18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,474 Blog Posts

Better “Luck” Next Week

This just has the look and feel to a broken elevator market. I am not buying anything else until I get some real low PPT scores. Until then, I am 10% TLT, 40% cash and the rest in equities, with a little ZSL as a hedge. Silver was fucked today, with stocks lower but the ETF up. Go figure that one out.

All in all, it was another horrendous week and I am no longer in the jovial mood to talk about its many nuances.

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Untitled Bullshit

Regardless of your disposition, this is a hard tape to trade, with various cross-currents mucking up sentiment. To hedge my overweight silver positions, I bought some ZSL. And, to park my 50% cash position, I took 10% of my assets and bought TLT aka “The Hugh Hendry.”

My stated goal is to slow down the beta, in order to not get blown to pieces. Therefore, it’s imperative that I live to fight another day.

The upside is obvious: this blip gets bought and everyone is back to sucking tits again. Or, perhaps this is the beginning of the ending, with commodities leading us down. Frankly, there is no way to know which way this market will turn. And, we certainly will not resolve these issues on a slow Friday afternoon. Therefore it makes sense to go to cash, hedge or trade quickly.

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Fly Buy: ZSL, TLT

I bought ZSL, in an effort to bank coin.

And, I allocated 10% of my assets in “The Hugh Hendry” aka TLT

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We Had Good Times

Back in 1996-2000, “The Fly” was quite the prolific internet stock investor. I was buying dot coms before any of my friends. Granted, I had little to no money and my ideas weren’t worth as much back then as they are now. But I knew the internet would represent something special, which is why I took my entire life savings at the time ($6,000) and bought AMER (if you don’t know what company that ticker represents, leave the site now). In less than 4 years, my 6k turned into 250k and I actually sold.

During the Asian crisis of ’97 and LTCM shit in ’98, I built my business from the ground up on stocks like SEEK, GCTY, ATHM and BYND. Actually, come to think about it, there was a point when my entire book was in BYND, albeit a very small book at that. I remember watching the markets decline, in horror, as my entire livelihood was invested in one stupid stock. I was leveraged to the hilt and accounts were getting pinged for margin liquidation. My timing could not have been better, as the market bottomed the fuck out and went straight up to Nasdaq 5,000. I had accounts that were 10% equity, at 4k, go to $200k inside of a year. For those of you who did not trade the dot com bubble, you missed out on the best market of all time.

I was so young, making so much money, literally, I did not know what to do with it. From the second I stepped into the office, I was busy writing tickets (back then, trades had to be done via ticket and walked over to the trading desk) There was no such thing as lunch and I didn’t go home until 11pm, every single night.

But then all that shit changed, when the markets crashed in 2000, utterly destroying  jerk offs like me ad hoc. I remember wiping out my entire personal trading account, inside of a few short weeks in May of 2000, just in time for my birthday. My wife and I were planning to buy a great big house and she had no idea what the fuck I was up to at work. Needless to say, we didn’t buy that great big house, as I descended into “broker poverty” and depression for the remainder of 2000-2001. From 2001-2003, I dedicated my career towards building assets, safely, which entailed fixed income and little to none equity investments. I was baptized through fire and didn’t want to be cold calling at 40. Literally, back then, a big win was 10%. Equities were to be shorted, never bought. There were some winners. However, they were hard to find, sifting through the Bloomberg terminal. Believe me, if I had access to The PPT back then, life would be exponentially easier.

In early 2003, I sensed a shift in sentiment. I remember the day when I decided to sell all of my fixed income and buy stocks. I specialized in semiconductors, being an avid reader of EETimes, The Gilder Report, Digi Times etc. That market was just as good as 2009 and it put me back on the map. I had a brief hiccup in early 2004, during the great semiconductor shake out in January of that year. But, for the most part, its been easy peasy since then. We had the crash in 2008 and that turned out well, for me at least. We are now almost 4 years removed from the greatest credit bubble in the history of mankind, yet the economy is still teetering.

Back in 2000, in the midst of the melt down, my friends Father told me “you’re fucked. This market will not get back to Nasdaq 5,000 for another 15 years.” I thought he was fucking nuts. However, here we are, 11 years later, and we are nowhere close to Nasdaq 5,000. Back then I was too stubborn and full of hubris to heed his dire warnings. I viewed him as an older guy, disconnected from the “new economy.” Little did I know, there is no such thing as a “new economy” or old. It’s the same shit, evolving over time, raping people along the way.

This market cannot be sustained at these levels, unless we get some more crack. We need that jumbo, in order to get high and bank coin in stocks. Dr. Bernanake, as the Big Headed man in the Bow Tie likes to call him, needs to consider QE3, else we will descend into the deflationary vortex, for the 5th time over the past 14 years.

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emAe6IClGys 616 500]

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Prepare for Another Leg Lower

Fuck it. I am not feeling this tape, at all.

Prepare to have your faces melted off soon, as everything in the world comes crumbling down at once. Bring that fucker Bin Laden back from the dead. The market was better when he was alive and dirty. He did live like a filthy animal, no surprise there. If it was up to me, I’d douse the entire country of Pakistan and India with clorox. Those fuckers need to be disinfected, to say the least.

I am over here updating iTunes, since my fucking computer asks me to every time I plug in my iPhone and guess what happened?

Fucking guess, you prick.

MY IPHONE GETS NUCLEAR BOMBED. Seriously, the fucker exploded in a mini mushroom cloud, just prior to electrocuting me. Something is very wrong with my karma these days. I must’ve killed millions of people in another lifetime; because the Earth is trying to offer me a final destination. Just know, “The Fly” is immortal and cannot be killed, unless of course you are in possession of Kladenets—naturally.

In summary, I intend to make a great deal of personal fortune in ERY soon. Then, I will wait until The PPT goes below 2.6 to allocate my cash horde upon the faces of those clamoring for the apocalypse.

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Nice Reversal

I still have full positions in AG and EXK and a large cocked one in WNR. Today’s reversal is very tempting; but I am opting to refrain from buying in just yet. It’s important to remember how margin liquidations work. This isn’t simply a case of jitters. This is forced selling and may persist for another week or two—thanks to the homosexuals at the CME.

My 50% cash position allows me to sit back and relax. Plus anyway, my current roster of stocks are so volatile, it’s driving me crazy. This is no way to go about life, worrying about murderholes and subsequent pits of fire. My 50% exposure invested in lunatic silver and refinery stocks is equal to being fully invested.

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Half Cash

I sold out of the rest of my CLH and TER this morning, alongside some other loose ends, upping my cash position to 50%. For my personal, I am heavily overweight ERY. The potential downside persists as long as QE3 stays off the table. The rationale behind my VXX trade last year was based around the treasury market. I didn’t believe QE2 would help and I was wrong for assuming that. I thought the sheep (you) would be funneled into the treasury markets, by our government, via a weak equities market. They call it “flight to quality.” I call it “fucktarded.”

So if QE2 is really coming to an end and leverage is being pulled at the CME, what is the bullish case for equities/commodities?

I am not suggesting it’s all down from here. However, I do think we should trade with a bit of vigilance until we reach an appropriate oversold range.

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