18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,468 Blog Posts

Still in the Bunker

TLT was up today; therefore, it goes without saying, I am not a buyer. A dark cloud looms over this market, as it has done over and over since 2001. Playing the earnings game is nothing more than a gamble. Who would have known RVBD would skyrocket on  earnings?

The biggest money is in bonds. And they aren’t salivating over seemingly cheap PE multiples, just yet. I am sure the Fed will look to do another round of QE in August. That’s all fine and  dandy. But what’s going to make stocks go up in the long haul?

We’ve become slaves to manipulation, co-signers of corruption and theft.

I kicked out of RFMD, since it wasn’t central to my thesis. It was a bad pick.Other than that, I did nothing more than spectate in a heavy cash position of 32% and another 10% in VXX. In light of the recent pullback in VHC, I am pondering about starting a new position there; depending on my mood and the market, it shall be executed over the next few trading sessions.

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The Solution is Inflationary

The tide has turned against me, as Battle Sprinkler takes a grave turn for the worse. My hands are being hospitalized, as we speak, from acute injuries around the tip of my fingers. Separately, I see the market has sprinted forward. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to you, as I have VXX amidst my holdings. Nevertheless, my shares of EXK are pressing forward because any solution to the current crisis will debase currencies, meaning nirvana for precious metal players.

Aside from EXK, I like AG and RGLD here.

I haven’t sold out of RFMD yet –because I’m not a fan of  selling into the bloodshed.  I am so fucking sick of talking about the same crap. This is starting to bore me.

In short, I am not buying anything, nor selling. I have bigger fish to fry and cannot concentrate on the market until they are cooked.


UPDATE: I sold out of RFMD

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Victory Has Been Delayed

Pardon my tardiness, I’ve been partaking in “Battle Sprinkler”, laying the groundworks for war, for the better part of the past two hours. Early reports of an erroneous lawnmower eating my sprinklers has been overturned. It appears, as God is my witness, the sprinkler got lodged under the earth, came loose, then started to wreak havoc. Suffice it to say, I was out there trying to screw in the fucking thing, with the ants and the bees crawling all over me, with little progress to report. It reminds of an old Polock joke, with regards to light bulbs.

VMI reported a good number; but the stock is selling off. Hence, LNN is following suit, in the process–kicking me in the dick.

RFMD decided to commit hari-kari. At this stage, I don’t even care what the news is anymore. Earnings sucked and the stock is giving me the business. I will be a seller.

Lastly, both EXK and VXX are performing admirably, oddly enough.  If it wasn’t for LNN, I’d be having a good day. However, it is because of LNN that my day is a loser, all the while my sprinkler heads taunt me with idiocy.

Nevertheless, I am not a buyer of this market yet. Both Spanish and Italian yields dropped, which is good–but not enough.

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Since my move last week, things have gotten a tad out of control at Casa del Fly. For starters, Mrs. Fly is out of control to the upside with spending money. It’s like she’s Greece and I’m Germany, if you catch my drift. I am only interested in war and building catapults to destroy the occupancies of my new neighbors, while she exchanges pleasantries with the people next door and donates money to every hound who knocks on our door.

Thanks to the fact that she gave away most of our old furniture before the move, I now find myself in the most enviable position of having to spend $5,000 per day for the foreseeable future to repopulate my house with wood. Also, she’s hired two sets of cleaning services, taxing me about $1k per month. She procured the new “Fort Knox” package from ADT ($3k), a fucking box that transforms into a bed ($600), steam cleaned all rugs (even the rugs we are pulling up to put wood floors!). The list goes on and on, infintum.

Plus, we haven’t even started the major renovations, with regards to painting whole interior, flooring, bathrooms, extensive trim work, coffered ceilings etc.

But what really pissed me off is my fucking “state of the art” irrigation system, which must’ve cost the previous owner $50 to install. I just had it serviced yesterday and today the fucking lawnmower guy had his Mexicans driving around on their mowers, having a grande old time, eating up my hunter head sprinklers. They don’t cost a great deal of money. As a matter of fact, their cost is almost free. However, I found out too late in the evening and my haunted house of a yard got too fucking dark for me to get in there and repair the fucking things. So, now I will lament over the specter of my new lawncare “professional” eating my sprinklers heads all night long, as the fucking wolves, deer, owls, and whatever the fuck is out there, piss on my irrigation system throughout the night.

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Warning Shots Across Your Canopy

The majority of you plebs are day-trading vagabonds. DO NOT couple me in with your degeneracy. I didn’t buy VXX so that I could make grande sums of money, while socializing in a brothel filled with whores and drugs. On the contrary, “The Fly” lives a sedentary lifestyle amongst the trees, deer and the dirt. I do not bask in the attention of strangers, who make excellent denizens for government funded mental institutions and adult orphanages.

Instead, I curry the favour of the Gods, the celestial beings who navigate the stars. Those who design black holes and push entire galaxies into them for fun. I do these things for the direct benefit of you, yet you fight me every inch of the way.

When the crops dry out and the money is gone, you will come back to this site and beg for handouts, as my pantry is stocked to the nines with three years worth of provisions.

I own but a few stocks in size, one being EXK, the other LNN. I’ve also purchased, in recent days, a good amount of RFMD and hold legacy positions in CPST and a pastiche of old man stocks. Having said that, I do endeavor to hedge my positions through unorthodox means, long of the reviled creature, bastard of all that is holy and sanctimonious on this earth: VXX

I started off with a large 10% position because I own so much EXK. If the central banks bail everyone out again, well then, EXK to the moon and I will sell my VXX tits. On the other hand, and a very dark and insidious hand it is, if nothing is done in fairly short order, you should expect nothing more or less than VIX going to $50, as the market spirals out of control lower– by 20%– inside of the next two months.


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Your Assistance is Required

A short while ago, I was having a lengthy conversation about the market and asked my colleague “what the hell is redeeming about the market right now?”

He could not utter a sound.

The Dow is north of 12,500, not even a blip lower on a 2 year basis from recent highs. The VIX is sub $20 and the summer doldrums are in full force. Pray tell me, aside from extracting gross dollars out of the overalls of unsuspecting farmers, why should I go long here? Am I to incessantly believe the “magic hand” will support the market at all times, without rest?

If so, why hasn’t he helped succor the torturous rout in Spanish and Italian debt?

I must say, rather emphatically, now is not the time to buy. As Supreme Leader of all of the Financial Internets, I hereby order you to put those buy tickets down.

I am twisting in the wind, lamenting over the specter of buying into VXX or HDGE, to hedge my 60% long positions. However, I’ve had murderous experiences with VXX and find it to be an ungentlemanly trading instrument. Nevertheless, there are times when vagrants do the best, such as alley fights and towing cars, things of that nature. As I sit here in the dark, looking into the abyss below, I ponder about a future without order, financial collapse causing riots and armed revolt, globally. There are many more of you than me– and I’ll be damned if I allow my position to deteriorate without trying to do something about it.


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In the immortal words of Jefferson Krull’s Rambo doll: “it’s over Johnny.” There is nothing for me to tell you other than “hide your dicks” because the guillotines are now being used on the longs.

Italian 10 year yields are at 6.55%
Spanish 10 year yields are at 7.58%

Don’t look now, but Polish yields are at 5.01%.

The market cannot and will not rally while ancient countries are on the verge of systemic failure. All of the money is flowing into US, Swiss, UK, German, Austrian and even French coffers. However, due to German greed and a desire to murder its neighbors, said monies are not being shared with EU members countries who are in despair.

There is a reason why I went to a 40%+ cash position yesterday: we’re heading the fuck lower.

In the event of another bailout, however, gold and silver will lead the way up, which is why I am long EXK in size.

But nothing will be spared in the coming melt down. There isn’t anymore corn and Obama is scheduled for another 4 years.

Good luck.


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The Magic Hand Bought Today

I do not regret selling today, as the majority of the stocks sold were at a profit. I added to my EXK position, in grande fashion, because the laws of mathematics and science dictate it is bottoming out.

Imagine yourself walking into a bank with 1 million dollars. The banker approaches you and says “good day to you Sir. Deposit your money here and in just 5 business days, I will give you back 1.15 million dollars.” You retort “why thank you, kind Sir, I will take you up on your proposal and give you this money right now. Good luck.”

That was my thinking when I bought EXK today.

I cannot tell you why stocks rallied all day, after a horrific open. I can only suggest that someone is intently interested in higher equity prices. Therefore, as the direction is my master, I follow it into the close.

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