games MUST Stop

Fair warning to all of you motherfuckers: By Monday, I better see a total change in candor within the comments section. If I see you idiots talking about washed up rock and roll bands, I’ll fucking ban you all. Not only will I ban you, I’ll track your pathetic asses down and punch your chest hairs off.

I must uphold the highest standards in online finance. For if I don’t, I am no better than those other idiots who blog all day. That, my friends, is unacceptable.

I don’t comment on half days, after Turkey Day, out of respect for the Turkey Gods. Anyone who took today’s trading session seriously, needs to have his head examined.

See you fuckers on Monday, ready for business, as always.

NOTE: Inside The PPT I have seasonality analysis up by sector. It’s rather good, if I might say so myself.

NOTE II: If I hear about you fuckers even day dreaming about S&P futures, on a Friday, after a half day, I will oversee your mustache removal.

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Skwj2fMU0w0 616 500]

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