18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,471 Blog Posts


I bought 10,000 on this dip.

UPDATE: I added to my CENX position.

Disclaimer: If you buy OPEN because of this post, the next time you make reservations for a 3 star Michelin rated restaurant, it will not be honored. And, you will lose money.

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The Ultimate Surprise

No, I am not talking about Libyan “Jack in the boxes” where Rommel era anti-aircraft guns pop out of ambulances, firing away at protesters. The “ultimate surprise” cannot be discussed, since if it was, it wouldn’t be much of a surprise, would it? Stop trying to figure it out and don’t be coy with your fucking comments. Just know, there is a surprise and it is lying in the tall grass, waiting for an opportunity where it will present itself, not so much different than a famished lion dressed in formal evening wear.

As for me, being that I am in possession of this “ultimate surprise,” I shall keep it under my top hat. Thank you very much.

Futures are spiking this morning, based upon the whims of many. Only a select few of you are stubborn to the point where you are now inflicting severe and punitive financial damage to your families. How do you feel about that, by the way?

I’m thinking about shuffling the deck a little, buying into retail. Separate from that, I am looking to buy into beaten down royalty giant DLB, based upon the idea that sound, in the literal sense, isn’t going away. Some jackass at Goldman has been pissing on the heads of DLB, based upon iPad sales leading to the demise of the laptop. He’s a dick and I feel the recent tragedy in the share price decline of DLB is an opportunity.

In other news, I like OPEN here for the $100 roll. Aside from that fact that they own Top Table in Europe, if you look at your Tripadvisor.com and Yelp.com apps, you can now book restaurant reservations via OPEN. This was not the case just a few weeks or months ago (who knows, really?). And, if you are unaware as top the size of those two sites: this is huge for the company. Trust in that and it’s going higher, in my most humblest of opinions.

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Time to Rotate, If You Will

As you know, “The Fly” was positioned long in gold/ag into February. At the time, it was not a very popular trade. Here I go again. As March rolls in, I will be rotating out of my precious metal positions into retail and select refiners. Although I like the idea of being long gold/silver into Libyan anarchy, I am a slave to fashion (so sorry). In this case, the more fashionable trade is the one that is out of vogue, sort of like rooting for Mel Gibson at the Oscars.

Names like PSUN, ARO and BWLD are of interest to me. Moreover, I’d be flabbergasted if the shares of KKD, MSSR, BBBY and FLWS didn’t sprint higher. Yes, folks, “The Fly” is all about endorsing caffeine induced credit card shopping sprees, whilst the world burns to the fucking ground.

For those of you who have a keen interest in seasonality trades, see my thorough March report in The PPT.

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Out With a Bang

God willing, Colonel Gaddafi (sp?) will be tortured and killed this weekend, allowing for the installation of a pleasant and secular Islamic regime (hello Oxymoron!). In addition, people will read many articles over the weekend regarding true wealth and how fuckers like me spend money like it’s going out of style.

As I sit here, relaxing to a sublime view of the lake, I miss throwing trash on my neighbor’s lawn. That fucker has it coming to him, all the time. Trust me when I tell you: he deserves it.

Taking a cordial gander over to my real time stream, “localed” on my ipad, I see that I am up many millions of dollars today. At some point in my life, I will decide to accept new money and establish my banner under a black flag, whereby my funds main purpose and goal will be to annihilate all others. Until that day, I remain a piker amongst whales, yet a monster amongst small midget bacteria (you).

Into the weekend, I am still long a great deal of AG, CLR, APC, BZ, EXK, BORN, NGD, MHR and OPEN, amongst several others.

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeaHW-rUsUQ 616 500]

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Fly Buy: MHR

I bought MHR, for the win.

Disclaimer: If you buy MHR because of this post, the next time you check into a hotel, a 5 year old boy will be inside smoking a cigarette. And, you may lose money.

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We’re Cutting Off Dicks Today

Yesterday’s sell off in silver, due to a rumor that the lunatic in Libya caught a headshot, was absurd. Fine stocks, like EXK, NGD and AG, sold off with reckless abandon. As I watched, in horror, from a fucking hotel that encourages children to smoke cigarettes inside non-smoking rooms, one thing came to mind: buy more.

I hear voices, all the time. I also see shadows, particularly near my favorite urinal. Incidentally, they smoke cigarettes too. I reckon they originated from North Carolina, as well. But that’s not the point.

At any rate, I informed you just yesterday of my “immediate” and irreconcilable victory to be. Well, here we are and the market is looking awfully pleasant this morning. If I didn’t know any better, coming from another galaxy and all, I’d surmise the market was prepared to cut off the dicks of those who bet against it. Yes, that would be the very first thought that would come to mind.

From ADBE to WFC to AG to OPEN back to APC: I am winning again.

For those of you who opted to sell short the market yesterday, clamoring for it to collapse: enjoy your dickless torso this weekend.

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Good News/ Bad News

I am in a new hotel, one that does not promote prolific smoking of cigarettes in non smoking rooms. Looking over my silver stocks, they are dead and buried. Shares of AG, NGD and EXK have met their maker. However, all of my other shit is doing quite well. Hence: the dichotomy.

I just added to my AG position and I started a new one in OPEN about an hour ago. My BORN, FORM and CENX positions are doing swell, allowing for my losses to be muted. Also, APC and CLR are only down a smidge. The root and very foundation of my frustration is the sheer fact that I could have avoided losing any money today, had I been in the office, instead of this southern town of shit.

I want you to understand where I am coming from, for I will not repeat myself. I have no respect for money. I like money and make it a point to make a lot of it. However, I spit on it. Therefore, when I see losses, they do not bother me. As a matter of fact, they encourage me to do better.

I could have done better and should have known to not overweight oil,gold,silver into middle eastern falafel dances.

My personal account took another slap chop to the neck today, thanks in large part to AG. I’ve made arrangements to turn around my fortunes, in the immediate term.

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Let me put it to you this way: I am in dumbfuck, USA, where disgusting creatures smoke cigarettes in their hotel rooms. Seeing that I may be homeless for the night, since I refuse to sleep in a room that stinks of cancer, I figured I’d take a gander at my stock portfolio.

Oh, lo and behold, that’s fucked too, as the oil, gold and silver complex melts the fuck down.

Pardon the interruption, but I have a hotel person to slap.

Be right back.

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Valuation Calls Await

The deeper this correction gets, the greater chance of catching good old fashioned analyst upgrades, based upon valuation. For the most part, analysts are slaves (sorry AB) to their models and look at nothing else. So, as the world crumbles, stocks “look cheaper” to them, based upon their excel spreadsheets, forcing them to write fancy reports.

I need to be on a plane in about 3 hours, so this will be brief.

No one is going to want to be long over the weekend, with exception to oil, gold, silver. It’s okay to nibble, but not bite.

Hot money is being tossed into small cap oil. See The PPT screen I tossed up yesterday for details. All in all, I expect the market to shatter the dreams of many, while emboldening people like me to activate orbital space cannons. Due to my schedule, I will not have a chance to really have a look at the market until 2pm.

See you fuckers later.

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